TTC#3 in August...looking for a buddy

Im starting to feel sooo sick when im hungry, loving it though as it makes me feel properly pregnant :haha:

How are my bump buddies today?

How are my soon to be bump buddies? Any symptoms yet ladies? xx
well i feel shit today, had argument with OH, poas and it was bfn! not even a hint of pink, i cant post pics b/c i cant find my sd card reader! foul mood today!!! fecking men!
hope everyone else is having a good sunday!
caz id love them sticks but they would drive me even more crazy, i got a bfn this morning at 9dpo with a 10mui test so i guess the sore BB is just af gearing up to arrive!:growlmad: checked CP and its high, firm and quite closed? dont know what that means but thats how it is. im not sure i should be even testing yet as my af is not due while 15th, i just thought as i O early i could test early..some say you can some say you cant, so feck knows?
im glad the sickness is kinda kicking in for you caz, sounds horrible but i am...means everything is going ok!..hope it passes soon for you though! xx
morning all other 3peats!!!!! xxxxx
cabs, dont be discouraged you might not be 9dpo and you may not have implanted so try to stay positive hun:hugs:
Caz hope MS isnt too bad for ya although it is a go:thumbup:od sign!
Cab - you might not even implant until 12dpo - 9dpo is still so so early, you are not out yet xx
Cab, 9DPO is still early. I didn't get mine until 11 DPO and I could barely see it. I'm sorry that you and OH are fighting. Just think about the make up :sex:!

Coral, how are you feeling?

Caz, I know what you mean about needing to feel sick to make sure everything is ok.

Jojo, you ok? I hope you are just super busy. I'm so used to seeing you on here everyday. Miss your posts.

I feel tired and blah. Not really sick yet but smells are starting to get stronger. My moods are blah too. My poor DH.
im ok, i realise im not out until af, as for the make up :sex: he can shove it!! :rofl::haha:
not sure if ive said but, ill be testing on af due date, 15th nov, i was only testing this early as i O early...:dohh: cant stand the bfn's so im leaving it up to mother nature! xx
Well ladies, sorry I haven't been on here weekend. I've pretty much just puked and slept all weekend. We tried to go to our fav farmers market with the kids and our cousins and their baby. DH had to pull over 3 times on the way for me to be :sick: and then on the way back another couple of times. I'm so exsausted all the time. I have to many naps thru out the day because I just can't keep my eyes open. I'll go do the dishes and have to sit and close my eyes for a bit, make dinner and have to take an hour nap. My DH has been taking care of the house work all weekend for me because I just can't get it done.ANd my lower back is really killing me. I'm going to call my Dr today because for 1, yesterday when I wiped one time there was a peach tint mixed with CM and I wasnt to make sure that wasn't spotting and second, everyone around me is convinced its twins and now I'm really thinking the same. I was nothing like this when I was preggo with my son but when I was preggo with the twins this is exactly how it was. I'm hoping I can get them to do an early scan for me. I'm sure all this cramping is just my lil bean growing because I'm already showing a bit!

@Caz, glad to hear your feeling the pregnancy but sorry it has to be the :sick: whenis your appt agian?
@Cab, I tested from 7dpo and didn't get my faint BFP until 12dpo and you could barley see it so your def not out!
@Trey, how you feeling hunni? Did you get your first OBGYN appt?
@Coral, any symptoms luv?

Ok Cab and Coral, let's get those BFP!!!!!
Sorry to hear you have been feeling so rough, I think you are def having twins jojo!! im good, apart from feeling sick & so tired! My next appointment is 25th November, what about you?
Thanks Caz. My offical 1st OBGYN visit isn't until Dec 2nd but I got an appt with the Dr today @ 2:00pm because of all the cramping and the little spotting I had. Really nervous. I hope everything is ok. They said they will do blood work to make sure that my HGC levels are ok and not going down and then if the numbers are high enough they may due an ultrasound. I really hope I get an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok and hopefully I'll be able to see if there are 1 or 2 in there!
Hi girls,

Nothing new with me really, just waiting til I can test!:haha: no symptoms really, nothing obviously noticable anyway. I had a lot of creamy cm but nothing today and yesterday.

Jojo, sorry you are so sick hun!:hugs: Can't wait to hear what happened at your doc appointment!!:happydance:

Caz, sorry you arent feeling great either, although I'm jealous at the reason you are both so sick!:haha:
Good luck at the drs appointment JoJo :hugs::hugs:

not long till you test now Coral :happydance::happydance:
i want to feel sick! *stamps feet* :haha:
sorry you guys feel rough but its a good sign, i remember with chloe i couldnt move without puking, with connor i was ok as long as i ate, hence him weighing 9lb 1oz..i did pass out once with him too, i landed in a heap on my butt!:haha:
:hugs: and :dust: to all xxxxxxxxxxx
i want to feel sick! *stamps feet* :haha:
sorry you guys feel rough but its a good sign, i remember with chloe i couldnt move without puking, with connor i was ok as long as i ate, hence him weighing 9lb 1oz..i did pass out once with him too, i landed in a heap on my butt!:haha:
:hugs: and :dust: to all xxxxxxxxxxx

:haha::haha: this is for us cab:dust::dust::dust:
i want to feel sick! *stamps feet* :haha:
sorry you guys feel rough but its a good sign, i remember with chloe i couldnt move without puking, with connor i was ok as long as i ate, hence him weighing 9lb 1oz..i did pass out once with him too, i landed in a heap on my butt!:haha:
:hugs: and :dust: to all xxxxxxxxxxx

:haha::haha: this is for us cab:dust::dust::dust:

Hi ladies. Well, it doesn't look good. Trying to stay positive but its really hard. Dr. saw a little blood on Cervix and they did my blood, waiting for the HGC level to see if its ok, then giving me a Rogham shot because of my blood type but she said it didn't look good. Now that's I've been home the cramping is getting really bad and the spotting is getting heavier and turning from peach to red and there was a couple clots a few min ago. I'm really trying to hope for the best but 'm really trying to prepare myself for the worst. I'm so scared becuase I just don't have a good feeling ladies. Say a prayer for me. :cry::cry:
Jojo, you are in my thoughts and my prayers, I really hope everything turns out ok for you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: when will you get your blood results? :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh jojo, you are definately in my thoughts and prayers hunny:hugs::hugs: so sorry you are going through this. I pray the HCG levels are still multiplying.
You have been having the siuckness which is a good sign. When I miscarried with my first pregnancy I was never sick, so stay positive. I also had some spotting after sex with my dd pregnancy and everything was fine. Try to stay calm as stress will make it worse:hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs::friends: jojo, you are in my prayers sweetie..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
But you've shown so many symptoms..that's a good thing. I'm praying for you and baby. I'm so sorry that this is happening. Keep us up to date on how ur feeling.
Thanks Ladies.Well, Last night around midnight the bleeding stopped after a small clot. Some more cramping today. Went to the dr. this morning but they still don't have the results back of my HGC. Said there is nothing they can do and no way to see if I'm still pregnant until they get the blood results. They will call me with the levels then I go back and get bloods done again Thurs morning for them to compare if they are going up or dropping. They won't do an ultrasound until my bloods show 7000miu of HGC because they said they would just see a sac and not really be able to tell if the baby is there or not so they don't want to put me under anymore stress than I already am. Hubby stayed home with me today to go to the Dr appt and keep me company. Trying to stay busy and not think about it but all I want to do is curl up in a ball and :cry::cry: Everyone keeps saying stay positive but I am trying to prepare myself for what I think is going to happen. I'm [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<Still feeling :sick: today but not sure if that's just nerves or what. I'll keep you updated on everything ladies. I'll try to be back on here later. Trying to keep myself busy so going shopping for my little girls birthday party this weekend. This is just so much harder because tomorrow is my Mom's birthday is in 2 days which is already sad and now this. Hopefully the party store and ordering a cake will help a little!

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