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Ttc #2

Hi all. I had my implant removed Friday and just now starting CD1 of my first cycle TTC #2. I have a three year old boy who will hopefully be a big brother soon :)
Good luck to you all :)
Thanks for all that info Amber! Super useful! I had no idea there was such variance in the surge levels between women. I'm gonna use up the ones I've got for the rest of this cycle then if there's a next one I'll look into the ones you suggested.
Yay for ovulation Second! I hope you caught that egg!
Welcome kirstybumx3!

fx you catch that egg soon, ttc can become all consuming and a little overwhelming but soo worth it!
Amber - i hope that the charts that march yours means you caught that egg and it's a sticky bean for you!

Anne - i never got a line on opks that was darker than control only as dark, so like amber said it's different for all ladies and all the tests aren't the same, but here's hoping you are having the same as when you conceived #1!

Second - don't get too discouraged with bding cuz with our first we only bded once during that cycle (i was just starting to temp to see what my cycles looked like so we weren't even truly ttc at that point!)

Peanut - i was just wondering about how you were doing and was going to ask if there was an update for you! so still no proper af? what does your ob say about it? fx for you!

afm - feeling way less tired (still there of course but able to function now) and nausea has subsided, i guess the second tri upswing is in effect. heard the baby's heartbeat (in 150's) at my last ob appt and all was good according to my ob. my us is coming up on the 27th and i can't wait to see this little one for the first time!
Amber - i hope that the charts that march yours means you caught that egg and it's a sticky bean for you!

Anne - i never got a line on opks that was darker than control only as dark, so like amber said it's different for all ladies and all the tests aren't the same, but here's hoping you are having the same as when you conceived #1!

Second - don't get too discouraged with bding cuz with our first we only bded once during that cycle (i was just starting to temp to see what my cycles looked like so we weren't even truly ttc at that point!)

Peanut - i was just wondering about how you were doing and was going to ask if there was an update for you! so still no proper af? what does your ob say about it? fx for you!

afm - feeling way less tired (still there of course but able to function now) and nausea has subsided, i guess the second tri upswing is in effect. heard the baby's heartbeat (in 150's) at my last ob appt and all was good according to my ob. my us is coming up on the 27th and i can't wait to see this little one for the first time!

mibabyhopes- I bet its a girl! I think that they normally have lower HB's but I cant remember what the research had said on it
amber - we are going to do a gender reveal with our family after the 20 week us, so we will know then!!! we waited with our ds until birth (my decision cuz dh wanted to know but supported me and was surprised with me) this time i want to plan for clothes so if it is a girl (which would be wonderful!) we can get some girl clothes and if it's a boy (still wonderful by the way!) then i can get out ds's baby clothes.
MiBabyHopes: so wonderful that you'll be seeing your little bean soon! Let us know how the ultrasound goes.
We also were team yellow with ds... Don't know what id do with #2!
MiBabyHopes: so wonderful that you'll be seeing your little bean soon! Let us know how the ultrasound goes.
We also were team yellow with ds... Don't know what id do with #2!

I found out with my first, but I "think" that I want to go team yellow with my second. It's just so hard, bc you don't know what to buy. All the GN stuff I see I don't like and if you don't know I feel like it's hard to prepare, but then I think about giving birth without knowing before hand and how special that moment would be when you finally find out what sex the baby is, is just priceless
MiBabyHopes, so cool that your pregnancy is going well! Hope everything continues to go wonderfully.

I found out at 20 weeks with my son but I'd like to try waiting this time. It does make clothes shopping a little harder, but I have lots of newborn clothes that are very gender-neutral. We went a little gender-neutral for my son.

I'm 4 DPO today. Took Prometrium the past two evenings. It does make me tired right after I take it, but thankfully not too bad during the day. No real symptoms ... just waiting around. Not sure if this is our month, but who knows?
Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.
Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

I'm so sorry! When I had to take a break last month, it was hard at first, but it ended up being kind of relaxing to just stop worrying about TTC for a while. I hope you end up having a peaceful break and come back to TTC feeling refreshed. I know it's still hard, though.
Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

I'm so sorry! When I had to take a break last month, it was hard at first, but it ended up being kind of relaxing to just stop worrying about TTC for a while. I hope you end up having a peaceful break and come back to TTC feeling refreshed. I know it's still hard, though.

Thanks second, yeh it's feeling hard already but I'm going to use the time to relax and stop thinking about ttc ALL the time lol! I have two lots of family coming to visit this month and Nov so a good distraction. Dh is finding it tough too I think but I'm really looking forward to a quiet Christmas just the three of us, a cosy fire and lots of snuggling 😉 Maybe it will be our month!!
Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

I'm so sorry! When I had to take a break last month, it was hard at first, but it ended up being kind of relaxing to just stop worrying about TTC for a while. I hope you end up having a peaceful break and come back to TTC feeling refreshed. I know it's still hard, though.

Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

I'm so sorry! When I had to take a break last month, it was hard at first, but it ended up being kind of relaxing to just stop worrying about TTC for a while. I hope you end up having a peaceful break and come back to TTC feeling refreshed. I know it's still hard, though.

Thanks second, yeh it's feeling hard already but I'm going to use the time to relax and stop thinking about ttc ALL the time lol! I have two lots of family coming to visit this month and Nov so a good distraction. Dh is finding it tough too I think but I'm really looking forward to a quiet Christmas just the three of us, a cosy fire and lots of snuggling 😉 Maybe it will be our month!!

I can empathize as well, right after my last CP, I thought I needed a break, and for the first 2 1/2 wks while I was "recovering emotionally" it was nice to not have the daily obsessive thoughts about TTC and timing, and Ovulation and TWW's, but then when we BD'd out of the blue and I thought, "I should just go ahead and put that in FF" I immediately realized that we had just so happened to of timed our bding right around the time that I had O'd several times previous, then it was a whole whirlwind of regret and not knowing what the hell was going on and it drove me up the wall that I had actually not tracked that month. So, don't make the same mistake I did, and if you are actually taking a break, take one, and don't decide to put anything down in the middle of it, bc you will instantly regret your decision to not keep track of anything, and it will probably be one of the most stressful cycle's you've had yet, I know it was for me. Good Luck! And everything happens for a reason, so maybe your body need's these two months off, you could get you some fertility boosting supp's to take while you're on your break so when you do come back, you're in the best/optimal fertility health you could be, bc two months is a good amount of time for all them to really start working, and then maybe December will be your month! If you need help with deciding what is best to take, let me know, as I have done TONS of research on it and could help you out tremendously. You know, if you did decide to take them, then you wouldn't feel like it was just taking a break and it would actually feel like preparing for when you come back. If that makes sense?
Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

I'm so sorry! When I had to take a break last month, it was hard at first, but it ended up being kind of relaxing to just stop worrying about TTC for a while. I hope you end up having a peaceful break and come back to TTC feeling refreshed. I know it's still hard, though.

Hi everyone, lots going on in here! Welcome Krissie nice to see you in here, I remember you in wtt. Glad to have your company again.

So, I'm really sad that me and dh are having to miss a couple of cycles. He has to go to Sweden next July so we can't risk a due date then. I definitely don't want to be stuck at home in the US with no family nearby with a newborn and a toddler. So we will resume trying in December. I'm just worried about missing 2 chances particularly as things have not happened for us yet 😢 But there we go, it is what it is.

I'm so sorry! When I had to take a break last month, it was hard at first, but it ended up being kind of relaxing to just stop worrying about TTC for a while. I hope you end up having a peaceful break and come back to TTC feeling refreshed. I know it's still hard, though.

Thanks second, yeh it's feeling hard already but I'm going to use the time to relax and stop thinking about ttc ALL the time lol! I have two lots of family coming to visit this month and Nov so a good distraction. Dh is finding it tough too I think but I'm really looking forward to a quiet Christmas just the three of us, a cosy fire and lots of snuggling 😉 Maybe it will be our month!!

I can empathize as well, right after my last CP, I thought I needed a break, and for the first 2 1/2 wks while I was "recovering emotionally" it was nice to not have the daily obsessive thoughts about TTC and timing, and Ovulation and TWW's, but then when we BD'd out of the blue and I thought, "I should just go ahead and put that in FF" I immediately realized that we had just so happened to of timed our bding right around the time that I had O'd several times previous, then it was a whole whirlwind of regret and not knowing what the hell was going on and it drove me up the wall that I had actually not tracked that month. So, don't make the same mistake I did, and if you are actually taking a break, take one, and don't decide to put anything down in the middle of it, bc you will instantly regret your decision to not keep track of anything, and it will probably be one of the most stressful cycle's you've had yet, I know it was for me. Good Luck! And everything happens for a reason, so maybe your body need's these two months off, you could get you some fertility boosting supp's to take while you're on your break so when you do come back, you're in the best/optimal fertility health you could be, bc two months is a good amount of time for all them to really start working, and then maybe December will be your month! If you need help with deciding what is best to take, let me know, as I have done TONS of research on it and could help you out tremendously. You know, if you did decide to take them, then you wouldn't feel like it was just taking a break and it would actually feel like preparing for when you come back. If that makes sense?

Thanks so much Amber, completely agree and me and dh said as much. Strictly no messing around and caving in somewhere in the middle of my cycle, I don't want all the wondering and what ifs.

Definitely seeing it as an opportunity to get in good shape for trying again. I would definitely love your advice and knowledge on the best supps to take. I'd really appreciate it thank you! 🙂
Mummyduck sorry to hear about the forced TTC pause but like others have said maybe it'll be a nice change from all the obsessing! ;)

Speaking of obsessing... So I think my opk's are getting lighter today. The darkest line was Thursday afternoon, probably about the same as the control line. Never saw a pos, but I'm not surprised given never having seen one either when TTC #1. This afternoon my cm is getting cloudier (usually my ewcm is very clear) and my nipples are extremely sensitive. In any case if I'm Oing today, we haven't been able to bd since Wednesday. What do you guys think? Still a chance?
Mummyduck sorry to hear about the forced TTC pause but like others have said maybe it'll be a nice change from all the obsessing! ;)

Speaking of obsessing... So I think my opk's are getting lighter today. The darkest line was Thursday afternoon, probably about the same as the control line. Never saw a pos, but I'm not surprised given never having seen one either when TTC #1. This afternoon my cm is getting cloudier (usually my ewcm is very clear) and my nipples are extremely sensitive. In any case if I'm Oing today, we haven't been able to bd since Wednesday. What do you guys think? Still a chance?

I read that the two very best days for BDing are the two days right before ovulation, so that timing would seem perfect to me.
Mummyduck sorry to hear about the forced TTC pause but like others have said maybe it'll be a nice change from all the obsessing! ;)

Speaking of obsessing... So I think my opk's are getting lighter today. The darkest line was Thursday afternoon, probably about the same as the control line. Never saw a pos, but I'm not surprised given never having seen one either when TTC #1. This afternoon my cm is getting cloudier (usually my ewcm is very clear) and my nipples are extremely sensitive. In any case if I'm Oing today, we haven't been able to bd since Wednesday. What do you guys think? Still a chance?

I read that the two very best days for BDing are the two days right before ovulation, so that timing would seem perfect to me.

Agree, more pregnancies are the result of BDing in the 3 day fertile window previous to the day before and of you O. Only BDing on the the day before and of actually lowers your odds of getting pregnant, and yes you most definitely are still in the running, but it will probably be a girl ;)
Thanks guys! Opk is very faint today so if I O'ed I think it definitely happened within the past 48h. Cm seems to have dried up today too, so I'm going to count today as 1dpo.
I really feel that temping would be helpful I just don't know how accurate it would be for me given that ds still wakes up a lot between 3 and 6am... Anyway we'll see.
Thanks guys! Opk is very faint today so if I O'ed I think it definitely happened within the past 48h. Cm seems to have dried up today too, so I'm going to count today as 1dpo.
I really feel that temping would be helpful I just don't know how accurate it would be for me given that ds still wakes up a lot between 3 and 6am... Anyway we'll see.

I have a very irregular sleep cycle and still am successful with temping, so you might want to give it a go. I of course track all my other signs, use the CB monitor, and LH strips as well, to make sure that my BBT's line up with everything, but they do each and every month, so I guess I'm lucky, or for some it's not as important to keep a strict schedule with it. I know other ladies that their charts would be completely whacked if they did what I did, but it does work for me, so maybe?

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