TTC following Clomid miscarriage

Thats great news you've had normal smear tests for over a year, fingers crossed it stays that way for you.

Cramping returned last night for a few minutes and a tiny bit today but its still so minimal I could almost be tricked into believing its all in my head! How about you? Had anymore?

I just thought that If we test on Sunday Its mothers day right? How amazing would that be if we got our bfps, hopefully this is our last without a little one to hold.
I haven't even thought too much about how I will feel when I next get a bfp, its going to be pretty scary, I think my doctor might start blocking my calls haha.

How you getting on hun? Anything new to report? x
Lovely to hear from you!

Also have an update:
Cramping became worse for me as the days went on, started mild first thing, with noticeable pinches in my ovaries around lunchtime, by about 4pm i felt really wobbly - My hands had the shakes, i felt needed a major sugar intake (Not sure if thats normal) and since ive been home i have a dull ache type of cramp every now and then. Also, an odd one id love your opinion on, when i sneeze, my left ovary hurts! Normal?! Im not sure! But now im sat here writing this, i feel completely normal again!

I hadn't put Mothers Day and Sunday together - Gosh im an awful daughter lol! But yes wouldnt that be lovely!! I think we definitely need to hold off until then... Could be a sign - Not that i believe in those kind of things but TTC has definitely made me a little more open to the imagination.

I think id be exactly the same with my next BFP! The fear of it happening again will be hard to deal with - Its also so long from the day you find out until a scan!! Luckily we will both have one at 7 weeks, although my last 7 week one was absolutely normal, its the 12 week one thats going to be longest more anxious wait.

How do you think you feel this month? Some ppl say they just feel pregnant, ive not experienced that yet though. Our cramping seems to be on cue with one another which is promising for similar testing times.
What HPT do you use? I have 4 of the Clearblue Digitals upstairs - Last one said 1-2 weeks pregnant!! Pray i dont see a Not Pregnant!

Does ur OH know ur planning to test Sunday? X
Glad you're feeling ok now and hope they were all good signs earlier! Is it how you normally feel before af or different?

Lol don't worry it was only when someone mentioned it at work I put the two together and remembered it was mothers day, I've then had to rush online and get a present sorted :p I don't really believe in signs either but what lovely timing it would be.

To me it seems crazy how quick the time has gone since my mc, when I was pregnant a week seemed to be more like a year!
Why will we both have a scan at 7 weeks? Did you have a private one before? I was desperate to have an early scan but they said I didn't need to and everything would more than likely be ok.

I really wanted to just feel different so I would know for sure I was pregnant but to be honest I feel totally normal. I did say "after this baby" earlier and then completely freaked myself out, I'm 99% sure its just because its on my mind constantly. I haven't even mentioned testing to my OH only because he said he doesn't think I'm pregnant and even went and bought me wine earlier, I really didn't want to get mad at him for doing something I know he thinks was nice but it really annoyed me. I think he just doesn't want me to get my hopes up but we all do a little each month surely?

I use the really cheapie test strips mainly because I use so many. When I found out I was pregnant I used 12 pregnancy tests! I had 10 cheapies and then bought 2 clearblue digitals I don't think I could believe what I was seeing. I even tested one with water to check they weren't dodgey haha. I still have a picture on my phone of the digital, I didn't get a scan picture so stupid as it sounds I feel its all I have left.

What about your OH? Hope he's being a little more supportive than mine (bless him, he tries!)
The only symptom i ever experience before AF are period pains. Nothing else at all so i am hoping for the best.

I'm so sorry i just assumed you would have had a 7 week scan as your on Clomid? Quite surprised you didnt... I had a scan at exactly 7 weeks, we had a scan photo and told the little one had a good strong heartbeat. Still have the photo in my drawer upstairs safe and sound. We have never been private but once we had been referred to our Fertility Specialist she met with us and explained the procedures. Next time i get a BFP, i was told to contact her and she would book me in for scan to check everythings ok, especially following a MC. Are you with a Fertility Specialist or are just being seen by your GP? Thinking that might be the reason?

I know how desperate it is to want to feel different, but honestly, its amazing how many people have cramping alone when they get their BFPs. Our minds during this time are all over place so how your feeling is completely normal. I talk to my OH about the baby without even realising im do it. He knows im hoping to test at some point before AF is due but doesnt know when.
Understand completely how the wine annoyed you, would have annoyed me too. Like you said though he has your best interests at heart, no one wants to see someone they love go through heartache. Bless his lil cottons, hes probably trying to protect you! But trust me sweety, i promise you, we all do it! Just look at these forums, there are so many women out there going through this! Men are never going to understand the true emotions that assist TTC for a woman - Our hormones, levels and bodies go through so much (even more so on Clomid) so dont be hard on yourself!! Thats what this site is for... To talk to people who do understand and are going through the same thing :hugs:

Its not stupid at all to have that photo on your phone... I will never let go of my scan pic, little one was only tiny but the photo is amazing!

Always here if you need me!! Xx
No, sadly they have offered me nothing at all. No scans whilst taking clomid and no early scan if I get pregnant :( the hospital did speak to me after my mc asked lots of questions and said I could maybe request an early scan on the next pregnancy but no promises I'd get one. I was given clomid by my fertility specialist and just left to it, once I got pregant my gp basically said there was no reason to contact her as she had done her bit and they don't tend to have any involvment once you become pregnant! Well I think I'll see for myself next time and not just rely on what one person says.
I was due to have a lap/dye & hysteroscopy the same day I miscarried. Obviously it was already cancelled because I was pregnant but now I'm struggling to even speak to anyone at the hospital to see if I need to be booked back in, so frustrating!
You're very lucky, they seem to be a lot more helpful where you are maybe I should be a little more pushy next time.

Thanks lovely :) its so much easier to come on here and have a chat/rant to people who understand. Even my close friends don't understand because they either don't want children or aren't in the same position, I even had a friend tell me she knew exactly what I was going through because she had an abortion last year!!! Welllll you can imagine how that went down.

I'm very tired today :( not a symptom though just because I only had 3 hours sleep before work this morning! My head was hurting so much I couldn't sleep, can't wait to go home at 3pm and have a nap :p

How you feeling today? Are you struggling to not test yet?

Hope your days going better than mine! Falling asleep at my desk here x
I do feel for you i really do... I would do your best to demand an early scan - Its not fair, especially following a MC, for you to wait 12 weeks! At the end of the day, when a pregnant woman feels the smallest of pains and goes to A&E they will always be given a scan to ensure everything is ok - I would be pushy if i were you, you have been through so much and an early scan can provide so much comfort - With Clomid we all run the risks of multiples so this is also seen at a 7 week scan along with lining thickness and development, all good to know for the upcoming weeks of the crucial stage for a pregnant woman.

I had the dye test done last year before taking Clomid so my FS could rule out blocked tubes - Well worth doing, i was very anxious of having a blocked tube due to our struggle to conceive naturally - Luckily mine were all clear and the procedure isnt painful at all. After however, the cramping was unbearable! I wont lie it absolutely killed but it does ease quite quickly!

She knows how you feel following an abortion!?! Thats the last thing you wanted to hear!!! How is that anywhere near what we you are going through! Seriously!! Honestly dont think anyone knows the true extent of how much a MC can affect you until you have had one. My close friends are the same, no one has been through this, they either have their babies or arent planning on having them.

Sorry to hear your so sleepy today! Hope you get home and manage to get some winks. Wrap up all cosy and have a lovely tea. Hows the head now? Any better?

Today's been weird for me actually, i was knackered when i got up, no energy, no enthusiasm and when my Mum sent me a text today i burst into tears. Im thinking maybe its just because she is off to Egypt, my best friend is away for 9 days and i think i just felt all emotional. Id planned to come and here and leave you another message just for some company but i was bombarded at work and just havent had the time. Home now and completely shattered!!

I have been so tempted to test - I have resisted though as im only CD 28 at the moment and thats just too early for me having a 35 DC. What about you? Any sneaky trips to the bathroom? :blush:

Also, i received my BBT thermometer and chart - Out of curiousity reallly and to see how it all work i started testing 3 days ago. No idea if it means anything but it started at 98.23F and today was 98.37F. So if we have unsuccessful rounds this time might be worth tracking - Its easier than i thought and takes no time!

Hope your feeling better sweety! :hugs:
Well I just believed my gp last time and never bothered contacting my fs but I will next time. I was given 3 months of clomid whilst on the waiting list for my lap, which I thought was a bit pointless because if I had blocked tubes it wouldn't have worked anyway! I think knowing that at least one of my tubes is ok sort of helped me around the time of my mc. Instead of being in hospital possibly finding out I had two blocked tubes I was left heartbroken because I was miscarring but at least it meant I could get pregnant. Sometimes that thought helps and others it doesn't.

I'm definitely guilty of not realising how devastating mc can be before it happened, I was never one of those that said I knew how they were feeling though so I don't get why others do it, just got to try and tell yourself they mean well.

I spent my evening on the sofa with lots of cuddles from one of the dogs and will be doing the same tonight I hope! Headache isn't too bad at the moment but still feels like its not gone away completely.

I hope you're a little less busy today! Typical that everyone seems to go away at the same time, a holiday would be lovely right about now. Have you got any plans to keep you busy? I'm always here for a bit of company if you need a chat :)

I'm the same, I really want to test but I know its pointless, Sunday will only be day 29 so that could well be too early still and I don't want to get disappointed too many times in one week lol. Thats good your thermometer arrived, you're all prepared :p I might have a look online in a bit, makes sense to give it a go should be a lot more reliable than opks seem to be.

I sound/feel like I'm getting a cold and now I've said my headache has almost gone it seems to be coming back argghhh :( such a moaner lately, I'm feeling very sorry for my OH and work collegues haha x
Agreed, a holiday would be lovely, especially if this rain continues.
Spending some quality time with my OH this weekend so that will be nice. Do you have any plans?

Works a little more manageable today, just popped home for some lunch - So hungry atm!

Sorry to hear your not feeling well, that headache doesnt seem to want to leave does it. Not sure how you cope but im completely paranoid about taking medicine to ease headaches/cramps during my 2WW - I realise how daft it probably is but i cant seem to help myself fearing the worse.

Temp today was 98.75F - Its risen again! Holding onto that being a positive sign but you just dont know. Feel completely different this month - Last night i jumped out of bed with awful heart palpitations accompanied with the feeling of being sick. Passed after a few minutes but shook me a little.

Hope you start to feel better! Are you still hoping to test Sunday or are you concerned its too early? X
How are you doing today? Hope your headache has subsided.
I'm currently sat at home whilst my OH watches a film im not particularly fond of so i thought id come online and write you a message.

Today has felt completely normal, no cramps, no twinges and a drop in my BBT. Preparing myself for a BFN. I think ive been so hopeful that perhaps theres no harm in at least being prepared - Always next month (trying to look on the bright side).

Went to meet with our wedding planner at the venue this afternoon. Less than 3 weeks to go which im starting to look forward too. Hows your wedding plans coming along?

So how are you feeling? Anything new to report?

Look after yourself!
Spk soon! X
Hey - Not heard from you in a while but i thought i would update you... I took 2 pregnancy tests yesterday and 2 today... And... I can happily confirm that all 4 were :bfp:

I cant believe it!! Pregnant 1-2 Weeks!!!!!! Called my FS and left her message to book me in for an early scan. Based on when they date the pregnancy i am currently 4w3d!!!

I have all my fingers crossed for you!

Hope to hear from you soon!!

Sorry I've been so busy last few days I've not managed to get on here!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! I really hope this is it for you now, what an amazing weekend you've had!
Sadly mine was BFN :( not even a hint of a line so I'm not hopeful that things will change, I don't feel anything other than these headaches which I think are stress related.

Did you get anymore symptoms? I'm just gonna wait for AF now, its too upsetting to keep seeing only one line :( although I don't even feel like AF is coming! What a frustrating day!
Sorry to put a downer on things. I can honestly say after hearing how similar our stories are I'm so made up for you, normally I just get very jealous lol. I'm sure I'll get there at some point xx
I'm so sorry yours was -ve! I was so hoping we could move to 1st trimester together. Try not too lose hope, you are still very early to be testing. Best advice i can give is to wait for AF like you said, if she doesnt come test again. Your periods were all over the place so guessing you were on a 28 day cycle could have been completely off, you may be on a longer cycle. I recently read a post of a woman who thought she was on a 27 day cycle, tested -ve, waiting until CD49 and as AF hadnt come she tested +ve!
She had no symptoms at all!!

The only symptoms i had which were a true indicator to me were heart palpitations and cramping! I have awful bad ovary pain as well! Hoping that eases to rule out ectopic.

Try, as hard as it is, to stay positive! What CD are you now? X
I'm on cd 29, its so annoying just not having a clue. I think if I ovulated much later then we have missed our chance anyway because my OH was so busy with work we didn't get much chance to BD after around 27th.

I could look into things and say I have every symptom under the sun but I know there is a reason for each one and I'm looking for things that just aren't there. I really hoped we could move across together too, I'll still keep you posted because you never know I suppose but to save myself disappointment I've pretty much counted myself out this month.

With my last pregnancy I didn't even test until CD39 haha you'd think I would have guessed by then!

It gives me so much hope though to know that you got pregnant again! x
Oh forgot to ask..what CD were you on when you tested?
CD29 is early... Especially if you tested CD39 on your last pregnancy but i do understand why you tested!
I tested CD31 last time and again...Yesterday was CD31 also - I think due to the fact that i got a follicle scan and my FS basically told me when to BD is what worked for me - Without her i wouldn't have had a clue.
What was your last cycle... From your MC to your AF?

Our situations were identical so if it is a BFN this month it will be down to timing like you say. We only have that small gap in which to fall... Its hard to try and make that happen. I think my partner was close to going on strike towards the end!!
My cycle after mc was 50 days!! crazy!
I guess I could be testing too early but we'll see, don't want to get my hopes up so I'll assume af is on the way and anything else if a bonus :)

How did your OH react? I bet you both can't believe it x
Thats the best way to be... Wait for AF, sooner she comes, the sooner you can try again and the longer she takes... U never know!

50 days!! Gosh, then without giving you false hope i really dont think you would be getting AF this soon so testing today was unlikely to be positive. Even if you are pregnant. I would say by CD40-45, if she hasnt come, test again! Thats more accurate based on your last cycle. Seems a million miles away i know but try and base it on a 50DC. Thats what i did testing only 4 days before AF was due. I have read about so many women who have longer cycles between MC and AF and the same, give or take a week happen with the next cycle!

OH was happy, he never shows too much emotion, not very good at that but both very happy. Fear is overriding us at the moment.

Keep me posted tho - All FX'd for you! Xx
Hey, hows it going? N e thing new to report?
I have had to get in touch with my FS and shes scanning us early to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. A lot of ovary pain and cramping - Bit of a worry. Was told if it gets worse to go to A&E!
Wait n see i guess.
Hope your ok! X
I hope you're ok?! How did the scan go if you've had it yet?

Nothing new to report, no af and still getting bfn :( don't feel anything either so I doubt I ovulated. Will give it one more week and then going to see my GP & ring my FS.

Fingers crossed for you x
My Scan is on Monday 25th March unfortunately - Seems to be taking forever to come around.
Nearly went to A&E on Saturday with severe shoulder pain and cramping... It luckily passed but the signs arent looking too great at the moment. I have a lot of pain in my ovary which shoots from one side to another.
We also have someone at work with the Parvovirus B19 which is harmful to pregnant woman and ive been in contact with this particular member of staff alot - This can lead to heart failure and miscarriage for the baby! Just one thing after another!!

No AF yet? How many days is it now in your cycle? Must be so frustrating. The not knowing!

Still keeping my fingers crossed for you!! X

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