Love the pics Jo! You look fab I know those bottles you had, I had the same thing fir ds 4. Will def get some for Brooklyn, don't want him to be in any pain. Doc gave me some infacol for him too xxxx
Definitely although I spent extra extra time winding him yest and he slept much much better last night without giving infacol so I'm also just going to spend a lot longer winding him xxxxxx
That's good. I did hear about winding - if you lie baby on his back, hold bottom of his legs and just bend knees slightly towards his chest (not too far) and then back to start, repeat a couple of times, that is another good way to get wind up. Works for my DH anyway lol.
Thank you yes I'm feeling better, with that 2nd degree tear it's hard with things like going to the loo etc, I hate having stitches! But it does get easier, the lack of time and sleep is hard but it's worth every min! Xxxxx
Morning ladies, how is everyone? My pain is much better so hopefully the antibiotics are working. Snapped dh and Brooklyn last night sleeping was a shame to have to wake them! Xx. Xx
Morning ladies, how is everyone? My pain is much better so hopefully the antibiotics are working. Snapped dh and Brooklyn last night sleeping was a shame to have to wake them! Xx. Xx
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