Loltwins would be AWESOME i wouldnt even care about the extra work. Though id know id go a lik crazy often hehe it be so worth it!
Goo amy!!! Swimmers fertilize that egg or eggs if you havent already!!
I feel so out. Tested early and BFN. Which was dumb. I was so late last time I got my BFP that I just hope I follow suit again! Not holding out too much hope though because I feel so crampy. If AF comes I will treat myself to a buttload of cheap HPTs![]()
I feel so out. Tested early and BFN. Which was dumb. I was so late last time I got my BFP that I just hope I follow suit again! Not holding out too much hope though because I feel so crampy. If AF comes I will treat myself to a buttload of cheap HPTs![]()
i wasnt sure it would work without gettin at least 1 af first but i took it from the day i got a negative pregnancy test after my d&c hoping that would be right and was doin opks to check when id ovulate and it matched what the app said so fingers crossed it right on when af should arrive (although hopefully it wont arrive lol) xx
Bethany, back in July I tested the day before my AF was due and got a BFN using a FRER. Each test has different sensitivities and FRER is supposed to be quite sensitive, not the case with the batch I had. hCG doubles every 48 hours, so try again in 2 days if you can't resist! You are still in the game!
Danni, for sure FX for you! If I am reading your post right, you calculated the day of the BFN (post D&C) as CD1? I am trying to "relax" as I wait forbut am still trying to stay in the loop with what could possibly be.
more picsto cheer u back up captain storked xxxxxxxxx
I feel so out. Tested early and BFN. Which was dumb. I was so late last time I got my BFP that I just hope I follow suit again! Not holding out too much hope though because I feel so crampy. If AF comes I will treat myself to a buttload of cheap HPTs![]()
Don't forget the chocolateKeep your head up!
amy im moody today too, my ear is killin me now, doh!!
Good morning Amy...being moody is still ok. No need to fret because we've already threatened AF...the only one who wants her this month is me! Hope colleaguezilla is in good spirits today, if not take solace in TGIF!!
i have to go to the shops . il be back soon xx