This month I DTD when I was supposed to, but just had that feeling that's been bugging me, that the miscarriage this month last year, knocked me into menoupause. I have been feeling very old and seem to be developing new wrinkles every day.
As someone who normally has about two glasses of wine a year, I've drunk more this last month. I really fancied a cider which led to DTD more relaxed then normal and then Ialso had a glass of wine on two weekends running.
I have been very down and felt that it would actually never be my time. I am a self employed creative designer and make CE certified sock monkeys and Keepsake teddy's and quilts, paintings, tiaras and jewellery, but it can be dreadfully lonely working in my work room all day long. I saw a job advertised at the local senior school for an art technician. it would have been perfect, but I only had half a day to apply before the applications shut. I filled in the application form and wizzed it down to school. I pinned all my hopes on it and I think that it made me realease all the pressure of trying to concieve and I was ready to move on. The interview date was supposed to be yesterday and when mon and tuesday came without hearing anything, I spiraled into a deep sadness. I was kept busy by a friend who's website I am just setting up, but by this morning which would be day 30 and so AF would be here, I did the POAS as is customary. Lets not waste the stick...... I then put it on the desk next to me and took a phone call from trading standards guy who was supposed to be coming out to approve my technical file today to cancel the appointment. and I forgot about the stick, put the phone down and turned around to find two lines. Not just a faint oe but a no mistake postive. A whole year after my MC I am finally pregnant. Old, wrinkly and pregnant and very very very shocked.