Hi ladies,
Sorry I've been MIA lately....sort of been easier not to over stress about ttc if I just avoided it for a bit. Been thinking about you all though!
Happy - chart looks great!!!! Fx for a bfp! I know we could all use that boost!

we are long overdue for a bfp!
Banana - hope you and DH get your schedules in line for bd this week! Great news about his SA results. Hopefully that increase will help! Especially combined with the clomid.
Isaac - sorry about the witch

glad you're doing well with it and feeling at peace with things. Hopefully the clomid will do the trick!
Elt - soooo excited for your scan!!! Any hunches as to what you think you're having??
Hope Hann and babes are doing well!
Afm - waiting waiting waiting for ov....been dtd every other day (almost). I felt yesterday morning like I prob wouldn't ov this cycle afterall. Was going to wait it out till cd30 then take the provera and go back to clomid again, but yesterday I got an almost pos OPK(which for me I call pos as I've never had a truly pos opk!) and felt VERY "in the mood". Luckily DH got home a bit early so I think we ha good timing

also we hadn't dtd for 2 days previous as all my opks were neg and the every other day was getting a bit tired. Sooo that hopefully means he had a nice supply of fresh spermies for me.
This morning my temp went up a good jump. Not super high but my rise has taken a few days before. However when I checked temp again an hour later before I got up it was back down to 96.8. So now in a little worried. But maybe ov is coming today? Or will get my big jump tomorrow? I don't know. So annoying. Just want my crosshairs so I can be sure I ovulated. Will prob go back to clomid next cycle if no bfp even if I do ov on my own just because its happening so late in my cycle. I think the clomid maybe overstimulated my eggs so maybe that's given me a month or two of ov on my own. But I think I need to go back to it. If in another cycle or two I'm not prego then I'm headed to the fertility docs.