TTC buddy anyone?

I'm not sure if DH i's licensed or not. He must have been to win his own company, I guess. I think he's too old to get back into that, though. He turned 34 in Nov. That's not super old, but he also has a loy if old injuries from racing & from getting pinned between two trucks at the hips.
Hopefully we can figure out something! We have talked about cloth diapers and I plan to breastfeed, too if I can. My boobs are super small so I hope they get big enough to produce enough mik :)
We are hoping our parents move to TX to help with babysitting and stuff when I have to back to work to eliminate day care cost...but that's a pretty big wish that's not likely lol
I hear you on that! With hubby only being 23, he has lots of back pains and complains about work. So I doubt he'll really enjoy doing something even harder than what he's doing. He used to skateboard as a teen, and as a kid played every sport and broken multiple bones. Some of them twice :wacko:
Your boobs will grow for the baby :thumbup: I actually think women with smaller boobs have it easier. Mine are D cup, and had trouble trying to nurse milo. The nurse told me it was cause my boobs are bigger :roll: but I'm gonna be more prepared this time and hopefully last longer than a day :dohh: cloth diapering is lots of fun :dance: I posted a picture yesterday of Ava in one of hers. Our washer was broken and had to the a break. I can't wait to buy the itty newborn diapers :cloud9:
My parents live on the same street as us, and inlaws are around the corner. So it's very convenient for us. Except we're looking to move and I'm a bit scared to not have my mom so close :blush:
Being old when you're still young really sucks, that's for sure!! :(

I hope my boobs grow. They are sure hurting an awful lot still, but haven't gotten any bigger since the overnight change from a barely B to a full C. Wow, a DD? Do yours grow when you get pregnant??

Your kiddos are so cute! Love seeing the pics of them on FB :)
I have to do some research on cloth diapering and find out the best methods and over pants to use. My mom cloth diapered me...but that was a looong time ago ;) So I don't know if it's still the same. Do you still just use those long cloths, pins and rubber pants??? Maybe dumb question but I honestly haven't looked into it much yet. We're just kind of biding our time until we know for sure the pregnancy is viable and that everything is going ok. Plus, with the changes at work I haven't had much time to think about anything else :nope:

I'm not feeling well today - stuffy nose, headache, stomach ache and chills. I hope it's not the flu and it's just a quick bug of some kind. Luckily I have my doc appointment and ultrasound tomorrow!! I'm sooooo excited I can't wait! I know we won't be able to see much but I'm just really looking forward to knowing that everything is or isn't ok!!

Hope you have a nice Valentine's Day!! :flower:
Usually they grow more later on in pregnancy. And they'll change even more a few days after baby is born when all the milk comes in :thumbup: right now I don't think they've changed in size. Still fit into my regular bras. But they're firmer :shrug:

Rubber pants :rofl: every time I hear that I laugh. You can go the older route and use "prefolds" with a "snappi" and you put a cover over it. They also have diapers called "pockets" (the kind I prefer). You put the insert into the diaper and put it on like a regular diaper. Or you have "fitteds" where you buy them by size (other diapers are one size, usually 8-35lbs). There's "all in ones" and "all in twos" where the insert is snapped onto the diaper. There's so much variety :wacko: on Facebook I'm apart of a few "diaper co-ops" they get diapers online at sale price. As well as lots of other baby and mommy items. Sometmes those groups hurt the wallet :blush: as for the pants, usually I just go up a size. Like for instance Ava is in 18m clothes, but her pants need to be 24m/2t.

So excited for your scan :dance: hope it all goes well! Hope you feel better too and it's not the flu :( I had to call my ob to get a script for nausea medicine today :sick:
Ok, so I've been researching cloth diapers and I have been reading great reviews about charlie bananas. Do you know anything about them? Looks like they have snaps and can adjust to fit babies 6 - 35 pounds. They're so cute! I read about ones called gpants, too but they didn't have as good reviews as the charlie banana ones did.

The scan went great today. We saw the little peanut and saw the heartbeat. It was so amazing!!!!!!! DH came along, too and he was so excited. Back again in 4 more weeks but baby is right on track for size and my due date is 9/29 :dance:
I've never used Charlie banana diapers. But I have one of their swim diapers. I mainly use SunBaby, Alva, Kawaii and bumgenius. Although the bumgenius is more expensive, where as the other ones run ($3-7 a diaper). Most diapers are snaps. But I like Velcro for night time diapers cause you're usually tired in the night and they're easier :thumbup: for newborn stage I'm going to use prefolds and covers (the older style of cloth diaper) because its cheaper and easy to do since they can't roll all over :haha:

That's great! :hugs: can't believe you're gonna be 8w soon! Just 10 more days until my scan! :dance:
Oh my gosh I have been doing so much BABY RESEARCH lately! LOL
Diapers, cribs, toys, play pens, monitors...*sigh* There's sooooo much to do and soooo much to learn/know. I'm enjoying it, but scared at the same time.
Since we don't know anyone where we live we won't get to have a shower. I know if were still in Ohio both of our families and all of our friends would have a couple for us, but here we will be doing it all on our own. I'm sure our parents will help out with some stuff but it's going to be so super expensive since we don't have anyone here. I have bought tons of baby shower gifts, but no one left to return the favor! That sounds kind of selfish... :( I guess I shouldn't be upset about it.
Lately, though, I'm an emotional roller coaster! I cry over everything and then I'm mad and only sometimes I'm happy!
I'm really sorry that your bad morning sickness (sorry I can't remember how to spell the clinical term hyperemesis or something??) came back :( Was really hoping and crossing my fingers for you that it would be a smooth sailing one this time!!
Just a few more days until your scan!! :happydance:
How are you feeling? I saw on FB that you were having a rough day - was it yesterday or today? days all seem to run together!!!
Lol! Don't let it overwhelm you :hugs: it does seem like a lot. But when baby is here, it's easier and more natural :thumbup: sorry you won't be able to have a shower :( it's normal to be disappointed. My shower I didn't get much besides clothes and bathing essentials :wacko: kinda like people didn't wanna spend money on anything else :blush:

I've been wanting to cry a lot too. Good or bad. Lol. Sometimes it's something sad, or happy. Lately it's just from being miserable :dohh:

Yeah, Sunday night was the last time I had kept any food down. Woke up at like 3am getting sick :argh: keeping it manageable right now. Hope it lasts and it isn't too bad for a while. can't believe you're almost 9w already! Seems like you just found out :dance:
Sorry to hear you had to go to the ER for fluids :( Are you doing ok now??
Do the meds help much with nausea or no? Do those anti-nausea wrist bands work at all? I've been curious about those but afraid to try them because a) not sure if they work and b) don't want people asking what they are/why I'm wearing one! LOL

I had a bit of a scare this week. Started cramping and having serious low back pain and the runs (ew :blush:) on Wed night. I went to bed and woke up around 2 in the morning bleeding :( I was really scared so I called the nurse in the doc's office Thursday and they had me come in but not until Friday. They did another ultrasound and all was good. Turns out constipation can make you bleed and cause cramps, too. I didn't realize it but I was only having 1 BM about every 3 days and before being pg I was super regular. So, my body was finally having a fit over not going to the bathroom.
She gave me a prescription for stool softener (which, the "kind" pharmacist decided to loudly yell in front of all the people waiting: "This is a STOOL SOFTENER do you know how to take it" UGH how super embarrassing!!!) and told me to try stay away from bananas (I eat like 2 a day and she said that can stop you up) and white breads and pastas and meat.

The baby was more than double the size s/he was last Friday, though!! I was so amazed at how much little B had grown :dance:

I have lost my appetite the past couple of days, though. I feel nauseated all of the time pretty much. I have been able to eat pineapple and watermelon, but not much else.

Do you have much of a sex drive? I haven't felt up to it since we conceived. I feel so bad for hubby because we had sex on 1/6 & 1/7 and nothing since. My boobs have been sore, I've been cranky, and when I am in a good mood my boobs still hurt and I'm sick to my stomach. I keep telling him to be patient and hopefully I'll feel better at 12 weeks and we can get back to normal!
Good luck with your scan today! Can't wait to hear how it went! :)
Well, I never ended up getting my scan :( I ended up going to the ER again and they kept me over night. So far I've lost 10 lbs :dohh: I've been able to keep food down today, so that's good. The meds don't really work for me cause its not normal morning sickness. I tried the bands with my daughter and I think they helped for like 2 days. Hahah. But don't let my experience fool you, nothing stops the HG really until I get to my normal point of getting passed it (12weeks ish).
Good thing everything was okay and the bleeding wasn't anything serious. I've been backed up for over a week now :argh: not feeling too great :nope: sorry they yelled about the stool softeners :rofl: bananas will do the trick though! You can try balancing it out with one banana, an apple and some grapes? Apples and grapes always get my kids going! And milo LOVES bananas. So it's good he's obsessed with other fruits too, cause I could just imagine how backed up he might get :wacko:

Hope you get your appetite back :hugs: right now, a lot sounds so good to me! But I can't :( I've been craving fruit lately though. Which I didn't have with my last pregnancies. So that's new for me.

You're not alone though, I typically have a low sex drive from already having two kids :blush: but with being sick and always tired, I still don't want it :nope: tell him it'll be worth the wait. Usually in second tri you get an increase :winkwink: then third tri it'll die down again from being uncomfortable :dohh:
Aw, I'm so sorry you were back in the ER :( :hugs: I was worried about/wondering about you because I didn't see you posting on FB or anything!
I'm sorry you missed your scan, too! Did you reschedule? Hopefully you get to go soon and see the little bean that is making you so sick :haha:

Yeah, I was glad the bleeding stopped and was nothing serious, too. I never knew bananas would do that so I have stopped eating them. I've been eating papaya instead...and apples and grapes and strawberries. Lots of fruit! Which is almost the only thing I can stomach right now. I can eat carrots and red peppers and mac and cheese, too lol I'm finding that in the morning I feel ok-ish and then as the day goes on I feel worse and worse and my worst "morning" sickness is in full force by 8pm. I can't throw up, though. I just feel like I'm going to REALLY strongly. It get so bad I sit by the toilet, my mouth waters, I get that "lump" feeling in the middle of my chest and nothing happens :haha: It's funny the next day but miserable when it's happening. It's already hard enough to sleep with all of the other things going on - being ready to puke at any second doesn't help at all :nope:

Is your sickness all day and night or are there times it's worse or better?

10 weeks tomorrow, so hopefully in just a couple more weeks we'll be able to get back to :sex: There were a couple of times I thought I might be in the mood but then thinking about getting naked made me lose the mood! :blush:
I did reschedule. But in not sure ill be getting a scan cause I'm booked on a day that isn't the normal day they do ultrasounds. So idk. But hopefully! My appt is on the 11th. Just another week :wacko: but today I haven't taken any medicine at all, and have been able to keep a few things down :dance: waking up is the worse time of day for me. Sorry yours is at night. I get the watery mouth and stuff too. I hate it! You should ask around for prego-pops. Supposed to be antinausea suckers. I've never tried them so not sure how well they work :shrug:

I've been snacking on Popsicles, fudge bars, sunflower seeds, grapes. Just whatever I think might taste good. But I usually can only manage about 3-4 bites before it feels like I'm eating too much :sick: my sickness is all day and night. Just grateful for the odd days where it's not too bad as the day goes on. Though I don't have many of those days.

Can't believe you'll be 10w already! :happydance: then ill be 8w :shock: it's been 4 weeks since I found out! Can't believe that time has gone by already. I ordered a gliding rocking chair from Walmart this morning. And some newborn and 0-3m long sleeve white onsies. I felt like I needed to buy something :blush:
My chiropractor gave me some minerals...he said they should help with the morning (night) sickness. So I'll see. I've seen preggo pops at the People's Pharmacy. They have B6 in them, I think. When I was there I didn't have ms yet, but I almost grabbed some for "just in case". Wish I would have now lol

I do hope the next couple of weeks fly by for you so you can get past the sickness!! =\

I know! 10 weeks and 8 weeks. Woo hoo!! :happydance: I can't wait to start telling people. My parents will be here next Wednesday. We bought them coffee mugs that say "I'm smiling because I'm going to be a gradma/pa" (one for each of them). And we bought a grandma one for DH's mom and one for my brother that says "Soon to be Uncle" but we have to mail those to Ohio. We're going to tell them they have to Skype with us so we can see them open their gifts.
Then once they all know we will tell everyone else and talk freely about it. My cousin in Cali is pregnant with her first and she is coming here to TX for her shower on 3/23. I'll be 12 weeks that weekend so I'm waiting until after her shower to tell people so it can still be her day. It's soooo hard waiting, though. There are so many things I want to "like" and comment on and share on FB but I can't yet! :dohh: Come on Monday, 3/24 :haha:

Oh I have wanted to buy so many things but I just haven't yet. I want to know what I'm going to have so I know what colors to buy. I want to stock up on the cloth diapers, organic wipes and organic baby care products b/c I know they are going to be expensive so I want to start stocking up and you don't have to know what the sex is first lol

I hope you get to have your scan on the 11th. My next appointment is on 3/20 with the maternal fetal medicine clinic for the first semester screening - it's a finger prick blood test and 3D ultra sound to look at the nose bone/face structure. I'm doing that in place of an amnio or CVS. I'm not going to do either of those. Did you do those with your pregnancies? I feel like if this test tells me something is wrong, that's all I need to know. I will still love the baby no matter what and I will know something is wrong with him/her and be able to prepare for everything. Then I see my doc the following week to get the results of all of those tests and my tests from my first appointment with her. I'll be 13 weeks so still probably too soon to see sex. I'm so excited for that part :happydance:
I hope the minerals help for you :hugs: all weekend I kept down all my food :munch: definitely took advantage of it. Lol. Today was hit and miss. But have been keeping stuff down the last few hours :thumbup: really hope this is a good sign and means ill be better sooner than I've been expecting :)

Lol. There is no way I could wait so long to tell people :haha: you've done a great job keeping the secret :hugs: I've decided that SO and I might find out what we're having. But keep it a secret from everyone else :winkwink: that way it'll still be a huge surprise for everyone else :) cause I swear, I can't deal with gender neutral clothes! :hissy: I need to shop. Lol.

I'm really hoping it is a scan. Just one more week until my appointment :dance: my OB doesn't offer those tests :nope: they do offer a blood test at that time. I did it with milo and Ava. But I think I'll skip it this time. I have such terrible veins, and I don't wanna go through that.
Have you looked up gender prediction stuff? At 12w I'm gonna try the baking soda test. I have a feeling it's a girl though :shrug:
I caved and did the baking soda test today. It said boy :baby: but I'll do it again in the future and see if I get the same results :haha:

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