Hi Cry, I am ok today, I am never sure about my temps either as they seem all over the place. My OH went back to camp today (he is in army so is only home every 4 days, which is rubbish when ttc). Had 2 fitness classes this morning and then watched DS play footie, now chilling. Need to get some ironing done. Think spotting seems to have stopped. It is an emotional roller coaster eh?
Blimey Becks, take it easy lol. Cry is right, the housework can wait.
Hope you are getting some rest too Lisa, while you can.
I've always been the same Cry! But I have slowed right down and I sit down in between jobs now so definitely not overdoing it I just have never been one for sitting about when things need doing! I wouldn't say mine was immaculate either but clean and tidy I have to have it and even more so now as I think what if I went into labour and left a mess! Watching a film with dh now who is not happy at the one nil score lol. Hope you enjoy your meal Lisa xxxxxx
Ooooo Lisa it's so close now! I can't believe it! I'm so so excited for you I really am. I'm glad you had a lovely meal, you certainly deserve it and it must have been so nice to spend time with your family. Dh is avid Man U fan so he wasn't at all happy with the result but he had a great time with Casey and it's the first match he's taken him to even if it was just a pub! He'll have no choice but to be Man U lol xxx.
I didn't sleep last night thinking about Lisa!!
In a way I feel a little sad that I won't be pg anymore. That probably sounds little strange after almost 9 months of worrying, but I like being pregnant and this will be the last time for me.
Does that make sense to anyone?