TTC #3..stopped Clomid mid-way this month..

LOL! Yes I agree. I always wanted to be a journalist, that dream died when my parents thought I'd make no money so I ended up getting a B.S. in Business Administration, and ended up dealing with numbers all day! I love writing, it's my deepest passion!

How was the movie? I know I couldn't respond right away, that sounds like such a peaceful night though, I get those once in a while, and I tell myself, today I will stay in front of the tv all day - then I get a headache just watching and watching!

That sounds like an interesting job! With kids it's always hard. With Marlen my PIL's took care of him so I would avoid the extremely expensive daycare costs, then Sarah was born, and they didn't mind watching her, but then they opened a restaurant that's doing pretty well here in town and my MIL wasn't able to always be there full-time. We are hoping that by finishing this basement, maybe they'll move in with us in the near future, mainly for peace of mind even if I ever have to go somewhere, I don't have to worry to dress two kids up if god forbid an emergency occurrs, plus when I'm ready to go back to work - they'd definitely stay here till I got back. With this new thing from home though, it sounds pretty convincing, so we will see.

Today my spotting became more and more, it''s like it doesn't drip if I'm in the restroom - but when I wipe it definitely comes out. It's so odd, it's almost like a light menstrual period, except brown. Never had this much. Can't wait for the day after tomorrow, I am also so tired lately. As soon as Marlen goes to school, I sleep in until at least 10am, then wake up all achey. They definitely have to do some blood testing. I am already anemic as it is - so hopefully it hasn't gotten worse, since I'm not the greatest veggie person out there!

So you are approaching test day soon! I'm so excited for you, and yes I know what you mean about waiting all this time to test, but then getting so nervous when doing so, it happens to me all the time, I get shaky inside..butterflies in my stomach!! I guess it's a feeling that we are supposed to experience. You're not the only one, count on it :)

How's the little man doing? How's the weather there? Today we had some freezing rain, so I haven't left the house all day, in PJ's actually lol.

I'm glad most of your healthcare costs are covered. That's very important. With hubby's insurance, I never knew how good of a plan he was going to get, before we even started TTC for #3, I read the packet and I was like "all infertility treatments - just a copay????" So I'm glad because if I need an IUI, or injectables, it'll be good. Do you know if IUI is sorta like IVF? Or does pregnancy still occurr naturally within the body? Like do they inject any chemicals that could possily harm the fetus? I kept wondering when I read about the "sperm wash" but I'm not even sure if that will be the case with me, I brought up the testing to hubby, he's like..I had two kids, what could possibly have happened to my guys? He's like.."No, it's all you." I was like..gee thanks! I knew he was joking :)

So we got some bad news today - a friend of mine's brother had disappeared a little over 7 months ago in Kentucky, they were going crazy looking for him, well, last night his remains were discovered in a field. How horrible right? I can't imagine what she is going through. Rain or shine, my god, he was laying there for the past 7 months as it seems, and no one knew! She is so broken and touched, and there isn't enough anyone can say to change what she feels, but all we can do is that his soul will rest in peace, whom I'm sure he is, after all he must have gone through. She didn't give me the "details" but a lot of people had commented on watching the news, and when I googled it - the whole article came up..I got goose bumps! What is wrong with people nowadays, let me not re-mention the Casey Anthony case..I am furious!

Hope you have a great day ahead, and we'll talk soon

PS: He was able to get the I have to worry about retuning the Honda lease early. God knows what kind of a penalty I am going to get slapped with, we have to see. I kinda like it, it's definitely not an SUV, but it's packed with all the extras, which means I'll never get lost again if I decide to go anywhere outside of my area :) I remember one time stopping cops (who were standing there to give tickets..) I'd be like..I'm lost..can you help me? They'd be like..SIGHHHHH..prolly thinking ::I'm here for a different reason than you!::
Hello again,

So a journalist huh? That would have been fun and exciting! I have no clue how you do this working with numbers thing, I can't stand staring at numbers too long. I'm more a communications person. I like to talk, I like to share my experience with people, I love being creative and drawing, writing, designing. I began college for social worker and quit cause I couldn't stand the depressing broken people in the program who thought they could help people. It just opened my eyes to my viewpoint of disagreeing whole heartedly with sociology, but I favored psychology. I have a degree in graphic design which I never went forward with cause the beginning wages are horrible! I found my other job, it paid well, and I was very good at it, teaching others skills, ensuring success for them and the company.

We considered the daycare route for all of ten seconds. I just don't agree with one individual caring for for five or six little beings at once, you can't tell me my boy would get what he needs that way. There is nothing like his momma!

That is really strange about your mystery bleeding. I know that people with low progesterone can get brown spotting for many days before a period, but if that is your period then that is abnormal. You should have at least some red flow. Did you take a test just in case? I know I do every month just to make sure before starting another round of clomid. I hear you on being anemic. I too have that issue. I still have pills from after my c-section that thry made me take. Maybe i should take them, buy im already on mulitvitamins. Oh, and my movie night was good. I love throwing on a DVD and losing myself for a while.

We had rain all day here, but not freezing. It's been a strange winter, much too mild. Xavier is doing good, gabbing like a madman in his cute little gibberish. He's been so busy and moving about so much now, I'm kind of worried when he starts walking on his own! By the look of things it's coming soon. The best is bathtime, he splashes everything including me, and he growls and grunts so proud of the chaos he's created. I love it :)

There is nothing really artificial about IUI. When they say sperm washing they are simply separating the good ones from the duds and taking out the seminal fluid as that cannot be in the uterus. So they simply deposit the strongest of his boys as if they made the journey through the vaginal and cervix already. They still have to travel the tubes and find the egg to fertilize and then it must still implant. It's all pregnancy created from stage one inside your body, just the sperm are given a head start at the right time.

So sorry to hear about your friend's brother. Do they know what happened to him? I will send my prayers out to her and their family. May he rest in peace. Society is in a downward spiral, we need to take a step back and see how small we are in this world, and that the impact we create as a whole is huge.

Good night, have a wonderful morning, with your nice coffee, I cheers you with my stupid mug of decaf....not bitter all. I just hope it's worth it, otherwise coffee and merlot here I come!!! Lol
PS- I hope it's not AF you have! I've been having strange feelings near belly button and lower this eve. Here's to hoping! Fx
He's going to be pretty close to walking. Both my kids walked at about 11 months. They both started walking the same way, they let go of the coffee table and went on their own! It's too cute! My SIL and I have been spending sometime together recently, either by me going there or her coming here, she is 39 weeks pregnant with her third, due any day now. I was always there for her that stuff!

I'm very drawn to writing and connecting with people, sometimes when you work in the business world you don't have the friendliest people there, so I can't say I always got along with everyone, but what mattered was I got my job done right! It was funny, when I met with my ex director - she kept naming the people that disliked me for no apparent reason, and those people were very selfish in general, something I am not! So they used to think that I used to draw people next to me for interest - like..what kind of interest I'd wonder..I was just being friendly, something this world doesn't know much anymore!

Thanks about the explanation of the IUI thing, appointment is tomorrow at 11. I can't wait! I have been waiting for this for so long, not so much because I am "dying" to get pregnant, but my mystery everything that is happening with my reproductive system, which is indeed leading to not being able to conceive. I want to be able to know in detail what is happening with me. No more GYN's..and if I do get pregnant, I'm looking for a new OB - not that old office ever again.

Maybe what you're feeling is implantation pain *hopefully*, a lot of people including myself get it. My bleeding (brown) is still here - not going anywhere. I may take you on that low progesterone that's why it's happening, I had this last month also but I thought it was because I didn't go on Clomid that month. I don't usually consider this my period, my real one is much heavier and lasts 7 days, I know my period by now for sure! Guess I'll get that answered tomorrow. They'll be doing an ultrasound too, so they'll kind of see if I have anything in there I shouldn't have..and get my results right there not wait 48 hours! lol.

You should be testing anyday now huh? I may test tomorrow, since it's about CD27 I believe, just to check, for the heck of it, doubt there's anything though! I'm anxiously waiting what your test has to reveal..wish you the best of luck again, I know how much you want a baby..including myself, I'd love one too - in the next 9 months or so ;)

I meant to tell you also, today I had some horrible heartburn, drank a glass of milk, ate something and it was gone. I haven't had this ever, started happening with Clomid..I'm sure it's definitely not out of my system by now.

What do you know about Femara, if some people can't tolerate clomid will they go with that? Are there less side effects or is Clomid a safer drug?
Hmm let's see if I remember everything I've read.
Both clomid and Femera are pretty equal. Both have very similar side effects listed. Femera is more expensive, and clomid has been around a lot longer so its a proven and time tested drug. Femera is newer but some docs swear it works just a little better. Mostly they move to that if clomid is not effective in making women O, or theyve been on clomid a while without pregnancy. Hope that helps. Since you have great coverage maybe you can ask for Femera?

He should be walking hopefully soon. We've learned he is one of those kids who do things on his own time and not to push him much. With talking and sounds, he started saying ma ma super early, and won't stop talking now! Of course the majority makes no sense, but I think we are in for a social butterfly here.

So I'm really hoping its implantation but I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I had it again for periods of today. It now keeps happening in the same area, right side and pretty low. How did your implantation feel? I can't really describe it well, but it's almost like a throbbing sensation but a bit sharper at times. I am another day closer, 9 dpo today! It's driving me mad really....I have no clue why I haven't broken down yet, maybe I know I've got to keep it together for the baby.

That's great they are doing the ultrasound for you. It's weird as its vaginal, but it's for a good cause. I'm do happy you and Lou are going tomorrow. So exciting you may actually get to figure things out. If they draw blood they'll test for pregnancy too, so your having a test one way or another :) let me know how it goes. Don't forget, question everything they suggest and bring up anything you think they are forgetting that I've mentioned to you. It's worth it to be thorough! Oh and don't talk on your phone on the way! Lol, just buggin ya!

Heartburn stinks, and I had it soo bad with my pregnancy. That's weird if clomid is doing that, I've never heard of that before. I just now am starting to worse back pain. I have this five pound plastic weight, I lay on it sometimes because it hits the right pressure points in my back. Sounds weird , I know, but I really helps. When it comes to massages the harder and more painful the better for me. Told ya I'm strange. Lol

Well putting baby to bed now, and enjoying some nanaimo bar frozen yogurt.
Good luck tomorrow! XOXO
Thanks sweetie! I need the luck! Today was pretty bitter sweet..great in a way, and disappointing in another, ya know one of those days! I actually read somewhere when I googled it that Clomid gave horrible heartburn to some women, not a lot of women just a couple here and there, maybe I'm in that 0.1% which stinks!

My implantation felt like the kind that wakes you up if you are sleeping in the middle of the night. I'd wake up three times a night with my early pregnancy with Marlen. Hard to describe how it felt, but definitey sharp, it kind of caught me by surprise half the time, and I definitely had to bend or sit down when I got them cause they hurt! They were sporadic, like early labor..when you get a contraction here and there every 1- or 2 - hours. It kind of does feel like a contraction to be honest with you.

I had one just getting out of the car to come in the house earlier..then I passed a mini clot, half the size of a dime (tmi I know..) so that's something that I have to ask about. I don't usually get painful periods..I just had to sit down when it came, stayed for a few seconds and then it let go. Kind of like something's got a hold of your uterine area and is pulling it tight..hard to describe but you know what I mean.

That is so cute that he's talking. It's funny, Marlen walked and ran and did all physical things early, but he talked late. I think Sarah was the early talker like Xavier and the little later walker. I know she was at least a month or so after Marlen. With him we were surprised because he was a couple of months away from turning 1. Whenever he decides it will happen will be fine, sometimes it's really up to the child, possibly any fear he might have (like falling or not being able to hold on to something.) Little kids are'll be surprised how much you will discover as you see him grow. It's the cutest thing ever. For every moment they had a milestone I wish I had a recorder to just capture it..but Iphones weren't as popular back then. It would have taken me half hour just to find my digital recorder, put it together and record their first steps! lol. See..your baby was born in a more modern have options! lol.

I hope you're pregnant. And it does sound like you have the symptoms that majority of women feel. I really don't believe in the "nausea, vomitting, boob swell..etc etc" because none of those happened with my pregnancies so I don't count on that to kind of "guess." You are close enough to test so keep your mind away from things and time will go by so fast! Next thing you know you'll see a :bfp: ;)

Hm what else..nothing new really. Just busy with the kids and their afterschool activities, hopefully we'll still be in touch when X is older and in school and you'll be telling me the same thing!

I'm very happy Lou is coming with me, it's like that emotional sense of security and not feeling alone, and when someone is with me, I'm able to explain things better to the doctor. When I'm alone I blab and I never remember about everything I thought about asking the night before, then I get in the car, and I remember, but too late! That kinda thing. Women are very confusing! I'm trying to keep my mind sane enough for my babies, and sane enough for my husband. He's been cutting me a lot of slack lately, last night I had a bitch fit which just came out of the honestly. He's like..what the heck? I'm doing the best I can to provide everything you have..then that switch in my head turned to "ok" and I was like.."yeah, you're right..I'm sorry!" He understands. I told him whatever it is that I do during this crucial time of conceiving..he needs to let me be and just say OK! Not always easy for men and their ego! But he'll live.

Xoxoxox..fill me in on anything new as usual! I'm always listening :)
Oh I forget something earlier! A girl I know posted her bfp test on Facebook today to announce to the world. I hate when ppl do that. It's friggin Facebook and it's not just your friends who see that. Sorry just my bitterness coming through.

I was trying to be polite but since you brought it up, lol, there are some ladies on threads who are all like, ' my boobs hurt so much' and 'I'm sick to my stomach, I swear I almost puked' or ' I'm having a stomach ache do you think it's implanting?', but the funny part is that they are like 2 or 3 days after O. Really??? Give me a break. I know you get hopeful and look for signs but does no one remember anything from Sex-Ed or do their own research on what happens and when?

Sorry that was bitchy, but I needed to let it out! Lol
No problem. I know exactly what you mean. The things I see on FB sometimes are unbeliavable, and I only have my friends and family there. I get these odd requests all the time like, let's be friends so my friends list can add up. Hm I think not, wouldn't want to share my personal business with completely someone I don't know. Yes that's what I mean about those signs.. Nausea this, nausea that. I didn't start having any of that till I was 6 weeks pregnant LOL! When I get it mid cycle like I did this month, I automatically know I ate something wrong; or whatever, pregnancy doesn't cross my mind at CD19! But yeah, I'm totally on your boat and completely agree - all we can do is completely ignore them rather than say something they don't like and start something else, I've been there before and learned that not everyone takes everything the way they should so I just let them be until they realize themselves theyre acting not quite like adults!

Getting ready for RE, wish me luck!
Happy Hump-day!
Hope things went well with the appointment. How soon will they call with his results(if he had to give a sample). As to the pain you felt before the clot passes, contractions can be more powerful on clomid, that I have noticed. All these lovely side effects we deal with, so fun.

Your right about leaving the irrational symptom spotters alone. Best to let them have their hope and positivity ships they can. What bothers me is when they start telling others incorrect info and swearing by it. I would never do that to someone going through what we are. I tell everyone to verify with their doctor anything I say, as I may have been exposed to a lot, but their doc knows what is best for them :)

So excited for you, I'm hoping you come home and get a call this afternoon saying congrats. I know that optimistic but hey, I've gotta send my positive vibes somewhere as they are no good to me right now.

Lots of :hug: and FX
So I've been getting very pessimistic about things this round. Last night to keep my mind clear I stayed up till midnight working with my hubby. We did the backsplash tiling and had to clean out between all the tiles to grout it later. There is a lot of tiles, as its that mini glass tile kind, wow my back arms and hands are sore today! And I slept like a log cause I was so exhausted. Xavier woke up at 3:30 and I was a total zombie getting him to feed him some milk and get mhim back down. I nodded off in bed for 20 min before I realized he was sill sleeping in bed with me lol. He was comfy, I was on the edge strip of the bed, not so good!

So,as for my symptoms, I don't believe they are, I just like to take note of them for reference. I've been hot, had some nauseous moments and light cramping before with no bfp so I just think its more hormone caused. It'd be nice if it meant something. Today, I feel nothing! Nada! I hope that isn't a bad sign.. It's kind if why I think I'm out for the month. By Saturday most likely AF will visit and I will be scheduling to have a surgery :( I hate that feeling, just thinking like like this sucks, but I can't help it. I don't feel preggers!

Amelia, I would love to stay in touch. I really feel like we have similar personalities and I love our chats :) Xavier is growing so fast and I'd love for him to stay young forever, but I want to watch him grow all the same. The conflicting feelings of a mother. I do hope your intuition is right and I am pregnant. So you mentioned you have been a good luck charm to many. It must be hard with everyone else getting a bfp when you are struggling. I'm sorry for that, but you are due soon for good news on your end this time!

So, I went. Lots of good info. I will be testing for blood work on CD2, along with hubby, semen analysis, Hsg test, and SIS I believe. Saline sonogram something. He seemed very optimistic when he did the sonogram today, he said i did have ovaries that looked PCOS like of course but I am "so" young he said, that as long as ovulation is the only issue he will fix that easily. He told me that it's time to step back from Clomid or anything else until testing comes back and we can discuss treatment plans. He told me even if he will put me back on Clomid it will be every other month as it's not the greatest thing that I took it 3 months in a row, in regards to my period and mid cycle spotting. Today I got a heavier spotting and he goes, oh yeah, this is a period in the coming. I was so embarresed I didn't want him to evaluate me while I was bleeding but he was so nice and gentle and took his time to explain things that I already love this place. It's all about the way a doctor will communicate with you, to ease you off that already frustrating feeling you have when you know it's been almost a year and still :bfn:

So this month I will still try on my own, but no medications or anything just testing. Hubby's boys will be tested for soon, hopefully I can drop it off tomorrow. They said I have to call the office first instead of just going in. We should have that result in 2 days, so I'm excited for that.

I wish you weren't feeling so pessimistic. I say pay no attention to any symptoms and I know this is hard to do when you are TTC. Believe me. I have a ton of hope for you, dont feel down. What surgery are you talking about? I don't believe you mentioned that. Saturday is not too far away, so i would test tomorrow if I was you. We are both young, and as my doctor made it seem, sometimes it may take a little longer than a few cycles to achieve what we want but to never lose hope, as we are healthy, and any day it's bound to happen whether it's this month or the next.

Backsplash sounds fun! I would love to do ours also, but what to do first? Lol. I think we are just going to finish up with the basement and hopefully next year start a different thing! I'm inspired all the time! I'm like, let's do this and that, and Lou goes : slow down tiger, it's expensive I know! We haven't painted out first floor since we moved in 3 years ago so that is due this summer, it still looks nice and decent though. When we remodeled our kitchen cabinets and replaced the appliances, we just repainted our kitchen and left the rest of the floor the way it is. Our LR is huge, and it's connected with our upstairs staircase, so the way it is, we have to paint the staircase hall too cuz it's like attached. Oh well.

Do you take Xavier to playdates? That's how I got together with the friends I have, through our kids. I wish you lived closer. Sarah would have loved X. She loves toddlers. Plays with them so nicely, teaches them things. I tell her she's going to be a great mom one day! Lol.

About the Hsg, does it feel horrible? I already don't want to do it but I know I can't just get away from that. He said it's pointless to treat me out of guess work, and I know this is what I was looking for, but I'm so scared :(. I didn't tell him that, but the minute he mentioned Hsg I completely shut down lol. Wow! Was hubby with you when you did yours? Can you drive afterwards? So many questions, I'm sorry.

I will talk to you soon and please stay positive! It will happen, trust me! Baby dust your way. Others :bfp: does not discourage me at all, I'm that type of person, I just say: I'm next, eventually. And today's appointment proved that. He sounded so positive, and he is like: dont worry! So as long as I can be brave, face my Hsg fear, then I will know. For now he thinks I'm having an ovulation issue but he doesn't want to guess. So we will see.

Xoxo take care of you and your wonderful little man, and hubby too of course! Mwa!

PS: I made a couple of spelling mistakes on the way with the previous response. I was typing from my Iphone! Sorry..hope you can understand what I meant, lol.
Sorry to hear that AF is on her way. But at least you are now on the road to finding out what the problem is. So how did Lou respond to all that info? So bloodwork then tests. Well don't get all nervous about the test, take some Tylenol 30 minutes before, but for me, it really wasn't that bad. So your informed my clinic makes a database on their tests for the patients. Have a look, these are the two which are done together usually. Yes most ppl are fine to drive after, I did.

HSG- *

Sonohystogram - **

As for my situation, why I'm do nervous is they thought they saw a polyp through the ultrasound before, plus I have horrible bleeding for 1-2 days of my period. If this IUI doesn't take he wants to do a surgery. Below explains with this I'm put under, so it's serious, I wasn't even put out for my c-section!

Hysteroscopy * https://www.soft-infertility.Hysteroscopy *

I totally understand about being examined while your bleeding, it's weird. But it's nothing they haven't done before, just keep reminding yourself of that. I don't know why I've gone so pessimistic except that I feel like AF is right around the corner. The cramps today were more like her than what I had before, then tonight it felt more like I had something tight going on in there. I'm just not feeling any changes in my tata's, and I would notice cause I breastfeed! I don't know, I just am trying to be ready for failure cause if you read that document, ahhhhh! Test tomorrow, we'll see how I feel, I think I should just wait, I don't want to be a sobbing mess for the next 3-4 days, I've got lots to get done.

Play dates used to happen but my friend with a baby 6 months older stopped calling any of her friends and we don't talk to her anymore. She just had another baby two days ago now, didn't even know until someone on facebook mentioned it. Another friend Jenn and I told her we felt like something was wrong because we keep contacting her to get together and she always said no or cancelled. Apparently telling your friend you miss hanging out with them was the wrong thing in this case. Ah well, I can't always be the one to make an effort and be ignored, it became a one-way friendship. Other than that just Xavier's cousins and 2nd cousins. It's fun, he loves it. My niece is the same, always wants to help and entertain him.

Have a wonderful night, get the kids in bed and snuggle your hubby for support.
OMG, I broke down my strict rule and tested. I think I see a line! :happydance:



I'm trying really hard not to get to excited and have asked a million others on this site what they think. Most see it too! I only tested cause I was sure I was out. I woke up at 1:30 am with the most horrible back pain and some AF style cramps. The back pain was so bad I couldn't get back to sleep for two hours. I thought, this is it, its over. Today I'm still having AF pains, and I was snippy this morning so I figured "lets just get this over with and stop hoping". I was all crying and geared up to have a surgery and then, i looked at the test!

Is it there? or is my mind playing an unfair game with me?
I see it too! I'm sorry for the delay of response, I've been so busy around here.

Wow I am so excited for you, I really hope you get a confirmation by blood or any other form of testing. But my eyes are not playing tricks on me - I do see a line! Wow..that would be so amazing!! And Congratulations if indeed you are preggers! Told you I was a good luck charm ;)

So just totally swamped around the house today, housework never ends. I did finally get a full flow w/the period, so I'll be going for my blood test tomorrow, and have yet to schedule the HSG & SIS. I spoke to my mom earlier and she is happy that I have the opportunity to REALLY find out!

Let me know if you get a blood test, PLEASE!! I'm so happy for you! Fingers crossed!

Thanks for all that helpful information on those websites..guess you don't need that surgery afterall!! It's amazing how things just have their way of happening :)

About your friend; sorry to hear that also, maybe she's having second thoughts or an issue that she doesn't want her social group to know. Who knows - I think everyone in this world somehow struggles with something, whether it's emotionally, or financially, or however else. This world is not perfect unfortunately, but all you can do is keep your head up, respect the ones that respect you..and keep doing what you're doing!

I also went new coffee/end table shopping today, not like ours is old, we bought it two years ago, but Sarah totally scratched them with a pair of scissors and unfortunately this company no longer makes this model, so thankfully we bought the protection plan, and have to go pick up a brand new set of something else! Ugh what a day.

Goodnight :D
You called it, you are my good luck charm :) I just hope I can be yours as well soon!
I am so thrilled but don't want to get too excited yet. I'm going to test again in the morning and maybe pick up a diff test to take until Sunday or monday when I can go have my blood done. My clinic is open for bloodwork any day besides over Xmas, do I'm set! Sunday is Xavier's party so I'll wait till Monday for blood confirmation.

You sound a bit down about the chaos in your life right now. I hope things slow down a little for you so you can rest and absorb everything. Take a me day and go for coffee with a friend, sans kids, come home and have a glass of wine, candles, with a nice hot bath. Baths are my feel better strategic, works every time. I've had 4 baths in the past six days, maybe stress relief.
So I am sitting here having a half pb&j sandwich, reading 'In Touch' my cheapie junk read...and I am baffled that do many celeb couples are slitting after tons of kids and over a decade together. Is nothing forever anymore? It's so sad that marriage vows are not respected or treated seriously as they used to be. I went to Costco and ordered a big cake for X today, plus I'm baking him a smash cake myself! Should be loads of fun!

That's great that you were able to talk with you mom about things. The more support the better as these tests can be scary. I had chosen not to include family this time as last time they stressed me out more, even though not intentionally. And no one in the delivery room, I want my space and to have that for just Kevin and I. With Xavier I wanted my mom only and Kevins mom showed up and stayed. I didn't want to be rude but I had told her I didn't want her in there. So my wishes went out the window and it went according to what they wanted. I was in labor after my water broke for almost 24 hours and only dialated to 8 cm. they tried pitocin and then Xavier's heart rate kept dropping with my contractions. It was scary, so I had to have a c-section. I bawled my eyes out before they took me in, cause it was so not according to plan! But I have a beautiful baby, so I don't care :)

Good luck with bloodwork. They take lots of vials the first time. They took 9 from me. So for the other tests, I was told to call on CD1-2 area and they would. All with the date and time. They have to time it with your cycle usually. If you are worried ask someone to drive you, or cab if you have to.driving nervous is never a good thing. I do hope that info helped. I know I rather know everything and what to expect. Those helped me.

It's okay about my friend. One of these days shell see the light on how silly it is to give up on things because she couldn't handle someone saying they feel neglected. When she does, if she reaches out I'll be here, but I won't hold my breath. It's just terrible she would be petty and keep our sons apart. They played well together.

Coffee and end tables huh? I was looking at an ottoman storage box at Costco today too. I need to do something about the toy explosion in my living room. Plus its soft leather do he can't hurt himself in it like the coffee table I stored in our basement! I think it'll work. I thought about those cube organizers but they are flimsy shelving that slides out, not safe for an exploring toddler.

Anyways, I'll stop talking your ear off now. Get some rest, hope you are feeling okay with the :witch: being there all uninvited. G'night and sweet dreams.
I scheduled my HSG, but they need a confirmation of a pregnancy before they do it even though AF is here, so I'm going in for all my blood today. CD2 with a regular flow so I guess I am considering it such.

Why don't you try to test with a digital pregnancy test? It spells it out for ya, without having to double guess on lines. That's what I would do while you wait until Monday. HCG doubles everyday, so today you should see a stronger line. I am responding a day later so I'm sure you've tested already, let me know!

I am a little down, but there's nothing I can do but wait. I have to finish testing for everything first and see what's happening in there. He made it seem that for me it's just an ovulation issue, especially when he saw a billion PCOS like cysts on both my ovaries, but this is just a precaution just to make sure nothing else is standing in the way. I still have to make that appointment to take Lou's specimen in. Yesterday I didn't have time to breathe yet alone do any of this, so I'm on it today. Yes, hopefully you can be my good luck charm as well, XO :D

I'm very happy for you, I would also want no one but my mom and husband on the delivery room, or even prenatal appointments. I usually always went by myself or brought hubby along, never anyone else. If dr ever has to discuss something which I'm not comfortable for extended family to know that deep into my medical history, then it's uncomfortable. Not like I have anything, but let's say we try to discuss Clomid, or PCOS...or maybe any cysts throughout pregnancy. You know what I mean. I agree with you trying to take it easy, so I think you should! With Sarah my sister in law and husband came in the delivery room, then my mother in law. My family was out of the country.

Yep, new tables around here. I have to go in with Lou tomorrow to make sure he likes them too, not like he cares so much, but I always want that second opinion before I make a decision lol. I'm just that type of person, so we'll go in tomorrow.

Did you have an HSG recently as well, or only when you were TTC with Xavier? I'm totally taking Lou with me, appointment is for Wednesday, so he has to schedule another "work from home" to come with me. Even if this won't be painful, when I'm nervous, I don't like to drive, who wants to get a panic attack on the road right? Yikes..not me!

I will talk to you soon and thanks for keeping in touch. Keep me updated on the testing. Xoxox for you & your little man!


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