TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

its soooooo hard to not go insane i was testing every day from missed depo that was supposed to be 2nd shot on 2nd oct 2014 i never had a period until 21st jan 15 and they have been pretty regular since between 26-28 day cycle which is quite regular cycles just try to relax because they say the more you think about it then the more of the delay when i finally stopped thinking about it af came with a vengance lmao the cramp was unbeleivable and now my cycles are so predictive its unreal after i get af and shes gone i start to break out around my mouth chin etc then after O my boobs ache all the way up to af arrives again then it just repeats itself so im kind of familiar with my cycles tho today is cd12 and i got a pos opk this morning is earlier than last month i didnt get my pos opk until cd15 but i dont really care about that as i only have 1 working tube due to removal of right tube and ectopic 2 years ago so i suppose any pos opk for me is an absoloute bonus haha xx
I really hope AF comes before your 4 months are up. I focused on a healthy diet and working out. I felt like that's the one thing I could be doing to get that nasty Depo out of my system. It wasn't easy, I can't lie. I started to track my symptoms via app before AF started because I was having what felt like cramps, flutters, etc. I wouldn't advise that though because it just made the days longer. AF took exactly 9 months to return for me. I think it's a good sign that you've seen her and she's trying!

9 months? Omg i would have been freaking out. I am also glad she came for me a couple times two im just ready to be able to know for certain when shes coming and to be able start tracking to know if i am actually ovulating. eating healthy and excercise sounds like something i can do and i can do immediately so ill begin that asap. Thank you so much.
Yh I suppose cutie, I have strong AF signs now so fingers crossed she shows up then I can start a fresh cycle and hopefully ovulate.

Aww rockstar, I'm sorry ur here in the same situation, it sucks Doesnt it?
I'm near enough same as you. My depo ran out 1st September 2014. I had a 5 day period the week after, then spotting all through November then nothing. Just AF pains around same time of month December and January then January I finally had a weird dark brown bleed. I had a cycle of 41 days, I had a positive Digital ovulation ok cd 19 but don't think I actually ovulated. I'm on cd 28 now, I havnt had any positive opk's but today just got AF pains so I'm not sure what happening. It's so hard just waiting around isn't it? I'm trying not to think too much into it, I was googling constantly and driving myself insane making time dragggg. I'm taking Agnus castus and I really do think that's helped my periods return even though I'm not ovulating yet. I also take seven seas TTC vitamins

It does suck epically bad i wish it would just straighten itself out already. I think i am going to look into ways to jump start ovulation i had tried vitex before but i couldn't take them to completion so i don't know if they actually worked. Patience is definitely not my strong suit so this wait is killing me.
I know it took about 3 months for the Agnus castus to do anything for me. My last AF was pretty normal but I'm just not ovulating so I have no idea when AF will show again, if she does at all!

Well AF pains have gone and no AF :(:(:( I feel so down today too like I could burst out crying at any moment for no reason!
I know it took about 3 months for the Agnus castus to do anything for me. My last AF was pretty normal but I'm just not ovulating so I have no idea when AF will show again, if she does at all!

Well AF pains have gone and no AF :(:(:( I feel so down today too like I could burst out crying at any moment for no reason!

Maybe you should try vitex. I know when i used it before i saw true EWCM for the first time in like life so i take that as a sign that it was working and that was only a few weeks into taking it. As for me i think im actually gonna pick up a bottle today and begin to take it tomorrow to see if it can help bring on AF. I was so sure she was coming this morning my stomach was cramping all last night but she wasnt there. Its starting to annoy me especially because i have this huge increase CM, getting to the point that im about to have to start wearing pantyliners (sorry tmi) but no af.
trying thats the way i felt i was so down i actually cried a few times for nothing while i was awaiting af to come i was so emotional it was horrible silly little hormones!! im still quite crampy on the left today mmmmmmmmmm!! will do an opk later tonight see if the posotive has faded away we dtd today anyway so i havent missed a thing this month lmao xxx
well im putting today as 1dpo as boobs hurt today so ive definetly O yesterday or day before into the 2ww now booooo any updates ladies xxx
Rockstar vitex is Agnus castus :) just a different name. It doesn't make a difference to my cm I don't think. I did try taking evening primrose oil but I stopped that in January.

Claire fingers crossed for ur 2ww! No update here :( nothing at all is happening and I feel like it never will to be honest
Rockstar vitex is Agnus castus :) just a different name. It doesn't make a difference to my cm I don't think. I did try taking evening primrose oil but I stopped that in January.

Claire fingers crossed for ur 2ww! No update here :( nothing at all is happening and I feel like it never will to be honest

oh lol, i feel like i should have known that. well i started taking the vitex and i feel like it may be doing something boobs are sore and my bras feeling extra snug, plus some cramping, bloating, and spotting so maybe this cycle will end by day 75 im currently at day 72. but im not holding my breathe
trying no to get too excited, day 25 of cycle and this happened this morning!
bought some more poas and testing every day until it's a good strong line!


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get excited 2ndtimeAbz. you've got yourself a line!
well seen a clairvoyant today she told me if im not already pregnant i will be very soon haha .. how annoying is that tho when im only 5dpo and cant test till atleast sunday bahhhhhhh going mad here hahahahaha help someone give me lines to squint at paleaseeeeee x
well 7dpo for me today and stark white bfn for me!!!!! after seeing the phsycic im just praying this month will be my month x
Much darker and quicker line today, hurray for a sticky bean :)
I'm depo cursed and hypothyroid, so don't give up hope ladies it will happen! :thumbup:


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Wow abz congrats!! Sorry I havnt been on this week, cd 36 for me; still no positive opk's and nothing else has happened! I'm going away next week for 5 days so I'm not going to be opking.
Lovely 2nd!!!!

Claire, 7po is incredibly early. Still plenty of time!

Enjoy your break trying.
i know cutie but im super im patient lol .. trying enjoy some relaxing time away and clear your head de-stress i will be testing every morning from today hahaha i have the blue wrappered amazon tests the test itself is pink does any1 know how much miu they are or any1 used them before and got bfp xxz
AF arrived an hour ago.. Onto a new cycle.
Thanks girls I will enjoy the break :) Claire im not sure which tests ur on about, it should say where u bought them though :) I get blue packet ones off amazon called one step they are pink dye and 10miu but had a lot of evaps on them

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