There is so much good news on this thread and I am so happy for all of you.
It's a year ago that I got my shock. I can't believe it hasn't happened for me and I am feeling super sorry for myself and need to snap out of it.
Shall I tell you all a completely unrelated story.
We moved in to our house in 1999. The house is in my childhood village and when my Gran died and left us some money, we decided to move up from London. I love it up here.
When we moved in, we gutted the house (infact we didn't move straight in as it was a wreck.) when we went up into the loft it was black with soot from the days of coal fires. The loft was completely empty except for one scrap of paper. The paper was black with soot too. My OH went to chuck it, but I rescued it and had a look at it. I could make out some penceil writing and so a few days later I got my paint brushes and brushed all the pages clean. it turned out to be a few pages from a childs diary from the summer of 1956. The entries were things such as the conquering of Everest, the wimbledon finals, the school trips and maypole dancing. Not personal reflections or anything deep, but very relevent to my village.
When my children studied village history at the school, they took the fragile pages in to use as a resource and the school made an effort to trace the owner, but failed.
I also tried tracing the owner, but had no luck. So last year after 13 years, I decided to publish the entries on my blog. I also said that if X wanted his diary back that he should contact me.
On Friday he finally did contact me. I have arranged to take his diary round to an address where it will be given back to him. I asked if he was happy for his diary to remain on my blog and sadly he said tthat although his family had been delighted to discover it, he was embarrassed by his childhood writing and would I remove it. He was awfully nice, but I now feel so emotional about these few scraps of paper and "my ownership of it."
I mentioned this on my other forum as many of the people on that had followed the discovery and publishing etc. I got so attacked by one of the members in a huge tirade of abuse. so I am really feeling so low this morning now.