TTC buddy anyone?

That is why I foster :) That way, I can take some home, care for them a while and then help them find the perfect new home. It makes me feel good, anyway... :thumbup:

You know, my boobs didn't get too tender until a day or so before I tested. Now...holy crap do they hurt! I was barely a B and now I'm a full C in just a couple of weeks. That's nuts! DH was all excited but I told him he can't touch until they stop hurting :rofl:
Hopefully the cramping and the backache is a good sign. Have you felt more tired at all? I think I was about 10-12 DPO before I started getting exhausted and feeling like devouring everything in sight haha!

I met the doc today and she was amazing! The whole office was so super friendly and bubbly. They kept asking me if I needed to pee or if they could get me anything. They offer chocolate (except I don't like chocolate but most women love it!) and take the time to talk to you and listen to every concern and answer every question. She was in the middle of 3 ladies coming in to be delivered at the hospital across the street but never once did she make me feel rushed or like I wasn't her only priority. It was an amazing experience. I've NEVER had that at an OB/Gyn office before. They have always been rude, snotty and the docs are always one foot out the door. I'm definitely keeping her!! :happydance:

How nice that you have a weekly adult play date :) Does your OH's sis know you are TTC?

I'm feeling good other than the sore boobs and the nausea has started kicking in pretty good as of late yesterday afternoon. Trying to drink ginger tea to calm it but haven't gotten around to cutting up my ginger and boiling it yet! :rofl:
Oh and my brain is mush. I can't remember anything, find anything and it's hard for me to put together a complete thought. Just this weekend I was coming downstairs to go on our shopping trip and told DH that our stairs really needed ironed. He about fell over he was laughing so hard...I had meant to say vacuumed. :haha: Shew...I wonder how long that part lasts??
That's great you take in the foster dogs :hugs: we found a kitty in thanksgiving. We attempted to keep him (for a week). But things weren't going well with the kids, and no one on my Facebook wanted to take it. So we had to take it to the humane society :( but a mont later he got adopted :thumbup:

My boobs feel heavier, but not too much bigger. Can't remember when that happened with milo or Ava :dohh: if OH plays with them after they're done being sore, just watch out for when you start leaking :haha: I haven't felt extremely exhausted yet. But with my OH going in to work for 4am, I wake up and then I'm naturally tired the next day. Plus it'd help if my children would sleep through the night!! Lol.

That's so great you like your ob so much. That's so important during a pregnancy. Can't be scared or shy or uncomfortable around the person that will be delivering your child! And hey, any place that gives out chocolate is totally a keeper :munch: :rofl:

Nope, no family know we're TTC. They didn't know with the other times either. My mom swears I don't "need" another kid because my two can be a handful. And MIL just thinks any more than 2 is plain crazy :roll: I actually don't look forward to telling them. But after the initial news they'll be super excited. Lol.

I hope you can keep the nausea away. Another thing that helps is taking one b6 vitamin in the morning. Should help with nausea and possible give you some energy :thumbup: and if you do ever get sick, wait 15 minutes after getting sick before drinking or eating anything. It'll make you more likely to get sick again. I've gone through this so terribly, I wish I would just get normal morning sickness :wacko:

Sorry to say, but that brain lapse thing goes away when they move off to college :rofl: I am very forgetful! I'll make a grocery list, then forget to take the list :haha: but ironing the stairs sounds like such a fun chore! Lol
Oh no! I'm sorry :(
Try not to get too discouraged...there's still a few days left to keep testing. My fingers are crossed for you!!:hugs:
Well my temp dipped today. Still above coverline so that's good. I used a low sensitive Internet cheapie test this morning and a line showed up in 2-3mins. Got some crappy pictures of it, lol. But not sure to believe it. Yesterday's test actually had an evap I think because I saw a line but couldn't see any color :shrug:
Gonna see if I can find someone to pull color of it, lol. :wacko:


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OH! I see it!!! :happydance:
Try testing tonight & see if it's darker in the evenings. OMGosh I'm as excited as when I got my first line. :rofl:
Woo hoo!!!! :happydance:
CONGRATULATIONS :hugs: How are you feeling??
Feeling okay. Been lightheaded the last few days. Crampy and irritable :blush: how have you been? Hopefully not feeling too sick :hugs:
I've been a little cranky, hot & exhausted! :( Work was a bear this week & we went through a reorg. I have increased responsibilities but no more pay, which totally sucks b/c I'm already seriously underpaid for what I do b/c I'm a contract worker instead of a badged employee. *sigh* Oh well...just thankful to still have a job!

I haven't been too sick, thankfully. Here & there I get queasy and a little sweaty but I just sip water, take deep breaths & get fresh air if that's an option. So far no puking! I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow, so I'm hoping it stays minor!

The cramps are something else! I usually get a bad one or two when I sit down or lay down at night to relax. Feels like someone blowing a balloon up inside of me lol

Can't wait for the US! Just two weeks from today :) When will you call your doc?
Sorry works been hard this week. Are you allowed to ask for more pay? My OH usually works harder than he needs to for his pay :dohh: they've asked him if he would do manager position, but they usually over work them and don't get much of a raise and ends up not being worth it :nope:

That's good you're not feeling too sick! I would often go outside and sit on the porch when I was sick. Always felt a little better :thumbup: and hey, someone is blowing up a balloon inside of you :rofl:

Two weeks :dance: hope it goes fast for you! I might call the doc on Monday. Then itll be another two weeks until my scan :yipee:
I'm not sure about the pay thing. I was hired to do something different from what I'm doing now (I'm management now) so I would think I could ask for a renegotiation but I'm not sure. I'm afraid to ask because I need the job now! lol

I'm a little worried because I'm not feeling so great tonight. I've been light headed & had some spotting. I'm worried about the spotting & not sure what to do since it's the weekend now.

You're lucky you get to have a scan @ 6 weeks! :) Every place down here waits until 8 unless there's an emergency sooner.
Happy 6 weeks! :dance:

Usually spotting in early first tri is very common. As long as there's no blood clots, and you're not in severe pain, it should be okay. Have you :sex: in the last 24hrs? Sometimes that can cause cervical irritation and you'll spot. A friend of mine had heavy bleeding for a week. But baby was fine :thumbup:

My ob does a scan at 6w to give a more accurate due date. Then after that a nurses visit. Then you finally see the ob :wacko:
Thank you! :)

The spotting was really weird. There was no substance to was just like a watery brownish/peach stain on the TP after wiping. It went on for 2 days off and on and Sunday morning I woke up and after wiping had bright red on the TP. My heart stopped...but then I realized I have been peeing so much I literally wiped myself raw and my skin was bleeding :blush:
I haven't had any cramping or major pain different from what I've had all along, so I think all is still ok. :thumbup:
We haven't :sex: since we conceived b/c of DH working 2nd shift. He's been working Saturdays, too so we see each other a total of 24 hours a week - Saturday evening through Sunday evening :growlmad:
I suppose it's for the best, though b/c I haven't been in the mood, really. I feel so bloated and gassy and my boobs still hurt SO bad. No MS yet, though. Waves of slight queasy feeling here and there but nothing I can't breathe through :thumbup:

How are you doing? Any more symptoms? I am hoping for a negative MS report :)
Glad the spotting has stopped. But yikes at wiping yourself raw! But I guess better your skin bleeding than it coming from somewhere else :haha:

I couldn't handle only seeing him for 24hrs :nope: would you be interested in being a stay at home mom after baby comes? I worked for 3 months after having milo and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go back when he was 3weeks cause it was just a part time job and I was the only one working. Plus im sure the post partum depression didn't help any with that :dohh: but I am actually a little excited for whenever I do end up going back to work. Whenever that'll be, lol.

I'm doing okay. Coffee no longer helps with the fatigue :sleep: I felt a little nauseous this morning cause I didn't eat right away and waited last minute. I was too tired to get off the couch until it was last minute to get the kids ready and take milo to school :wacko: guess I shouldn't start that habit already, seeing as I know where that leads to.

My first doctor appt is the 26th :dance: would've been the week before but the doc is going to be out of town. I'll be 7w for the appt :thumbup:
I know! I had to go buy some softer TP :haha:

It's hard not seeing him much. I would LOVE nothing more than to be a stay at home's been my dream since I was a little girl. Sadly, I am the bread winner, so that is not an option for me :cry: I know that going back to work is going to be the hardest thing for me because I want to stay home and raise my baby. I'm barely going to be able to make it when I take maternity leave because my company has crummy maternity leave. They only pay like 60% of your pay up to a certain amount, so if I take 6 weeks, I'll get 1/3 of the pay that I would normally get during those 6 weeks if I were working full time. We have started scrounging and saving already to try to cover a little bit of the gap and praying that the rest works out.

What kind of work do you do? That's good that you're looking forward to going back. I'm sure after a while of staying home it probably feels good to get back to work, at least part time or something. I think after the baby was school-aged I would want to go back to work part time if I had that option (except my only option is full time, 6 weeks (or less) after delivery lol)

Yay!! Congrats on scheduling your first appointment!! :thumbup: I have just 10 more days to go! :happydance: I guess we have to get used to this waiting thing...first, we wait to O, then wait to see if we got PG, then wait for the first US, then wait for test results.... Whew! When it's all over, does it feel like it was 9 months or does it feel like time flew by?
I always use angel soft. The last couple of times, our regular store was all sold out. I didn't understand who was buying all the darn TP!

I really wish this country had better maternity leave laws. But seems like it would cause too much problems :roll: would hubby be open to looking for a job that would meet your income? When I was 18, just a month after graduating, I started working at a market research company. All I did was conduct surveys over the phone. I worked there for 2.5yrs. I had a lot of health issues with Milo's pregnancy and after. So I was taking off too much time and got fired. Luckily just two weeks later my OH got a job making 3x as much as I did. I always said I'd just be a sahm until the kids were school age. I'm not sure if that's still the plan. But I know I at least wanna stay home until the next baby is 2. By then Ava should be starting school shortly after. This month actually marks 3 yrs of being a sahm :wacko:

It's all just a waiting game :( lol. But, when baby is here, it feels like it just flew by! Although you get phantom kicks and feels like you're feeling kicks in your tummy again. Feels weird :shock:
Do you have Facebook? If you do I can pm you my profile if you wanna add me :thumbup:
Yes, I wish we had Canada's maternity leave policy - 1 year off for your first and 6 months off for any subsequent births! Or at least that's what it used to be. Would be awesome! :)

Hubby is always looking for a new/better job. Unfortunately he didn't choose wisely in his younger years. He raced sprint cars and did handy man work on the side and now he doesn't have one major skill, just a lot of little handy man skills. He used to own his own contract business building homes for Ryan Homes but when the market crashed he had to give up. He has had 3 or 4 jobs since then but none of them pay anything near what we would need. He would have to work 2 full-time jobs and probably a part-time job to make what I make (and I don't make "that" much). I also got a huge pay-cut moving to TX so if I could get back up to where I was we'd be a little better off, too and could save up more so I could take more time off.

Oh well...I suppose we'll figure something out! We had just decided that if we keep waiting until we're financially stable (according to how we feel about our finances) then we'd probably never have a baby so we decided to just go for it and if it happened, great - and we'd figure things out as they come. I'm trying not to stress about it and just let him worry about it b/c I am always the one worrying about money. boo

So you must be in your early 20s then? I'm 32...OLD lady! haha! :)
Same with my OH. He dropped out of high school and got his GED. But he did under the table work for his aunts bf with construction. So he knows it, but hasn't gone to school for it. He has ADHD and learning disability (and mainly lazy lol) so he's unsure about going to get licensed for it. But we'll see. At my job I was making like 10k a year. Which was good until we became parents. Now with hubby's job we bring in 30k a year. Which is slightly below "average" for our area. I cloth diaper and plan on breastfeeding. So those are big time money savers :thumbup:

Lol :blush: OH and I will both be 24 in May. But I feel like im in my 30s :rofl:

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