Ttc #2

hey girls ^^ everything is doing great with baby :) haven't found out what it is yet but getting good care :)

also finally bleeding stopped and looks like i'll be ok from here on.. Cervix seems to be a perfect length so all good there :)

had a stressful week though. Had to fly to germany because my grandpa died and just got back and now i need to clean cause my parents are coming to visit on sunday for a week. Also confirmation for my goddaughter is coming up on saturday.

But feeling good. Can feel the kicks a bit more now with baby :)

Can't wait to find out what it is and also hold my baby in my arms.
Rose - so glad you had a good holiday! How were the flights back and forth? I hardly use a stroller at all with mine. We're going to Ireland in June and I'll just bring a carrier or two. Very nervous about the flights with Jack, plus the car ride from Dublin to my DH's home town (2.5 hours away).

At least Alice sleeps well when she's with you! I've bedshared with Jack from the start. He still doesn't sleep very well. Fitful for the first couple hours and then still wakes every two hours the rest of the night. Still, my DD was worse by this time - she woke every sleep cycle for boob - that lasted many many months!

Good luck with starting food for Alice. Jack's only 4 months yesterday, so not there yet with him. I'll wait until six months. Interested to see if he takes to it quicker than my DD - she was nearly a year before she took much interest.

Velathria - that's awesome you've stopped bleeding and you're feeling kicks! Do you have a preference for boy or girl? Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Hope you can enjoy your parents' visit.

AFM - Been back at work for over a month now and it's going fine. We've all been a bit sick the last week though. Jack is mostly fine, just coughing a bit.

My BF is getting married this weekend, so that's exciting.

Jack is over 16 lbs now. Quite the chunk compared to my DD - she was a small thing. I've had a couple weeks of him pooping during the night after a long stretch of him not doing that. I think some supplements I was taking caused it, and they are still working their way out of his system. REALLY ready for him to completely be over it, cause changing poopy diapers at 3am is NOT FUN.
The flights were actually ok, both kids were really good we were lucky :) nappy changes were a bit of a nightmare due to the lack of space but thankfully I only had to deal with one dirty one! To be honest I found the car journeys worse (Alice decided she hated the hire car and screamed every time we put her in it, unless I sat in the back between the kids) as I could cuddle her on the plane and feed her so she was happy. Are you in Ireland now? Hope you have a fantastic time!

Alice is almost 6 months old now, I can't believe it. She's taking to weaning so well and is now having 3 small meals a day plus all her usual milk feeds (we don't really have set feeds as I just feed her whenever she wants. Which is often ha). She's almost sitting unsupported just flops occasionally, and can support her weight on her legs for a few seconds too before she topples over.

I'm sorting out childcare for my return to work which is extremely depressing ;( why does it have to go so fast?!

Vel you're over half way through :) amazing! When do you find out if it's a boy or girl?
We found out last week . It's a boy ^^ we're so exited everything's going well now. Bleeding has stopped and I can finally enjoy this pregnancy. ^^
Congratulations Velathria! You're only a few days away from V day. So glad you're now able to enjoy your pregnancy :)
Velathria - congrats on the boy!! And do glad the bleeding has stopped and you can enjoy the pregnancy now instead of worrying all the time.

Rose - time is flying - can't believe Alice is almost 6 months. When do you go back to work? Have you sorted child care?

AFM - we have been back from our Ireland trip for a week now. It was an awesome trip, and hard to leave. Both kids were good on the flights. Honestly DD was an angel, and Jack only fussed a bit when needing naps. So thankful. The car ride from Dublin to DH's town was a bit hairy, but the return trip was absolutely fine. DD ran herself ragged playing with her cousins. Now DH wants to move back. I can see the draw of all the family support (we have very little of that here), but it would be such a massive decision, and a huge change to our way of life. So I am not that keen on the thought. Have to talk about it I guess. We'd both be facing huge reductions in income and probably some very crappy jobs, if they could be found at all.

Jack got his first tooth while we were there! Haven't started solids yet. Maybe in another month. He is 17 lbs now. Sometimes does little planks on the floor, but isn't mobile yet, and can't sit. Sleep is still crap, but I'm managing.

Looking for a new job myself. I am bored at work and have nothing to do most of the time.

Jack starts daycare next week, just three days a week, and the other two at home with DH still. DH is excited about the opportunity to get things done around the house on his days off, but I'm sad about Jack going to someone else so young.
Hey girls ^^ so coming up to 24 weeks ^^ i am so ready to have this little guy out xD got physio prescribed because I'm in so much pain. Can't sleep at night at all. And he seems to be laying really low so all the weight is pushing down.

We have a name already ^^ it's Timothy. Named after my father ^^ he is such a proud grandpa :)

Also great news. We are moving into a bigger place and it's so much nicer :) can't wait to set everything up. :happydance:

It's crazy how far along your little ones are already.. time goes by so fast. Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying their babys. In a few months I'll be able to join in ^^
Slammerkin I am due to go back in September, I too feel sad about Alice going to someone else when she's so young :( DS was always with my mum until he was 18 months so this is a new experience for me. I have a childminder lined up who I like, but I am just trying to negotiate hours with work so I need to get that sorted then I can confirm with her. She's actually really nice and Alice even had a nap on her when we visited but I still feel sad and guilty that I can't be with her all the time, especially as she's so clingy :( I am trying to find a new job too because I'm fed up of the long drive to work, and also my boss is being difficult with hours. I had an interview the other week so hoping to hear soon. It is the perfect location and hours so I am keeping everything crossed!!

Glad you had an amazing holiday. My husband wants to move to Canada but we don't know anyone there so it would be a bit lonely not to mention complicated with visas etc plus my mum wouldn't be thrilled if we left. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Alice was doing well with solids but she has 4 (!!!) teeth coming through at the same time so I think that's putting her off - she hasn't really eaten much all week.

DS had chickenpox last week so I'm just waiting for Alice to catch it :( I'm actually quite nervous about it as I know someone whose baby died from chickenpox recently, even though he was younger and smaller than Alice it still makes me very worried.

Vel sorry you're in pain :( I know how that feels, it's crappy. Great news that you've picked a lovely name and are moving in to a bigger home :) our own extension should be ready to use as a temporary room soon until we have saved up for the next bit (digging up the whole floor for underfloor heating in the kitchen nightmare) so will be nice to have a bit more space :)
Well, Alice has now caught chicken pox. She has it so much worse than DS and has been so upset, grumpy and itchy. She has them mostly on her face, neck, scalp and nappy area :( she also has a high temperature and is off all food apart from my milk - she's been breastfeeding pretty much Constantly since about 4am this morning.
Oh, rose, I am so sorry. It must be so hard on poor Alice. At least you have the boob to offer. I'm sure that is comforting to her. I hope she gets better quickly!!

Canada would be a big move alright! I know some Irish people that moved there and love it.

I hope you get a new job you like. And I hope Alice does well in childcare. It really does such sending them earlier than you want.

Velathria - I hope your pain is getting better!
Hey everyone! I see the last post was from last month so I am not sure if anyone is still chatting here but here goes nothing! I know i have been gone for quite some time. I don't really have a reason for it to be honest. I guess I just filled my days with other things and now that my almost 9 month old (holy crap) is crawling it's really impossible to even think about computers until both kids are in bed. I must have missed sooooo much. Velathria I am so excited to see you are doing well with the pregnancy! And that it's a boy! I think we all had boys except rose! I never really got to congratulate you so CONGRATULATIONS! such amazing news i hope that you get to continue to have an enjoyable pregnancy =D how is everyone doing? I don't really have all that much new with me. Rose im sorry to hear about the babies both having chicken pox...i hope that it's over by now. I forget how long it usually lasts for but at least now they've gotten it and you won't have to worry about it in the future. Slammerkin im glad you had a great trip to ireland and that the babies were good on the plane! my husband is so terrified of bringing ours onto a plane. not that we have that bad of kids but yanno...sometimes they all have their moments and he doesn't want one of those moments to be on a plane lol. so vacationing will have to wait unless we can drive there. I can't believe it's september week officially starts fall. I don't want to give up summer yet. I didn't even get to go down the shore this year! But i am looking forward to decorating for the holidays. I'm thinking my 3 year old will be very excited about that...she will understand what is going on. And I think zach who will be 1 by christmas will just want to pull the tree down. but we shall see. anyway I hope everyone is doing well and I hope to catch up with what everyone has been up to soon! talk to you all later!
Hey shaele ^^ little boy is doing great. I'm almost at the end. So ready to have him out and to hold him.

We picked a name and it's Timothy. Named him after my father. Who is super proud to have another grandson. :)

Have some news with my older son. We finally got an appointment with the special needs assessment and they now told us that he is showing high rates of being on the autism spectrum. It was a shock at first but I have realised now as I read about it and watch him closely that it all fits. So we are in the middle of adjusting things for him and also with the school. Everything seems to be going much better with him now that we know. He is still looking forward to his new little brother so we'll see how that goes when he is born. How was it for all of you with the older children? I'm worried that he will regress after Timmy is born. And that he will lash out at him. It's crazy how time flies.. can't believe I'm already at that end. Although it seems like these last few weeks are thath3heseaking forever :rofl:
Hi Velathria! That's great you have a name picked out already. We had a lot trouble deciding on a name especially for a boy. We both did not like the ones we each picked out. Obviously we finally found one we both enjoyed but I had to compromise on the spelling. I preferred Zackary but husband preferred Zachary. He won just because I didn't want any of the other names he suggested lol!

Interesting news about your older son. I can imagine feeling shock at first because that's just him to you. Like I mean that's what you've gotten used to and that's just his normal and your normal in what you expect. And that part of it will stay the same...which kind of makes it easier I think. I'm glad he's very excited to meet his brother! As far as how kids react to new siblings I think they are all different. From my experience I definitely noticed a negative change in her behavior. While lydia loves zach she also is showing signs of jealousy. She's pretty independent for her age but when he came into the picture she started wanting the same KIND of attention as we gave him. As in she wanted diapers again even though we were in the middle of successfully potty training. She wanted bottles and to be held. Whenever zach goes to play with her old toys she forgot existed she would take them away from him and put them out of his reach. She started doing things she isn't suppose to do in order to get attention. Granted some of this my be due to lack of giving her the attention she required back but as an only child myself I had no idea how any of this worked. I never had to share my parents affection so i didn't even know how to show the correct way of dealing and be a proper role model. We are all learning =) I know it's just a phase. She's also at the age of pushing and testing her limits. She's getting better though! I hope that it all works out better for your family. Like i said it's allllll different for everyone. And now zach is whining so I must dash. talk soon!
Me and dh couldnt decide on a name either until he had the idea to name him after my father and I loved it. Only problem now is him picking a godfather xD I have the godmother picked already. Coming up to 35 weeks now.. cannot wait for this to end xD it's funny how we try so hard to get pregnant and can't wait to be and then when we are we can't wait to be done with pregnancy :rofl:

Yeah we are seeing a lot of specialist's now about my son but I am kind of glad that we found out. It explains a lot and I am able to handle his melt downs much better now and when he can't deal with something.

I know that Elijah (older son) will probably be very jealous of Timothy because of his close connection to me and also he had been alone now for 5 years so that's a long time.

My biggest worry is that all the accomplishment with bedtime and going to the toilette will regress and we'll have to redo all of it.
I know at one point he will see the positive of it but I think at the beginning it will be a bit hard on him. Having to share mom''s affection.

Cannot wait for these 5 weeks to be over. I am in so much pain. Stupid pelvic girdle pain. It's the worst... I can barely do anything without being in agony. And i am having loads of painful braxton hicks contractions.

Who ever said being pregnant is great.. clearly hasn't been pregnant lol

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