Thanks ladies. It was awful
and the first day I took him to see the doctors I was told it was just a cold and he'd be fine. But he stopped drinking almost completely I think in 24 hours between Thursday when I took him to the docs and friday when I took him back again he had only drank like 10oz or so. But he is doing do much better, he drank 8oz in 2 sittings through the night so I'm happy about that
I didn't expect him to be so poorly at all. He had a slight temperature after his first set of jabs and was a bit fussy for a day or 2, but nothing a little bit of Calpol didn't sort out. I'm just happy he's getting better
AMU, isadora is absolutely beautiful! I just want to squidge all these babies haha. Here's some more recent pics of Sir Harri.
These are the last few days so he looks a little poorly but I take pics nearly everyday of him lol
He doesn't always have his dummy in, promise lol. He's just wanted it more since he's been poorly lol.