Sprinkles - congrats!!
AFM I'm so upset (not to mention in pain) because the doctor wasn't able to get the mirena out. He's gonna try again tomorrow afternoon; but if he can't get it then it will be next Tuesday before he can try again. I think I'll be O-ing later this week, so I'm really worried I'll miss it if the Mirena isn't out before then..
I'm sorry it wasn't an easy removal! I literally have felt your pain, my Mirena took three visits to get out. The strings were also missing, so he had to use those clamp things to try and grab it but he couldn't get ahold of it and it was starting to hurt really bad so he said he had to stop. Plan B was to basically watch what he was doing on an ultrasound machine, but due to my tilted uterus it couldn't be seen with an abdominal u/s.
On the third attempt, they used some numbing medication, that shot was quite possible the single most painful experience of my life, and they were going to use some kind of scope with a teeny-tiny camera on the end to see what they were doing (it took MONTHS to schedule this appointment because they didn't have one of those scope things and they had to call around and find a doctor that did have one and then jump through hoops to borrow it!). But after the shot, while the nurse was setting up, he made an attempt to use the clamp-things again and it came right out! He said with the cervix being numbed, he was able to angle the things back a bit further without it hurting me and that was all it took.
So there was my horror story. Lol.
I'm curious, how long had yours been in and do you still have periods while it's in? Is this your first Mirena?
This was my second, had been in for 2 1/2 years at the time of removal. First was for the full 5 years, strings present so super easy removal. I had no periods at all with either of them, my first cycle post removal this time was 45 days long, anovulatory. On my 4th cycle now, only had ovulation for two of them. After my first removal, I was pregnant 6 weeks later.
Sorry for the book, I talk too much.