TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

panic here. got my smiley face on opk this morning. am panicked. we dtd yesterday afternoon wasn't going to do it until tomorrow but wasn't expecting smiley just get. I must have been tossing and turning as when I woke this morning dh was in the spare room so he won't have got any sleep and is going to be really cranky and its been less den 24hours since we last he it. he is leaving for work today at 4.30 Im due home at 4.30 so Im thinking if Im home half an hour early and leaves half an hour late we Will have time otherwise it Will be tomorrow which Will prob be to late confused!!!
panic here. got my smiley face on opk this morning. am panicked. we dtd yesterday afternoon wasn't going to do it until tomorrow but wasn't expecting smiley just get. I must have been tossing and turning as when I woke this morning dh was in the spare room so he won't have got any sleep and is going to be really cranky and its been less den 24hours since we last he it. he is leaving for work today at 4.30 Im due home at 4.30 so Im thinking if Im home half an hour early and leaves half an hour late we Will have time otherwise it Will be tomorrow which Will prob be to late confused!!!

Hey banana try to calm down a little, that's the only problem with opk's is that it can make you panic about when to bd! The fact you did it yesterday is good they say 2 days before ov is the best day to bd so well done. Yeah maybe today can be an I'm just not feeling right day at work and you can try leave early but try and remember to make it as relaxing and enjoyable as possible! Xx good luck
thanks issac seen your post earlier but didn't have time to reply. I knew it was still the middle of the night in the US so if anyone replied it would be you!!

so I left work early today came home put on the sexy knickers etc and away we went! it was grand panic over nothing!!!

so I went ahead on ff and if my temps stay up for next 3 days they Will give me crosshairs for today and solid ones too I always get dotted ones even tho bloods do confirm ov.

going to go for it again tomorrow morning, sperm spec hasn't even had a chance to replenish but I have a feeling ov is actually tomorrow plus have serious increased sex drive. whooo for ov!

how is everyone else today?
Banana that is brilliant timing!!!! Fx'ed! Smilies have worked for md every time!
Hey ladies

All very quiet in here again!

Mama - How are you any sign of Ov???

Issac - Hope the clomid is treating you ok x

Happy - How are you - any symptoms - when are you going to test!?!

Runner girl - thanks for the well wishes - hope all is well with you - Just noticed on your ticker how far on you are - Wow!!

Afm, got my crosshairs as expected for CD 14 dtd on CD13, CD14 & CD15. Of course am kicking myself we didn't bd on CD12 but still think we did ok - can't have it perfect every way. I never expected to Ov on CD14 I was CD18 2 in April and CD16 in May. So am 3dpo today just hanging out in the tww now!!

Way to go banana! Good luck to ya in your TWW.

Found out why I have been so tired and nauseous. Come to find out I have strep throat. Ugh. Started antibiotics and feel much better. Still having AF like cramps. She'll be here any time I'm sure. ESP after that temp drop this morning. We'll make an appt with the dr within the next few weeks. I did test at 10DPO which was a waste. But onto the next cycle as soon as AF shows.

Mama - How are you?

Runner - not too much longer! Is everything ready to go?

Hope everyone is doing well.
I am ready to go, but all of the baby stuff is still in storage! my husband's lazy butt hasnt gone to get it out yet! I need to wash baby clothes and set up the swing, bouncer, etc.. he doesnt see the hurry:dohh: Men!
Hey girls manic few days we've had here! Dh come home with a fever from work Sunday night and I tested his urine and it had loads of nasties in it so had to take him to out of hrs gp at 2 am to get him seen. He's ok now the antibiotics are kicking in but what a worry its very uncommon for men to get urine infections! Also haven't been able to bd just incase the germs spread to me but we did try with a condom on last night, quite exciting and novel at first as it took us back to our early days together but it started hurting me and making a disgusting noise that we gave up! Hopefully all will be clear in few days to get down to business. As for the clomid taking it was fine no mood swings but did get the odd headache and also felt more horny than normal? Clomid free day as of yesterday and I did get quite a nasty headache but feel ok today! Just getting ready to all spend the day at the beach as lovely weather here today!

Banana I see you ovulated a bit earlier this month how cool and you got some good well timed bding in good luck! How are you feeling? Do you have to have bloods this month?

Hey happy sorry about your bfn and temp drop stay away damn af! Hope you feel better soon hate strep throat had it so many times and feel much better since had my tonsils removed.

Mama- yet another successful ovulation without meds excellent but yeah it is creeping further back! Agree with you taking clomid again next cycle if there is indeed a next cycle?

Runnergrl well you had better whip dh butt into some action, only few more weeks really! My 2 best friends are due early- mid august! How exciting x
Oh Issac - Sorry about your husband - sounds nasty. I never thought of it before but its true I never heard of a man getting a urine infections. I used to get them all the time. Hope the antibiotics are kicking in. Ha using a condom my lord - it must be 10-12years since I last used one - fair play to you tho for giving it a go!!

Happy - I seen your chart, I'm so sorry, I don't even know what to say to you, I'll probably be joining you with the same story next weekend and I know that its going to be my biggest dissapointment yet. I can barley handle the thought of how I'm going to handle it :( :Hugs:

Runnergirl - yeap you def need to get DH into gear!!

Mama how are you - I seen you got the pos opk but no temp rise - do you think you geared up to do it maybe or are your that you did ov and just your temps are out because of the PCOS ??

Hann - If your still reading hope you and the little familiy are doing well x

Elt - How are you :)

Afm, no news at all really zero symptoms but am only 5 dpo so apparently its physically impossible to have symptoms before implantation. Feel totally out this month dunno why just habit at this stage I suppose. This was meant to be the last month of Clomid but doc has asked me to do it for another month. Suppose the first month didn't work so it doesn't count. Now I'll have had 3 working months on clomid. thats about it really AF due anytime next weekend Friday - Monday. FF says Friday but I'm not getting my hopes up if she is late as I have been known to have an 18day LP so I won't consider her late until the following tuesday.

I have 2 bestfriends as you know one of them is pregnant which broke my heart but I got over. Just got a text from my other bestfriend to say she is sorry she tried to hold out as long as she could to tell me that she was hoping I would have the good news first but she is 16 weeks pregnant. I'm going to see her on Monday and she has a bump so she had to tell me. FML. Am so upset feel like I'm going to explode:(
I have 2 bestfriends as you know one of them is pregnant which broke my heart but I got over. Just got a text from my other bestfriend to say she is sorry she tried to hold out as long as she could to tell me that she was hoping I would have the good news first but she is 16 weeks pregnant. I'm going to see her on Monday and she has a bump so she had to tell me. FML. Am so upset feel like I'm going to explode:(

why?? you are pregnant too and on Monday, you will have that great news to share with her too!!!:thumbup:
I have 2 bestfriends as you know one of them is pregnant which broke my heart but I got over. Just got a text from my other bestfriend to say she is sorry she tried to hold out as long as she could to tell me that she was hoping I would have the good news first but she is 16 weeks pregnant. I'm going to see her on Monday and she has a bump so she had to tell me. FML. Am so upset feel like I'm going to explode:(

Hey honey I really know how you feel as my 2 bestfriends are also pregnant within a few weeks of each other I found out very early with both just before the Xmas period last year I was quite taken back as by this time had been trying for 1 year and they didn't even have to try! Just Try to see it like this I always think it helps, yes they are pregnant that's lovely but it's their baby and one day very soon it will be your time with your own special and perfect baby! Hey if you ever want to chat I can pm you my number. Be strong you can get through this banana! Xx
Hi I am still here and reading as much as possible.

Banana - sounds like you have a good shot this month! Really got my FX for you.

Sorry AF arrived happy :(

Isaac - I feel for your husband, I used to get uti's all the time and it was awful. I used to be in agony and they would almost always end up in kidney infections.

Runnergrl - not long now, enjoy any spare time you have lol!

I'm doing well considering I have two under two! They are both really good but they never sleep at the same time so I'm permanently exhausted as I get about 4 broken hours sleep every 24 hours. They are gorgeous though :)
so great to hear from you Hann! spare time?? what is that?????? working full time and having a 2 yeal old, all spare time is a thing of the past, lol! I think it will be seriously easier once baby gets here! At least I wont be so uncomfortable and can pass the baby off to the husband. wish I could take the bump off and pass it to him and run around with my very active child!
Lol I felt like that too before Henry was born but now when he's asleep and its just me and Annabelle I can relax and enjoy it and feel like its chill out time because when its the two of them together its just crazy. Bedtimes are just awful, I can't do it without one of them crying! Annabelle cries if i go to Henry and then she wakes up all night insecure wanting cuddles so in general I have to leave Henry to care for her which makes him
Scream until he's angry red and I hate it! It's so so stressful!
So, who is all in the tww?

Hann- nice to hear from you and glad everything seems to be going as well as it can for a busy mama with 2 little ones!

runnergrl- wow...32 weeks...not long now!

banana- your chart is looking great! I'm hoping like runnergrl that you will also have good news.

Hope everyone else is well!

afm- just anxiously awaiting my gender scan on Thursday!
Hey elt and han hey great to hear from you guys! How exciting elt your finding out are you hankering for a certain sex? I'd love another boy if I got the chance again but anything right now girl or boy would be a blessing! Can't wait to here your news.

Han- I bet your knackered I get tired too with work and having a 2 year old I can only imagine what its like to juggle 2. Soon they will both be more settled and it will get easier but in the meantime matchsticks are in order!

Banana- hope your ok hun! Don't let all this bring you down you will have good news to share soon I'm sure of it!

Mama- sorry it looks like you haven't ovulated this cycle so assuming back on the clomid next cycle?

Afm cd11 today scan on Monday to see what's happening. Bding every other day atm and checking opk's. Feeling nice and calm and enjoying my husband! He's much better now all clear we think but gonna send his urine for testing again on Monday. Think he has been working himself way too hard! Hoping to have some happy news to share with you guys soon, still feeling positive!

Hope all is well with elt and you runnergrl x
I'm really totally neutral this time around and will be very happy with either! DH wants a boy though, so I suppose I'm hoping for a boy for him since this will be our last!
Hi Everyone!

Hoping that its ok to join you all

Hubby and I were going to wait until next year to TTC number 2 but after a long talk today decided to wait no longer. My pill is going in the bin tomorrow and we officially start then! Our son will be 3 in October.

I've never actually TTC before as our son was a NTNP pull out baby so this is all new to me

Hoping for a short journey!

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