We are good thanks. Good to hear from you hunni! We are going on holiday on Monday, can't wait. We are off to Canada for 2 and a half weeks, toronto and Ontario. We will be on the road a lot travelling to different places, including Niagara and then up to Huntsville with a few stops on the way. I am so looking forward to getting away from every day life and spending time just the 4 of us. Our extension is coming on well but we have now run out of money so it's going to be a long term project. I am ok with that as I knew it probably would be, but it will be nice not to have to think about it for a few weeks.
Alice is 4 months old now and growing fast. She is not very good at sleeping anymore and wakes up a few times a night. I let her sleep in our bed most of the time as its the easiest way to get sleep! She sleeps very well in our bed and loves to snuggle up close, I feed her when I'm still half asleep so I don't even really notice her waking too much. We have started letting her try bits of food, so far she has tried banana, broccoli, cauliflower, puréed pear and some baby crackers. Oh and she had a munch on a strip of steak recently when we went out for dinner

I am not officially starting proper weaning until we get back from holiday as she isn't 6 months yet and I don't want to have to worry about a routine on holiday, but she is so ready for it - always trying to grab our food and having a tantrum if we don't share ours, so I think when we get back we will start properly. I'll probably go for the more relaxed approach and let her try bits of finger foods from our plates. She's done well with the fruit and veg she had munched on so far
Slammerkin hope your return to work went ok?
And Velathria hope everything is still ok with you? any news on when you might be able to get up and about again?