TTC #3..stopped Clomid mid-way this month..

Hey Amelia,
So I did another test but its one of the same internet cheapies. It came up a bit darker but not much at all. So still faint pos. Sorry about the bad camera work today, it was dark out.



So the HSG test I had done when trying for Xavier. The second IUI after that worked. I was nervous too, but that year my hubby started a new job and couldn't go with me. So I drove (we live all of a block or two from the main hospital here) but I didn't have to go far. It was okay, the doc was really good about talking me through it all, so I wasn't left wondering what the hell he was doing.

I knew something was eating at you. Maybe we haven't been talking for long but I could tell when your response was different than normal. Its funny what you can pick up by conversation. Listen, no matter what you can always talk to me about this stuff, I know its hard and stressful first hand. You will get through it and the end result with be a child. I am confident of that. All of this technology has come so far and its amazing how many pregnancies result from it.

Haha, about the coffee table opinions. I hate making choices without Kevins second opinion too. Even though he doesn't care, and just says, 'its fine, can we go now?' I think its that late when they complain about it or something we can say, well you helped pick it too!

Anyways, go to your blood tests, :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Feel better, we'll talk soon,
I did 9 as well, and this needle was bigger than a normal one, so it hurts when I try to swing my arm around, oh well. It'll pass. Glad that's over with, now 2 more things to do and I'm all done!

Yes this one looks like yesterday's. Who knows you might be really early into pregnancy. Did they look like this with Xavier? You would know better depending on how they looked when you had a negative, but I can definitely see a second line, so it must be a pregnancy in the making! Some tests are only sensitive to 25, yours must be until you reach 50, then it'll get darker, since it's internet ones. I know the Clear Blue digital tells you pregnant if you're at 25 mcg.

So I dropped Sarah in school, I have half more hour to sit and relax before I have to go get both kids from class. I'll talk to you soon! Thanks for all your kindness, I appreciate it :)

The tests were very similar with Xavier. Maybe a bit darker but yes, and at 13-14 dpo. Those tests I have are 25mcg, but they tend to be faint. They Do decet it though. It'll be 13 dpo tomorrow, if AF were to start it would be then, but then I should have spotted today if so. I'm pretty sure as of today it's for real, some familiar feeling finally. The gals are finally a tad bit fuller, and a bit darker areoles. The main thing is when I get up suddenly I get that sharp pain. Had it with X too. So I decided I will just go for bloodwork Monday morning, as sunday I am busy with the party, don't want that all important phone call in the midst of company being here.

So you had the same bloodwork then. Did they day Lou has to have blood drawn too? Now you'll be able to get the other tests done, I can't remember, but what cycle day around do they do the HSG, like 7-10 area? Don't get too down on yourself, most things can be solved, and before you know it, your bfp will be here.

Okay, I need to sleep. I am exhausted, Xavier is pulling the nightime separation anxiety thing and I've been rocking hi and trying to put him down for the past hour and a half. Daddy is in there now trying,I really hope he wins, I just want to hit the hay!
Have a wonderful night. Enjoy the weekend!
Hey girlie, well that gives you a sense of double security :) Especially if you missed your period today. I also had a lot of cramping with both kids in early pregnancy, so it's nothing new. I always have a breast swelling/aerola color change right before my period, so I never really know if I should look for changes in my breasts to know if I'm preggers.

I'm feeling much better. I tend to have a slight PMS during my cycle, makes me really like down and upset, and I just want to fight with people. Last night I picked a fight with hubby right out of the blue, I got upset over something so stupid..then I shut him down the rest of the night..he came a couple of hours later and now I realize he apologized for doing nothing..just to make me feel better I guess, lol. We went to NJ today to do some shopping - just got home now.

So how do you feel? I have had some massive cramping in my uterine area today, I wonder if it's going to linger on till my HSG..I hope not! I can't have this kind of pain, and the HSG's. So we'll see. I'll pop a couple of Advils before the procedure. I highly doubt my fallopian tubes are problematic, what I sometimes think I may have is either a polyp or a fibroid in my endometrium lining; maybe something they can't quite see in a normal ultrasounds, because my periods have never ever been this painful. I guess we'll find out.

Did you test again today? What does hubby think about you being preggers? Is he as excited as you are? I'm looking forward to talking to you as you grow, and hopefully I'll join your pregnancy journey in a couple of months myself! It would be exciting.

Hope you had a great day, and I hope Xavier's party planning is going well! How exciting!! I miss the 1st birthdays..I'm a party planner for some friends and I mainly do birthdays, and for the kids each year I throw a nice party either from our backyard or reserving it somewhere. If you need any ideas or anything let me know!
So it's pretty much official. The test today showed more of a line so now I finally am believing it! I am pregnant. Weird saying that but I'm so excited. Obviously AF is missing, not even a hint of her. I can't wait for you too and we can then say we are bump buddies, lol. Ah, very soon things will fall into place for you.

So I am struggling with Xavier yesterday and today with both naps and bedtime. He's getting a bad case of separation anxiety and it's so hard and frustrating to deal with. Last night it was two hours of rocking, walking, snuggling, and both of us tag teaming before u finally breastfed him (more for comfort than anything) and got him to nod off in my arms. It was not fun. Today, both naps he screamed bloody murder until his voice was hoarse, about 45 minutes till I couldn't take anymore both times. I had to check on him so everytime he just got louder. Tonight he fell asleep after a 30 minute bout of crying and not as bad as before. I just don't know what else to do to make it better for him, we go through our routine bath/feed/books and he is ready and rubbing his little eyes, but as soon as he senses I am leaving, it's wailing. I think I need a lifesize cardboard cutout of me to put by his crib :) lol

As for PMS and not just pre but during, I get it too. I tend to get annoyed more easily and if he so much as takes a jab at me its war. At least Lou knows when to take it easy with you cause you are not your self. Unfortunately Kevin has no sensitivity gene unless I am a bawling mess then he'll quit. It's not fair that he doesn't seem to get that he makes it worse though. And is it really our fault when our wacky hormones are to blame? Glad your a bit better though.

So, I don't really feel too much today. The gals are fine, the cramping is less, sleeping like crap sucks though. Also this afternoon I hadn't eaten a lot during the day as i was too busy dealing with Xaviers neediness, when 3pm hit and I had to eat or iwas gonna pass out. And nothing seemed to satisfy. I was making a crab dip for the party and when I tasted it to see how it was seasoned it tasted like cardboard to me, I had to have Kevin be the judge (nothing wrong with it of course). I am a hey and tired but to be fair I've done a lot today. Fed the two boys three meals each, made cocktail meatballs, Spinach dip, crab dip, deviled eggs, cleaned behind and under all furniture, vacuumed and washed floors, dusted. Now I am baking Xavier's smash cake. Just call me super mom :)

So tell me, what did you buy? I miss shopping but mat leave and now quitting my job means sacrifices. For the HSG test, take Tylenol/ Acetaminophen not Advil/Ibuprofen , the latter is known not to be good for fertility. You'll do fine with it, and your cramps should be gone. When is it booked for? Kev is thrilled too about it (except when Xavier was being a pain today he said 'oh god what are we getting ourselves into' ).

So good night, I'm off to collect my teddy shaped cake from the oven. Refrigerate overnight and ice in the morning. When I win the lottery I will pay you to fly to whatever island we live on to do party planning for me. Lol
Ttyl XOXO :)
Hi! I wrote a long e-mail last night, then I tried to post it and it wouldn't, and it all cancelled out. I'm so upset!

So long story short! I am so happy for you & hubby. I'm sorry about the separation anxiety Xavier is feeling, but it's nothing new. Up until they're 18 months old, or even 2 years old, they have that. I battled with it for so long with my son, and there was nothing I could do until he actually got over it himself. With Sarah, we kept her in our room till she was 12 months old, and she was a good baby throughout the night, only woke up once. Marlen was difficult, he'd wake up so many times in one night, I felt like a zombie my first year with him, I think that's why we didn't try to get pregnant right away after having him, by the time he was 2, he had outgrown all that fear of being left alone, or whatever goes through their mind.

That food sounds delicious! I like to plan ahead too, like two days before I'll do the decor and the cooking, I don't bake a cake though just order it from a bakery here in town. When the guests come I want everything to be perfect, not just for show - but for the kids to be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest, it's just me, lol. I think my house is the cleanest around birthdays..which is odd, mostly it's the messiest around birthdays!

We actually went to just get some groceries from this Turkish place in New Jersey, then I ended up stopping at Bestbuy and getting an IPAD, my computer has been a pain lately, and we only got it during Thanksgiving! I have a million pictures in there, photography is something I love and I probably take pictures everyday, I have to clean it out and put it on some disc. I wanted to ask an IUI only used if the male has any issues? Like..I was wondering if all tests came back normal for me and hubby, and my issue remains ovulation, I wonder if it'd work better if I did Clomid/IUI than just Clomid/BD. I haven't dropped off Lou's specimen yet, they told me that you have to wait 5 days of no sex to have this done, and I didn't know that, so I'll have to reschedule for next week sometime.

Most men aren't as excited about pregnancies or babies in general as much as we are. I mean it's understandable. We carry the child, we experience all those feelings, sometimes men get a way. I had a friend who got pregnant after I got pregnant with Marlen, and when we had Marlen first, her husband was bombing me with questions on how hard is it? is it financially it this, is it that..I was like RELAX, take a deep breath! lol. First time daddy! With Lou I wouldn't say I noticed any changes, if I say I want 5 kids he'll be like..whatever you want, cause I stay home, I do everything for them around here except for financially support them lol. So..I think it's normal for a guy to feel like.."are we sure we are doing this, again?" It'll pass. Lou was kind of like that with my pregnancy with Sarah, but now that she's here, she is his biggest love and has honestly got him wrapped around her little finger!

Hope your symptoms are feeling better, cramping..appetite etc etc. I skipped meals at times in my first trimester, and I actually made myself eat (and gag) because I almost passed out one day at the grocery store, I was pregnant with Sarah, I had Marlen with me. I blacked out for like 5 minutes - was taken to the doctors and they told me that my sugar level had dropped, and I have to eat at least snacks during the day. So..don't forget to eat; even if it's something very light.

I'll talk to you soon..hope you have a great rest of the weekend!
I don't have time to talk right now, but I just wanted to show you a pic of Xavier from his birthday. I'll write more later on.



PS we had two cakes, one ordered and one just for him to smash and make a mess of.
Aww, he's a little cutie!! Happy Birthday little man!

Me neither, I have been at the ER with Sarah all afternoon, apparently she ran a fever last night, gave her tylenol, and this morning she became completely lethargic. I got so scared, am not used to seeing my baby girl that weak, they ran some blood tests and all came back normal, she's back to her normal self, just recently puked; so I almost feel like something in her stomach must have been really bothering her, she did complain of pain, but I didn't know she was struggling to let it out. My poor little princess! Looking forward to getting some serious sleep tonight - have been up all night, including a 4am trip to the pharmacy!

Nitey nite! Xoxo
Crap, I just lost my huge long reply too. Why does this keep doing that?

I am so sorry you went though that the other night. I sincerely hope Sarah is okay and back to herself! Sounds like you really needed a sleep after all that. How was last night, did you sleep like the dead? I know I did. After the party I was zonked, and once I got Xavier to bed and everything packed up or cleaned, Kevin left for hockey. I cleaned a bit more then gave up and watched tv in bed. I only remember the first 10 minutes of the show before I passed out. :)

So I went for my bloodwork this morning, and three hour after they called saying 'yep, your definately pregnant!' so my numbers are great, 159 at 15 dpo. I'm thrilled, Kev is happy and I told Xavier on his first birthday (today is the real day) that he gets to be a big brother! Life is good right now.

As for the IUI, it's for women too, so long as the issue is minor. In your case, all the doctor needs to do is get your Follicles growing properly and to get you to ovulate. If you want to force the issue quickly then a follicle stimulating drug with trigger and IUI may be a good way. The trigger allows you to time things best and pretty much guarantees the follicles will release their eggs. It worked for me where natural surge detection didn't. Oh well the first pregnancy did.
5 days? My DH was told 3-5 days and no longer as the percentage of abnormal sperm and motility would be low if not.
Congrats! :D

yes, I did sleep very very well last night. I didn't want to wake up to take my son to school this morning, but I had to. My bed felt too good! My little princess slept all night as well.

Do you think Xavier will understand by the time you give birth that he's a big brother? It didn't really hit Marlen that he was going to be a big brother until he actually saw me at the point where I was almost popping! It was too cute, they'll rub your belly and kiss it..he used to say beba..beba..he was only 2.

Time to go for school pick ups, another busy day. My HSG is thursday, I actually read somewhere that they can actually also evaluate the endometrium, so maybe I won't need the SIS..two things in one, preferrably..but I have a feeling, it's going to be nothing. I had the same issue with Sarah, and once I ovulated I got pregnant. I have a feeling it's just an O issue..but I must go for all of this anyway!

Enjoy the rest of your day - now you can rest assured that you are indeed preggers! I told you not to get so pessimistic :p
Yes yes, you told me so. I guess I shouldn't have worried about the lower count. It turned out fine. Oh I forgot to ask you if you mentioned your history of low progesterone numbers. Did he have a plan yet or just wait until all the testing is done?
Im going to bet that you are nervous as hell about Friday. Your going to do just fine! Is Lou taking it off to drive you?

Oh you mentioned a love of photography. Another thing we have in common. Since you have the iPhone and now an iPad, get the app instagram. It's great!

It's me! I don't know what happened to my previous account. I asked the moderators to delete some parts in this thread..and they went and deleted my account name! Ugh.

So I'm not that nervous about Thursday anymore..I think I'll be fine. Lou did take off to drive me's at 9am, I had to reschedule it to as early as possible because I just want it over with!

Ha..funny, I have instagram and love it! Xavier looks too cute in that avatar is him right? I did not mention the low progesterone levels, but I did tell him that each time I returned on CD21 for testing, the GYN had told me that I didn't ovulate due to my progesterone levels..I believe in the vials of blood that I had taken, he tested for that tho!

How are you feeling? Craving anything in particular?
Okay I just added you to my contacts, once you accept me we can just personal message each other and keep it private :) oh if you want to take stuff out of the posts I just hit edit and delete those parts.
Cravings? Not really other than crab dip taste like crap. Lol
Ok this is completely nuts, I had to create another log in, my past two accounts won't let me go in. I have no clue. I just keep getting the same error message and in order to get in BNB again I had to create a new account. The problem is, once I'm logging out, I can't log back in. If this one doesn't work I'm just going to send you an email. There are other forms of keeping in touch I guess lol. It's so upsetting cuz I lost all my BNB buddy list :/ in not going to log out of this name, try adding me again under this account as the others are unaccessable.

Thanks! Hugs!

Big sigh! This is the last thing I needed this month!
PS: I love crab dip! I'm a Japanese food lover and each time I go for sushi I either get the crab one or shrimp tempura rolls! Which as a matter of fact, I could totally have one right now!
I ate some jalapeño poppers earlier, no issue. Weird how some things are okay and others not. Okay I'll add you again. I think your issue is with your email or something. Wien I added you last time it showed under my friends that your new name was showing on both your old and new contact! It's like it recognized it was you.

Have you reported the issue to bnb? Maybe they can fix things. That sucks about all your buddies. This has become my new addiction, I think I'd be pretty upset if that happens :(

Oh and yes that my son in the picture. I took it and altered the colour in instagram.
I reported it twice, no luck! Oh well..I didn't want to just up and leave like that..and besides, it's become like an addiction when my daughter is napping or in school! It's good to keep in touch, otherwise it'd be me and these 4 walls with the way I don't talk to anyone except my best friend & my mom about personal things like this. Not that it's that personal..but you know what I mean, not everyone gets it!

Not sure what I'm fixing for dinner yet, Lou's not home till' around 9pm so I have sometime in my hands to whip up something delicious! ;) I have been munchin on junk food all day!

yes it was pretty upsetting, I mean I can't see why this happened, I can't even access my other accounts whatsoever, maybe once they get my complaints they'll be able to figure it out..who knows! Hope the rest of your night goes smooth..and that X's birthday was a ton of fun!
I wanted to show you a pic on the thread, how do you post them?
You go into 'go advanced' in the reply box. Then on top of the new reply box select the paper clip. Choose your image, upload the. Add to your reply by looking in the paperclip menu.
Thanks! Will have to do it from PC, doesn't look like it's letting me from my iPhone.

So I went to pick up my prescription glasses today so I cam renew my license, and I knew something was wrong the minute I put them on. He told me I'll get used to them, I stepped out and I got so dizzy I tripped on the sidewalk. I was seeing double with them! I was like, obviously this prescription is very strong to make me like this, and unfortunately the 100 year old opthamologist who put the numbers in was off today. Ive had contacts before with no problem, I know for a fact that these glasses were super strong! The dr kept getting on my case on .. Oh if you drive without glasses you will get in a lot of trouble. I was thinking, really, 5 years doing that and not an accident, but whatever. My knee is so sore, I honestly felt like I was on a rocking boat on them..not normal! Yikes! I think I won't be a happy camper till I see my :bfp: lol!

Nite nite!

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