TTC baby #2 with a toddler need a buddy!?:)


Momma of 2 DD'S and expecting DS in April!
Jun 20, 2015
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Hello everyone, I would like to find some buddies who are also TTC #2 and already have a toddler!! I am stopping my birth control pill of 2 months (short lived :laugh2: ) I am 22 years old and my little girl is going to be 3 in July! I started my AF yesterday unfortunately, so now hoping July is the month! Would really like some buddies to chat with! <3

I would love to join you. I am 24 and have a 15 month old son. We decide to try for #2 because the health care system in germany is way better than the states. Was going to start trying next month but IUD was not in the correct place so had to remove it June 11. Had withdrawal bleed 13. Stop bleeding the 15th. Notice EWCM on 16 and 17th. Had o pain on the right side on the 18th with very watery discharge and then turned creamy the 19th. BD on the ewcm days :)
Hi can I join? I have a 17 month old son and I'm currently on CD4!
Hi ya! I am currently TTC#2 with a 15 month old DS. We've been trying for #2 since my first PP AF with no luck so far. I'm and older mommy (38) so we have a limited time to get to #2. I also have PCOS with irregular or anovulatory cycles, FUN! Would love to join in with you ladies if you will have me.
Everyone welcome!!:)

I am on CD6 right now so O and testing seems so far away right now!! How is everyone doing in their cycles right now?! Anxious??? :flower:

I noticed some stringy cm although I am still spotting from AF was hoping maybe I'd O sooner due to stopping the pill and hormones being out of whack. I'm soooo impatient! And I hate the 2WW but I feel like I'd rather be there than waiting to O because I'm just ready to test grr!!

Baby dust to everyone!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Everyone welcome!!:)

I am on CD6 right now so O and testing seems so far away right now!! How is everyone doing in their cycles right now?! Anxious??? :flower:

I noticed some stringy cm although I am still spotting from AF was hoping maybe I'd O sooner due to stopping the pill and hormones being out of whack. I'm soooo impatient! And I hate the 2WW but I feel like I'd rather be there than waiting to O because I'm just ready to test grr!!

Baby dust to everyone!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm on CD5! AF is still around so I'm getting impatient too! I want to be actively trying! According to FF I am fertile starting July 2nd so I'm pretty much gonna start DTD as soon as AF is gone! This time around I'm equipped with preseed, ovulation tests and a thermometer so hope we catch that egg!
Everyone welcome!!:)

I am on CD6 right now so O and testing seems so far away right now!! How is everyone doing in their cycles right now?! Anxious??? :flower:

I noticed some stringy cm although I am still spotting from AF was hoping maybe I'd O sooner due to stopping the pill and hormones being out of whack. I'm soooo impatient! And I hate the 2WW but I feel like I'd rather be there than waiting to O because I'm just ready to test grr!!

Baby dust to everyone!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm on CD5! AF is still around so I'm getting impatient too! I want to be actively trying! According to FF I am fertile starting July 2nd so I'm pretty much gonna start DTD as soon as AF is gone! This time around I'm equipped with preseed, ovulation tests and a thermometer so hope we catch that egg!

How are you doing now?? I'm currently on CD10 now and my fertile days according to FF have started today, my app on my phone says tomorrow. Either way is fine with me, just bring on O day!!! I have been noticing I'm getting nausea at night...which is strange because I never get nauseous unless I'm pregnant...I took a test (lol hopeful thinking right) two days ago and BFN but it's just so weird that I'm getting a sick feeling without a pregnancy.. I did have either a chemical pregnancy or just a false positive when AF came but it was neg at the doctor's so I doubt it would be because of that
Everyone welcome!!:)

I am on CD6 right now so O and testing seems so far away right now!! How is everyone doing in their cycles right now?! Anxious??? :flower:

I noticed some stringy cm although I am still spotting from AF was hoping maybe I'd O sooner due to stopping the pill and hormones being out of whack. I'm soooo impatient! And I hate the 2WW but I feel like I'd rather be there than waiting to O because I'm just ready to test grr!!

Baby dust to everyone!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm on CD5! AF is still around so I'm getting impatient too! I want to be actively trying! According to FF I am fertile starting July 2nd so I'm pretty much gonna start DTD as soon as AF is gone! This time around I'm equipped with preseed, ovulation tests and a thermometer so hope we catch that egg!

How are you doing now?? I'm currently on CD10 now and my fertile days according to FF have started today, my app on my phone says tomorrow. Either way is fine with me, just bring on O day!!! I have been noticing I'm getting nausea at night...which is strange because I never get nauseous unless I'm pregnant...I took a test (lol hopeful thinking right) two days ago and BFN but it's just so weird that I'm getting a sick feeling without a pregnancy.. I did have either a chemical pregnancy or just a false positive when AF came but it was neg at the doctor's so I doubt it would be because of that
Did you test come up neg with a urine test but home test showed positive? It happen to me also with my chemical, blood test came out positive though.
Everyone welcome!!:)

I am on CD6 right now so O and testing seems so far away right now!! How is everyone doing in their cycles right now?! Anxious??? :flower:

I noticed some stringy cm although I am still spotting from AF was hoping maybe I'd O sooner due to stopping the pill and hormones being out of whack. I'm soooo impatient! And I hate the 2WW but I feel like I'd rather be there than waiting to O because I'm just ready to test grr!!

Baby dust to everyone!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm on CD5! AF is still around so I'm getting impatient too! I want to be actively trying! According to FF I am fertile starting July 2nd so I'm pretty much gonna start DTD as soon as AF is gone! This time around I'm equipped with preseed, ovulation tests and a thermometer so hope we catch that egg!

How are you doing now?? I'm currently on CD10 now and my fertile days according to FF have started today, my app on my phone says tomorrow. Either way is fine with me, just bring on O day!!! I have been noticing I'm getting nausea at night...which is strange because I never get nauseous unless I'm pregnant...I took a test (lol hopeful thinking right) two days ago and BFN but it's just so weird that I'm getting a sick feeling without a pregnancy.. I did have either a chemical pregnancy or just a false positive when AF came but it was neg at the doctor's so I doubt it would be because of that
Did you test come up neg with a urine test but home test showed positive? It happen to me also with my chemical, blood test came out positive though.

My blood test and urine test from the doctor's came up negative, but two days prior it came up positive at home!
Everyone welcome!!:)

I am on CD6 right now so O and testing seems so far away right now!! How is everyone doing in their cycles right now?! Anxious??? :flower:

I noticed some stringy cm although I am still spotting from AF was hoping maybe I'd O sooner due to stopping the pill and hormones being out of whack. I'm soooo impatient! And I hate the 2WW but I feel like I'd rather be there than waiting to O because I'm just ready to test grr!!

Baby dust to everyone!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

I'm on CD5! AF is still around so I'm getting impatient too! I want to be actively trying! According to FF I am fertile starting July 2nd so I'm pretty much gonna start DTD as soon as AF is gone! This time around I'm equipped with preseed, ovulation tests and a thermometer so hope we catch that egg!

How are you doing now?? I'm currently on CD10 now and my fertile days according to FF have started today, my app on my phone says tomorrow. Either way is fine with me, just bring on O day!!! I have been noticing I'm getting nausea at night...which is strange because I never get nauseous unless I'm pregnant...I took a test (lol hopeful thinking right) two days ago and BFN but it's just so weird that I'm getting a sick feeling without a pregnancy.. I did have either a chemical pregnancy or just a false positive when AF came but it was neg at the doctor's so I doubt it would be because of that

Oh wow that's so unusual. Could it be a tummy bug or something? I'm on CD 9. Fertile days don't start till July 2nd but we'll start BD today anyway! Can't hurt right? ;)
It could be, but only at night? lol it's strange I'm telling you! Just wait until 9 months from now when I'm on I didn't know I was Pregnant haha. :haha:

Heeeeeck no sister! You BD your heart out!!:happydance:
It could be, but only at night? lol it's strange I'm telling you! Just wait until 9 months from now when I'm on I didn't know I was Pregnant haha. :haha:

Heeeeeck no sister! You BD your heart out!!:happydance:

Hahaha!!! As long as you're not one of the ladies who discover it on the loo :haha:

I saw EWCM today!!! Fertile mucus!!! :happydance: so I'm just waiting for hubby to get home so we can BD. Fx we catch the egg!
It could be, but only at night? lol it's strange I'm telling you! Just wait until 9 months from now when I'm on I didn't know I was Pregnant haha. :haha:

Heeeeeck no sister! You BD your heart out!!:happydance:

Hahaha!!! As long as you're not one of the ladies who discover it on the loo :haha:

I saw EWCM today!!! Fertile mucus!!! :happydance: so I'm just waiting for hubby to get home so we can BD. Fx we catch the egg!

Same here girl!!!! Lots of EWCM today for me too. DH is at work as well so I'm going to pounce as soon as he's back lol!! :haha::happydance: I O in 3 days according to FF! Let's get these eggs fertilized!
It could be, but only at night? lol it's strange I'm telling you! Just wait until 9 months from now when I'm on I didn't know I was Pregnant haha. :haha:

Heeeeeck no sister! You BD your heart out!!:happydance:

Hahaha!!! As long as you're not one of the ladies who discover it on the loo :haha:

I saw EWCM today!!! Fertile mucus!!! :happydance: so I'm just waiting for hubby to get home so we can BD. Fx we catch the egg!

Same here girl!!!! Lots of EWCM today for me too. DH is at work as well so I'm going to pounce as soon as he's back lol!! :haha::happydance: I O in 3 days according to FF! Let's get these eggs fertilized!

Yay! :happydance: :dust: I hope you catch that egg!

Lol at pounce on DH! &#128513; we just DTD and I have a good feeling about this cycle. Not sure when I will O because fertility friend still shows July 5/6/7. I'm thinking between 2nd and 4th? Gonna keep BDing till the fertile cm stops!
Girl, if we both conceive this cycle we will have close due dates!

LOL that's literally what I did, he got home and I jumped on him and wouldn't let him to anything else before we DTD!!! I'm also feeling pretty good this cycle, especially now that I am feeling/seeing more EWCM. I was worried my cycles would be all messed up because of stopping the pill but I seem fine and normal! A little emotional!

My OPK looked almost positive! Are you using any OPK's?
Girl, if we both conceive this cycle we will have close due dates!

LOL that's literally what I did, he got home and I jumped on him and wouldn't let him to anything else before we DTD!!! I'm also feeling pretty good this cycle, especially now that I am feeling/seeing more EWCM. I was worried my cycles would be all messed up because of stopping the pill but I seem fine and normal! A little emotional!

My OPK looked almost positive! Are you using any OPK's?

Yay! Last time I got pregnant very quickly off the pill so fx the same happens for you.

I'm using OPKs but just getting faint lines so far. Hoping to see a positive around 4th or 5th July!

Post pictures of yours!
Alright, here is the one from yesterday! I will probably take my last one either today or tomorrow, not sure because I only have 1 left haha!!

Post pictures of yours too when you do them!


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Alright, here is the one from yesterday! I will probably take my last one either today or tomorrow, not sure because I only have 1 left haha!!

Post pictures of yours too when you do them!

You look like you're almost there! :happydance:

Today was a weird day. I am pretty sure I saw EWCM yesterday but had none today and then we ended up not BD thanks to a stupid broken water heater that was more important. Hope we get back on track tomorrow..both CM&BD!

I'm going to take two ovulation tests per day starting tomorrow..hopefully that will also help pinpoint O!
Alright, here is the one from yesterday! I will probably take my last one either today or tomorrow, not sure because I only have 1 left haha!!

Post pictures of yours too when you do them!

You look like you're almost there! :happydance:

Today was a weird day. I am pretty sure I saw EWCM yesterday but had none today and then we ended up not BD thanks to a stupid broken water heater that was more important. Hope we get back on track tomorrow..both CM&BD!

I'm going to take two ovulation tests per day starting tomorrow..hopefully that will also help pinpoint O!

Oh lord, ours broke a couple months ago too and found out we had been living in carbon monoxide for 3 months!!! Hope it's nothing too serious that you have to spend lots of $$$ on!!

That sounds like a good idea!! I'm heading out to the store tomorrow to buy some more OPK's as well, just took another one (30 minutes earlier than yesterday...oops?) and it was much lighter than yesterday..or perhaps I missed my surge?! UGH!!
Get back to BDing girl!! ;)

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