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TTC After Loss 2011 BFP!!!

Aww so cute Kaede.. we are doing well.. Bryce is getting so big and changing so much.. Im on fb too.. pm me and i will add you.. then you can see my cutie pies.. :) Wow 10 lbs i think bryce is getting close to that.. was last 9 something.. so we will see at his next checkup in april..
Scan pics in my journal girls, i'm on my phone so it's a pain to post :)
Right ladies. I shall be booking our table this afternoon so if there is anyone still wanting to come to Leicester on 14 April PM me ASAP.


Pip x
Thank you Pip for booking the table and everything :flower: I am rubbish at organisation.
Hi all!! Hope your all doing ok! :happydance:

My consultant wanted to see me for my 8 week scan so i just booked in (Thu 12th April) but realised ill only be 7+2!! Do you think it will be a problem to be a few days behind? It will be a ultrasound scan to view a heartbeat :cry:
There will defintaely be a heartbeat by that stage so it should be fine Inoue :) Or you could rearrange if you wanted baby to be a bit bigger?
I dunno, im just having doubt's as i dont want to get there and see ... not alot :nope:. I might phone up again and see if i can go in on Monday 16th instead so ill be 7+7 instead. I just hate phoning up people and messing them around.

Thanks for reassurance Dee & lilrojo :hugs:
I just read this thread back to when i got my last BFP with MiniWig :cry: There were so many newly preggos then, but why did i do that and torture myself? :-(

I think i am the only one left now without a baby or a BFP :nope:
Oh Dee hun, dont think like that! :hugs:

It can be harsh reading through past posts when youve lost something so memorable, i hate reading how excited i was with my 2nd preg when it ended up so badly. Im so sorry miniwig ended up the same, i remember we were quite close in dates. Now others have had there babies and were starting back the life circle again. You will get your gorgeous BFP soon and we can all go into it together - whatever date it will be :friends:
Aww Dee, I'm sorry you're feeling bad. I'm sure you will get your sticky bean soon! Please don't give up, we're all here for you no matter what :hugs:

Dee i did that too read my ttc journal and i find it crazy how much my life has changed and my thinking.. stay positive it will happen just no one knows when... were all here till it does though :)

Im so happy to have met u all..

i may b crazy ntnp so early but no one knows what the future holds...
Dee. Madrid doesn't have her rainbow yet either after her sad news but you're PUPO right now ;)
First of all... What the heck is PUPO??? lol :/

And second... I can't quite believe it! Harri fell asleep at 7pm and slept on the sofa next to me (had my legs up so he couldn't fall) until I brought him upstairs at 11pm. He woke up when I moved him so I changed his nappy and fed him. I've now put him in his sleeping bag in his cot and he has gone straight back to sleep!!! I'm amazed! The last 2 nights he has also slept from 11pm-3am the first night and last night he slept from 11pm-3.50am. I hope this is a sign of better things to come in the sleep department!

Yay Kaede so happy for you.. its great when they start sleeping good.. Bryce has been pretty much from day one..just had one off night.. so hope it continues, though may change with growth spurts.. but fxed not..
Well he did 11.30-3am tonight, so still not bad considering he slept from 7pm lol. He wakes up at 5am next and then 7am lol.

Yeah what is PUPO? Of course, me and Madrid xxxxxx Hopefully we are both soon.
Unfortunately I'm with you and as it stands it may take me longer than I thought to go back ttc so don't feel sad Dee. I should feel more depressed having to consider the op I need to have and that by the time I get to try I'll be for sure the only left. I'm always the one left behind. Maybe it's unfair or maybe it's just the way it has to be. I can't change it either way. But I'm sorry you're having a bit of a sad time at the moment. It's very common in the middle of the tww anyway. Take care hun :hug:

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