TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

So is anyone trying or tried the SMEP? I am thinking if we don't get a BFP this month we will try that next month. I am starting to think there is a chance I am not ovulating. I never got crosshairs on my chart last month and although I had two days of positive OPK (10 and 11) and EWCM, fertile CP position, I have not had a thermal shift. I also did not have a thermal shift that I felt comfortable with last month either? Anyone had issues with regular AF but no ovulation? I dont know why AF would have started on it's own unless ovulation had occured at least once to jump start the process.

I did SMEP for three cycles but it didn't work out for me. It's part of the reason why I'm beginning to wonder if there's a slight sperm issue going on.

It seems strange that AF would be so regular without ovulation, but if you didn't see a thermal shift then it's very possible you didn't ovulate. Maybe your temps are just very sensitive to changes in the external environment. Have you considered vaginal temps?

marie- I was going to do vaginal this cycle but forgot until like day 6. Since I had already started orally I didnt want to change in the middle of the cycle. If I dont get a BFP this cycle, I am changing to vaginal next cycle. If I dont get a thermal shift with that way, I am def making an appt with my OB. Also, after cycle 3 we will have DH get a sperm analaysis just in case.
Would be easier if we could just BD like normal people!!!

I know your DH has medical issue which makes it hard to BD which is hard. I think this TTC is getting to my DH in the head. He wasnt able to finish last night and I was so frustrated. I didnt let him know I was upset as I know he is not doing it on purpose. I know that if I did O it was probably CD11 or CD12, but just in case I wanted to cover all bases for the rest of the week. He is telling me that he is going numb and doesnt have any sensation so cant finish. Anyone else DH have this problem? We never had this issue before TTC.
Would be easier if we could just BD like normal people!!!

I know your DH has medical issue which makes it hard to BD which is hard. I think this TTC is getting to my DH in the head. He wasnt able to finish last night and I was so frustrated. I didnt let him know I was upset as I know he is not doing it on purpose. I know that if I did O it was probably CD11 or CD12, but just in case I wanted to cover all bases for the rest of the week. He is telling me that he is going numb and doesnt have any sensation so cant finish. Anyone else DH have this problem? We never had this issue before TTC.

Maybe just the pressure to perform? He knows how much it means to you. Having said that we couldn't BD one night in my cycle because my DH got bruised! Who would believe it!!

Its so weird, normally I get loads of AF cramping but got nothing today. I'll see tomorrow if its still there. I was kind of hoping it was implantation but I think there is a bit too much to be that. I think part of me is just hanging onto any last hope! Guess I'll know tomorrow anyway if it keeps going. I'll probably be hit with ridiculous cramping now I'd written this LOL!!
Would be easier if we could just BD like normal people!!!

I know your DH has medical issue which makes it hard to BD which is hard. I think this TTC is getting to my DH in the head. He wasnt able to finish last night and I was so frustrated. I didnt let him know I was upset as I know he is not doing it on purpose. I know that if I did O it was probably CD11 or CD12, but just in case I wanted to cover all bases for the rest of the week. He is telling me that he is going numb and doesnt have any sensation so cant finish. Anyone else DH have this problem? We never had this issue before TTC.

yes hun my dh has this problem when we're bding, its seems after about 2 -3days of straight sex in a row he has a hard time to reach orgasm! although the initial feeling of wanting sex is there it somehow gets dampened down whilst doing it. he says that it feels numb so you your hubbie are defo not alone. i don't know how anybody can have sex on a day to day basis!
so this is why i love internet cheapie opks, almost reached my lh surge slightly early on cd 12 this month. I think the last test is actually vertually positive! I love the way its got darker throughout the day, which you don't get on the digital tests! wish me luck girls, here goes :happydance:


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Looks really close!!! I bet it will be a BFP by tomorrow, if not sooner!
Would be easier if we could just BD like normal people!!!

I know your DH has medical issue which makes it hard to BD which is hard. I think this TTC is getting to my DH in the head. He wasnt able to finish last night and I was so frustrated. I didnt let him know I was upset as I know he is not doing it on purpose. I know that if I did O it was probably CD11 or CD12, but just in case I wanted to cover all bases for the rest of the week. He is telling me that he is going numb and doesnt have any sensation so cant finish. Anyone else DH have this problem? We never had this issue before TTC.

Maybe just the pressure to perform? He knows how much it means to you. Having said that we couldn't BD one night in my cycle because my DH got bruised! Who would believe it!!

Its so weird, normally I get loads of AF cramping but got nothing today. I'll see tomorrow if its still there. I was kind of hoping it was implantation but I think there is a bit too much to be that. I think part of me is just hanging onto any last hope! Guess I'll know tomorrow anyway if it keeps going. I'll probably be hit with ridiculous cramping now I'd written this LOL!!

I don't think it's due to pressure, although that probably doesn't help, since it happens at other points during the month. I'm not sure if it's just because he's so used to masturbating or if it's because we used the pull out method for so long and it's hard for him to reverse his thinking!

I've heard of implantation bleeding happening pretty late in a cycle. But if you're not pregnant, the least your body could do for you is give you an easy period!
Would be easier if we could just BD like normal people!!!

I know your DH has medical issue which makes it hard to BD which is hard. I think this TTC is getting to my DH in the head. He wasnt able to finish last night and I was so frustrated. I didnt let him know I was upset as I know he is not doing it on purpose. I know that if I did O it was probably CD11 or CD12, but just in case I wanted to cover all bases for the rest of the week. He is telling me that he is going numb and doesnt have any sensation so cant finish. Anyone else DH have this problem? We never had this issue before TTC.

Maybe just the pressure to perform? He knows how much it means to you. Having said that we couldn't BD one night in my cycle because my DH got bruised! Who would believe it!!

Its so weird, normally I get loads of AF cramping but got nothing today. I'll see tomorrow if its still there. I was kind of hoping it was implantation but I think there is a bit too much to be that. I think part of me is just hanging onto any last hope! Guess I'll know tomorrow anyway if it keeps going. I'll probably be hit with ridiculous cramping now I'd written this LOL!!

I don't think it's due to pressure, although that probably doesn't help, since it happens at other points during the month. I'm not sure if it's just because he's so used to masturbating or if it's because we used the pull out method for so long and it's hard for him to reverse his thinking!

I've heard of implantation bleeding happening pretty late in a cycle. But if you're not pregnant, the least your body could do for you is give you an easy period!

It may just be from dtd so frequently as its not an issue until you've been doing it several days in a row. We have this issue sometimes if we're doing it really often. If its been a few days DH finishes quicker and if we've done it like say one nit and then try again next morning it'll take him longer. Certain positions also affect him. Some he comes more quickly while others help him last longer. Etc. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Since he's fine the first couple days.
So talked to the doc office today....notes test results yet :( but hopefully tomorrow or Tues (mon a holiday here) Been having some ovulation symptoms so I took an OPK tonight. Got a faint line but def not positive. Oh well....hopefully answers and some plan of action is coming.
So is anyone trying or tried the SMEP? I am thinking if we don't get a BFP this month we will try that next month. I am starting to think there is a chance I am not ovulating. I never got crosshairs on my chart last month and although I had two days of positive OPK (10 and 11) and EWCM, fertile CP position, I have not had a thermal shift. I also did not have a thermal shift that I felt comfortable with last month either? Anyone had issues with regular AF but no ovulation? I dont know why AF would have started on it's own unless ovulation had occured at least once to jump start the process.

I did SMEP for three cycles but it didn't work out for me. It's part of the reason why I'm beginning to wonder if there's a slight sperm issue going on.

It seems strange that AF would be so regular without ovulation, but if you didn't see a thermal shift then it's very possible you didn't ovulate. Maybe your temps are just very sensitive to changes in the external environment. Have you considered vaginal temps?

marie- I was going to do vaginal this cycle but forgot until like day 6. Since I had already started orally I didnt want to change in the middle of the cycle. If I dont get a BFP this cycle, I am changing to vaginal next cycle. If I dont get a thermal shift with that way, I am def making an appt with my OB. Also, after cycle 3 we will have DH get a sperm analaysis just in case.

I will be doing vaginal temps this cycle because of my erratic temps. I also didn't really see a clear shift that matched my positive OPKs. I hope it helps confirm ovulation because not seeing that shift really does get you freaked out that you don't ovulate. From what I hear, it makes a huge difference! I will have to let you know as I will be starting in a couple days (waiting for AF to make her exit.)
Just a quick update. Now 6 days late, haven't tested since last Saturday as haven't had a test or te time to get/do one!
Hoping my eBay tests come tomorrow :confused:
Just a quick update. Now 6 days late, haven't tested since last Saturday as haven't had a test or te time to get/do one!
Hoping my eBay tests come tomorrow :confused:

Oh good luck mummyclo!

So I just had a horrible experience.....I decided to just bite the bullet and go to my doctor just to have a chat about my cycles and the whole short luteal phase thing. Anyway this doctor was MEAN! She told me that I was stupid to use opks because they don't work, she told me that luteal phases are only ever 14 days long so I was wrong about when I ovulate, I told her that my friend is a doctor and told me luteal phases can differ and she said that she wasn't told that when she studied (a LOT longer ago - you'd think they would have to go on courses to refresh their knowledge!), she told me that I was using my husband as a show pony for sex and that it was no good for my relationship. I did not mention a thing about my relationship or sex so that was completely uncalled for. In the end she said she would send me for 21 day bloods but that even if there was a problem I wouldn't get any help because I already had a baby and so I don't qualify for fertility help! I walked out feeling like I was going to cry. And this is the new practice we have just joined since moving, I was told she was a womens issues specialist - she told me she had problems conceiving, and there is only 1 other doctor!
Holy crap that doc sounds ridiculous!! OPK's don't work? That's a bunch of BS. Along with everything else they said.

We dtd last night AnD this morning and both times, DH *couldn't finish! *Said he felt too much pressure. Over thinking it! *Waaaaahaaa!!!! *And I know I didn't ovulate till early this morning cause my temp didn't rise till 6am.*
Just a quick update. Now 6 days late, haven't tested since last Saturday as haven't had a test or te time to get/do one!
Hoping my eBay tests come tomorrow :confused:

Oh good luck mummyclo!

So I just had a horrible experience.....I decided to just bite the bullet and go to my doctor just to have a chat about my cycles and the whole short luteal phase thing. Anyway this doctor was MEAN! She told me that I was stupid to use opks because they don't work, she told me that luteal phases are only ever 14 days long so I was wrong about when I ovulate, I told her that my friend is a doctor and told me luteal phases can differ and she said that she wasn't told that when she studied (a LOT longer ago - you'd think they would have to go on courses to refresh their knowledge!), she told me that I was using my husband as a show pony for sex and that it was no good for my relationship. I did not mention a thing about my relationship or sex so that was completely uncalled for. In the end she said she would send me for 21 day bloods but that even if there was a problem I wouldn't get any help because I already had a baby and so I don't qualify for fertility help! I walked out feeling like I was going to cry. And this is the new practice we have just joined since moving, I was told she was a womens issues specialist - she told me she had problems conceiving, and there is only 1 other doctor![/QUOTE

OMG this is terrible, what a silly bitch! I'm a nurse with an interest in fertility and she is talking crap and damn right rude. I would have laughed in her face! Short LP's do exist and are quite common, best thing to do is bbt & take this to Dr's next time. I have been under fertility clinic & they advise you to use opks and they do work! They should help you even though you have a baby you just don't qualify for ivf but everything else including intrauterine insem & clomid etc. Can't believe the show pony remark, you should make a complaint! My advice change gp surgeries and quick. In the mean time carry on with vit b6 and start bbt. Email me if you need any more advice hun, big hugs
Yay IssacRalph get DTD!! FX for you this cycle. Thanks for the advice too - I thought it would be bizarre to say that I would get absolutely no help. I didn't think I'd get IVF but realistically if it turns out I have low progesterone surely they have to give me something? Out of interest how long did it take you to get a referal to the fertility clinic, I read that someone on netmums was referred and it was an 18 month waiting list!! Thats madness.
I'm going to research other doctors surgeries, annoyingly thats the one within walking distance though but there must be others nearby. You would think that someone that has had fertility issues would be more understanding. The whole thing was weird from start to finish though because she told me last time I came that I had to leave my buggy in the waiting area so this time I came I did that and she told me off for not bringing the buggy in! Complete weirdo. At least I am getting the test. I have it booked for day 21 but have read that it should be 7 days after ov so I am going to wait until I ov and then rebook it. I don't care what she says, OPKs must work, and I'm hardly forcing my hubby to DTD with me!

Runnergrl - I'm sorry about your husband, have you DTD on other days to cover ov? Maybe next month don't tell him when you Ov then that way he might not feel the pressure on certain days? :hugs:
yeah we DTD the first night after my pos OPK, but that was two nights ago and I O'ed this morning:( I know theres a chance but I just feel so bad that we HONESTLY tried last night and this morning and should have had all our bases covered! Waaahahaaaaaaaaa!
Hann...OMG!!! What is with that doc??? What a jerk! Get a new doc for sure. That is just completely uncalled for. TTC is hard and stressful enough without a :witch: for a doctor!!!

Runnergrl...sorry about your hubby. I remember you telling us he's been hesitant about ttc #2...wonder if he still has those reservations. I would think that could easily affect his performance. Maybe you guys should have a good talk about it all. If he has doubts about having baby 2 right now then this issue won't just go away. :hug: good luck hun!

IsaacRalph...yay for the positive opk! :happydance:

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