TTC - buddies please? xx

Heyy :)
How far along were you when you mc?

It really worries me that so many people mc... i really hope if i get a BFP i'm not one of those :(

When are you going to test then? or you going to hang it out to see if AF comes around?

How long have you been trying?
im the same as you, i've been having intercourse almost everyday of this month just ovulation decided to come early/late

I hope you get the BFP!!
Baby dust for you!!!! :dust:


If either of you need another buddy I'd gladly volunteer.

I came off bcp at the end of April last year, got a BFP at the end of which unfortunately ended with an mmc at the end of November. Am now on cycle one trying again for number one.

Currently at 5dpo of a 31 day cycle, AF should be due on 1st February though obviously I'm hoping she doesn't arrive. I've been temping/charting using Fertility Friend and using internet cheapie opks to monitor my cycle this month as it has changed because of my mc. We :sex: every day around my pinpointed ovulation so now it's just a waiting game. Am going to try and hold out till 3rd February to test if AF doesn't show up.
I had what is called a missed miscarriage. We thought that all was well, went for our 12 week scan but we found out that the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks :cry: I had to have surgery to sort it all out so I had to wait to recover from that but we actively started trying this month.

Unfortunately mc's are very common I hadn't realised how much so until we had one. It is difficult but you get through it.

I'm going to wait and see what happens, AF is due 1st February if she doesn't come by 2nd then I might try testing then. Am determined not to test too early as I don't want to be disapointed if I get bfns that may be false I'd rather wait - although I know it will be hard not to.

:dust: to you too :)
:( thats really sad to hear! im sorry for your loss and hope you have a successful pregnancy!!

Yeah its starting to worry me as everywhere i read people have mc.
Its really quite sad, it must be a difficult time.

Yeah if i could i'd wait till AF was due, but unfortunately i have no patience! i just get far too excited then when i see a BFN, i get disappointed, thats why i'm trying to hold out till 11dpo! as on average alot of women received a faint but accurate + or - :)

Have you had any symptoms or anything yet?
Well I've had a few flutters and cramps in my tummy, have been feeling very tired this week, had increased appetite and keep weeing all the time. Wether these are symptoms or just me trying to pinpoint stuff because I know I'm in the 2ww I don't know :shrug:

When I got a bfp last time we were not trying not preventing and feel within 3 months. The month I got my bfp I can't really remember any symptoms other than being very tired before I found out. Saying that though as I assumed I wouldn't be pregnant that month I hadn't been actively looking for any signs.

I'm trying not to symptom spot too much as I'll just drive myself insane though I am keeping my eyes open in case I get a temp drop on my chart any day now. How about you? Have you had any symptoms?
Yeah i have but i think i'm just playing mind tricks on myself because i want it so bad!

But on 5-6dpo i had AF-like cramps and dull cramps down there - not painful just uncomfortable so if i am BFP i'm thinking this could of been implantation?
I've been looking out for spotting but had none of which i could see.

I've not been charting my temperature, but if i get a BFN this month imma chart temp next month.

Also, last night i was lying in bed and got a huge wave of nausea and i've been going to bed around 9-10pm feeling really tired compared to the usual 11-12.
I've also been keeping an eye on my cervix and CM.
And my cervix has been high with EWCM.

But even having these symptoms, i still think its my mind playing tricks on me because i want it so bad.
I hate this waiting game!! hehe.
The 2ww is horrible but I’m trying to keep busy with stuff so it takes my mind off it. If I don’t then I’ll drive myself mad and also the more I think about it the more I stress and that isn’t good.

I have found taking the temps a big help this month, also I signed up for the VIP membership on Fertility Friend and that has been worth the money I paid for it so far.

I suppose all we can do is sit and wait – good luck to you :dust:

Oh and to add a friend you go to the other persons profile then there is a part which shows their friends and you click on “Befriend…….” Then they will be your friend hope that helps :)
Thanks :)

Oh i went onto Fertility Friend and didn't really understand it - i saw that i should be checking my temps but i didnt really understand the graphs
i'll have to have a proper look at it some time.

Really hope this month is your month!!
Let me know your results!!

Baby dust to youuu :dust:
Good luckkkk
I'll be your buddy!
Im new to this site, and am only on my 1st month trying. AF is due on 28th, so 8 days from now. Usually my boobs would be really sore by now, i keep prodding and poking but taking that as a positive sign. We had BD throughout my 7 day fertile period, but i only judge by CM at the moment so ov was just a good guess this month.

****baby dust**** for you all xx
Heyy :)

Yeah my ov was a guess this month too - either 12th-13th or 14th but im pretty sure 14th.
If im not successful this month i'm going to start doing ovulation tests so i'm certain :)

hehe i've been prodding and poking my boobs too! to see if theres any pain but not experience a pain in the boob yet, although 5 or 6 days back i did have a strange kind of pain in my breasts - maybe this was ovulation? maybe i ovulated really late? who knows - but me and OH have been :sex: almost everyday hehe, didnt wanna miss a chance.

Is this gonna be your first baby?
I really hope you get a BFP!!! :dust: to you!!!

I hope its my month tooo! :):)

I'll be your buddy!
Im new to this site, and am only on my 1st month trying. AF is due on 28th, so 8 days from now. Usually my boobs would be really sore by now, i keep prodding and poking but taking that as a positive sign. We had BD throughout my 7 day fertile period, but i only judge by CM at the moment so ov was just a good guess this month.

****baby dust**** for you all xx
Im pretty sure i ov on 14th too but like you if i dont get BFP this month im gonna get ov tests too to be sure.

Its not my 1st, i had my little boy 9 years ago and concieved in cycle 2 so fingers crossed that this one will be as quick, if not quicker!

Its great to know your at the same place in your cycle as me, we can obsess together lol x

Heyy :)

Yeah my ov was a guess this month too - either 12th-13th or 14th but im pretty sure 14th.
If im not successful this month i'm going to start doing ovulation tests so i'm certain :)

hehe i've been prodding and poking my boobs too! to see if theres any pain but not experience a pain in the boob yet, although 5 or 6 days back i did have a strange kind of pain in my breasts - maybe this was ovulation? maybe i ovulated really late? who knows - but me and OH have been :sex: almost everyday hehe, didnt wanna miss a chance.

Is this gonna be your first baby?
I really hope you get a BFP!!! :dust: to you!!!

I hope its my month tooo! :):)
hehe lucky you!!
I've got everything crossed that this is my month!! Really hope so!
I'm symptom spotting like mad though - really should stop! hehe.

I did a test this morning - 8dpo - but BFN.
but i think maybe it was just too early.
Having a lot of period like cramps this morning - not painful, just uncomfortable, in my downstairs region (TMI), but perhaps this is implantation?
Fingers crossed!!

Lots of :dust: to you!!!
Im pretty sure i ov on 14th too but like you if i dont get BFP this month im gonna get ov tests too to be sure.

Its not my 1st, i had my little boy 9 years ago and concieved in cycle 2 so fingers crossed that this one will be as quick, if not quicker!

Its great to know your at the same place in your cycle as me, we can obsess together lol x

Heyy :)

Yeah my ov was a guess this month too - either 12th-13th or 14th but im pretty sure 14th.
If im not successful this month i'm going to start doing ovulation tests so i'm certain :)

hehe i've been prodding and poking my boobs too! to see if theres any pain but not experience a pain in the boob yet, although 5 or 6 days back i did have a strange kind of pain in my breasts - maybe this was ovulation? maybe i ovulated really late? who knows - but me and OH have been :sex: almost everyday hehe, didnt wanna miss a chance.

Is this gonna be your first baby?
I really hope you get a BFP!!! :dust: to you!!!

I hope its my month tooo! :):)
Im the same symptom spotting, i think we all are, how can we not! lol.

I was getting excited last night as i had a dull ache in my uterus area and this kinda 'pulling' sensation that other people have mentioned, i swear i had a bit of backache too but i was probably imagining it haha. Im hoping it was implantation.
It was different to pmt symptoms but im still holding on to the fact that there is NO aching in my boobs whatsoever and that is just not like me at all with af due so soon.

I keep looking out for implantation spotting as i had it with my son but its only now that ive found out what that was! it was heavier than spotting last time, but hey theres nothing to say that i will even spot this time.

Im a really positive person and live my life looking on the bright side so im being positive however im being cautious with it bcos i dont want to be upset if i get BFN, i will be dissapointed of course but i will look at it as 'things happen for a reason'.

Anyway hun, keep up the positivity and keep me addicted to the internet atm so will be back in a couple of hours haha.

Lots of luck and babydust xx
Adelaide – 8dpo is too early to be testing. I personally would hold off at least a few more days – I have heard of people getting faint positives at 10dpo but not many at less than that.

Last time I got my bfp I was 14 dpo which was a day after AF was due. This time I’m going to try and do the same although that is at least 11 – 12 days away. I think AF is due around 31st / 1st so if she hasn’t come by the 2nd I may test then. I don’t want to get too wrapped up in testing early as it will only stress me out.

Good luck and :dust: to you all.
forgot to say Adelaide that i will be testing 2 days after af is due (if i get to that) thats a week tomorrow. I think 8dpo was too early so dont be disheartened with your bfn.

I havnt even got any tests in the house, im going to buy it on thusday night and do it fri morning......fingers crossed that af doesnt come in the meantime.......
hehe yeah i think we all say were not going to symptom spot but we all do at some point! hehe

Ohh really? i had a pulling sensation in my stomach about 5 minutes ago, it only lasted for a few seconds - i definitely wasnt imagining that! hehe cuz it was uncomfortable and this morning i had some vaginal cramping-like a pulling/tightness (sorry if TMI).

hehe how long did it take you to conceive your son?
(ohhhh pulling pains in stomach again!!)hehe.
How long have you been TTC this time around?

lots and lots of sticky baby dust to you!! :dust:
Im the same symptom spotting, i think we all are, how can we not! lol.

I was getting excited last night as i had a dull ache in my uterus area and this kinda 'pulling' sensation that other people have mentioned, i swear i had a bit of backache too but i was probably imagining it haha. Im hoping it was implantation.
It was different to pmt symptoms but im still holding on to the fact that there is NO aching in my boobs whatsoever and that is just not like me at all with af due so soon.

I keep looking out for implantation spotting as i had it with my son but its only now that ive found out what that was! it was heavier than spotting last time, but hey theres nothing to say that i will even spot this time.

Im a really positive person and live my life looking on the bright side so im being positive however im being cautious with it bcos i dont want to be upset if i get BFN, i will be dissapointed of course but i will look at it as 'things happen for a reason'.

Anyway hun, keep up the positivity and keep me addicted to the internet atm so will be back in a couple of hours haha.

Lots of luck and babydust xx
I told myself it was far too early to be testing - but i can never help myself!!
I think it would be best for me to just not buy tests and just wait to see if AF comes! (i really hope she doesnt!!)

So i know im gonna buy some more (but only cheapie) tests, but i'm not gonna test until around 11dpo.
and then if thats a BFN - im just gonna hold out to see if Af does come.

I wish i could hold out for as long as you could with the whole testing situation!!

I hope you get a BFP!!!
lots of sticky baby dust to you!! :dust:
Adelaide – 8dpo is too early to be testing. I personally would hold off at least a few more days – I have heard of people getting faint positives at 10dpo but not many at less than that.

Last time I got my bfp I was 14 dpo which was a day after AF was due. This time I’m going to try and do the same although that is at least 11 – 12 days away. I think AF is due around 31st / 1st so if she hasn’t come by the 2nd I may test then. I don’t want to get too wrapped up in testing early as it will only stress me out.

Good luck and :dust: to you all.
It took me 2 cycles to concieve my son and this is my first cycle this time round...
Just started with creamy cm today which is a change from the last few days, not sure what this means. Probably nothing bcos everyone is different lol.

Im feeling very impatient this afternoon, i just want to know! Hope this week goes quickly......
Mummymel I read on Fertility Friend today that after you have ovulated you then produce creamy or sticky CM which is hostile to sperm. I have been having the same thing since I ovulated on Friday.

I;ve never noticed it before but this is the first month I've paid so much attention to the changes of my CM anyway.

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