TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

No, he is not hesitant at all. we have talked at length about it and he is ready. I would not be doing all this if he wasnt ready. He feels pressure to perform and I think I told him too much about ovulation, how much time we have (or dont have, etc) and that seems to be the problem..he knows too much and felt pressure to perform.. plus he is in pain with his hernia.. Im just hoping and praying the times we did are enough!!
That sucks runnergirl, but hopefully it will be ok! I agree that maybe not telling him when you O next time (if there is a next time), and maybe randomly ask for sex to keep him guessing ;)

Hann12 - get a new doc. This person clearly has issues with personal boundaries and professionalism. It is unacceptable
to speak to a patient that way.
Secondly, I wouldnt want that
person as a doctor because it
sounds like they don't know their
head from their arse. Whats the
point of having a doctor when you know more than them?
Hann...I agree with what everyone else said What that doctor did was totally unacceptable. A short LP is definitely a reason to seek medical help, and obviously short LPs do exist! I would look around and find another doctor.

runnergirl- I completely understand your frustrations!!! But I would think DTD two nights ago means there are still lots of sperm up there to meet your egg. Good luck :)
Hann...I agree with what everyone else said What that doctor did was totally unacceptable. A short LP is definitely a reason to seek medical help, and obviously short LPs do exist! I would look around and find another doctor.

runnergirl- I completely understand your frustrations!!! But I would think DTD two nights ago means there are still lots of sperm up there to meet your egg. Good luck :)

oh i hope hope hope so! Thanks!
Holy crap that doc sounds ridiculous!! OPK's don't work? That's a bunch of BS. Along with everything else they said.

We dtd last night AnD this morning and both times, DH *couldn't finish! *Said he felt too much pressure. Over thinking it! *Waaaaahaaa!!!! *And I know I didn't ovulate till early this morning cause my temp didn't rise till 6am.*

Sorry lady:( We just started having this problem too. It really sucks when you know you need that "finish"
Yay IssacRoalph get DTD!! FX for you this cycle. Thanks for the advice too - I thought it would be bizarre to say that I would get absolutely no help. I didn't think I'd get IVF but realistically if it turns out I have low progesterone surely they have to give me something? Out of interest how long did it take you to get a referal to the fertility clinic, I read that someone on netmums was referred and it was an 18 month waiting list!! Thats madness.
I'm going to research other doctors surgeries, annoyingly thats the one within walking distance though but there must be others nearby. You would think that someone that has had fertility issues would be more understanding. The whole thing was weird from start to finish though because she told me last time I came that I had to leave my buggy in the waiting area so this time I came I did that and she told me off for not bringing the buggy in! Complete weirdo. At least I am getting the test. I have it booked for day 21 but have read that it should be 7 days after ov so I am going to wait until I ov and then rebook it. I don't care what she says, OPKs must work, and I'm hardly forcing my hubby to DTD with me!

Runnergrl - I'm sorry about your husband, have you DTD on other days to cover ov? Maybe next month don't tell him when you Ov then that way he might not feel the pressure on certain days? :hugs:

Hey hun! I was referred to fertility clinic cuz st the time had 40+ day cycles and we'd been.trying for what seemed ages but was only about 6 months but less cycles. I had a lovely male Dr who referred me straight away and was seen within a month which was amazing! Hoe the experienced differ. The clinic were amazing and I did start closed but never fell pregnant on those cycles but did get blood tests etc. Really hope you change Dr's as she sounds unreal. I know its hard but maybe you should try few more months Ttc especially if your LP is getting longer, Defo bbt chart that helps such a lot in diagnosing any potential problem! Also if you ovulate between 14-19 they should still be able to do 21 day bloods and tell you if you've ovulated. Day 21 is just when it peaks!
Yay IssacRoalph get DTD!! FX for you this cycle. Thanks for the advice too - I thought it would be bizarre to say that I would get absolutely no help. I didn't think I'd get IVF but realistically if it turns out I have low progesterone surely they have to give me something? Out of interest how long did it take you to get a referal to the fertility clinic, I read that someone on netmums was referred and it was an 18 month waiting list!! Thats madness.
I'm going to research other doctors surgeries, annoyingly thats the one within walking distance though but there must be others nearby. You would think that someone that has had fertility issues would be more understanding. The whole thing was weird from start to finish though because she told me last time I came that I had to leave my buggy in the waiting area so this time I came I did that and she told me off for not bringing the buggy in! Complete weirdo. At least I am getting the test. I have it booked for day 21 but have read that it should be 7 days after ov so I am going to wait until I ov and then rebook it. I don't care what she says, OPKs must work, and I'm hardly forcing my hubby to DTD with me!

Runnergrl - I'm sorry about your husband, have you DTD on other days to cover ov? Maybe next month don't tell him when you Ov then that way he might not feel the pressure on certain days? :hugs:

Hey hun! I was referred to fertility clinic cuz st the time had 40+ day cycles and we'd been.trying for what seemed ages but was only about 6 months but less cycles. I had a lovely male Dr who referred me straight away and was seen within a month which was amazing! Hoe the experienced differ. The clinic were amazing and I did start closed but never fell pregnant on those cycles but did get blood tests etc. Really hope you change Dr's as she sounds unreal. I know its hard but maybe you should try few more months Ttc especially if your LP is getting longer, Defo bbt chart that helps such a lot in diagnosing any potential problem! Also if you ovulate between 14-19 they should still be able to do 21 day bloods and tell you if you've ovulated. Day 21 is just when it peaks!

Thats helpful to know that thanks. I don't think I need to be referred and hopefully I won't have to. I've started to chart this month so that should help and I'll have the blood test.

Runnergrl - I reckon you'll have this month covered, in fact it might be better quality sperm anyway as they say that sometimes the more you do it the less the quality can be. Not sure if thats a myth or not. FX though. I would just do the spontaneous DTD to relieve pressure from him.

Still feeling sick and tired, think I must have a bug as AF is in full force. Starting soy tomorrow!!
Does anyone else get creamy cm throughout their entire cycle? It seems like the only time I don't have it is when I'm Oing and after that it's straight back to that thick, lotion-like cm. Every where I've read says cm usually dries up after ovulation but this happens to me every month it seems.
Runnergrl, that's good that hubby is totally on board. I agree that not telli him when u I could help lessen his pressure to perform. Maybe that will help. And also, could totally still work out this month. People get pregnant from a single :sex: so we know it's totally possible! Fx!!!!

Hann let me know how you feel about the soy. Thinking of trying that.... Tx!
Does anyone else get creamy cm throughout their entire cycle? It seems like the only time I don't have it is when I'm Oing and after that it's straight back to that thick, lotion-like cm. Every where I've read says cm usually dries up after ovulation but this happens to me every month it seems.

Yes I had loads this month, I was paying more attention this time round! I guess it must be normal.

I will definitely keep you informed on the soy. I'm actually excited about what it will do. I really hope it does something!! I heard it can make you ov earlier and stronger and get a longer LP. i REALLY hope so!!
So I believe that if I did O it would have been on CD11. I am now on CD16. I have had really bad cramping today. Im still on the fence as to whether I even O or not, but assuming I did, would it be too early to had cramping due to implantation? I really dont think it is, and I def dont want to get myself excited at all, but just trying to learn as much about the process as possible!
So I believe that if I did O it would have been on CD11. I am now on CD16. I have had really bad cramping today. Im still on the fence as to whether I even O or not, but assuming I did, would it be too early to had cramping due to implantation? I really dont think it is, and I def dont want to get myself excited at all, but just trying to learn as much about the process as possible!

I think you can have implantation that early but its rare - more likely 7-12 dpo. I had cramping this month at 4/5 dpo, unfortunately it still led to AF however in general I think its a good sign. FX for you
So I believe that if I did O it would have been on CD11. I am now on CD16. I have had really bad cramping today. Im still on the fence as to whether I even O or not, but assuming I did, would it be too early to had cramping due to implantation? I really dont think it is, and I def dont want to get myself excited at all, but just trying to learn as much about the process as possible!

I think you can have implantation that early but its rare - more likely 7-12 dpo. I had cramping this month at 4/5 dpo, unfortunately it still led to AF however in general I think its a good sign. FX for you

I figure it is probably too early, but I know everyone is different so it makes it so hard to know what "normal" really means. It just caught me off guard because I did not have any cramps at all in my TWW last cycle, and in the past when AF was regular, I never got cramps until the day or two before AF was due. Maybe this means AF is coming SUPER early and my cycles are just wack!:dohh: Another day, another question...
sla- Do you use a thermometer specifically for BBT? And if you do, have you had it for a long time or changed the battery recently?

I was just looking at your chart and trying to figure out why your temperatures are so erratic. It's probably hard for FF to find a biphasic pattern when they're so up and down.
I was thinking the same thing... your temps are kind of all over the place.. especially that early spike... were you drinking that night?
sla- Do you use a thermometer specifically for BBT? And if you do, have you had it for a long time or changed the battery recently?

I was just looking at your chart and trying to figure out why your temperatures are so erratic. It's probably hard for FF to find a biphasic pattern when they're so up and down.

I do use a BBT. I actually use 2:blush:. Whenever I have a temp that seems off to me, I take it right away again with the second one and I have yet to have them conflict. The second one always confirms the first. They are both new, bought in the middle of last cycle, so I would hope the batteries are fine. I really thought that temping would be a great way for me to confirm O since I have a very regimented schedule. I work the same hours every day every week. On the weekends I get up at the same time as I do during the week to pee in AM and temp then before going back to sleep. Our house is ALWAYS the same temp at night. I sleep on the same side with the same comforter every night. I think that is part of what is making me so confused about the temps is that I expected them to be pretty accurate and easy. Ive read that there are SOME (albeit very few) women who dont see a biphasic pattern after O, but I really doubt that would be me considering all my other charting is normal (CM, CP, OPKS).

Who knows!!

I really actually am not stressed about it, it just confuses me is all. I am very Type A and I like knowing everything and understanding all about it. Otherwise, it drives me batty! Not stressed out really, just it makes my brain go into overdrive.
I hear that! TTC makes me nutty! I personally will feel a LOT better if my temp rises the next two days and I get a confirmation of O. Praying thats the case!
I was thinking the same thing... your temps are kind of all over the place.. especially that early spike... were you drinking that night?

I wish that was a good excuse! Last cycle I had one night where I drank and my temp spiked the next day, but normally I dont drink and I havent had any alcohol since then. I specifically decided I would not drink even if the chance arose as to not muddle up my chart! So pretty much this cycle I am boring. :roll:

I dont feel stressed so I really dont think that is affected by stress. We are building a house (that officially is finished as of today!) but it really has not been a mess or chaotic at all. Ive rarely had any time where I was out of my normal mood the entire process. That is about the only change we have had lifestyle wise. We will be moving in two weeks as well, so that may become stressful. If we dont get a BFP this cycle, I dont really anticipate getting one next cycle since I know I will be all over the place with charting and being accurate due to the move.

I just wish things were more precise and predictable with TTC:flower: That would sure make all of our lives alot easier!
I agree. It would be so nice if we all knew exactly how long it was going to take us to conceive and the moment conception happened.

When we first started I actually thought TTC was going to be a lot of fun. Not so much...

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