TTC #3 with PCOS would love a buddy

Hope you had a better sleep after your crapy day hun :hugs:

The centres were pretty good. I preferred one much more than the other. I would still like to look at a couple more just to compare them all.

Its good that you are figuring out your fertile signs now!! Yay. Bring on ovulation now!!

I am just in the process of helping to organise one of my good friends baby showers. It is only a couple of weekends away now. I have just wrapped the pressie for her and kind of wished I was able to keep the precious little clothes and shoes for my own little bundle but maybe this month will be the one for me. Fingers crossed.

My hubby and I are having a couple of days away in Melbourne next week and I think it may be around O time so that might be nice if I do O when we are away and relaxing!! I will be missing my big kids though being away for a few nights. Luckily for us they love going to sleep overs at their Grandparents places so I know they will be in wonderful hands.

Ok better go and get ready for bed. Night ;)
:wohoo:Yay for dirty weekends away with the hubby

I have been having a over thinking day, if you don't want to answer or this isn't your experience don't worry:

After 15 months ttc I feel like me and OH hardly ever just have good sex anymore, I can't help making remarks about my ovulation or position of my cervix - I actually put our BDing into FF straight after we had finished yesterday (even as I am writing this I am kind of seeing the problem)

Anyway did you find this
How did you prevent it
Does it go back to how it was before once your pregnant or have had a baby?

Also do you find you can talk to your hubby about ttc - my OH is lovely and supportive but very rarely up for discussing the whole thing, he acts like its no problem and it will happen when it happens but I think it must upset him too

Sorry having a bit of a blurt - I am having the day when I am terrified of not being pregnant, I can't stand the thought of having to start again next month. And I am terrified I am pregnant - I would love to be pregnant but terrified of miscarrying again: This is what happens when I stay up late and don't get enough sleep, and I am doing it again right I am off to bed.

I hope you have woken up to a lovely day in Oz bet it is really warm there I am jealous!

Morning!! (or I should say Night to you lol) It is a beautiful day here but very, very warm and muggy. Almost air con weather.

Of course I don't mind answering your questions. To be honest I am kind of in the same boat. All I think about is TTC so when we DTD I am usually thinking if it is a good time in my cycle etc. It is hard when you want something so bad that is all you think about. I must admit it took a while after the babies were born to get things back to normal because I was so tired having newborn twins but eventually things seem to go back to normal especially when you can have a night off from being Mum and Dad and have dinner together and a few drinks and you know the rest of the story lol. I think it is important to have a bit of time out when you are parents for those types of things.

My Dh always tells me to try not to worry about things when TTC but that is easier said than done. He doesn't really talk about it too much either. Must be a man thing :dohh:

Hun sending you big hugs :hugs: I understand what you mean about the fear of not getting pg and then the fear of m/c once you are pg. Not too sure what to say as I have the same feelings but we will have to try and send lots of positive and strong and sticky baby vibes to ourselves and each other :thumbup:
:hugs:Thank you for the loveliest response.

Nicest response ever!! It's great to know I am not the only one feeling this way!

I really must go to sleep now but I am Sending:


Speak soon xxx
Oh also does DTD happen when pregnant - does it make you want to or not want to????

Right I really am going now x
Aww thanks hun :flower:

It is probably a bit hard for me to say about DTD while pg lol. When I was pg with the twins I was so sick for the first 18 weeks (vomiting 6-8 times a day, was so horrible but I would do it all again :winkwink:) and then once the sickness passed I was getting so big already that I was really too uncomfortable to do it too often. So I don't know really haha might be completely different just carrying one baby but maybe not too (thats not much of an answer really is it):dohh:

Hope you are having sweet dreams :sleep:
Thank you - it's not the sort of thing you want to be asking people in the real world.

I hope you have had a lovely day I have no idea what time it is there are you in-front or behind??

I have to go to pottery so better go

speak soon xxxx
Morning!! I have no idea if we are in front or behind either? At the moment it is Thursday morning almost 6am. I have woken up to a beautiful morning the sun is shining again today after we had a big storm last night. Our summer weather in Queensland is like that we have really hot and sunny days and then big electrical storms in the evening.

I am planning on visiting a couple more child care centres today so will be good to see what more are like so I can compare with the other ones I have seen. Other than that my Mum has Thursdays off work so we are planning to meet to have a coffee and then go do the food shop for the week. She always comes with me and we do our shopping together because it is a nightmare trying to get everything by myself with twins lol.

What are your plans for tomorrow? Do you work full time? I work part time so I do one day in the office and then some hours from home which is handy.

So looking at your ticker you must be on O day. Yay hope the little spermies are finding the eggie :happydance:
I need to have a bit of a vent. I hope you don't mind.

I find it so hard when friends tell me to chill out about TTC. All of my friends have been able to conceive their children naturally and quickly. I don't think any of my friends have had to TTC longer that 2-3 cycles. I wouldn't wish TTC troubles on anyone but I am a little envious of all my friends who decide they want a child and suddendly they are pg. I think if I was chatting to someone who has had trouble TTC or who has experienced a m/c and they said for me to relax perhaps I would take it differently but I just find it really hard to swallow when very fertile people say it to me, when they have never had to experience this feeling so they wouldn't really know what it is like. I feel like such a bad person for even saying this but I needed to get it out there as I was feeling very frustrated by a conversation I just had with a friend and I didn't know where else to go.

Ok vent over. Sorry :wacko:

I totally agree - it never is those people who have had trouble though!!!
My friend who got pregnant the weekend BEFORE the started ttc!!!! She is always saying if I want to talk about it - she's the last person I want to talk to she might be a mum but she has no idea what I am going through!!!

Don't worry its incredibly trying and insensitive but they have no idea. I spoke to a girl recently about my mc and when I revealed it was at 6 weeks she replied "oh that's not too bad then" people!!! I know a later mc would be horrendous but the way she spoke was like I'd talked about burning a cake!

Please don't let it get you down, I totally sympathise and I can't relax, being told to by well meaning friends has the opposite effect.

We will both get there, it will happen :bfp: It will be all the more amazing when it does - we will have beautiful babies:dance:

Its hard cause if your like me it is all you want to talk about but other than one friend I have found almost everyone says upsetting things (the one friend has been ttc for over 2 years now so she gets it) or stupid things or implies your not doing it right - everyone has an opinion and advice all well meaning but so annoying!!!

I hope the vent helped you feel better I am still crossing my fingers that this is the month for both of us.

On that note can you look at my chart do you think I have ovulated (bear in mind I have kept with the bad thermometer for this month) I was thinking maybe on day 13. My OH has been really busy for the last 2 days and at work now I am really worried we are missing / have missed the right BD moment :cry:

My Ovulation Chart

I really hope you are feeling better and I don't mind your vent at all, send you lots of warm thoughts and hugs xxx
Thanks for your wonderful reply hun. It really helps to know there is someone I can talk and vent to about this (even if we are on opposite sides of the world!!) :hugs:

The friend sent me a message today to check if I was ok. She really does mean well and I don't think she realises what she is saying is hard to hear and not the right thing to say. And I am not the type of person to throw it back in her face because I know deep down she is just trying to help. Inside I am just screaming at her THIS IS NOT HELPING lol :dohh:

I can't believe how insesitive some people can be about M/c. I can not believe the way that girl talked to you. Some people jut don't get it and should really keep their mouths shut.

Now as for your chart I would say CD13 looks good. After three days of elevated temps FF will give you a cover line of where it thinks you have O. Hopefuly tomorrow your temp will still be up and you get your coverline. As for the BD try not to stress too much because looking at your chart if you have o on CD13 then you have done it a few times before hand. The little swimmers can last for a few days if they are in the right conditions (ie.EWCM) Fingers crossed I will be stalking your chart tomorrow lol

Not much happening for me today I have been at work all day. Don't think I am close to o yet as I don't have any fertile cm yet. Hopefully in the next couple of days [-o<
Good morning or evening

FF is saying O day was 14 which means day before and O day itself no BDing :nope: But its Ok cause I am fairly sure from twinges and the like that if it happened around that time it was the 13th

You asked a few posts ago if I work full time - I work full time (+ some) I work for a gorgeous little company that treats its staff really well and is very ethically minded I love love love my job and had my three month review yesterday I also think my line Manager is one of the best people I have ever met, I am really lucky cause we communicate really well together - we both talk stupidly fast and get over excited and high pitched - she gave me a thank you for all my hard work 1 month anniversary card (after 1 month) that's how brill she is. That said it is really hard and I often feel like I am drowning in the sheer quantity of work - I asked for quite a large pay rise yesterday so FX that will happen:happydance:

I am crossing my fingers you get your O soon Until ttc I never realised what a blessing reasonably short cycles are :hugs:

Whens your dirty break with the OH - that must be coming up soon :winkwink:

Do you like your job?

Another gloomy day here bet you've got bikini weather very jealous I could do with some sun - only another 6 months till our 1 month of sun!! I do love it here though it is very beautiful and though I live in a city there are lots of trees on my street and in a months time I will be moving to the countryside:happydance:

Yay for FF giving you a coverline. Lets hope it was day 13 for you. But like I said in an earlier post apparently sperm can last a few days in the right conditions so lets hope they were waiting for your little eggie :thumbup:

Thats great that you love your job. Sometimes it is really hard to find a good one with a good boss. Sounds like you have a great boss!! My job is pretty good. I actually work at the same company as my OH. The job I do is kind of mundane but I work with nice people and it is a bit of money every week and gets me out of the house a little bit so it is good.

The dirty trip away starts tomorrow lol. We are actually packing our bags at the moment :happydance: Hopefully I will cope without my kids for a couple of days I feel like I am missing them already even though they are here still with us tucked up in their beds :cry:

I will still pop online when I can though on my Iphone and check how things are going.

Yep it is bikini weather here although I don't wear a bikini anymore thanks to carrying two 6lb babies to 38 weeks!! My stomache will never look the same again but I wouldn't change it for the world. We have had a big patch of rain lately that felt like it was never stopping it went for weeks and weeks and I don't know that I would cope living in a country where the weather is gloomy a lot of the time. I think though you get used to what you grow up with. I was bought up here in Queensland which is know as a sunshine state so I am so used to the weather being clear and sunny most of the time.

Anyway I better go and finish packing. Chat soon xxx
Have a brilliant time and enjoy yourself lots xxx

I am lazing round the house going to go and get a sausage sandwich Yum!!

I can sort of guess what your going through - I really miss and worry about our cat when we are away I can only imagine that it's 100 times stronger feeling with a child - reminds me I really should phone my mum!

I really hope its a lovely break for you and you get to properly relax :friends: Don't feel like you need to check in here for my sake but I understand this place is pretty addictive it's good I don't have an iphone!! I got back late from work yesterday and my friend arrived literally as I did so there was no time to check B&B and I really missed it all night, I might try and limit myself a bit there are plenty of house hold chores to be done!

Hey gorgeous. Hows things. Just saw your other PM I hope you had a lovely sleep.

The trip is going so well however I am missing my big babies so much and had a bit of a cry after getting off the phone to them this morning :cry: I am looking forward to getting home to them tomorrow. We are now in Melbourne city staying at the most beautiful hotel and we got upgraded to a suite which was such a nice surprise. The room is massive, would have to be the best hotel I have ever stayed in. We are off to the tennis shortly.

I am having a few fertile signs so will dtd again tonight and also did it last night. Hopefully I will O today or tomorrow. I will take an opk soon, however they have been neg up until now. I am also using one of those fertility microscopes (have you even seen them? the most common brand is called Maybe Baby) and I am getting lots of ferning today so fingers crossed it is happening today. It would be awsome if it is because I am day 15 today and usually my earliest O is around day 18. Keep everything crossed for me.

How is your chart looking?
Fingers crossed for you, I am so glad your having a brilliant time.

It's a shame you miss your lovlies but it will be great to see them tomorrow and I think it's really good for kids to spend time away from their parents.

Ohh so jealous beautiful suite and tennis I wish that was my plan for tomorrow I just have stupid work and then pottery (hooray)

My chart is annoying I don't understand it so it stresses me. I think I am out for this month, not feeling the pregnancy but the 3rd of Feb will tell. I really really hope you Ov today / tomorrow - it would be perfect timing with your massive room. I love hotels!!!

I have no idea what ferning is or a fertility microscope - I have only just got back from visiting my folks so this message is taking the last of my energy - I will google them tomorrow

I hope you have woken to a super Wednesday (it's still cold here by the way!:cold:)

speak soon xx
Hey hun so sorry I haven't posted in a few days I have been so busy. We got home safe from our trip and I am so pleased to be back with the kids. Since I got back I have worked yesterday, and today I am icing a wedding cake for one of my friends who is getting married tomorrow. I used to be a pastry chef and cafe decorator so I am doing the cake for my friend as her wedding present.

As for me no O yet which I am a bit annoyed with. I have been having fertile signs but still no O. We are DTD every other day at the moment. I just hope it happens soon. I hate these long cycles :nope:

How are you going? Not long until you can test however I noticed in your earlier post you weren't feeling very hopefull. I hope things are looking up for you :flower: Hope you are snuggling up in that cold weather. I could almost swap you today it is really hot here and it is only 10:40 in the morning. I think today is going to be a super hot day.

Anyway gorgeous I better get back to finishing the wedding cake. Will chat soon xxx
I am feeling really rubbish - I put todays temp into FF and they recalculated my O day. Me and OH have been super busy and no BD happening in the last week now there is no chance.

I have been really tired with sore bbs today and had managed to convince myself I was preggers now I just feel rubbish

I think I am going to take a month out next month it's all too hard.

I hope you get your O soon are OPK's an exact science, do you know for sure you've not O'd?

My stupid stupid chart
My Ovulation Chart
:hugs: I am so sorry to hear you are feeling rubbish. That is weird that FF would move your coverline. Do you ever have longer cycles or are you always pretty spot on with 28 day cycles? If your cycles are always 28 days then try not to take too much notice of what FF has done.

No pretty sure I haven't O yet. My temps are pretty low and I normally get a big shift in them when I O. How did you put your chart in your post? If you can explain it I will put my chart in for you to see.

If you feel like you need to have a break for a month then that is what you should do. Try not to think about it for a while since sometimes it is very hard to think of anything else :dohh: I was kind of thinking about trying this month and next month and if it hasn't happened by then we would have a little break for a couple of months as I don't really want to have a baby at Christmas time. My neice was born on Christmas eve last year and it does make it very hard to try and celebrate both things.

Have you ever thought about seeig a herbalist or something? I have been taking vitamins myself at home but after chatting with a friend last night who used a really good herbalist to get pregnant I am thinking of giving it a try.

Well I best be off. I have a big day today. One of my best friends is getting married this morning :happydance: I can't wait to see her as a bride!

I figured it out. So below is the link to my chart. All the boxes below my chart show up because I have paid for a VIP membership. All they are really is to remind me about all the vitamins and creams I use lol so I know when I remembered to take them.

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