well i just had the strangest thing ever happen... another positive OPK!! but this time when i ejected the stick to throw it away, it had two solid dark lines on it. what the hell??
yesterdays was negative and I even took one in the middle of the night and it was negative. I want to disreagrd my positives from day 13 and 14 and go with this one b/c last month I got my first on day 16 and O'ed on day 18...
what do you all think??
thanks! I think I am going to throw away my thermometer.. it stresses me out way too much!
Well after yesterdday's + and today's confirmation that I did O yesterday(I think), I am more confused than ever. We did get some amazing BD in last night, which makes me feel 100% better. I'm just not sure if it will count as O-3 and O, or O-2 and O+1.. Will be interesting to see what FF says. Looking at my chart-what do you all think? I would say I Oed on day 15, but because of my OPKs-I guess it was 16??
Edit: an I don't think my OPK's are all that reliable because I just got ANOTHER +. What the heck??
Of course you can!! Good luck to you and hopefully I will be posting a BFP in about 12 days!!Hi girls
I know I am super late to the party but can I join you all? Just read through this whole thread last night and this morning and I am already cheering you all on!
I've been charting (just OPK and CBFM results) for my past two cycles and this current cycle is the first one where we are actually TTC #2! I started temping yesterday however I am sure it's going to be erratic as it seems since I had DS I've been a super light sleeper and wake multiple times a night even though DS has been sleeping through for a loooong time. It took 6 months (4 cycles) to conceive #1 but my cycles were long and sometimes no ov at all! I eventually got BFP on a cycle that I used soy
It seems that I am oving about 10 days earlier than I was when TTC #1 so I am super excited about that! I have ov'd CD 20 and then CD 19 last two cycles (not confirmed by temp but I am fairly sure since I have an 11-12 day LP and AF came right on time - fx'd!) so hoping that this cycle follows suit and I ov within the next two weeks!
Cannot wait to see some more BFPs showing up in this thread!
Well after yesterdday's + and today's confirmation that I did O yesterday(I think), I am more confused than ever. We did get some amazing BD in last night, which makes me feel 100% better. I'm just not sure if it will count as O-3 and O, or O-2 and O+1.. Will be interesting to see what FF says. Looking at my chart-what do you all think? I would say I Oed on day 15, but because of my OPKs-I guess it was 16??
Edit: an I don't think my OPK's are all that reliable because I just got ANOTHER +. What the heck??
Hi girls
I know I am super late to the party but can I join you all? Just read through this whole thread last night and this morning and I am already cheering you all on!
I've been charting (just OPK and CBFM results) for my past two cycles and this current cycle is the first one where we are actually TTC #2! I started temping yesterday however I am sure it's going to be erratic as it seems since I had DS I've been a super light sleeper and wake multiple times a night even though DS has been sleeping through for a loooong time. It took 6 months (4 cycles) to conceive #1 but my cycles were long and sometimes no ov at all! I eventually go BFP on a cycle that I used soy
It seems that I am oving about 10 days earlier than I was when TTC #1 so I am super excited about that! I have ov'd CD 20 and then CD 19 last two cycles (not confirmed by temp but I am fairly sure since I have an 11-12 day LP and AF came right on time - fx'd!) so hoping that this cycle follows suit and I ov within the next two weeks
Cannot wait to see some more BFPs showing up in this thread!
Well after yesterdday's + and today's confirmation that I did O yesterday(I think), I am more confused than ever. We did get some amazing BD in last night, which makes me feel 100% better. I'm just not sure if it will count as O-3 and O, or O-2 and O+1.. Will be interesting to see what FF says. Looking at my chart-what do you all think? I would say I Oed on day 15, but because of my OPKs-I guess it was 16??
Edit: an I don't think my OPK's are all that reliable because I just got ANOTHER +. What the heck??
Looking at your temps it looks like you ovulated on cd 16 hun, welcome to the tww we're the same ds each other 1 dpo, good luck Xx