TTC #2, LTTTC, Starting Clomid, could really use a buddy


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2016
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A little background. My first was a much beloved accident, as he was conceived while I was on the pill. :shrug: After ds was born I went on Depo. This was at the start of 2012.

3 years later I met the love of my life :hugs: and cancled my next Depo shot, putting my last Depo on Feb. 11 2015. We have been TTC for a year now with no luck. :cry:

I went to my local OB/GYN last fall when my cycle still hadn't returned and he was a jerk. :growlmad: Basically told me to get the f out of his office because I was 23 and had nothing to worry about. My cycle did return 2 weeks later, :blush: but I refused to go back and see him.

Yesterday I had an appointment with another OB/GYN much farther away and she is an angel. :angel: She looked at my charts and confirmed that based on temps and symptoms she does believe that I am ovulating, :happydance: but being that we had been trying for a year, she has prescribed me Clomid, to start taking on cd5 until I have confirmed ovulation via temps and CM.

I am 23, a stay at home mom, and the wife of a veteran. This is my first time TTC on purpose and I am lost and have a lot of questions. :shy: I am hoping to find a buddy (or buddies) to help me who are either going through something similar now, or have been through something similar and might be able to help answer questions.

hello!!! i am 22 and ttc my first. i have been ttc for almost a year, and have confirmed i am not ovulating! so my doctor has prescribed me clomid to start on my next cycle...was supposed to start this month, but alas no AF so will have to wait! really hoping AF shows up in april so i can get this show on the road! im feeling super positive about the clomid, and really hoping it works in the first few months :) good luck and i hope we can be buddies!
Hello :)

Sorry to hear about your troubles :(

Waiting for AF to show up as well, so we can definately keep in touch, I've heard really good success stories about clomid so hopefully it works for both of us
So now I'm super confused... Woke up this morning, my temp dipped below coverline yesterday so I thought AF was finally about to rear her ugly head, woke up feeling super wet, so I went to go check and it was CM, shit loads of CM...... WTF???? im 4 days late now but my blood test came back negative WTF is going on????

AND my temp went back up...... ??
Temp stayed above cover line today, really tired and still no sign of AF..... FX that this was my cycle but im too tired to be stressed... lol
Still no AF... Got a qualitative HCG done this afternoon waiting on those results in the morning... Trying not to stress it, but have loads of symptoms, and CM still hasnt dried up and if anything is becoming more and more..... :p blarg
omg hopeful!!! im so excited for you! hoping this is it im crossing everything i got!
Tests came back negative. They put me on Progesterone to start my period, then starting Clomid next cycle
jeez so weird! well good luck :) im hoping my period starts in the next couple days, fingers crossed for both of us that this first round of clomid does it!
Day 4 of progesterone, though im wondering if I needed it, my chart seems to have righted itself and another cycle showed through.

Currently 5 dpo, 11 more till AF is due by my previous leuthal phases in normal cycles.
FX that this past one was just strange and that Clomid next cycle will do the trick
i think AF is gonna start in the next couple days for me hopefully, so will start clomid this cycle if it ever shows up!
Hey can I join you ladies??

My background: I am currently 30 and have 1 DS. He was 8 years in the making due to pcos and low motility, but we got him our first round of clomid! :cloud9: He is now a very lively 21 month old. So when he was only 4 months old we stopped preventing, but nothing happened so we decided last January to give clomid another shot as I had only ovulated twice since he was born. Well I got pregnant but lost the baby on the first round again. So we have been on a break. We will be starting clomid again in May!! So not long to go at all. I am so so excited and hoping it once again does its magic and we get pregnant quickly.
of course krissie! the more the merrier :) im still just waiting for AF...havent had a period since jan 7th😩 hoping she shows up this month...i have my clomid so as soon as she shows i can start on CD 3! so excited it's my first time ever on clomid, or any kind of fertility med, and im feeling super hopeful!
Thanks hun.

My cycles have been getting shorter and shorter. My first one after my chemical was 25 days and the next was 19. It has been frustrating. However, this cycle I am CD 15 with no sign of o coming. So I am thinking this is going to be a long cycle.

I am getting excited to start clomid back up. As long as my period waits until May 5th or later to show then we will be starting it then. If it starts before that we will likely wait one more cycle.
i am getting super impatient and annoyed! lol all week i've had cramps and been feeling like AF is coming, but she has yet to show up...before january i got my period every 2nd month, 60 days like clock work, and of course now that i want it to show up, it hasnt in over 3 months! and ive done many pregnancy tests, definitely not pregnant, SUPER annoying!
No kidding! That always happens to me. I'm sure come May I will be dying for her to show and it won't be until June. :dohh:
yep thats exactly how it goes! lol i've had my clomid since the end of february so been dying for af since then! jeez.

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