Ttc #2

Lol, love the thing people say velathria. I certainly WAS huge by the end with both of mine though. So happy to have the belly gone! Glad you are feeling more secure. <3
Good luck for the scan tomorrow Vel! I once had the post office lady say 'omg how long have you got left?! You're huge! You're going to be massive by the time baby arrives.' It's so rude how people think they can say whatever they want when you're pregnant.

I'm not sure if you remember a while ago I talked about My friend who had fertility problems, who is now expecting twins. She has just gone on mat leave and it's her baby shower this weekend so I've been organising that :) I hope it all goes well! She's been schedule for a C section at 34 weeks due to some growth issues with the twins. I so hope the rest of her pregnancy goes as smoothly as it can, she's had a nightmare so far full of scares and she waited so long for these babies. Sometimes life is so unfair.
Hey girls ^^ everything is still looking good. Saw baby moving like crazy on the ultrasound. It was so cute. Made me tear up. Almost out of the 1st trimester. ^^

Yeah I hate what people say when your's like it's OK to call you fat. -.- I literally thought I was getting fat yesterday. Never felt like that with my son. Noone ever said that to me. I was so proud of my bump until now. Now I just felt like a fat whale. :(
Yay, glad you saw the baby again! Enjoy your baby belly as best you can. It is hard though.

Rose - I hope everything goes smoothly for the rest of your friend's pregnancy! Infertility and then twins, with complications...sounds like a hard road!

AFM - I go back to work in a week! Feeling OK about it mostly but just worried about getting Jack onto a bottle before then...he's only tried it once a few weeks ago and didn't really catch on to it. He'll be home with DH. DH is not looking forward to it...he was innocent before he knows how hard it can be with giving bottles and getting babies to sleep, since he went through it all with her.
hey girls just tried my fetal doppler and after looking for 5 min, i finally heard it :happydance:

It was strong at 169-172!! :) hopefully that whole thing with it being a girl because hb over 140 is right hahahaha...

lost it thought after 2 min or so. Must've moved the little bugger :D
That's awesome vel! I never had my own Doppler but I bet that gives you peace of mind. :)
That's great Vel :) now you can have a quick listen whenever you need reassurance.

Slammerkin good luck back at work! I am dreading going back already and it won't be until September. I'm enjoying my mat leave so much more this time around. I did enjoy it last time, but this time I just love it (most of the time - unless DS is being naughty!!)

We are knocking through to the extension tomorrow so we have no doors or windows in the kitchen. It's completely open to the outside and will be for at least another 2 weeks as the doors aren't being fitted until then. We have a temporary door to the rest of the house but every time I need a drink I have to go in to the freezing kitchen!! The nightmare begins... It's exciting seeing the size of the room we are going to have though :) DS is finding it all very exciting!
Oh goodness, I've not posted in here in forever!!

rose - I'm enjoying maternity leave much more this time round as well. I struggled at first when Anabella was a newborn, but this time Ive loved almost every minute. We are always out and about doing stuff and it's nice having Anabella for company. I am going to miss her when she starts school in September, but I guess Jamie will be 8 months then and much more interactive. Woo hoo, exciting about the extension. When will it be completed?

Vel - so glad everything is going well with your pregnancy and you found the heartbeat on the doppler. Are you going to find out gender?

slammer - I hope Jack will get more settled with your DH soon! How was your daughter at first?

AFM - I am really enjoying Jamie and just love and adore him so much. I have enjoyed the newborn phase this time round, where as I didn't with Anabella. He is now coming up to 3 months and these days will be behind us. On one hand I am excited for him to start being more interactive and showing interest in toys and stuff but then it is bittersweet as we are not having any more and will never experience it again :(
He is still waking 2 times a night for milk and can't really go more than 3 hours without. He has a bigger stretch at the beginning of the night but typically I can't make the most of it as I am still awake!
hey girls... was in the hospital the last 2 days because i started bleeding but baby is fine (thank god) and its still active but now i'm back on strict pelvic and normal bedrest. feel like i'll be confined to this bed for the whole pregnancy.. :(

And just a day after just hearing the hb... It was such a fright... Thought i was having another MC...

they did classify it as a threatened miscarriage and told me that we'll have to see how the pregnancy progresses now. Praying that everything stays fine. And that i'll be able to at least enjoy this pregnancy some after the 1st tri. is done.

Too scared to try the doppler again just in case something happens again... :(
Velathria, this baby is determined to put you through the wringer emotionally! How are you now? Everything still ok?
i know right? its like since we found out that i have that bicornuate uterus i'm having all the things that people write about.. hope it atleast stays all the way to the end and i can have this little bean naturally. :)

at least they said because i had my son naturally that its a good chance that i will this time again. :)

bored but good. just the usual pregnancy uncomfortableness.. XD being on bedrest sucks. I feel so bad for my dh he has to do everything.

With all this he sees though what i have to do all the time with our son and everything XD
Oh my goodness, bed rest must suck! Is it temporary for now, or will you be on it for the rest of the pregnancy? That would be such a huge stress on your DH! But glad the little bean is sticking around!

AFM - I am back to work this week. DH and Jack are doing good so far at home together while DD continues to go to daycare. Jack still sleeps like crap. Oh well.
well it's just temporary to see if the clot will go away and everything keeps looking good. It just scared the doctors and us that there was so much bleeding and clots coming out. And that my cervix was slightly open.

But it looks like the clot is shrinking, so thank god for that :)
Just popping in!

Nice to see things progressing vel!

How is everyone? Seems like these babies have gotten us so busy
I just get a sense of sadness coming to this group and BNB. We were such a chatty group but life has gotten the best of all, and I used to be close with a lot of ladies here but it's the same with them. After being here for 5 years you get close to people and it's just sad.
We are good thanks. Good to hear from you hunni! We are going on holiday on Monday, can't wait. We are off to Canada for 2 and a half weeks, toronto and Ontario. We will be on the road a lot travelling to different places, including Niagara and then up to Huntsville with a few stops on the way. I am so looking forward to getting away from every day life and spending time just the 4 of us. Our extension is coming on well but we have now run out of money so it's going to be a long term project. I am ok with that as I knew it probably would be, but it will be nice not to have to think about it for a few weeks.

Alice is 4 months old now and growing fast. She is not very good at sleeping anymore and wakes up a few times a night. I let her sleep in our bed most of the time as its the easiest way to get sleep! She sleeps very well in our bed and loves to snuggle up close, I feed her when I'm still half asleep so I don't even really notice her waking too much. We have started letting her try bits of food, so far she has tried banana, broccoli, cauliflower, puréed pear and some baby crackers. Oh and she had a munch on a strip of steak recently when we went out for dinner :haha: I am not officially starting proper weaning until we get back from holiday as she isn't 6 months yet and I don't want to have to worry about a routine on holiday, but she is so ready for it - always trying to grab our food and having a tantrum if we don't share ours, so I think when we get back we will start properly. I'll probably go for the more relaxed approach and let her try bits of finger foods from our plates. She's done well with the fruit and veg she had munched on so far

Slammerkin hope your return to work went ok?

And Velathria hope everything is still ok with you? any news on when you might be able to get up and about again?
hey girls ^^ i'm glad you are all enjoying time with your little ones. :) can't wait to have that.

Hunni- i get what you mean. It's just very stressful after. it is sad but at the same time you still have that connection with everyone when you come on :) we didn't forget you :)
And i am so happy to be able to talk to you all still about everything even though we are all in different situations now. Usually that's when it fades away.
So thanks for still listening to little old me :hugs:

ATM- I am still waiting for my next checkup which is this friday. So i'll find out how everything looks. Maybe by then the clot will have gone away and i could finally at least move around and do stuff.

Feel so useless. But on a brighter note, i am clearly now hearing the hb of my little one and i actually felt it the other day. It bulged itself out but i can see on the ultrasounds that it's a lively one. ^^ It's always bouncing around and kicking. No surprise i can feel it already ^^

Am going crazy looking at baby stuff online :rofl: dh might take my internet privileges away from me :D

But besides all that everything is going pretty well lately ^^ hope it stays like that :)
Hi all, I'm doing fairly well. Back to work is fine. Pumping is going well. I came home with 20 oz today!

Jack sleeps like crap! Not even sure how many times he wakes, but won't go more than two hours, and wakes more and more as it gets on toward morning. Really quite devastated at the idea of another horrendous sleeper like DD was. :(

Rose hope you have an awesome holiday. We are going to Ireland for 10 days in June.

Vel glad you're hearing and feeling the baby!

Hunni, hope everything is good with A'mouri!

Haven't heard from shaele in ages! Hope little Zack is doing well.
Hi all! Sorry it's been a while, we just got back from holiday. We had a great time :) I bought an ergo 360 before we went, so we didn't take the buggy. It was so much easier carrying Alice around, I am so glad I bought the ergo. Alice has also regressed with sleeping, she now won't settle in her cot and because I just want an easy life, I have let her sleep with us for the last 3 weeks. DH is looking forward to having the bed back but to be honest I'm quite enjoying the snuggles :haha: plus when she's in with us she tends to sleep for longer, and feeding her in the night is really easy. In fact I'm not even sure how many times she wakes now as I Hardly wake up when I latch her on.

We are going to start weaning. I let her have a few tastes before holiday but didn't want to start properly, as I didn't want the hassle while away. The cheeky monkey has started trying to grab our food and gets quite cross when we are eating and she doesn't have any :haha: so I think she's ready.

Hope you're all well. Velathria only a couple of weeks and you're half way through :) it's crazy how quickly things change - it seems a lifetime ago that I was pregnant now.

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