TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

I didn't even think about going to see my gp as she said I needed to wait 12 months off the depo before they would do anything? Iv only had 2 cycles but havnt ovulated in them, I'm 7 months off the depo now. Do u think I should go see her?
When she said wait 12 months was that for AF, BFP or in general before she sould do anything?

I did some reading and apparently no ovulation can be a result of Depo so maybe it will take a few more months.
the depo effects can result in anovulation (no O) take your mind off it keep busy with other daily tasks when your putting your body under streas it doesnt help either trying but i know its hard as i done it myself with waiting for af to finally return after depo but keep thinking posotive dont let it get you down!! cd 12 for me today maybe report back with an opk later but ive had loads of little shooting pains in my left side yesterday and today sometimes i think its me ovulating and i can feel it is that possible? xx
She just said if nothing's happend within 12 months come back. This was when I first came off it she told me this. I'm really worried now what if I never ovulate again? It's also stressing my out my sister in law keeps saying oh I'm deffo going to be pregnant before xmas (they are starting trying in September) and I jut keep thinking yes u will be pregnant and I'll still be sat here not even ovulating :( I feel so down now. I feel like it's never going to happen for us and I was stupid for waiting this long before coming off it. My son is almost 6!

Yes Iv heard some women feel ovulation Claire, fingers crossed it's on the way for u xx
well pretty sure ive just had my posotive opk cd12 trying stay positive love it will happen when the timing is right just dont think about it but keep opking so you know if theres something wrong with O ill post my opk ladies tell ne what you think xx
your not silly for waiting this long my son is 5 and ive had 2 losses 1 ectopic pregnancy and removal of right tube then followed by a blighted ovum 12 weeks later its been 2 years since those losses and thats me just begining to try again heres my opk


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test line is darker than control line bit the camera doesnt do it any justice we bd last night around 8:30-9pm then through the night dont ask why hahahahaha my hubby has a weird thing about getting up middle of the night and wanting sex lmao ���� xx
Sorry for ur losses Claire. I shouldn't be moaning at all Iv never suffered a loss I should think my self lucky. I'm just so down and I'm never going to have a positive OPK!

That's deffo positive hun! Can see it's darker than control line. Haha I couldn't cope waking in the night for sex hahha
thats ok dont worry about it i moved quickly after my losses i just worry that when i do get preg ill be worrying to make it by the 12 week mark it will happen for you tho trying so relax and be happy!! im still young so i have quite a high sex drive so ill take it from hubby whenever hes offering hahaha plus sometimes we can go weeks wothout it so i take it whenever i can get it especially now with ttc xxx
Aww yeah, I'm sure u will be fine try not to worry, I know that must be hard.
Haha Iv just turned 24, I used to have a high sex drive like every night but since my son doesn't sleep well (he has meds to sleep but still isn't good) I think I'm just too tired most of the time lol. When I was on the depo it really got rid of my Sex drive I hardly ever wanted it, Iv noticed a difference since coming off it which is good. We dtd about twice a week now sometimes less which is why it would help if I knew when I was ovulating lol
I'm wondering if this opk from the 16th was actually my positive?? I didn't use the clear blue digi and this is what my cheap OPK was like last month when I got the positive digi? I still don't think I ovulated but maybe this was my lh surge like last months?


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It could be! The line isn't definite but that could just he a flaw of the test!
My line was exactly like this last month hun when I got my positive digi. I remember saying it didn't look positive. I don't know. I know I havnt ovulated again just wondered if this was when my lh tried to surge?
I have AF pains now anyway lol
So i got my last depo shot in July of 2014 and since it ran out in Oct 2014 i have officially been off bc almost 6 mths. April 1st will be officially six months. So far i have had two periods one in december and then one 28 days later in january and nothing since. today is the 66th day of my cycle. I went to the doctor a few days ago who told me it was nothing to worry about and that if i didnt get a cycle by july then to come back and she'd give provera or another drug to help jump start my period. Its making me anxious and i swear the past 2 months without having a period is starting to affect my hormones. Im having so many mood swings and my boobs are starting to become sensitive. Hormonal back up is a :witch:. But i am fully aware that in order for me to ever have a baby i have to let my body regulate itself. The process just sucks and its also scary. I had a mc a few yrs ago because i didnt know i was pregnant. I guess my biggest fear is that since the doctor tol me not to worry about the period is that i will ovulate not know and become pregnant and not know about it. I just dont want history to repeat itself.
Trying91, aw don't say you know you haven't. You never know. The only real way to confirm O is with temps or a doctor. It's easy to miss a surge with opks.

rockstarlove9, :hugs: I certainly understand your concerns. It's so hard to "just wait and see". I'm not sure what you can do other than pay very close attention to your cycles and test to make sure you're not pregnant? Are you using anything to track them?
Trying91, aw don't say you know you haven't. You never know. The only real way to confirm O is with temps or a doctor. It's easy to miss a surge with opks.

rockstarlove9, :hugs: I certainly understand your concerns. It's so hard to "just wait and see". I'm not sure what you can do other than pay very close attention to your cycles and test to make sure you're not pregnant? Are you using anything to track them?

I want to but everything i've read said im supposed to track at the beginning of my cycle and like i said this is cd66. So im not even sure when to begin. Could i start tracking now? and if so where do i even begin??
DUH I didn't even think of that. You typically want to start on CD1 and track. I hate to say wait until July. My doctor gave me a timeline like that, but the wait was horrible.
DUH I didn't even think of that. You typically want to start on CD1 and track. I hate to say wait until July. My doctor gave me a timeline like that, but the wait was horrible.

how'd you keep yourself from going insane? and i just am really worried that since i dont know how to track or when if i did ovulate i wouldnt even know anyway. smh. this four months is gonna be a nightmare
I really hope AF comes before your 4 months are up. I focused on a healthy diet and working out. I felt like that's the one thing I could be doing to get that nasty Depo out of my system. It wasn't easy, I can't lie. I started to track my symptoms via app before AF started because I was having what felt like cramps, flutters, etc. I wouldn't advise that though because it just made the days longer. AF took exactly 9 months to return for me. I think it's a good sign that you've seen her and she's trying!
Yh I suppose cutie, I have strong AF signs now so fingers crossed she shows up then I can start a fresh cycle and hopefully ovulate.

Aww rockstar, I'm sorry ur here in the same situation, it sucks Doesnt it?
I'm near enough same as you. My depo ran out 1st September 2014. I had a 5 day period the week after, then spotting all through November then nothing. Just AF pains around same time of month December and January then January I finally had a weird dark brown bleed. I had a cycle of 41 days, I had a positive Digital ovulation ok cd 19 but don't think I actually ovulated. I'm on cd 28 now, I havnt had any positive opk's but today just got AF pains so I'm not sure what happening. It's so hard just waiting around isn't it? I'm trying not to think too much into it, I was googling constantly and driving myself insane making time dragggg. I'm taking Agnus castus and I really do think that's helped my periods return even though I'm not ovulating yet. I also take seven seas TTC vitamins

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