Hi ladies
Just a quick update as I'm shattered.
Very long day. Frustrating appointments due to lack of communication in the ante-natal department. Anyway:
Have to test my bloods 4 times a day
Have to see the Diabetes Team every fortnight
Will be scanned at 32w and 36w, plus any other scans they see fit
WB's head circumference, femur length and abdominal circumference were all in proportion (they are particularly interested in the abdominal circumference as this would be the only one of the three measurements affected by my GD) and measuring in the 95th percentile (they're not worried about this at present as OH is 6' tall)
If Wriggle Bum hasn't made an appearance by 38w I will be induced - the actual date for induction will be set at my 36w appointment
I can't have a home birth or water birth
I will be monitored throughout labour and given insulin if required
Both WB and I will have our blood sugars tested immediately after the birth
We will not be able to leave the hospital until our blood sugars have been stable for 24 hours
Think that pretty much sums everything up.
Catch up properly tomorrow. I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that 9 weeks from today I will have Wriggle Bum in my arms!
Pip x