TTC #3 with PCOS would love a buddy


Mum to twins at TTC #3
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi everyone. I am currently ttc baby #3. I have 2.5yo twins and would love one more to add to our family. Our twins were conceived using IVF and we are currently TTC this time around the natural way. Not really sure if it will work out that way or not. We have been trying now for 4 months and just about to start month #5. AF has arrived today :af:

Would love a cycle buddy to join me and share this journey. Anyone interested?
:dust:Hey Twinkie I will join you!

I am on CD 5 and so impatient to get started again
I am on a 28 day cycle
29 yrs old
15 months trying (1mc 1 chemical pregnancy)
And this is my first month on B&B and first month temping

Fingers crossed for this month for both of us
Yay thanks for joining me. It will be great to have a buddy!! :happydance:

I am on CD1 so feeling a bit crappy today with cramps and stuff but that will pass quickly enough. I am just about to head out shortly to the gym and take my twins to the kids club up there so I am sure I will feel more refreshed and better after a bit of exercise (well I am hoping I will)

I can't really say how long my cycle will be. Sometimes I have around 34 day cycles and other times it is longer so hoping for a good cycle again this month.

I am 28 and so is my DH. This is our 5th month trying this time around and I am also temping.

How are you finding the temping so far?
I decided not to temp up to now as I thought it would make me more obsessed with the pregnancy thread than I already am though actually it feels good like I am taking control

Not sure if it's working I am aa lite sleeper so I doubt any of the results are from a 3 hour or more sleep, plus my OH brought the theometer and its only to 1 decimal place so not sure its accurate enough

I also brought pre seed to use for the first time this month - it arrived today.

I think we are going to try and BD every day from now until my period (I doubt we'll keep to it with work in the way)

How are you doing??

We are about to go go out for a meal, have a good night - are you based in the UK?

I am actually based in Australia. Just outside of Brisbane in Queensland. Unfortunately we are seeing a lot of devastation at the moment as the state is experiencing record floods. Luckily for us we live in an area that is not being affected by the floods at the moment. The news footage however is just horrible :cry:

Are you in the UK?

I agree with the temping thing. I feel like it gives me some control also. With cycles that are some months very long at least I know with temping what is happening with my cycle. I have been doing it for ages now and also did it when we were TTC the first time around so if you have any questions I will try and help out as best I can. I would suggest getting a 2 decimal place themometer if you can. They are quite hard to find in the shops over here so I have just got a new one off the net. Sometimes the shift in your temp can be quite small so it is good having the 2 decimal place themometers to pick it up.

I hope you had a good meal out. I have actually just got out of bed for the morning so it is almost 6:30am here. My twins are still in bed so I should probable have a quick shower and get myself ready before they get up.

Chat soon x
Good morning! It's 11:00pm here we just got back from our meal - it was a cookery demonstration followed by food (the food was really mediocre) it was nice to go out and despite the food it was a lovely evening.

I am sorry to hear about the floods, I hope it stops soon.

So I am going to buy a new theometer and I would love some advice on the temping - if I wake at 6 should I take my temp then or try to go back to sleep and take my temp at 7.30 when my alarm goes off?

Also how do you get those signature things that show how far along your cycle you are and do yu have to change them manually each day or is it automatic?

Yes I am in the UK based in Norfolk, East Anglia I live in the city but we will be moving to the countryside soon which will be brilliant!

I hope you have had a lovely day

speak soon x
Bummer about the food :dohh: but glad to hear you had a nice night out.

A move to the country would be beautiful I bet!! My Dad is from the UK however he has been living in Australia now for a long time. He and my Mum (who is Australian) got maried over here over 40 years ago so he has lived here for a long time. You wouldn't even know he was english anymore. I would love to visit England at some stage in my life and see where he grew up. Have you ever visited Australia?

I think with the temping it is best if you take your temp at around the same time every day if you can. Personally if I wake early I try and take my tempand then if I don't get up and manage to go back to sleep I take it again at my usual waking time but then if you end up having to get up at least you have taken it earlier. Are you using fertility friend to monitor your temps? If you are you will see when you record your temp at a different time to your normal waking time then the little circle will just be an outline but when you record a temp at your standard waking time the circle will be coloured in.

As for the tickers in your signatures you just need to go on the web and find one you like. I use a website called lilypie but if you google forum tickers or TTC tickers you should be able to find something you like. From there you just create your ticker following the instructions and then it will give you a code. On lilypie I got the BBcode. From there you go into your control panel on this site and edit your signature and you copy and paste the BBcode into your signature and it shoud work. Mine didn't show up straight away but I left it for a little while and it popped up.

Hope that helps let me know if you need me to explain better.

Hope your having a good sleep :flower:
Thanks for all the info.

I have had the longest day at work and my chart on fertility friend said today is a good fertility day - may because of the cheap thermometer or that I put CM as watery I am only on CD7 isn't it a bit early? Anyways my OH is at work and I don't want to be woken up at gone 12 to:sex: I guess I am going to have to

We were going to BD every day from yesterday till my AF arrived but we already missed that one yesterday oops

Hope you are having a fine day in Australia - yes I have been to Australia briefly (only 3 weeks) we spent our time in Perth and freemantle - it was at the end of our travells and we had run out if money we definatly did not make the most of it I would love to visit properly some day - but then there are a million places I would like to see

were abouts did your dad come from?

Sorry for the late reply. I have had a massive day and have been meaning to hop on here and reply to you.

Did you end up BD last night. My Dr said to try and do it every second night from about day 10.

Have you done the tutorial on FF? I did it a while ago and picked up a few good tips about charting and fertile times.

As for me still got AF so not much happening here.
I did a bit of the tutorial just now and realize I diagnosed my CM wrong! Yes I did BD last night but it was really late and neither if us were really up for it and now it turns out it wasn't even the right time:dohh:

I hope you have had a lovely day, mine was good but I am sooooo tired it's 20 past 9 now and I think I am going to go t sleep in about 10 minutes - I am already in bed

Thanks for the information on the tickers - I have managed to find a couple to move along the dates who don't look unlike us!

Speak soon xx
Thats good that you did a tutorial. It is pretty confusing sometimes when you haven't charted before so the tutorials are good.

I have had a massive day today. A friend and I went shopping for a few things. We needed to get some cocktail dresses for a work function we have coming up in a few weeks so I tried on so many dresses lol. But I did manage to find a gorgeous red dress which is unusual for me since I always seem to go for black :dohh: I also had to buy a baby shower pressie for a friend of mine so I enjoyed looking at all the beautiful little baby stuff. I just want another little bundle so I can buy some baby stuff!! Lets hope this month is the one for both of us!!!!

How has your day been today?
I have just woken up and it is midday - I never sleep in this late but guess I really needed it!

I did get woken up by OH at 8 this morning to do the BDing before he went to work as we are in the 'important' cycle bit - FF is predicting tomorrow to be the first of the most fertile days:wohoo:Being the first month temping it is great to have a bit more structure to the month!

I really love my job but it is really hard so I can't do it on half steam and last week was recovering from flu so I am just so happy to have reached Saturday where I can relax

tonight we are going for a meal out - we don't usually go out for meals but twice in one week! then we will probably have a couple of drinks down our local

We are also going to view a house to rent today it looks really nice, it's very rural with a large kitchen garden and miles of fields

I swap between loving to see baby things and babies and just finding it too upsetting - yes lets hope we get there soon and we can be bump buddies together xxx

Red dress!! sounds lush is it bright red, scarlet...?? I love 1920 flapper style drop waist dresses or things that look a little navy styled.

I hope you have a lovely rest of your day / Sunday xxx
:happydance: Yay that you are getting to your most fertile time!!! Come on little eggie do your thing!!

I think I am still a fair way away from my most fertile time but I am hoping it doesn't arrive too late this cycle. I have been taking all kids of vitamins and suppliments to try and regulate my cycle. I definately think they are working to some extent because my cycles used to be like 100+ days I just want them to be a bit shorter than they are now.

Wow you really had a big sleep in but I guess your body needed it after working so hard for the week. It won't be long and you will be up early to a little bubba and you will be wishing to have a sleep in :laugh2:

Yep the dress is a scarlet colour it is really pretty so I just hope I can pull it off.

How did you go with the house? I hope loved it.

Well I better go my toddlers are awake and mucking up in their bedroom together lol so I better go and get them up.

Chat soon :friends:
Ahh are your twins a boy and a girl and in the terrible twos?:ball:

Yes lets hope pretty soon we have a little bundle to wake us up every morning. I am really looking forward to the pregnancy bit let alone the actual baby - friends that have gone through it in the most tended to have hated it, did you enjoy being pregnant? Did you glow?

The house was a bit horrible really, the tennant that is there now was really lovely and showed me round being really honest about the place said it cost a fortune to heat and took ages to heat up - I kept my coat on the whole time I was there, so the search continues...... We have our beautiful cat aswell and that means some places are a no straight off :nope:

I hope you get your fertile time soon - my fist month of temping I am probably doing it wrong, diagnosing CM seems impossible I think I keep putting it as what I want it to be :dohh: still I am sure OH won't mind the constant request for BDing.

What vitamins are you on - I am just a general allroud before pregnancy vit supplement. Have you tried Angus Catus - I know nothing about it but lots of people seem to talk about it

Hope you have had a brilliant day - we went out last night got a bit tiddly and went to bed late so my day is juts beginning! xx
Yep I have boy girl twins in the terrible two's lol. Some days they are little angels and other days they can be trying. They tend to go through little stages where they are best friends and other stages where they want to steal each others toys and fight all the time :dohh: Please let me know if you don't want me to mention the kids when we are chatting because I completely understand how hard it can be to hear about other peoples kids when you want one of your own so bad. When we were TTC first time around it took us a long time and all of our frinds were having babies so easily and we couldn't fall pg. I found it hard sometimes to talk about pregnancy and kids with them so please let me know if you want me to shut up when I talk about the twins.

As far as pregnancy goes I did really enjoy being pregnant. Some of my friends say to me though that they see me as a natural Mum since I seem to enjoy so much about pregnancy and children. I was horribly sick for the first 18 weeks of my pregnancy but I just kept going and that soon passed. But I really loved feeling the babies inside of me moving I just thought that it was the most amazing thing!! Perhaps I enjoyed pregnancy so much more because I had to work so hard to get it compared to friends who fell first time they tried?? People always say to me about how uncomfortable they are carrying one baby and complain about it and ask me how I carried two but to be honest I loved it even when I couldn't move properly!!

Bummer about the house. Hope you find your perfect house really soon!! Glad to hear you had a nice night and and had a few drinks!!

As far as vitamins go I am taking a pre natal mutli type vitamin as well as the angus catus which I have been taking for ages. I think it has reduced the length of my cycle dramatically. I also tried taking soy this month from days 2-6 to see if that will reduce the length of my cycle any more. Fingers crossed!

Better go. Chat soon x
Thank you for being so considerate but I think its nice to hear about your kids: normal rules don't seem to apply here.

In my everyday life I live in constant fear that another one of my friends will get pregnant (it's stupid but if one of them gets pregnant I feel like its less likely I will) Here though I would be really happy / over the moon if you get your BFP or any of the lovely ladies i have been speaking to and somehow it would feel its more likely I will get pregnant - does that make sense at all??

I think your right people that get pregnant really quick sometimes might not have the same pleasure of being pregnant where as I feel I will be reveling in every wave of nausea swollen joint...

Yes fingers crossed for a shorter cycle length 34 days sounds rotten - though before ttc I would have been jealous

Thanks again for being so considerate if at any time I say something that you find difficult please let me know

Have a great day xxx
I am glad I haven't offended you at all. Like I say I know all too well what it is like. We were the first of our close group of friends to start TTC and we were all at that stage where we wanted children. By the time we had conceived the twins my two best friends had gotton pregnant and had their babies and I still wasn't even pregnant. It was heart breaking at the time. But now I guess I look back and try and think that it wasn't meant to happen for me at that time and I just had to wait for my kids to choose me!! I think that is kind of a nice way of thinking about it.

I do still find it hard though to be happy when people tell me they are pg IRL. My SIL is pg with #2 and I found out that the same week I had an early m/c we would have been due at the same time. She doesn't know that we are TTC again as I don't want to let everyone down if I can't have another baby so she didn't know not to tell me at that time she was pg but it was heartbreaking. And I still feel funny everytime I see her growing belly and think I should be in the same place right now. I know what you mean about people on here though. I feel so pleased when I hear someone has got a BFP!! That is why I will be thrilled this month when you get your BFP!!!! :winkwink:

It must be getting late over your side of the world? Are you guys beheind us in time is that right? Is it Sunday night there? At the moment it is 8:10am for us so the day is just beginning!! Lets hope it is a good one.
It is proper late (Sunday night) and I should be in bed getting some sleep but too much sleep over the weekend and I am not tired.

I do hope we have a double BFP month it would be awesome!

I had a early mc in July - I remember being at a friends wedding and feeling like I had the best secret - wasn't to be unfortunately but it turned out the bride was also pregnant (I don't know her too well we know her husband) I heard she's looking huge now and that makes me feel upset - sorry about your sil I imagine that would be really hard :hugs:

Right I really need to speak, hope you have had a brilliant start to the week xx
Aww big hugs about finding out your friends DW is getting huge now :hugs: It will be your turn soon!! I am sending positive pregnancy vibes your way :winkwink:

I have had a massive day today. I had to go out and run a few errands this morning. I took the kids to have a look at a couple of childcare centres. I am thinking I will put them in a centre one day a week so they can have some social time with other kids. I think they are really ready for it.

Then had a big afternoon doing loads of this :laundry: and this :iron: lol and just finished the day off with a couple of hours work (I do a little bit of work from home every week as well as doing one day a week in the office) so I am feeling really tired now. Hopefully will have a good night sleep now.

Just looking at your ticker you only have a couple of days left until ovulation time!!! Yay very exciting :happydance: :dust:

Ok gonna go sleep now :sleep:
Today has been horrible - I stayed up too late yesterday and was so tired all day today an everything seemed more complicated than it should have been!

were the day centres any good - have you been able to pick one?

Yes FF is predicting ovulation on 19th and I have EWCM today (sorry tmi) it's also my first month of checking cm (ridiclious that I have been trying for so long without doing all these things!) anyway I have thought it was EW before but now I see it, it makes total sense:happydance:

I hope you have a lovely sleep - sounds like you've earned it :hugs:

I have to go and finish cooking so speak soon - loads of positive pregnancy vibes to you too:thumbup: It's horrible having to wait to get started again each month!!!


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