So I saw my doctor last night and it made me pretty frustrated. I think I may need a new doctor. I've only seen this woman a couple times as I've only lived in Canada for a year. My husbands doc couldn't take me on as a patient so I went with another doctor I the same office. She's nice and everything but has a strong accent and I honestly do think she gets what I'm saying half the time. I tell her my situation and she seems all confused not understanding I stopped birth control months ago and that we're ttc and that I need some answers. Finally she seemed to get what I was talking about and her advice is that it could take up t 6 months to ovulate after hormonal bc....what?!?! Everything I've heard or read has said 1-2 months tops. The 6 month number is how long you should ttc before seeking fertility specialists. Then she tells me to to get pregnant we need to have sex at least once a week.....oh, thank you doctor....that's very helpful! :eyeroll: Sex isn't the problem here...we're dtd all the time! But if I'm not ovulating the amount of sex is irrelevant! I say this to her and she finally seems to get the issue. She says we can do bloodwork and I told her they already had. So finally after my insisting we do something (I am NOT waiting 6 months when I know something is wrong and know I'm not ovulating!) and explaining thatmy cycles were messed up before bc so I know it's probably not just that, finall she agrees to take action. So now I have to get the blood results sent to her office and she ordered an ultrasound of my abdomen and pelvis to check my ovaries and uterus etc and make sure everything looks okay. They'll be checking me for pcos. I have this scheduled for next Saturday morning. Then I have to go back to see her and we'll go from there. She said she doesn't want to give me meds to help force ovulation until we do the ultrasound and check for problems.
So anyway, very frustrating but at least I finally got something to do about it, just wish it hadn't taken so much confusion and persistence on my part. Really not sure I can handle this doctor..... :sigh:

sweety. Glad that your dr finally somewhat 'got' what you were trying to say! I will keep fx'd that everything goes well with your scan and that you get some answers/solutions. It is sooo frustrating when language barriers get in the way when it comes to your healthcare. Did she mention possibly using Provera to induce AF if she remains a no show?
I will say though that although 'they say' that cycles should return to normal 1-2 cycles after stopping hormonal BC... for many women it takes a lot longer. There are tons of threads on here about it and personally I was off BC for a year before I conceived and have heard many similar stories... I went to dr about it and although I didn't like the answer they told me that there wouldn't be any investigation into infertility until the 12 month mark off hormonal bc - and that 12th month ended up being the month I caught. However, I was on the pill for 6+ years, not sure how long you've been on it? I only ovulated twice within the first 8 months and then after that I ov'd but late... hence why I started soy. I am so happy that they are checking into things before the year mark so you don't have to wait soo long!
I know it sucks but I just wanted you to know it isn't totally 'abnormal' for your cycle to take more than 1-2 months to get back on track after hormonal BC... but I thought it might ease your mind a bit to know that while it does sometimes take longer than 1-2 cycles - the majority of women's cycles will start to even out and ovulation will start to happen again

it is good you are getting checked out though