TTC#2 and SO EXCITED! join me

It's hard to feel positive isn't it? Almost feels like it will never happen, weird!
This is our 4th cycle (though 3rd really as one didn't count).
IssacRalph - maybe all the tears etc is a hormone rush and you will get your BFP - fx for you

I find that I go through ups & downs and today is a down day, generally i'm usually quite positive! Maybe I can say our first month didn't count as it was the month before our wedding and didn't BD on ovulation day just around it, I think that makes me Feel better! Really hope we all get a bfp soon as its just torture! It's funny cuz as soon as you see a :bfp: it's all forgotten really easily!

I know what you mean, it feels like totally impossible so when it does happen its totally amazing and you forget everything else! I hope ts us soon, would be fab to be bump buds![/QUOTE

That sounds fab would love to be bump buds if it happens for us soon! Fx'ed x
marieb- I cant remember, did you chart with your DS? Im just wondering if your charts looked the same? I know Hollys chart looked the same and thought it would be interesting to see!!

Im thinking this month is going to be a BFN. Now that I have crosshairs and coverline, i compared last month and this months chart and they are very similar post ovulation. This month is following all the dips and curves that happened last month, which of course resulted in a BFN.

Hey hun, are you gonna test soon or leave it? Good luck hun. I charted with ds I had gradual incline until day 10 then it dipped then started to rise again!
Hello everyone!

I completely understand how hard TTC is sometimes. The day or two I got my BFP I was seriously convinced there was something wrong. I was absolutely positive I was giong to have to go through another month. So don't give up hope!!! July seems to be a lucky month so far and i hope I see you all over in first tri soon :)

Sla- Well I only charted for the first few days of this cycle so it's hard to say. My temps were somewhat similar to DS's chart but so were other of my charts. Of course, I wish I had charted now but I really think it helped keep me less stressed.
Oh, also, I want some temping advice from you guys :)

So I've been temping orally at 6 am every day. But sometimes I wake up around 4:30-5 to use the bathroom. I read where Holly said you shouldn't do that before temping so now I'm worried all my temps are screwy. Should I change to temping at like 5 am instead? Is it better to be consistent with time or consistent with taking it before getting up? So confused!

Also, everyone is saying vaginal temps are more accurate. How do I do that? Do I just use my normal thermometer? Lol Feeling a bit intimidated about sticking a thermometer up there lol

I have just begun doing vaginal temps as my oral temps were erratic. I use my normal BBT thermometer but I bought a bunch of thermometer covers (which are super cheap.) The thought of it freaked me out at first too, but it's not like you have to stick it way up there or anything, lol. Just has to be in far enough for the tip to register the temp (half inch to an inch or so). I prefer it, because I dont have to worry about mouth breathing, snoring, and time differences don't seem to make as much difference as oral temps. Also, from what I hear, it is a much more accurate method. Hopefully this month I will see a clear shift that matches with all my other O signs. **fingers crossed** Good luck to you and if you decide to try it, make sure you wait until a new cycle starts or you will really be screwy.

Thanks for the advice. Here's my dilemma thought...whether I decide to temp vaginally or decide to temp at 5 am instead of 6 or whatever, I'm supposed to wait for my new cycle to do so...but no new cycle is insight. I'm on cd ovulation, no AF. I've thought of trying soy also but again, supposed to do it on a new cycle...what do you do when there is no new cycle??? Am I stuck in cycle 1 forever! :shrug: How do I start a new cycle with no AF?
So I saw my doctor last night and it made me pretty frustrated. I think I may need a new doctor. I've only seen this woman a couple times as I've only lived in Canada for a year. My husbands doc couldn't take me on as a patient so I went with another doctor I the same office. She's nice and everything but has a strong accent and I honestly do think she gets what I'm saying half the time. I tell her my situation and she seems all confused not understanding I stopped birth control months ago and that we're ttc and that I need some answers. Finally she seemed to get what I was talking about and her advice is that it could take up t 6 months to ovulate after hormonal bc....what?!?! Everything I've heard or read has said 1-2 months tops. The 6 month number is how long you should ttc before seeking fertility specialists. Then she tells me to to get pregnant we need to have sex at least once a week.....oh, thank you doctor....that's very helpful! :eyeroll: Sex isn't the problem here...we're dtd all the time! But if I'm not ovulating the amount of sex is irrelevant! I say this to her and she finally seems to get the issue. She says we can do bloodwork and I told her they already had. So finally after my insisting we do something (I am NOT waiting 6 months when I know something is wrong and know I'm not ovulating!) and explaining thatmy cycles were messed up before bc so I know it's probably not just that, finall she agrees to take action. So now I have to get the blood results sent to her office and she ordered an ultrasound of my abdomen and pelvis to check my ovaries and uterus etc and make sure everything looks okay. They'll be checking me for pcos. I have this scheduled for next Saturday morning. Then I have to go back to see her and we'll go from there. She said she doesn't want to give me meds to help force ovulation until we do the ultrasound and check for problems.

So anyway, very frustrating but at least I finally got something to do about it, just wish it hadn't taken so much confusion and persistence on my part. Really not sure I can handle this doctor..... :sigh:
So I saw my doctor last night and it made me pretty frustrated. I think I may need a new doctor. I've only seen this woman a couple times as I've only lived in Canada for a year. My husbands doc couldn't take me on as a patient so I went with another doctor I the same office. She's nice and everything but has a strong accent and I honestly do think she gets what I'm saying half the time. I tell her my situation and she seems all confused not understanding I stopped birth control months ago and that we're ttc and that I need some answers. Finally she seemed to get what I was talking about and her advice is that it could take up t 6 months to ovulate after hormonal bc....what?!?! Everything I've heard or read has said 1-2 months tops. The 6 month number is how long you should ttc before seeking fertility specialists. Then she tells me to to get pregnant we need to have sex at least once a week.....oh, thank you doctor....that's very helpful! :eyeroll: Sex isn't the problem here...we're dtd all the time! But if I'm not ovulating the amount of sex is irrelevant! I say this to her and she finally seems to get the issue. She says we can do bloodwork and I told her they already had. So finally after my insisting we do something (I am NOT waiting 6 months when I know something is wrong and know I'm not ovulating!) and explaining thatmy cycles were messed up before bc so I know it's probably not just that, finall she agrees to take action. So now I have to get the blood results sent to her office and she ordered an ultrasound of my abdomen and pelvis to check my ovaries and uterus etc and make sure everything looks okay. They'll be checking me for pcos. I have this scheduled for next Saturday morning. Then I have to go back to see her and we'll go from there. She said she doesn't want to give me meds to help force ovulation until we do the ultrasound and check for problems.

So anyway, very frustrating but at least I finally got something to do about it, just wish it hadn't taken so much confusion and persistence on my part. Really not sure I can handle this doctor..... :sigh:

:hugs: sweety. Glad that your dr finally somewhat 'got' what you were trying to say! I will keep fx'd that everything goes well with your scan and that you get some answers/solutions. It is sooo frustrating when language barriers get in the way when it comes to your healthcare. Did she mention possibly using Provera to induce AF if she remains a no show?

I will say though that although 'they say' that cycles should return to normal 1-2 cycles after stopping hormonal BC... for many women it takes a lot longer. There are tons of threads on here about it and personally I was off BC for a year before I conceived and have heard many similar stories... I went to dr about it and although I didn't like the answer they told me that there wouldn't be any investigation into infertility until the 12 month mark off hormonal bc - and that 12th month ended up being the month I caught. However, I was on the pill for 6+ years, not sure how long you've been on it? I only ovulated twice within the first 8 months and then after that I ov'd but late... hence why I started soy. I am so happy that they are checking into things before the year mark so you don't have to wait soo long!

I know it sucks but I just wanted you to know it isn't totally 'abnormal' for your cycle to take more than 1-2 months to get back on track after hormonal BC... but I thought it might ease your mind a bit to know that while it does sometimes take longer than 1-2 cycles - the majority of women's cycles will start to even out and ovulation will start to happen again :flow: it is good you are getting checked out though :)
marieb- I cant remember, did you chart with your DS? Im just wondering if your charts looked the same? I know Hollys chart looked the same and thought it would be interesting to see!!

Im thinking this month is going to be a BFN. Now that I have crosshairs and coverline, i compared last month and this months chart and they are very similar post ovulation. This month is following all the dips and curves that happened last month, which of course resulted in a BFN.

Hey hun, are you gonna test soon or leave it? Good luck hun. I charted with ds I had gradual incline until day 10 then it dipped then started to rise again!

Based on my LP last month I think AF should be here tomorrow. FF is saying Saturday. If I dont get AF tomorrow, I will test Saturday which will be 13dpo for me. I figure If I dont get a BFP with a FRER, AF is just on her way and will be showing up soon!
So I saw my doctor last night and it made me pretty frustrated. I think I may need a new doctor. I've only seen this woman a couple times as I've only lived in Canada for a year. My husbands doc couldn't take me on as a patient so I went with another doctor I the same office. She's nice and everything but has a strong accent and I honestly do think she gets what I'm saying half the time. I tell her my situation and she seems all confused not understanding I stopped birth control months ago and that we're ttc and that I need some answers. Finally she seemed to get what I was talking about and her advice is that it could take up t 6 months to ovulate after hormonal bc....what?!?! Everything I've heard or read has said 1-2 months tops. The 6 month number is how long you should ttc before seeking fertility specialists. Then she tells me to to get pregnant we need to have sex at least once a week.....oh, thank you doctor....that's very helpful! :eyeroll: Sex isn't the problem here...we're dtd all the time! But if I'm not ovulating the amount of sex is irrelevant! I say this to her and she finally seems to get the issue. She says we can do bloodwork and I told her they already had. So finally after my insisting we do something (I am NOT waiting 6 months when I know something is wrong and know I'm not ovulating!) and explaining thatmy cycles were messed up before bc so I know it's probably not just that, finall she agrees to take action. So now I have to get the blood results sent to her office and she ordered an ultrasound of my abdomen and pelvis to check my ovaries and uterus etc and make sure everything looks okay. They'll be checking me for pcos. I have this scheduled for next Saturday morning. Then I have to go back to see her and we'll go from there. She said she doesn't want to give me meds to help force ovulation until we do the ultrasound and check for problems.

So anyway, very frustrating but at least I finally got something to do about it, just wish it hadn't taken so much confusion and persistence on my part. Really not sure I can handle this doctor..... :sigh:

Im so glad you were persistent. It is your body and you have to be the advocate, no one else will! We know our bodies very well, and having super long cycles like yours is not very common when things are good and normal, even having come off BCP. Injections and insertables are another story, but with regular BCP it should not take 6 months on average for things to regulate. Everyone is different, but she shouldnt consider you an outlier and shrug it off. Good luck with your ultrasound!
Oh, also, I want some temping advice from you guys :)

So I've been temping orally at 6 am every day. But sometimes I wake up around 4:30-5 to use the bathroom. I read where Holly said you shouldn't do that before temping so now I'm worried all my temps are screwy. Should I change to temping at like 5 am instead? Is it better to be consistent with time or consistent with taking it before getting up? So confused!

Also, everyone is saying vaginal temps are more accurate. How do I do that? Do I just use my normal thermometer? Lol Feeling a bit intimidated about sticking a thermometer up there lol

I have just begun doing vaginal temps as my oral temps were erratic. I use my normal BBT thermometer but I bought a bunch of thermometer covers (which are super cheap.) The thought of it freaked me out at first too, but it's not like you have to stick it way up there or anything, lol. Just has to be in far enough for the tip to register the temp (half inch to an inch or so). I prefer it, because I dont have to worry about mouth breathing, snoring, and time differences don't seem to make as much difference as oral temps. Also, from what I hear, it is a much more accurate method. Hopefully this month I will see a clear shift that matches with all my other O signs. **fingers crossed** Good luck to you and if you decide to try it, make sure you wait until a new cycle starts or you will really be screwy.

Thanks for the advice. Here's my dilemma thought...whether I decide to temp vaginally or decide to temp at 5 am instead of 6 or whatever, I'm supposed to wait for my new cycle to do so...but no new cycle is insight. I'm on cd ovulation, no AF. I've thought of trying soy also but again, supposed to do it on a new cycle...what do you do when there is no new cycle??? Am I stuck in cycle 1 forever! :shrug: How do I start a new cycle with no AF?

Oh my gosh, how frustrating!! I also read your post after this one, and I know it can depend on how long you were on BCP for your cycle to return to normal. I feel for you but atleast maybe you will get some answers after your tests and find out everything is probably fine. We are always playig the waiting game ttc and yours is an even more frustrating waiting game. Hang in there, everything will get back to normal.

My problem is completely opposite...ovulating and BDing like crazy and no preggers! All I can do is keep trying an I know sooner or later it will happenO:)
Mamamac - I'm sorry to hear the doctor was causing an issue but it is nice that she finally agreed to some investigative work. At least now you are on the road to getting answers!
So I saw my doctor last night and it made me pretty frustrated. I think I may need a new doctor. I've only seen this woman a couple times as I've only lived in Canada for a year. My husbands doc couldn't take me on as a patient so I went with another doctor I the same office. She's nice and everything but has a strong accent and I honestly do think she gets what I'm saying half the time. I tell her my situation and she seems all confused not understanding I stopped birth control months ago and that we're ttc and that I need some answers. Finally she seemed to get what I was talking about and her advice is that it could take up t 6 months to ovulate after hormonal bc....what?!?! Everything I've heard or read has said 1-2 months tops. The 6 month number is how long you should ttc before seeking fertility specialists. Then she tells me to to get pregnant we need to have sex at least once a week.....oh, thank you doctor....that's very helpful! :eyeroll: Sex isn't the problem here...we're dtd all the time! But if I'm not ovulating the amount of sex is irrelevant! I say this to her and she finally seems to get the issue. She says we can do bloodwork and I told her they already had. So finally after my insisting we do something (I am NOT waiting 6 months when I know something is wrong and know I'm not ovulating!) and explaining thatmy cycles were messed up before bc so I know it's probably not just that, finall she agrees to take action. So now I have to get the blood results sent to her office and she ordered an ultrasound of my abdomen and pelvis to check my ovaries and uterus etc and make sure everything looks okay. They'll be checking me for pcos. I have this scheduled for next Saturday morning. Then I have to go back to see her and we'll go from there. She said she doesn't want to give me meds to help force ovulation until we do the ultrasound and check for problems.

So anyway, very frustrating but at least I finally got something to do about it, just wish it hadn't taken so much confusion and persistence on my part. Really not sure I can handle this doctor..... :sigh:

:hugs: sweety. Glad that your dr finally somewhat 'got' what you were trying to say! I will keep fx'd that everything goes well with your scan and that you get some answers/solutions. It is sooo frustrating when language barriers get in the way when it comes to your healthcare. Did she mention possibly using Provera to induce AF if she remains a no show?

I will say though that although 'they say' that cycles should return to normal 1-2 cycles after stopping hormonal BC... for many women it takes a lot longer. There are tons of threads on here about it and personally I was off BC for a year before I conceived and have heard many similar stories... I went to dr about it and although I didn't like the answer they told me that there wouldn't be any investigation into infertility until the 12 month mark off hormonal bc - and that 12th month ended up being the month I caught. However, I was on the pill for 6+ years, not sure how long you've been on it? I only ovulated twice within the first 8 months and then after that I ov'd but late... hence why I started soy. I am so happy that they are checking into things before the year mark so you don't have to wait soo long!

I know it sucks but I just wanted you to know it isn't totally 'abnormal' for your cycle to take more than 1-2 months to get back on track after hormonal BC... but I thought it might ease your mind a bit to know that while it does sometimes take longer than 1-2 cycles - the majority of women's cycles will start to even out and ovulation will start to happen again :flow: it is good you are getting checked out though :)

Thanks for the advice :hugs: and good to know it is more common to take longer than 2 months, however my big concern is that's know I wasn't on a good normal cycle before bc so I know already that it could easilybe something besides bc. If I had been regular before I'd stick it out and trust that that is the issue, but about 7 or 8 years agomy cycle stopped for 6 months and doc had to give me a pill to start it up again. After that my cycles were not consistent at all and my flow was much lighter which now makes me wonder if I was ovulating at all during that time. Since I already suspect there was something wrong before bc that's why I'm so worried and don't want to wait 6+ months to confirm its not just stopping bc that's the problem. If that's really all it is I can handle waiting but I don't want to wait all that time to find out it was so etching else we could have solved months sooner, ya know? So frustrating. Just want my body to work like its supposed to. Oh and to answer your question, I was on bc for just over a year and a half, so not very long.

Thanks again for the advice :hugs: Helps just being able to vent to people who understand. How did you manage waiting a whole year like that....that's incredible to me. I'm clearly a horribly impatient person! Lol
Totally understand your concern - if your cycles were irregular previously then I think it is a very smart thing to start looking into issues sooner rather than wait... BC may just be complicating other things in that case!

I went off BCP 6 months before we started trying (you know, to get past that phase of coming off BC naive me - bah!), however I was temping (on paper) so knew I wasn't ovulating. Then after that 6 months when we actually started TTC and I started charting on FF - I had 1 or 2 more long annovulatory cycles after that, then started ovulating. I think my 3rd ovulatory cycle is the one where we got BFP. So... a year wasn't so bad since we were only actively TTC for the second half - however it was a nervewracking 6 months because I knew no egg = no baby! Argh!

Those feelings of 'why won't my body just work?' are sooo tough. I was thinking that when I wasn't oving, and then oving late... then finally got BFP. However I still have lingering issues from my pregnancy about that same thought! I had incompetent cervix and had to get a rescue cerclage at 20 weeks and again had the thought of 'why won't my body just work?' all over again! This TTC and pregnancy stuff can be so hard sometimes but we just got to keep putting one foot in front of the other sweets.

After being irregular to begin with I am so pleased for you that you are getting checked out early in the game... I hope the solution is a simple one and you are soon on the road to ovulation and then BFP of course! :flow:
So I saw my doctor last night and it made me pretty frustrated. I think I may need a new doctor. I've only seen this woman a couple times as I've only lived in Canada for a year. My husbands doc couldn't take me on as a patient so I went with another doctor I the same office. She's nice and everything but has a strong accent and I honestly do think she gets what I'm saying half the time. I tell her my situation and she seems all confused not understanding I stopped birth control months ago and that we're ttc and that I need some answers. Finally she seemed to get what I was talking about and her advice is that it could take up t 6 months to ovulate after hormonal bc....what?!?! Everything I've heard or read has said 1-2 months tops. The 6 month number is how long you should ttc before seeking fertility specialists. Then she tells me to to get pregnant we need to have sex at least once a week.....oh, thank you doctor....that's very helpful! :eyeroll: Sex isn't the problem here...we're dtd all the time! But if I'm not ovulating the amount of sex is irrelevant! I say this to her and she finally seems to get the issue. She says we can do bloodwork and I told her they already had. So finally after my insisting we do something (I am NOT waiting 6 months when I know something is wrong and know I'm not ovulating!) and explaining thatmy cycles were messed up before bc so I know it's probably not just that, finall she agrees to take action. So now I have to get the blood results sent to her office and she ordered an ultrasound of my abdomen and pelvis to check my ovaries and uterus etc and make sure everything looks okay. They'll be checking me for pcos. I have this scheduled for next Saturday morning. Then I have to go back to see her and we'll go from there. She said she doesn't want to give me meds to help force ovulation until we do the ultrasound and check for problems.

So anyway, very frustrating but at least I finally got something to do about it, just wish it hadn't taken so much confusion and persistence on my part. Really not sure I can handle this doctor..... :sigh:

:hugs: sweety. Glad that your dr finally somewhat 'got' what you were trying to say! I will keep fx'd that everything goes well with your scan and that you get some answers/solutions. It is sooo frustrating when language barriers get in the way when it comes to your healthcare. Did she mention possibly using Provera to induce AF if she remains a no show?

I will say though that although 'they say' that cycles should return to normal 1-2 cycles after stopping hormonal BC... for many women it takes a lot longer. There are tons of threads on here about it and personally I was off BC for a year before I conceived and have heard many similar stories... I went to dr about it and although I didn't like the answer they told me that there wouldn't be any investigation into infertility until the 12 month mark off hormonal bc - and that 12th month ended up being the month I caught. However, I was on the pill for 6+ years, not sure how long you've been on it? I only ovulated twice within the first 8 months and then after that I ov'd but late... hence why I started soy. I am so happy that they are checking into things before the year mark so you don't have to wait soo long!

I know it sucks but I just wanted you to know it isn't totally 'abnormal' for your cycle to take more than 1-2 months to get back on track after hormonal BC... but I thought it might ease your mind a bit to know that while it does sometimes take longer than 1-2 cycles - the majority of women's cycles will start to even out and ovulation will start to happen again :flow: it is good you are getting checked out though :)

Oh also, she mentioned Metformin as a possible medication we may try depending on my ultrasound results. Has anyone used that/know much about it?
Oh, also, I want some temping advice from you guys :)

So I've been temping orally at 6 am every day. But sometimes I wake up around 4:30-5 to use the bathroom. I read where Holly said you shouldn't do that before temping so now I'm worried all my temps are screwy. Should I change to temping at like 5 am instead? Is it better to be consistent with time or consistent with taking it before getting up? So confused!

Also, everyone is saying vaginal temps are more accurate. How do I do that? Do I just use my normal thermometer? Lol Feeling a bit intimidated about sticking a thermometer up there lol

I have just begun doing vaginal temps as my oral temps were erratic. I use my normal BBT thermometer but I bought a bunch of thermometer covers (which are super cheap.) The thought of it freaked me out at first too, but it's not like you have to stick it way up there or anything, lol. Just has to be in far enough for the tip to register the temp (half inch to an inch or so). I prefer it, because I dont have to worry about mouth breathing, snoring, and time differences don't seem to make as much difference as oral temps. Also, from what I hear, it is a much more accurate method. Hopefully this month I will see a clear shift that matches with all my other O signs. **fingers crossed** Good luck to you and if you decide to try it, make sure you wait until a new cycle starts or you will really be screwy.

Thanks for the advice. Here's my dilemma thought...whether I decide to temp vaginally or decide to temp at 5 am instead of 6 or whatever, I'm supposed to wait for my new cycle to do so...but no new cycle is insight. I'm on cd ovulation, no AF. I've thought of trying soy also but again, supposed to do it on a new cycle...what do you do when there is no new cycle??? Am I stuck in cycle 1 forever! :shrug: How do I start a new cycle with no AF?

Oh my gosh, how frustrating!! I also read your post after this one, and I know it can depend on how long you were on BCP for your cycle to return to normal. I feel for you but atleast maybe you will get some answers after your tests and find out everything is probably fine. We are always playig the waiting game ttc and yours is an even more frustrating waiting game. Hang in there, everything will get back to normal.

My problem is completely opposite...ovulating and BDing like crazy and no preggers! All I can do is keep trying an I know sooner or later it will happenO:)

How many cycles have you been trying hun?
Mamamac - I'm sorry to hear the doctor was causing an issue but it is nice that she finally agreed to some investigative work. At least now you are on the road to getting answers!

Very true. How are things with you?? How's the little tummy guest treating you? Has the doc given you an official due date or nothing yet? So excited for you!
Mamamac - I'm happy they have taken you serously and you are getting looked at. When I came off BC (had been on for 13 years!!) it took 15 weeks to get AF, then I had 2 cycles, then got married, then had one more cycle then got pregnant. My cycle getting pregnant was about 8 weeks (i.e. double normal length) and I still got a BFP so it is possible. Over 10 months I had 4 cycles after BC. I know thats not necessarily your issue but hope that helps anyway.

SLA - yay for testing!! Hope its your month!

No news from me, just waiting for Ov. BD yesterday at CD 7. No idea if the soy will do anything - hope if it does then its good stuff!!
Oh, also, I want some temping advice from you guys :)

So I've been temping orally at 6 am every day. But sometimes I wake up around 4:30-5 to use the bathroom. I read where Holly said you shouldn't do that before temping so now I'm worried all my temps are screwy. Should I change to temping at like 5 am instead? Is it better to be consistent with time or consistent with taking it before getting up? So confused!

Also, everyone is saying vaginal temps are more accurate. How do I do that? Do I just use my normal thermometer? Lol Feeling a bit intimidated about sticking a thermometer up there lol

I have just begun doing vaginal temps as my oral temps were erratic. I use my normal BBT thermometer but I bought a bunch of thermometer covers (which are super cheap.) The thought of it freaked me out at first too, but it's not like you have to stick it way up there or anything, lol. Just has to be in far enough for the tip to register the temp (half inch to an inch or so). I prefer it, because I dont have to worry about mouth breathing, snoring, and time differences don't seem to make as much difference as oral temps. Also, from what I hear, it is a much more accurate method. Hopefully this month I will see a clear shift that matches with all my other O signs. **fingers crossed** Good luck to you and if you decide to try it, make sure you wait until a new cycle starts or you will really be screwy.

Thanks for the advice. Here's my dilemma thought...whether I decide to temp vaginally or decide to temp at 5 am instead of 6 or whatever, I'm supposed to wait for my new cycle to do so...but no new cycle is insight. I'm on cd ovulation, no AF. I've thought of trying soy also but again, supposed to do it on a new cycle...what do you do when there is no new cycle??? Am I stuck in cycle 1 forever! :shrug: How do I start a new cycle with no AF?

Oh my gosh, how frustrating!! I also read your post after this one, and I know it can depend on how long you were on BCP for your cycle to return to normal. I feel for you but atleast maybe you will get some answers after your tests and find out everything is probably fine. We are always playig the waiting game ttc and yours is an even more frustrating waiting game. Hang in there, everything will get back to normal.

My problem is completely opposite...ovulating and BDing like crazy and no preggers! All I can do is keep trying an I know sooner or later it will happenO:)

How many cycles have you been trying hun?

Well, not trying, not preventing for 4 and a half years (since I had my DD). We were just hoping it would happen on its own since we DTD regularly anyhow, but it hasn't. We have only been doing all the charting and everything for a couple months, but you would think in 4 and a half years I would have gotten pregnant. I do have a shorter cycle (25 days) and luteal phase (about 10 days) so that could be a problem, but I also had that issue with DD and we got pregnant first cycle with her.
It just hard (ttc) because you are always wondering if something is wrong with you, but I just need to tell myself to relax and enjoy the ride, hehe. It will happen!!! Gosh darn it, lol.
Oh, also, I want some temping advice from you guys :)

So I've been temping orally at 6 am every day. But sometimes I wake up around 4:30-5 to use the bathroom. I read where Holly said you shouldn't do that before temping so now I'm worried all my temps are screwy. Should I change to temping at like 5 am instead? Is it better to be consistent with time or consistent with taking it before getting up? So confused!

Also, everyone is saying vaginal temps are more accurate. How do I do that? Do I just use my normal thermometer? Lol Feeling a bit intimidated about sticking a thermometer up there lol

I have just begun doing vaginal temps as my oral temps were erratic. I use my normal BBT thermometer but I bought a bunch of thermometer covers (which are super cheap.) The thought of it freaked me out at first too, but it's not like you have to stick it way up there or anything, lol. Just has to be in far enough for the tip to register the temp (half inch to an inch or so). I prefer it, because I dont have to worry about mouth breathing, snoring, and time differences don't seem to make as much difference as oral temps. Also, from what I hear, it is a much more accurate method. Hopefully this month I will see a clear shift that matches with all my other O signs. **fingers crossed** Good luck to you and if you decide to try it, make sure you wait until a new cycle starts or you will really be screwy.

Thanks for the advice. Here's my dilemma thought...whether I decide to temp vaginally or decide to temp at 5 am instead of 6 or whatever, I'm supposed to wait for my new cycle to do so...but no new cycle is insight. I'm on cd ovulation, no AF. I've thought of trying soy also but again, supposed to do it on a new cycle...what do you do when there is no new cycle??? Am I stuck in cycle 1 forever! :shrug: How do I start a new cycle with no AF?

Oh my gosh, how frustrating!! I also read your post after this one, and I know it can depend on how long you were on BCP for your cycle to return to normal. I feel for you but atleast maybe you will get some answers after your tests and find out everything is probably fine. We are always playig the waiting game ttc and yours is an even more frustrating waiting game. Hang in there, everything will get back to normal.

My problem is completely opposite...ovulating and BDing like crazy and no preggers! All I can do is keep trying an I know sooner or later it will happenO:)

How many cycles have you been trying hun?

Well, not trying, not preventing for 4 and a half years (since I had my DD). We were just hoping it would happen on its own since we DTD regularly anyhow, but it hasn't. We have only been doing all the charting and everything for a couple months, but you would think in 4 and a half years I would have gotten pregnant. I do have a shorter cycle (25 days) and luteal phase (about 10 days) so that could be a problem, but I also had that issue with DD and we got pregnant first cycle with her.
It just hard (ttc) because you are always wondering if something is wrong with you, but I just need to tell myself to relax and enjoy the ride, hehe. It will happen!!! Gosh darn it, lol.

Good job being positive! I need to be more like that :blush: And your daughter is adorable btw! Love that pic of her. So cute!

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