ive just worked out from my last pregnancy that i tested positive on 9dpo 10dpo at the latest, and that was with 11pm diluted pee, im hoping i have that luck again this time round, ive already been writing down octobers fertile days i my diary as i feel out this month, im not even really sad about it, i mean i am, but, i feel complacent just like for gods sake whatever lol! So im plotting my diary with all my fertil days for next month and ive just ordered 60 ( extreme i know but might satisfy my poas addiction ) opks for next month and ordered a bbt thermometer. Will do it properly next month , and if that dont work, in november im going to completely let loose, not plot anything apart from temperatures.. this is my plan
i mean to a certain extent i have this instinct that i am indeed pregnant again, but then im thinking, no, you want to be pregnant which is very different from actually being pregnant, i have no sore boobs like last time, ive gone off sex like last time but i think that purely is the stress. i mean im not gonna lie to you girls, in the relationship its me that wants

all the time and he takes it as he gets it, and normally im all for sexual inuendos and him jokily saying what he wants to do to me later, and he made a reference earlier and i just gave him this disgusted i dont think so look, and even when i said no because i cant be bothered because the bed is too noisy, he said u wait til we move in on our own on saturday

Which i have been looking forward to sexually for 6 months, but im just like meh nope dont really feel like it, which i honestly believe 100% is the stress of being in the bedroom between his mum and partner on one side, and his two brothers on the other side so having to literally be quiet like mice, and also having to plan sex, literally, without even TTC, we have to plan sex to when everyones asleep or when everyones out which is rarer than finding a hundred pound in my handbagEDIT: which also makes me think thats why im so tired, because his fmaily dont go to bed til like midnight, i go to bed at 10 shattered and have to wait til gone midnight just so everyone is asleep so we can bd, and doing that the past few weeks has knackered me out, again, i been thinking im pregnant cos im tired but it all has logical explanations

