I am very anxious as have no MS at all. had it first few days or week or so and noe nothing.
Still very tires, boobs still tender and strange taste comes and goes but not as intense. temp still very high though.
tried to eat a homemade curry last night though and couldn't as smell put me off.
trying to think back to all my previous pregnancies and to be honest never had any MS after first week really except when I miscarried.
dd1 I was ill first week but didn't realise I was pregnant until I was 2 months gone so no MS!
Next pregnancy ill right until 8 weeks then had a scan and was told baby had actually died at 6 weeks so had d and c
dd2 had ms one week, but tested negative went to docs 4 weeks later to get coil fitted only to find I had been pregnant all along, again no MS
then twins again very strong symptons for two weeks then nothing, just sore boobs and felt sleepy a lot!
two miscarriages last year felt sick right up until day before I miscarried both times plus I no longer' felt' pregnant either .
This time sickness has all gone, but temps are still high.
Maybe I am just fortunate that I don't get sick.
wondering if this is a going to be a girl and the others were boys and I simply cant carry boys?
Now I am clutching at straws.
I still' feel' pregnant though, if that doesn't sound odd