Thats true Horsey... I guess its the waiting game all over again!
Im going to request blood tests tomorrow, deep down im hoping its new pregnancy, but also just expecting the worst, i hope you all get your BFPs this month or next.. Would be nice especially since next time i get pregnant i dont want to tell anyone in case anything goes wrong, but will be nice to have support from the lovely ladies on here xxx
For sure!!! I dont plan on telling anyone except you ladies until I am at 20 weeks.. I MIGHT tell dh.. lol jk ofcourse I would tell him
I might even wait until my 3rd trimester to announce anything when I am preg. But I know a lot of people aren't stupid and are gonna see my huge stomach. I will just let them guess. I just don't wanna announce too early and have to tell everybody if something goes wrong.
See i said the same thing to the partner.. But he made a good point.. He said to be honest if u think about it, if someone has recently or in the past had a loss, i doubt they would want to ask you, because if you werent they would feel terrible, people will probably guess but not ask you, if that makes sense?
I think it will be hard for me to hold it, i was only three months at my MMC but i had put on a stone and a half and had a 6 month belly, hard to believe really, people started guessing when i was 9 weeks :/ xxx