I'm not completely caught up, but wanted to pop in and say hi. We moved at the end of last month and have been adjusting as well as fighting with internet service. I think everything is finally running smooth.
That chart does look lovely, Jo! Fingers crossed for you!
Crazy - Congratulations!
Becks and Lisa - Your little ones are just gorgeous.
Karen - How are you feeling?
Fiona and Regina - I hope you are doing well.
I hope I didn't miss anybody.
AFM - I remain in limbo. With the moving and everything, I haven't been following my cycles so not scheduled the 21-day test yet. I still keep going back and forth about what we should do. I really need to take the time to sit down and talk with DH about it. At times, I think maybe this was a sign we should just be done, but then something happens that shows me how much I still want this. The 50-year-old lady working at a store I frequent got pregnant naturally. Then my niece, who was 4 weeks ahead of me when I had my first miscarriage, had her baby shower Sunday. I could look at her and talk to her, but every time something was mentioned about due dates or the baby's size, having sonograms, or even being uncomfortable, my heart would just sink for a few minutes.