Welcome Adrie, Thyite, Fxmummy, Amber, and Stephy!
adrie - fx for you that it won't take forever! i've been ttc since feb and it's getting to be a bit much.
thyite - i know waiting to test is hard but i try to wait to test til i missed af so i don't waste money with tests.
fxmummy - it only takes one time bding to be pregnant sometimes, so who knows, plus closer to o is better! and i know what you mean our little guy is almost 2 and i wasn't planning on waiting this long to ttc #2.
Amber - hmm that is an early o but if previous cycle was long could be! go with what the test says and have fun bding. i hope it doesn't take as long for you this time around, and i know it's hard but relax and try not to stress about ttc (it helped last time for you!)
Stephy - you're not late at all! i wouldn't stress too much about no bding the day you have a pos opk cuz little swimmers can last up to 3 to 4 days inside you. i would suggest bding every other day not only to not be drained but to help sperm count.
So, I have to come right out with it, for you ladies to understand. I am like a complete 'control freak' (not with my hubs,lol) but when it comes to this whole TTCing thing, yes, I will be the first to admit, I am "controling" (if you want to use that word), but I much prefer to call myself, well prepared or "on top of things' and "informed" lol. Anyways. Like I said, I got a high fertility reading yesterday on my monitor, which was odd, but I thought, "a lot of women have had super success with this thing, so just go with it". Well, this morning, CD 10 I was fully expecting to get either a high or a peak reading on the monitor, I went ahead and collected my FMU and SMU (I normally run my SMU through the monitor, even though CB says to use FMU bc I only get surges of LH with my SMU so I thought it would be pointless to use FMU and I've been advised by many other ladies to use SMU in my situation) After collecting my urine, my long awaited cat tree and new litter box was delivered to my door and I quickly lost track of time trying to piece it together using the awful instructions that were included with it. By the time I looked at the clock and turned my monitor on and put a stick in it, it was too late!!!!

It kept telling me to take it out and by default gave me a high fertility reading for today. So, now I'm officially "freaking out". We did BD last night and the night before so If I was going to get a Peak reading, then hopefully, we got that covered as long as we BD in the morning, maybe that night, definitely the next day, skip a day, and then one more for good measure. BUT I'm a little confused. My LH strips (I did a few wondfo's throughout the day and some of the test sticks) and OPK's actually seem to be back at a low fertility (though some LH was detected on the OPK, and both the wondfo's, my estrogen line has went back dark. Did I O and miss the surge, bc I didn't do another LH strip later on CD 9? I quite literally just started temping but I had a huge temp drop this morning as well, which makes me even more confused. Did I actually already O and the monitor missed it, or am I still waiting to O? Is anyone else using a CBFM? I'm going to attach some pics of my progression to the High, and then today's tests both the OPK's and the Wondfo's. One of the pics will have the wondfo's from today with yesterday's at the bottom for a comparison of darkness, and another photo will have the same but with the OPK's. Help. I'm freaking out already.

( the last pic has the the CD 9 wondfo on the top)