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Ttc #2

I have my fingers crossed for you ladies! Hoping you see your bfps very very soon!
So this is the LH test I took this afternoon -- looks a bit darker than this morning's! Really hoping that it turns into a true positive tomorrow morning.


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Looking great second!!
Oily- congrats!!! Wonderful news! Keep us updated on the growing bean!
Haven't been on in a week. I have my doc appointment in the morning, the 12th. Hope to start getting answers. No normal period in months now only spotting for under 2 days
That is so frustrating peanut! I hope you get some answers on the 12th.
Are any of you addicted to watching birth videos? My favorite are natasha hance (not graphic at all).
Cd7 here for me, need to go pick up the pack of opk's I ordered at the post office.
Nearly positive for you second!

I hope your appointment can help you peanut, that's so frustrating.

Good luck with the opks anneburg!

Afm. I'm 11dpo today and not feeling any symptoms at all :( I'd usually be cramping by now for both af or bfp. My boobs are killing me, but that always happens straight after O, cervix is high and firm but it tilts badly towards my back (another thing worrying me) so I can't reach to tell if it's closed still or not. I managed the other day to reach and it was closed. I have constant lotiony cm, not loads but it's always there. Feeling out though :(
Well last cycle, on CD10, the LH test was really dark ... very close to positive. This time, it was pretty dark, but not significantly darker than the past three days. Not sure what to think! My temps are still pretty low and I'm still seeing EWCM.

Usually I wouldn't be too caught up in the exact timing because I'd know I was BDing in the general window, but since I'd like to try taking Prometrium after I ovulate and don't want to mess up the timing, I'm finding it a little anxiety-producing to try to identify O.

I would just not worry about the progesterone until you see your temp shift, initially, like those first 2-3days you should have plenty of progesterone in your system to be okay without it, it's the rest of the luteal phase that is normally the problem, when you temp is shifting, the egg hasn't even made it down to your uterus to implant yet, and it's at implantation to level progesterone is more important. So, if you can, take a breather, relax, and know that it's not vital that you start the PC ASA you O. It's perfectly fine to wait to see the shift. Even once FF gives you cross hairs you still have days until the egg would make it down there to need the progesterone to sustain a pregnancy, and once you know you've shifted, you'll have plenty of time to get your level of progesterone leveled out for a fertilized egg to implant and stay their nicely. :)
Thank you so much, Amber! You just put my mind at ease. I was wondering if it would be OK to put off the Prometrium a day or two (not on purpose, just to be safe), and that makes a lot of sense. I think I'm taking it in the evening too, so I'll have a day to wait and monitor signs and feel confident that O has passed.

I just got this positive half an hour ago! This is the same day -- CD11 -- that I got a positive OPK last time. It's interesting that my ovulation date seems to be consistent and it's the LP that varies. I always figured it would be opposite. But I'll work with what I have! Fingers crossed.

Peanut, I hope your doctor's visit went well and gave you some insight.


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I've had 1 MC before I got pg with my DS he's now 9 years old. I've had the Mirena since he was born I had it removed in November. This is my first cycle TTC #2. We've dtd for 6 days during my fertile period all the way up to the dbO. Today is O! I'm 33 and finally ready for #2. How long do I need to wait to test? I'm anxious to get a positive!
I've had 1 MC before I got pg with my DS he's now 9 years old. I've had the Mirena since he was born I had it removed in November. This is my first cycle TTC #2. We've dtd for 6 days during my fertile period all the way up to the dbO. Today is O! I'm 33 and finally ready for #2. How long do I need to wait to test? I'm anxious to get a positive!

You could feasibly get a positive within maybe 8 or 9 days, but if you do decide to test early, don't be discouraged if you don't see a positive. When I was pregnant in 2012, I had a stark negative at 9 DPO and had a super-faint line at 10 DPO, but then within less than a week it was very dark! So testing early can be an emotional roller coaster, but if it helps you wait and you have a lot of tests around, you should feel free. Good luck!!!
Hi everyone. I was thinking of getting some vitex to help get AF back since still nothing nearly 5 weeks after nexplanon removal. Have any of you used it? Thanks 😊
So I started temping again and I feel like my temperatures are really low this time! I was at 96.7 yesterday and 96.4 today (I'm on CD6, probably will O around CD12). I'm traveling and maybe that's part of it -- low on sleep and not eating as much as normal, also a little rushed/stressed? Anyway, it's not necessarily a bad thing, just surprised me. Last cycle I would be at around 97.3 on these days, though I was taking my temps later in the morning.

Hey guys! Tested early at 9dpo and got myself a super dark BFP almost right away. Hoping it sticks and AF stays away this month.

So this is the LH test I took this afternoon -- looks a bit darker than this morning's! Really hoping that it turns into a true positive tomorrow morning.

Haven't been on in a week. I have my doc appointment in the morning, the 12th. Hope to start getting answers. No normal period in months now only spotting for under 2 days

Nearly positive for you second!

I hope your appointment can help you peanut, that's so frustrating.

Good luck with the opks anneburg!

Afm. I'm 11dpo today and not feeling any symptoms at all :( I'd usually be cramping by now for both af or bfp. My boobs are killing me, but that always happens straight after O, cervix is high and firm but it tilts badly towards my back (another thing worrying me) so I can't reach to tell if it's closed still or not. I managed the other day to reach and it was closed. I have constant lotiony cm, not loads but it's always there. Feeling out though :(

Second.time- I also was having low temps in the lowers 96's previous to this cycle, since I started all the supplements, my temps never got that low. I had read and saw some video's done my fertility specialist that said that follicular phase temps that low are a REALLY high indication of a thyroid issue, which thyroid cancer runs in my family (actually all females on my mom's side get thyroid tumors, and have had to have their thyroid removed before 40, and as an added bonus they also have female reproductive cancers that every single one of them have had to had a hysto. before the ago of 35 bc of, so that probably has a lot to do with my feel so much pressure for time and conceiving) Anyways, this month when I started all the supp's my temps never got that low, and majority of my supp's help to regulate female repro. hormones AND all your other hormones as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if that is why I have had such a drastic change in pre and post O temps so far. But the change in time could have something to do with it as well, especially if your room has a couple windows and the sun heats it up fairly quickly and it's rising before you temp now. Just some thoughts on it though. And your wondfo is looking great, I would think it will either peak later that day or the next with what it already looks like!

OilyMomma- So Jealous!!!! Congratulations! Hope you have a happy and healthy next nine months, and at least a few moments of sanity during the next 18-35 yrs :rofl:

Peanut- Sorry to hear about all the grief and confusion you are going through this cycle. I surely hope that you can get some answers soon. Can you GP (or the Dr. doing your bloods) not refer you out to a fertility specialist?

Fxmommyduck- What has been going on, on your end of things?

AFM- I am currently 5 dpo, with a nice second estrogen dip right after my temp shift and steadily climbing back up now. Last night at 1am, I did a CP check and got this (Graphic) does this look like IB to you ladies? I haven't had anything look like that since, but it's been pink creamy cm all day ever since. No sex or crazy CP checking, so not sure what to think. It also came on right around the same time that my cramping amped up and I started to get breast pain, so I don't know. I've tested (call me crazy, but I've seen bfp's at 5/6dpo from determined charters so I just keep my FX'd that I might get lucky and catch an early bfp!) So far I have got some shadows but I'm not looking into it any further, as I've got my hopes up before bc of shadows and symptoms only for AF to show, so I'm waiting on a nice and clear Pregnant line, to start celebrating. I sure hope this month did it for us.... :kiss:


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Hi everyone. I was thinking of getting some vitex to help get AF back since still nothing nearly 5 weeks after nexplanon removal. Have any of you used it? Thanks 😊

Using it LOVE IT! I also did Black Cohosh to help with hormone regulation, egg health and increase odd's of conception with it. You do the BC CD's 1-13 only, and the vitex your entire cycle. I would recommend these to regulate your cycle and get healthy fertility wise:

Multi- Cheap Version:

(For cheap one's listed in order from best to worst:)



Multi that is the best:


And this is Really Important: https://shop.rainbowlight.com/Prenatal-DHA-Smart-Essentials/p/RBLT-113323&c=RainbowLight@Women@Heart

This is the Vitex that I suggest:

I take this:https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Way-...=UTF8&qid=1476317302&sr=8-1&keywords=femaprin

But I've heard really good things about this one: https://www.amazon.com/Gaia-Herbs-V...=UTF8&qid=1476317302&sr=8-4&keywords=femaprin

And the Black Cohosh is Easy:

That looks a lot like my ib with my first!! All sounding promising symptoms too!!

Pretty sure af is arriving for me :( I'm so down and stressed that we're getting good bding in, very pos opks great timing etc and it's just not playing ball. I don't know what else to try!! I'm not used to 'trying' so I'm feeling very frustrated. And also panicking about why my average 33 day cycles are down to 26 days. Maybe I should go to the gp???
Thank you so much, Amber! You just put my mind at ease. I was wondering if it would be OK to put off the Prometrium a day or two (not on purpose, just to be safe), and that makes a lot of sense. I think I'm taking it in the evening too, so I'll have a day to wait and monitor signs and feel confident that O has passed.

I just got this positive half an hour ago! This is the same day -- CD11 -- that I got a positive OPK last time. It's interesting that my ovulation date seems to be consistent and it's the LP that varies. I always figured it would be opposite. But I'll work with what I have! Fingers crossed.

Peanut, I hope your doctor's visit went well and gave you some insight.

Are you taking a high dose of B6, B12, and possibly Vitex to fix the luteal defect? It's REALLY Important to do that. I take a LOT of b6 and b12 a day. Just my Vitex alone has 100mg's of B6 it, which is 5,000%DV. And a bunch of my other things have b6,12 in them, as well as my complex I take.
I've had 1 MC before I got pg with my DS he's now 9 years old. I've had the Mirena since he was born I had it removed in November. This is my first cycle TTC #2. We've dtd for 6 days during my fertile period all the way up to the dbO. Today is O! I'm 33 and finally ready for #2. How long do I need to wait to test? I'm anxious to get a positive!

I've had 1 MC before I got pg with my DS he's now 9 years old. I've had the Mirena since he was born I had it removed in November. This is my first cycle TTC #2. We've dtd for 6 days during my fertile period all the way up to the dbO. Today is O! I'm 33 and finally ready for #2. How long do I need to wait to test? I'm anxious to get a positive!

You could feasibly get a positive within maybe 8 or 9 days, but if you do decide to test early, don't be discouraged if you don't see a positive. When I was pregnant in 2012, I had a stark negative at 9 DPO and had a super-faint line at 10 DPO, but then within less than a week it was very dark! So testing early can be an emotional roller coaster, but if it helps you wait and you have a lot of tests around, you should feel free. Good luck!!!

Lamontrod- I'm in the same boat as far as testing. I'm 5dpo and have already started testing several times a day. I can't wait. I just can't. :rofl:

And Second.time- Big Congrats on the Blazing + Wondfo LH!!!! Yay!!!
Amber, I only had two mornings of temps lower than 97, and they were both mornings when I was waking up unusually early and was traveling (low on sleep, kind of stressed out, etc.). I marked them as questionable -- every other temp this cycle has been 97 to 97.4, which seems a bit more expected. Thanks for mentioning thyroid issues. I worry that does run in my family, but the last test I had showed normal TSH levels, so hopefully I'm OK for now. It's a good thing to keep an eye on though. And I stopped taking B6/B12 right after AF ended because I was worried it would delay ovulation, but I'll start again soon.

Second day in a row of a positive OPK! Last cycle, I had a fairly strong positive one day and then it was back to negative the next. This time, I've seen two REALLY strong ones in a row. I have no clue whether this is good or bad. My temps are still pretty low and I'm seeing EWCM, so I guess I'll wait and see if I have a temp rise tomorrow!
That looks a lot like my ib with my first!! All sounding promising symptoms too!!

Pretty sure af is arriving for me :( I'm so down and stressed that we're getting good bding in, very pos opks great timing etc and it's just not playing ball. I don't know what else to try!! I'm not used to 'trying' so I'm feeling very frustrated. And also panicking about why my average 33 day cycles are down to 26 days. Maybe I should go to the gp???

I'm so sorry. It's frustrating, but even couples who do everything perfectly and are 100% healthy and fertile can take a while. It's just statistics, sadly. I think you should see your GP if it would give you peace of mind. At the very least you can have some basic blood work done and know that everything is OK, or maybe there's a very simple thing you can do to improve your odds. But my guess would be that you'll get a BFP very soon. I know how hard it is to wait.
Hi everyone. I was thinking of getting some vitex to help get AF back since still nothing nearly 5 weeks after nexplanon removal. Have any of you used it? Thanks 😊

Using it LOVE IT! I also did Black Cohosh to help with hormone regulation, egg health and increase odd's of conception with it. You do the BC CD's 1-13 only, and the vitex your entire cycle. I would recommend these to regulate your cycle and get healthy fertility wise:

Multi- Cheap Version:

(For cheap one's listed in order from best to worst:)



Multi that is the best:


And this is Really Important: https://shop.rainbowlight.com/Prenatal-DHA-Smart-Essentials/p/RBLT-113323&c=RainbowLight@Women@Heart

This is the Vitex that I suggest:

I take this:https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Way-...=UTF8&qid=1476317302&sr=8-1&keywords=femaprin

But I've heard really good things about this one: https://www.amazon.com/Gaia-Herbs-V...=UTF8&qid=1476317302&sr=8-4&keywords=femaprin

And the Black Cohosh is Easy:

Wow thanks! I'm in the UK and struggling to find any? I may have to widen my search? I'm glad you are seeing results. I can't wait to try 😀
Cw - another name for vitex is Agnes castus. Maybe you can find it that way ;)

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