TTC #3 with PCOS would love a buddy

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You need to go to sharing on left hand side / home page set-up / Get sharing code buttons

Then copy bbCode Code and paste it in to your message xxxx

And yes it is very rare my cycle is more than 28 days - last 2 months its been 24 days and once in the last 2 years it was 32 days
So last night in a moment of madness I poas and I swear it was the faintest line but it was there, I then tried to take it to pieces to get a better look and it all fell to bits and I couldn't see anything anymore so couldn't get OH to check when he came home. It was a first response 6 days early

I did a clear blue digital this morning big fat BFN, rather than be disheartened though I feel much better than when I thought I O'd on CD20 and it is very early to be testing xx

How about you - get your chart pasted I want to have a look. How is your weekend going, any plans. We are off t view a house today, hopefully be nicer than the last ne we looked at - which wasn't nice at all xxxx
My Ovulation Chart

Thanks for the instructions, did it work this time? I haven't included custom data so it should look fairly similar to yours?

I really hope there was another line there I have everything crossed for you (well not everything since OH and I have to DTD again tonight lol)

I think the digital ones aren't as sensitive as the first response ones. Did the line come up in the time frame? I am so hoping that it is positive for you :thumbup:

How did you go with the house viewing today? Post a link I would loveto see it.

Today we had my friends wedding to go to which was lovely. Tomorrow we have a baby shower to go to and then I am going to the theater with the girls to see wicked which I can't wait for. I am having a very busy weekend lol.

I looked at your chart - I want to say it looks like your going to O soon but to be honest I jut don't understand these charts. Why is it sometimes a coloured in circle and sometimes hollow circle??

It does look like you often O around day 18 so I really hope this cycle will follow suit.

It sounds like a brill weekend. Do you mean theatre as in stage or as in cinema?

The house isn't on a website so I can't post a link, it is the size of a shoe box and in the middle of nowhere but I think I have fallen in love with it, what it lacks in living space it makes up for in outdoor space, it looks like something off a postcard.

The line was within the timeframe but so faint and so thin you could only see it by tilting the test slightly, I am 90% certain it was there but could just as easily be a chemical pregnancy if it was there - that's why there shouldn't be 6 day early test! (saying that I have no patience so I am glad there are). I guess time will tell...

I hope you've woken up to a lovely Sunday and the baby shower is good - we don't really have those here but when it's my time I am going to insist!

Speak soon xxxxx
I wish I would just O already!! So frustrating. Still really low temp this morning argh :dohh:

Some of the circles are hollow because I have entered in a time that was different from my usual waking time. So when I enter that I took my temp at some time around 5:30 which is my usual waking time the circle will be coloured in. When I enter that I have taken my temp later say 6:30 it has a hollow circle.

Was a massive weekend but a really good one. I meant the stage too when I talk about the theatre. Was an amazing show it just blew me away. I love stage shows!! Such amazing singers!! The baby shower was really good too. It is pretty common in Oz to have a baby shower I didn't realise it wasn't really the done thing over there. I would definately insist on one so everyone can celebrate you being pregnant!! :happydance:

I know what you mean about the early tests but I am the same and can't help myself. I am a bit of an addict when it comes to testing lol :blush:

Did you take another one this morning?
I love the theatre too, I saw David Suchet (Poirot) in "all my Sons" last year alongside Zoe Wanamaker, it was incredible best theatre I have ever seen, actually one of the best things I have ever seen.

I have some hollow circles and I take the test at the same time every day....?

No more tests for me until AF is due I can not put up with the disappointment. AF is due Wednesday and I am really worried as I have 1 on 1 training all day and if the witch arrives I know I am going to be upset and just want to get my head down. If she doesn't arrive then I am going to be really distracted.....

Stupid O I hope it turns up soon!!

Baby showers not just celebrate the pregnancy but get lots of presents.:happydance:

I am so very excited about the new house but my OH is still thinking it over so I am not sure if we are going to go for it or not. When we went to look at it 2 woodpeckers flew over us while we were in the garden and apparently they get white deer (!!?!?) who come and nibble the flowers in the garden. We would start up a veg patch and keep chickens - lush!

Well I hope your weekend has been as lovely as it has been busy, they go past so fast.

Fingers crossed you O this week :hugs:

You are much stronger than me if you can resist testing :thumbup:

I wonder why it has hollow circles if you enter the same temp time every day? Do you put anything in the specific section like sleep deprived?

Yes at baby showers you do get heaps of great presents lol :happydance:

I hope your OH decided about the house soon. It souds wonderful.

So I have had a bit of a jump in my temp this morning so hopefully I have O but will have to wait until tomorrow to see if my temp stays up. FX it does.

:happydance::happydance::happydance:Brilliant about the temp rise:happydance::happydance:

:happydance::happydance:OH said yes to the houe:happydance::happydance::happydance:

:growlmad::dohh::cry: No will power tested and got BFN:nope::cry::dohh:

I do put specifics in but there doesn't seem to be a pattern - maybe they are hollow when temp at a different time or FF feels the temp does not fit in with the rest of the pattern?

Aww hun I am so sorry it was a BFN :cry: thats not fair. Perhaps it was still just a bit early.

But yay about the house :thumbup::happydance:
I managed not to test today and am going to try and hold off till Wednesday.

Yay for your big temp rise today I hope it means you've O'd

I Have got to stop getting my hopes up the end of each month it is too much of an emotional rollercoaster!

hope your weeks got off to a good start, I am exhausted xxx
Hi gorgeous.

Well done on holding off from testing. I am not that strong I always cave and test and then get let down when it is a BFN.

Temp is up a bit more this morning so pretty sure now I have O on day 20 (finally :wacko:) We DTD on day 19 so I guess now I just cross my fingers and wait and hope the little swimmers were there and waiting for the egg lol. Wishing now we had dtd on day 20 too but I can't do anything about that now. We were just doing it every other day because it just gets too much to try everyday when it is planned it is really not enjoyable :dohh:

Hopefully temp is still up tomorrow so FF will give me a coverline FX!

Hope you have a good night sleep x
I am so bored of BFN's I think with moving next month if this month is a no goer I will take a month off as there will be lots of lifting to do and all the new pubs in the area to try.

Have a lovely day I am now going to sleep xx
Heehee I like your idea of trying the new pubs :beer:

Hope you had a nice leep! I have had a full on day with the kids so I was pleased when my OH just walked in the door from work just before :wacko:He has taken them for a play out in the yard on the swing set so I am having five minutes of peace :thumbup:

How is your temp going? Is it staying up?
My temp rose to 36.5 today is that good?

My Ovulation Chart

I did a test this morning with FMU it was a BFN:cry:

My BBs don't feel as sore as they did a few days ago and I have very mild cramps which I expect are the first warnings of the witch but I am still hoping they are not.

I have spent about £30 on tests this month:dohh:

I am really over emotional and a bit mental today :shrug:

How are you doing I checked out your chart but guess you still need one more temp to rise before you get O day confirmed I really hope you get it :thumbup:

If you don't mind me asking how did you go about IVF, how long did you try first, was it hard?

I got my coverline!!! Woohoo finally I am in the TWW, so now the waiting and praying begins lol.

A temp rise is a good thing, if you have a look at my charts I usually get a temp drop a couple of days before getting my period. I am so sorry to hear that your test was BFN though this morning :cry: I am really hoping for you that it turns into a positive in the next couple of days. Lets hope the witch stays away :af::af::af:

We tried for almost a year before going to a fertility specialist however I already knew I had PCOS so my GP was fine with referring me to a FS pretty early on. Once we started with our FS she ran tests on both of us to check everything out and to make sure there was no issues with my OH as well. Then from there we started with clomid for 6 cycles, then moved on to injectables with an insemination (IUI) and from all of that we didn't get one pg so we had about 4 months off and then moved on to IVF. I only had the one egg pick up which I ended up with 8 embryos from. My first fresh transfer I had a m/c and had a D&C at 8 weeks. After that I had a couple of frozen transfers and fell pg on my last frozen transfer with my last two embryos!! They were obviously meant to be the ones!!

Have you or your OH ever had any tests done?
I went to the doctors after a year and said i'd had a chemical pregnancy and a m/c and she said there was nothing to worry about, she then started spouting loads of statistics at me about people having 1 m/c then a pregnancy or going on to have 2 m/c or multiple m/c at which point I burst in to tears, she carried on talking at me, really staring in my face (horrible when your trying to stem the tears). She said he wouldn't need any tests cause I have got pregnant so theres nothing wrong with that and maybe I stop ttc for the moment and wait until the new year as children that enter school at an older age tend to do better Sept - Jab births)....:growlmad::dohh::growlmad: She said there was almost no way of knowing what caused a mc

I had an ovary scan a few years back and they were shown to be healthy so I didn't need that

The whole thing was really dismissive, kinda come back if you have another mc or it's been another year ttc but I don't know why your bothering me now:cry:

It's only having been in here that I am seeing that you can get a lot better treatment she made me feel like I was a nuisance:nope:

I have started spotting tonight and cramps have moved from mild to moderate. when I was pregnant before I didn't spot, I am 99% certain I am out but it's the not knowing for sure that makes it all so hard.

Anyway enough doom and gloom - you got your coverline :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::dust::dust::dance::dance::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: you can stop all the BDing now (lol) honestly I am looking forward to a few months out so I can remember what it's like t have sex with no other agenda than enjoying it and no lying in stupid positions for 15 minutes after...

So your in the TWW - are you someone that starts testing at 6DPO or can you manage to leave to till 10, or more...? I have been really bad this month usually I would start testing day before AF due (that would have been cheaper).

so what sort of things do you enjoy doing?

Hope your having a lovely day - waking up to a coverline is a super way to start the day
:hugs: I am so sorry to hear you have started spotting, the stupid witch. I hope your ok. It is so hard when you get let down every month. Personally I would go to another Dr. The first couple of Dr's I saw completely dismissed what I was telling them and didn't want to do any tests because I hadn't been TTC for long enough. My sister also has PCOS and we had the same symptoms and I was saying to the Dr I really think I have PCOS but just brushed me off. Luckily I found a good one who tested everything straight away and made the diagnosis and referred me to a FS. I have been back to see her recently as she was happy to refer me back to the FS again even though we have only been trying for 5 months but I have said I would leave it at this stage. You need to find a Dr like that who will at least listen to you.

In the mean time though I hope you enjoy your TTC break and enjoy your OH again and having fun. Also you have heaps on with moving soon :thumbup:

As far as testing goes I usually can hold off until around 9-10DPO and then can't help myself anymore. I wish I could hold off longer it def would be much cheaper lol

Well I enjoy loads of things when I get a bit of time to myself lol. I love to read. I was never much of a reader when I was younger but over the last couple of years I have enjoyed it more and I try to read when the kids are sleeping during the day I find it very relaxing. When I get the chance to go out I love to have a girls night with my closest friends and enjoy some good wine. Otherwise I just enjoy the normal things like dinner out with my hubby, going to the movies and that type of stuff.

How about you?
I am so glad to hear from you, I have seen about the cyclone all over the news and was really worried all day at work:hugs: I hope everything is OK?

I love reading I just finished Oe day by David Nicholls - I loved it you have to read it, it's a bit like time travellers wife.

I love to go out with my girlie friends and we also have a lot of friend couples who we hang out with and I love cooking so we have people round for dinner every now and then.

I do a pottery course with a coupe of my girlfriends but that ends tonight and I don't think I will do the next term as it has all been a bit hard work with work and everything - and it's meant to be fun!

I love being outdoors but I hate to be cold so I am seasonal outdoor person unless I am fully kitted out - I love love love camping! My OH brought me a 12 person tepee for my birthday a few years back which is wonderful and a bit extravagant.

My OH has just walked in and asked for a lift to work so he can drink afterwards so I am going to have to fly

Yes witch got me :dohh:

I really hope all is good where you are xxxxx:hugs:
Awww hunny you are so sweet worrying :hugs:. we are all fine. The cyclone hit further up in north Queensland. Luckily everyone we know up there is safe. I can't believe this is happening in QLD though only a couple of weeks after we had our worst floods in the last 30 years. Poor Queensland is gettig a battering at the moment but we are tough :thumbup:

Big hugs though about the witch. Damm it it is not fair is it :nope: So are you having a break month now?

I was devestated to wake up this morning to a very low temp and when I put it in FF it took my coverline away :cry: I thought this was all done this month but maybe not. It may be something odd and might be back up tomorrow but I just don't know. I have a bit of EWCM today too so maybe I haven't O yet. I am so over long cycles and not knowing what is happening :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

I will definately check out that book you reccomended. At the moment I am reading Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell. I have read all her books. I like a good crime novel but will read anything.

I love the outdoors too. I am not sure I would be an outdoor person though if I lived in the UK lol. I am such a cold frog so I don't thik I would cope with the weather. I like the warm weather too much.

Anyway I better go. I hope you are feeling ok about everything. I am thinking of you :hugs:
I am actually a bit drunk and I have smoked a few cigarettes: I have decided to take 2 months out as it has all got too much and my job is quite demanding too but I am going to stay on here so I can be the first B&B member to hear about your BFP!

I hate FF it gives and takes:hugs: I really hope that it is wrong it still puts my O day at day 20 which would mean a 7 day luteal phase!!!!

I have drunk too much wine and vodka to write properly so will get back in touch tomorrow just wanted to check in and make sure you were OK

I am between books so if you have a recommendation let me know?

write properly tomorrow


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