Hi Jen, I never got in a workout because I fell asleep waiting for DH to get ready

But today I shall!
I listened to the song and it was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing

I am thinking of you and Liam today. How are you and baby feeling?
I am so mad that your in-laws are being jackasses! You carry precious cargo and they better treat you like the amazing woman that you are! We love you
Natasha, I hope that nothing gets you down today!
l love your positivity and what you said about temping makes total sense! Throwing

at you girly!
Laura, it is perfectly normal to be worried and upset about your scan! We are all rooting for you and sending PMA your way!

DH is supposed to look into getting a trailer for moving. We don't have much furniture luckily

And yeah, I deserved some new books but he thinks I have too many as it is. When we move overseas my books are coming with me lol!
Praying, CONGRATULATIONS! Jen said we needed more BFPs and you brought us one! Sticky thoughts!!
Amy, moving happens next week! I look forward to being settled but dread driving 5 hours to make it happen. I know my husband is too cheap to ever hire movers to do it but I wish!
Sorry you were almost late but was the sleep fabulous?

hopefully you get your "YES" OPK soon! Sending along some
AFM: lazy day. My husband is off today and tomorrow which is awesome and not awesome. Love spending time with him but it is hard to do whatever I want with him around