Hi midnight, welcome to our thread.
In response to your question I'm sorry but I really don't know. I would say since the bleeding started on 14DPO, then although it seems an unusual colour for y etc, it sounds like its most likely AF. But I'm certainly no expert so as Kalia said I would take a test just to be on the safe side!
Oh Kalia that doesn't sound so good. Hope the day doesn't drag in for u too much! And sorry to hear your AF showed up but at least now you can get into this cycle using your OPKs etc again. Do you think you are going to try temping? I've done it this cycle but to be honest I don't think it's added anything yet. I'm prob not doing it right lol. I know it seems like Sookie and snuffle have abandoned us haha. Sookie could be preggers for all we know! I hope everything is going well for them both.
And Marqelle how are you? Are you pretty convinced now that your first O was probably not correct? I'm sure your AF would have showed up by now so hopefully you are now defo in the TWW! And I'm joining you in it today
I have a question but you and it probably sounds stupid but oh well lol. When using OPKs, after they go negative again does that mean O has been and gone? It's just as I said before OH and I have been BDing every other day and to be completely honest I'm exhausted with it haha. I got my pos OPKs on fri, sat and sun and now today it has gone negative again so does that mean O definitely happened at some point over the weekend? I'm asking because tonight is BD night again and as terrible as it sounds, I don't really want to BD if I don't have to lol. I just want to go home from work, get in my onesie and watch rubbish on the tv all night! If there's still a chance O can happen after the LH surge ends then I will defo BD tonight but as I said, if its not going to make any difference then I would rather not x