ha ha, she has very little worries in life if ur umbrella is bugging her

and it sonly bad luck if u hold it over ur head
i think maybe she is just an idiot and not pms-y
Hey ladies! Yay angel for af starting youll be ttc in no time
amy lady at work seems moody. Let ur umbrella dry

i hope you feel better. As for nausea are u positive u couldnt of ovulated already? I know its rare but some get nausea as o symptom. I wish i could make colorful post but my cell doesnt allow me to.
Bethany no!!! Why did he get rid of internet??? Third the lib
Yay Bethany for unlimited ttc girly time aka unlimited internet access lol
Jen, I have no idea whats going on but Im thinking you can be right and that it may be associated with O or something. I guess time will only tell huh?
Laura, fun day for you today!!! I hope you have a great time with sis and kiddos!
I LOVE the emocons on here.. they are so cute and fun

! My phone lets me use the emocons but its pain to get to them. Thats how you can tell if Im on my phone or a comp. If my response doesnt seem as involved or not or little emocons, then that means phone heheh

Ya, this lady at work is a trip. One time I brought in an air freshner thing that goes on your deskbecause something was making me want to vomit all the time (This was while I was pg and I think it was her soap or something she used that did NOT smell good). I was trying to be nice and not say anything to her and I saw other people bring these things in so I thought no biggie. She was like "WHAT IS THAT SMELL? Oh vanilla? I dont like vanilla, I use lavender at home". I felt like saying well this isnt your home

! I think she thinks something is wrong with other people all the time and that she is perfect. Im sure she is wondering what my deal is now after this morning. I wont make eye contact with her right now and I am sitting at my desk with my headphones on trying to make sure I dont say something that I will regret

. I actually do like her but I think she is bipolar or going through the change or something (she is 50). She is so cool and sweet one min

and then the next..

BOOM. My mom always said, if you sont have something nice to say, put on headphones and keep your mouth shut! lol jk but that is what Im doing. Just have to stay in my happy zone. I woke up in a gret mood this morning and then she happened! She is the same lady I had that issue with regards to the whole politics deal a few weeks ago.. dont know if you guys remember. Anywho, not going to let her ruin my day and bore you guys about her!
I want to replace so many people here with you guys.. I wish!!!