TTC buddy anyone?

I'm just about to be done working so I'm headed to the store to get some FRER! Do they have the pink lines? DH saw the super faint one today and was sad :( I felt bad that I had left it on the back of the toilet. I didn't mean for him to see it and worry.

The cramps are weird. They aren't really like AF cramps and my back doesn't hurt. They are all in the front and low and achy and there's also a burning pinching feeling that comes on every once in a while - like I have a UTI. I've had only 1 before but I think what I feel is similar to what happened when I had one.

Is he old enough to have honey and ginger? If he likes tea, maybe have him drink some with honey and ginger. That always made me feel better when I was little and had a cold :)
I hope you don't catch it! Are there cold meds you can take when preg?
I want to upload my lines but I have no idea how to post a pic! I went and got the FRER and a second pink line showed up. Not quite as dark as the control, but it's more than just a faint...
I also pee'd on the last regular test I had right before I went to the store and it was the darkest one I've gotten yet!! :) It looks like my tests do better as the day moves on rather than first thing in the morning?? Weird...but I'll take it!
So glad the lines weren't faint! Hopefully that was a fluke test. A lot of people get better lines at night. I took one at night and got the early bfp with my daughter, the next day in the morning it was a bfn :( then later that night got another bfp :shrug:
To upload a picture, under the response box it has the quick reply and go advanced buttons. You go advanced and click on the paperclip. It'll pop up for you post a link or upload. Then when you're done you just X out and the attachments will be attached to your reply :thumbup: hope that doesn't sound confusing! Lol.

When pregnant you can take Tylenol and some mucinex. My OB gave me a list with my son. Or googling should pull up a list of meds that are safe during pregnancy. Tylenol does nothing for me so I usually suffer or take ibuprofen. They say its safe up until third trimester :shrug:
Oh and so far today. I'm continuing to have little breakouts here and there. Still slightly gassy. A little crampy and my cm is a mix of dry and watery :shrug: I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see if I get my implantation dip :dohh:
So glad the lines weren't faint! Hopefully that was a fluke test. A lot of people get better lines at night. I took one at night and got the early bfp with my daughter, the next day in the morning it was a bfn :( then later that night got another bfp :shrug:
To upload a picture, under the response box it has the quick reply and go advanced buttons. You go advanced and click on the paperclip. It'll pop up for you post a link or upload. Then when you're done you just X out and the attachments will be attached to your reply :thumbup: hope that doesn't sound confusing! Lol.

When pregnant you can take Tylenol and some mucinex. My OB gave me a list with my son. Or googling should pull up a list of meds that are safe during pregnancy. Tylenol does nothing for me so I usually suffer or take ibuprofen. They say its safe up until third trimester :shrug:

Hmmm...I don't have advanced options. Maybe I haven't posted enough yet to be allowed to upload pics? I'll have to go back and read the rules again :)

Good to know that there are others out there that get better lines at night! That brings some relief :thumbup:

I'm glad the line is dark still. Now tonight I am having a tiny bit of heartburn, my boobs are heavy and sore again and I've been getting little waves of nausea since I got done working. I had really no symptoms during the day. (Which is good b/c work was a nightmare today)

I went upstairs to grab something, came back down and my dogs had eaten my dinner :( It made me cry :cry: lol I don't cry over ANYTHING, so that was random. I hope I'm not going to be super emotional. The thing is, I have been craving a taco salad from green burrito for over a on my way home I got one. I ate maybe 1/3 of it before they got it :( So I was angry and sad and my taste buds are still not satisfied. Oh well...maybe I can talk DH into getting me one this weekend :)
Oh and so far today. I'm continuing to have little breakouts here and there. Still slightly gassy. A little crampy and my cm is a mix of dry and watery :shrug: I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see if I get my implantation dip :dohh:

Yay! That's a good sign :) Implantation can be anywhere from 5+ DPO, is it? Can't remember...
Oy, the gassy thing has been really bad for me. :blush: Luckily it has been waiting until later in the day, but it starts acting up around 2:30/3 in the afternoon and gradually gets worse until bedtime =\ Hopefully that isn't a long term thing!!
Ok, I think I figured it out. I don't know why I wasn't seeing the advance options before! :dohh:

The oldest one is on the right and the going left are the rest up to the FRER pink line one I just took tonight. I think I'm missing one or two...but you get the idea :winkwink:


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I have to say that they ALL look darker in person - that wasn't the best picture. Also, the one from Monday was way darker when I first peed on it. It's definitely evaporating away.
Hmm. It could be your post count. I can't remember what it is either. Been so long for me, lol. Another thing you could do if you uploaded it to a website, you just put the link of the picture between
:thumbup: but I think you should be close to the post limit.

Glad to hear your symptoms came back! Hopefully you'll get lucky and have a pretty smooth first tri. With both of my pregnancy i had hypermemsis. Which is severe nausea/vomiting. Not gonna look forward to that :nope: but still worth it in the end :cloud9: I had gestational diabetes with my daughter and really hoping to avoid it this time around :?

I had MAJOR food aversions at 4w. Hopefully you can find something that you like :hugs: make sure to keep light snacks with you and eat whether your taste buds want it. Lol. Should help to keep away the nausea at night :thumbup:
I've been eating everything in sight the last week or so, but today I haven't been hungry at all...until dinner time. I was so looking forward to my taco salad, but when the dogs finished it, I was too upset to eat anything else. I did eat an apple. I stopped by the grocery store while I was out and got some snacks and some breakfast things. I never eat breakfast so I will try to start making sure I eat enough meals every day. I seem to be craving these garlic pita chips I picked up at Walgreens on one of hpt purchasing trips :haha: They are sooo good and I love garlic, but lately I feel like I can't get enough of it. I hope it isn't bad for baby!

Oooh I'm sorry you were so sick with your son and daughter :( Maybe 3rd time will be a charm, as they say :hugs: FX for a sticky bean that doesn't make you sick :)

I have 2 more tests. One more FRER and 2 digital "pregnant" or "not pregnant" test. I'll probably use the FRER Friday night and the digital Sunday as long as I don't get AF before then. I am going to try to relax and not worry about it for tomorrow and just keep being happy! If I get a pregnant on Sunday night then I will call and make my first OB appointment on Monday.
Ugh, I get that way even if I'm not pregnant :rofl: if I'm looking forward to eating something and it gets ruined., I don't want it at all anymore, lol. I'm terrible at skipping breakfast. I usually just have a cup of coffee. Which ill need to try and cut back on that :wacko: I've been taking vitamins for the 3 weeks or so since I normally can't keep any down during first tri. Really hoping to build it up incase I can't keep taking them if I'm pregnant. I've been doing the chewy kinds since prenatals make lots of women sick :sick:

Garlic isn't bad for the baby :) but it's good for your immune system so that's always a plus :thumbup: I'm hoping third times the charm. Lol. I've been saying that since before we were TTC :haha:

Okay, tmi. But I swear I had to have passed gas at least 5-10 times in the last half hour :blush: at 5dpo it was like this with Ava. Hoping its a good sign. Hoping there's no heartburn tomorrow when I wake up :nope: I'm feeling pain by my right ovary tonight. And when I stood up to stretch it felt like I was ripping my stomach apart and could barely stand up! :dohh:
Chewy vitamins are so good I always want to eat too many of them! :rofl: I take 1 a day perinatal with dha. I take them before bed at night & started them back in December, I think. I ran out of my regular vitamins so grabbed these & I love how they have helped my hair & nails grow!

Yay, I'm glad garlic isn't bad :thumbup: Thanks for the info you've shared along the way. It's been so nice having someone to talk to :hugs:

It's ok, I get it...I have the same problem! :rofl: It's funny how the things you hope to avoid on normal days become little rays of hope when TTC & going through TWW :)

Ouch! That sounds painful...but hopefully it's a good sign! Have you started having any crazy dreams yet? I had some almost nightly all of last week, but I don't remember having any week 1 of TWW. I haven't really noticed any this week. But sleep well & I hope you have crazy dreams and no heartburn!
They are really good! I gave my SIL one before and she said they tasted like candy :rofl: the only downside is that usually vitamins (that aren't prenatals) don't have iron. And I haven't bought any iron supplements to add in yet. Guess I might if this is my month.

It's been fun chatting :hugs: can't believe no one else popped in :shrug: we've made it to 8 pages all by ourselves! Lol. Are you going to start a pregnancy journal? I did with my daughter but didn't have many followers. I usually forget to updat journals :blush:

I hope it's a good sign. My temp dipped today. But not sure it'd be implantation dip already :shrug: on fertility friend they have galleries of charts. And not all of them have an implantation dip. So it had me wondering if I'd actually see one. Guess ill have to wait and see :coffee:
I was surprised no one else jumped in, too. I was hoping you wouldn't be too disappointed that I responded since we weren't closer to the same cycle! :winkwink:

I was thinking about doing the journal but I am not good at doing things like that. I might start one and see how it goes but if it feels too much like a chore I will lose interest. I have been jotting things down in a hand written journal. Just little things I experience and what I eat or crave.

I have been researching new docs and I found one that I really felt like I might like, so I broke down and called today. They are accepting new patients and I go in on Tuesday to meet with her and chat and see if we connect. If we do, then I have my first US scheduled for Feb 15 :)

You're almost one week through the TWW!! :happydance:

How is Milo? I hope he is feeling better :)
I just went to look back at the first page. And I posted the thread on dec27th, nearly a month ago! :shock: can't believe it's gone by that quick. I guess it happens when you start chatting. Helps to pass the time :thumbup: but we're pretty close I guess. Lol. Anyone due within 2-3 weeks of me I consider close. People do "bump buddies" on here. Think I only had a couple with my daughter. I wasnt that great at keeping up with our due date thread because of so many people posting and getting behind :wacko: I lost interest in my journal too. Lol. We can just keep up this thread :shrug:

Hope you like your doctor! First ultrasounds are so exciting :dance: I like my OB but hopefully can find a good midwife this time around. I have a few I've found online. But not gonna call until I get my 6w scan with my doc :haha:

I know! 5dpo already! Today I had a headache and some backache. And lots of dull cramping. Not too gassy though :shrug:

Milo seems to be doing a little better. Less coughing but still a really runny nose. He has eczema and its getting bad on his cheeks. He cried in pain when I tried cleaning his face :( put some lotion on him before bed and hope it clears up.

Oh and I've added some some "signs" on my chart. Not sure why its not showing up on my thumbnail.
:wave: Hello!
I hope you had a great weekend and that Milo is feeling much better!

Things have been crazy here since Thursday. My poor foster pup took a major turn for the worse and Friday night I had to take him to the ER at 11 pm. We were there until 2:30 am Saturday morning :( I was soooo cranky, and I was starving...things were not pleasant! :growlmad:
BUT he is 110% better and I'm so glad I got him in :thumbup:
Needless to say, we didn't make it to the adoption event on Saturday :nope:

Your chart is looking awesome!! Do you think the dip was implantation? Supre exciting that it went back up, too :happydance: and now I see all of the symptom checkers, too! I'm so excited for you to be able to test! lol

I bought a special diary this weekend to start recording my progress and writing things in it for baby. This way it's personal and no pressure to keep up with followers. If I keep it up then maybe someday baby will want to read it and see how excited we were to have him (or her, but Chinese gender predictor says him lol) join our family. DH and I talked about names this weekend and we went to babies r us just to see what they have for babies these days. Neither of us has set foot in a baby store in quite some time. We haven't told anyone and didn't make a registry or anything like that...just window shopping and it was so much fun :)
Our weekend went well :thumbup: milo still seems sick though :( not sure what's up. It's just a runny nose, occasional sneeze or cough. Nothing too serious which is good.

Sorry you missed the adoption event! What was wrong with the puppy? Glad he's doing better though :hugs:

I hope it was implantation! I tested this morning and it was negative. I don't really feel all that pregnant right now :nope: I'm gonna test again sometime on Wednesday.

Baby shopping is so much fun! :dance: even if you've had one before, it's still so exciting. Lol. The diary is a great idea. I wish I would've done that with mine. I did a journal on here with my DD but didn't post as often as I probably should have :blush: Chinese predictor says boy for me too :winkwink:
Awe, poor lil man. I sure hope he can kick it soon!

Thanks! I'm glad, too :) The pup had ticks when I picked him up & they think he got an infection from them :( He was laying in his pen and wouldn't eat or drink & he even peed himself & laid in it. He was dehydrating, too, so the rescue had me take him to the ER.

It's still early so don't give up hope!! :hugs: Maybe Wed will bring at least a faint line!
I tested again tonight just to see what the line looks like now & the test line was way darker than the control! :woohoo: Tomorrow is my appointment with my hopefully new OB/Gyn. I'm really excited about meeting her.

Oh it is sooo much fun shopping. If things stick, it's going to be so hard not buying everything it sight! :rofl:

Do you have anything fun planned for the week?
Oh wow. That poor puppy :( so glad you got him in and feeling better. I always wanted to be a vet when I was younger and always tried caring for stray animals. Lol. Now that I'm older I realize that I'm too emotional for a job like that and would wanna take all the pets home :rofl:

I'm really waiting on my boobs to feel more tender or sensitive. But they seem to be feeling the same since a few days past O :shrug: though I've been cramping a lot and had a terrible backache yesterday. Fingers crossed its a good sign.

Good luck at your appt! Hope you click well with the doctor. I'm going to get my 6w ultrasound from my ob before I try finding a midwife. Can't wait for a water birth :dance:

Don't think I have anything planned really. On Wednesdays my kids go to my moms for a few hours and I break away to hang out with OHs sister. How have you been feeling?

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