Fi, read your journal. What a nightmare for you hun, big hugs. It brought tears to my eyes. You have been through such a lot and I really really hope that you get your sticky bean very soon. Some people can be so insensitive and it is so hard dealing with the hard times without people butting in thinking they know what is best for you. Looking good on the pos opks xx
Becks - sorry to hear that you are having a nightmare AF, hope it eases off soon.
I am not in the best of moods, expecting AF probably tomorrow which is not good timing as off to a wedding tomorrow in Shrewsbury. Also this is around my due date so feeling a bit sad. Had a good few days up North but lots of travelling, home today and then travelling a couple of hours tomorrow for wedding. It is my best mates and I am hoping that when I get there, it will go ok as to be honest not looking forward to it. Weather will be cold, expense I could do without just after Christmas. blimey what a misery guts I am. But on a plus side, I am hoping this is going to be a good year. After all, if you remember, I was told by that lady that she saw me pregnant this year.
How is everyone else today?