I'm having lots of pain in what I am assuming is my ovary, so I'm assuming I'm ovulating for the first time since my d&c!! wahoo! So this means I should get af around Feb 24, so we will start trying end of march/beginning of april! WOOT!
Ooooh, just got off the phone from my ob and he says I am 100% ready to go again as soon as I get AF.... yaaaay! As long as I continue on my prenatals (with iodine) I should be right as rain. I also had some testing done on the tissue after my D&C and apparently there is no good reason for the MMC - just bad luck and that perhaps my proegesterone levels were a bit low and will be monitored next time... The grass is definately getting greener chickies...![]()
Well my AF showed her ugly head today so that means that means that I can start watching my cycle. I guess my biggest fear right now is another ectopic. I feel kinda like i am playing with fire in a way. I am going to start taking prentals now and I am pretty much praying my birth control gets out of my system quickly since I was only it for 4 months. Fingers crossed.
Tons ofto everyone. Hopefully this is our month!
I'm having lots of pain in what I am assuming is my ovary, so I'm assuming I'm ovulating for the first time since my d&c!! wahoo! So this means I should get af around Feb 24, so we will start trying end of march/beginning of april! WOOT!
Hi everyone -
It is with much sadness that I join you here after an ectopic pregnancy and methotrexate injection on Sunday night. I had molar pregnancy in 2009, a chemical pregnancy in December 2011 and now an ectopic - seriously, how much can 1 girl handle?!?!
I was hoping to be able to chat with some of you that are going through a similar situation, and to those that have been through it and are now pregnant (I'm so happy to see that there are lots of those)!
I see there are lots of opinions regarding TTC after the shot, and I was just hoping to hear what different doctors are recommending these days (and where you're from). I'm in Australia, and my fertility doc this morning said 3 months however I have read lots of doctors are saying one normal cycle post levels returning to 0.
I have my follow-up appointment at the hospital tomorrow (day 4) so I'm hoping my levels are heading in the right direction. They weren't very high when I got the jab (around 300, I think) and were already about 250 by the following day. I do hear though that they can start to rise again and that is frightening the life out of me. I really don't want a second jab!
I've had no bleeding and no pain so I'm not quite sure what to expect in the coming days/weeks. I just can't wait to get back to 0 so that we can try and look into why I've had 2 miscarriages back to back. I do have a happy and healthy 16 month old so I know my body can do it - I just think it needs a bit of a CTRL-ALT-DLT to get it back into conception mode!
Any advice, recommendations or words of encouragement would be muchly appreciated!
Sorry to hear your story.
I too had an ectopic and got the meth jag on 5th sept last year. It didn't work well enough so needed a 2nd shot the week after. I waited 12 weeks before trying again but alas - so far i have had no luck conceiving. I have always fallen very quickly but maybe this is my body's way of telling me it isn't ready yet??
I hope you are not having too much discomfort - physical or emotional and I really hope you find this forum helpful. I know when I came on here in sept, it gave me a lot of hope to see Jparr, presh, michelle etc all fall pregnant.
Presh - hope are doing okay?
Hi ladies-
First off I'd like to say how very sorry I am for your losses and I pray your pain has healed. I know how devastating the experiences you have all went through have been.
Secondly I need your help. Ill be working with my Dr. but right now I am very lost and would love some information. We lost our bean yesterday at 5w6days. They found it in my right tube. I was given a dose of mtx and sent home. Ive been reading on it but haven't found all the answers. My Dr. did say to wait until 2 cycles to try again. Does that mean we can try when I ovulate following my 2nd AF? Or do I have to have 3 af's then try? Is there a ready to see if my folic acid is back to normal? why aren't oral supplements sufficient enough to where you can ttc right away? Also, I had my tubes reversed in dec 2011. Do you think its safe for an hsg test already? We are gutted and despetately wanting to know if my right tube is blocked so we don't endure this again. We are just so sick![]()
Thank you gweny-i feel like time is standing still and I wish we could start ttc sooner and full this empty hole in my heart.Welcome bbgoosebumps and mspix, you've come to the right placeAs for how long to wait, my doctor said I could try after my first normal AF, but I ended up waiting about three months. There are different opinions out there, and conflicting advice, so I would recommend to wait at least that long and listen to your doctor and your body. I know this is probably a tough time, but I think you'll be surprised bIy how quickly it flies by. Be good to yourself during this time, you deserve it. You'll be back to ttc in no time!