TTC following Clomid miscarriage


I'm sorry to hear your having such a bad time at the moment! You poor thing, work and the stress of ttc can certainly start taking their toll. I remember all those years of praying AF doesn't come and having to face her when she did! The disappointment was always heart wrenching.
On a plus side, as far away as it seems from any positive thoughts, at least you have now had a period! You wouldn't have wanted to go another 3 months waiting and putting a baby on hold some more. Remember they do say its better to leave ttc until at least 2 periods so lets just hope and pray for this time to work!
May be a blessing in disguise that you have taken Clomid a day late! Some people are so varied, 2-6/ 3-7/ 5-9 and they must all have some relevance into the timing of ovulation. Do you think your FS may consider doubling your dosage? Going from 50mg - 100mg? Im not sure why they put some women on a higher dose but there must be a reason that doctors do increase it!
If its any comfort, most women fall pregnant within the first 3 months of trying on Clomid, counting last time as 1 you have every chance to fall this time or next. A friend of my husbands, his partner was on Clomid for 6 months, last dose and she was adamant that it wouldn't work, she had basically given up any hope and took the tablets anyway so she could move on to her next fertility plan (i think doctors were going to try something else), that month, that last try, it worked! She now has a little girl, healthy and happy.
Clomid might not work every time but once its worked once there is nothing to say it wont work again. Maybe if this try doesnt work your FS might be able to do some trigger shots or extra boasts to help - Try and be positive, however hard it seems because there is so much help and and support out there and it works so well in your favour that you have fallen before! I have every faith in you... I'm sending lots of hope and baby dust your way.
I know its easy to say but try not to let work get to you! Upsetting to hear they have made you have a panic attack... Please try and look after yourself, stress is a huge factor to play in ttc. Hopefully, after these last few weeks things will get easier for you. Try and look forward to your Wedding! Give your mind something else to focus on.

Scan went okay, baby has developed for those 2 weeks but at the end of the day there is nothing to say thats enough. After all, i had a 7 week scan last time and it died 2 weeks later so i will not trust anything until a 12 week scan which isnt for another 3 weeks. I am prepared for the worst which in my opinion isnt a bad way to be, at least it wont be a huge shock if it does happen!

My thoughts are with you, i hope to hear from you soon! Fingers crossed for this round to work. Keep a track of ur BBT and when you see that dip start dtd.

Lots of hugs! Always here if you need to talk, about anything!

Keep Smiling!
I had my very first bfp in August after 6 years of ttc. It was on my second cycle of clomid (I have pcos) that I got pregnant but miscarried at 6 weeks :(. I am on a high dose 200 mg cd 5-9. I tried clomid a third and fouth cycle after I got my first period after my MC but I did not respond to it for some reason. I am starting my fifth cycle of clomid today, again 200 mg cd 5-9 then on friday which will be cd 10 I am going in for a follicle scan. If I have little to no response he said he wants me to take clomid a second time in the same cycle cd 10-14 and do another scan to see if it makes any difference. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Baby dust to all of you! I am sorry for everybody's loss and I hope that we all get our little ones real soon!
I had my very first bfp in August after 6 years of ttc. It was on my second cycle of clomid (I have pcos) that I got pregnant but miscarried at 6 weeks :(. I am on a high dose 200 mg cd 5-9. I tried clomid a third and fouth cycle after I got my first period after my MC but I did not respond to it for some reason. I am starting my fifth cycle of clomid today, again 200 mg cd 5-9 then on friday which will be cd 10 I am going in for a follicle scan. If I have little to no response he said he wants me to take clomid a second time in the same cycle cd 10-14 and do another scan to see if it makes any difference. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Baby dust to all of you! I am sorry for everybody's loss and I hope that we all get our little ones real soon!

Firstly im so sorry to hear about your MC, keep positive that you fell pregnant and that clomid worked for you! Hopefully it will work again it may just take some time.
Clomid is my little miracle, im lost without it as i just dont ovulate on my own.
Good luck with this round! Keep us posted how you get on.

Lots of baby dust :dust:
Hey Loup - Just checking to see how you are? Been thinking about you, hoping all is going well!
Hopefully speak to you soon!
Hi Buttercup-way.

I was ttc for 22 cycles and got BFP on my first round of clomid 50mg days 2-6. BUT I have just lost my baby girl at 14 weeks.
I havent had the baby yet so havent had a bleed yet, but im getting induced on tuesday. When did u start taking clomid again? Was it when u got your real period after your first bleed? How long did it take u to fall pregnant again.
Like u i need clomid to get pregnant and couldn't believe how well it worked! I am keen to start TTC again asap as a BFP will help us move on.

Thank u
Hi Buttercup-way.

I was ttc for 22 cycles and got BFP on my first round of clomid 50mg days 2-6. BUT I have just lost my baby girl at 14 weeks.
I havent had the baby yet so havent had a bleed yet, but im getting induced on tuesday. When did u start taking clomid again? Was it when u got your real period after your first bleed? How long did it take u to fall pregnant again.
Like u i need clomid to get pregnant and couldn't believe how well it worked! I am keen to start TTC again asap as a BFP will help us move on.

Thank u

Firstly im so sorry for your loss, you poor thing to be going through this right now! My thoughts are with you and im always here if you need to talk.
I know the mix of emotions you are feeling, fear and sadness all mixed into one but i promise you it will get easier.
Hopefully i can provide some support and hope as we both have the same patterns with Clomid.
As you may have read i had a MMC in Jan (this was my first round of 50mg Clomid days 2-6) - I found out at my 12 week scan that the baby had passed away and had an ERPC the following day. After the procedure it was an agonising wait for my first period but i was very lucky and 35 days later i had my period, very heavy but didnt last long - I took Clomid as normal days 2-6 after seeking advice from my FS. I fell pregnant on that cycle!
So far... Baby is doing well and everything is okay!
I know a lot of ppl recommend leaving it for a few cycles but my husband and i were both ready to try again and as my FS could see no risk in trying, we took the first chance we had and it worked.
Do you have a FS to help you through this? Hoping you do and she can scan you for Follicle size etc on your next round!
My husband and i cant believe the success we have had with Clomid and i really hope you have as much luck as we have and fall pregnant with your next period! Are your cycles normally quite regular?

Again, i am so sorry to hear about your loss.

Hope to hear from you soon! X
Wow clomid certainly has worked magic for u! I hope it can be the same for me.

Very sorry for your loss in Jan. Congrats on your new little bundle.

Yes we have a FS but they dont scan for folicals. I wish they did as it would be helpful. Ive also got one blocked tube so i was so lucky that clomid worked but it might take a little longer next time depending where the egg comes from. My cycles are fairly regular, about 35-40 days ish.

Thanks for replying and being very helpful xxx
Sorry I've not been about much, I've just found things very difficult and tried to forget about ttc for a bit but as I'm sure you know you just can't!

So today a girl a work told me shes just found out shes pregnant! She knows everything about my situation and yet still went on to moan that she can't drink or eat whatever she likes now but shes going to keep it anyway even though it wasn't planned. She told me all this at the start of my shift and I'm now sat here trying so bloody hard not to cry.

I'm so glad things are going well for you and baby. Its so nice to come on here and not feel like I'm a horrible person because when I talk to people like you on here I am honestly over the moon for you, its when people moan or it was unplanned it upsets me that it can be that easy for some. Arghh maybe I am just a horrible person :(

What date is your 12 week scan? & whens your due date?

Keep everything crossed for me this cycle wont you :) think I'm going a little crazy now! xx
Hi loup89,

Sorry to hear u are having a hard time. Ttc is never to far from my mind either! And someone i work with also told me they are pregnant today. They didnt complain bit have 3 children already. Not fair! Dont worry we all feel like u, u are def not a horrible person :)
Good luck with this cycle xxx
Understand completely how difficult things are at the moment, you have no need to apologise at all... I just hope your okay.
I dont think the heart, once its begun trying to conceive, will ever fully let go until that baby is in your arms! Considering how long it took us to finally fall pregnant on our first rounds of Clomid - That want still surges in us!

The girl at work, considering how she knows what you have been through was very insensitive! I think i would have burst into tears so i am so proud of you for standing strong! Even now, it still drives me mad when pregnant women moan about the burden of carrying a child! Like its a chore for them not a joy! It seems life is full of people that have it so easy but dont always deserve it. I know a few ppl, that fell for the wrong reasons, and every single one of them now struggles. Whether its money issues or feeling like they made a mistake! It will happen soon, because you truly deserve it.

Please dont ever say your a horrible person... You are lovely and feeling the way you do towards some ppl is completely normal! We all have those moments.

I actually had to go to hospital on Friday with an emergency referral from my MW due to cramping and brownish discharge - Had a scan and although everything looked okay, they said i wont be entirely out of the woods until they see more at 12 weeks! Trying to be positive. Scan on 8th May.

I have everything crossed for you this cycle!! Remember, you fell pregnant, so you know something is working... That means no matter what, even if it doesnt happen right away, there is nothing stopping you from falling again!! Trigger shots - Extra boasts, this could all be a way forward! Lots of things out there to try to increase your chances - Stay positive! Try and hit those days of ovulation!! Perhaps consider mentioning to ur doctor about a scan for follicles? After all, that will show you if Clomid is still doing its job and they scan measure the size of them and tell you exactly when to have sex in order to increase your chances! With everything your going through it might be a huge comfort to know a little more.

You take care of yourself!! Thinking of you often! :hugs:
Having a really bad night, led in bed atm after having some very red bleeding!
Called the emergency midwives line and someone is going to call me tomorrow.
Trying to remain calm and positive but i am so scared!
Looked like i had started my period... Feeling v lost!! X
Aww, I don't know how I ever survied without this site and you lovely ladies :)

MrsBroodyPant - Thanks, it was one of those shocker moments I just knew I'd cry and I really didn't want to!
Sorry to see you've had a loss too, I don't think anybody can quite understand until its happened just how heartbreaking it is.
How you getting on?

Buttercup - thank you so much, I feel so much better everytime I come on here and to be honest I fell 100 times better today about things. So many people say completely the wrong thing but I have to remind myself they probably don't mean it in 99% of cases. My manager said today that the pregnant girl at work will be doing everything that the rest of us do until its a 'proper' baby, I asked her what she meant and she said "Well its hardly a baby at 5 weeks is it?! I don't understand how people can get attached so early on"
Welllll I wont go into it too much but don't worry I spoke for all of after she said that!
I'm glad to hear things are ok with you, must have been a huge worry but try to relax knowing things are ok, they seem to look after you well. I bet your scan feels like a lifetime away but it really isn't that long now and I have everything crossed that it will all be fine.

So how is married life? everything feel a lot more calm after the wedding?
oh hun, just saw your last comment, I didn't see it before or obviously wouldn't have posted what I did!
I have my fingers, toes, everything crossed for you I hope there is some kind of explanation and you're ok.
I'll keep popping on to see how you are tonight and tomorrow.
If you get any pain or it gets worse just go straight to a&e but its not gonna come to that! you'll be fine lovely just stay positive thinking of you. Im here for you if you need me xx
Thank you so much for replying, i knew you would be here for me seeing as we have both been through the same thing before!
I noticed the blood when i went to the toilet, i wiped and it was bright red, a lot of it on the tissue, i panicked, then i noticed it in the toilet... Red water! I just burst into tears.
I feel numb... Could i really be losing another baby?? Im terrified. Having to wait until tomorrow feels like a lifetime away... I will keep you posted as soon as i hear whats happening. The MW said they will probably get me straight to hospital.
OH has also said what you did... We will go straight to A&E if anything else happens tonight.
Terrified of waking up in the morning in my own blood!!
Thank you so much for your support!! What would i do without you.
Im so sorry i didnt reply to your last message... I am so glad that you feel better coming online - We all have such support here.
Thank you again!! X
Buttercup, not much to say except you're in my prayers hun. Everything's crossed hoping you and your bean are okay.

MrsBroodyPant, my doc is having me start clomid with my first af (which hasn't arrived just quite yet). I'm getting very anxious to start ttc again as well.
Buttercup - i hope everything turns out ok. I will keep my FX for u. Sorry to hear what u are going through. You will be in my thoughts
After a very stressful/ tearful night i went for my scan this morning, they checked baby and so far - He/she is doing just fine. The blood definitely wasnt coming from the baby so i am relieved - Almost burst into tears when i saw that HB.
I still have pretty bad cramping and i have been told to rest as that will help with the bleeding and i just pray that i get no more throughout this pregnancy! Baby was moving around which id never seen before so was safe and sound. They saw some fluid sitting quite low down but said it was nothing to worry about. They dont know where the blood was coming from but assured me that baby is ok. If however, i get more blood that does not ease and start to notice clots i have to go straight to A&E.
I would never have thought that bleeding during pregnancy would ever not result in a MC. I am very cautious still, that worry for me will never completely go but at least i know he/she is healthy at the moment and holding on in there.
Thank you for your support, the encouragement i received on here really pulled me through last night. I know im not out of the woods yet, but my mind is eased... Just got to wait for my 12 week scan now... Thats my scary one...!
Again, thank you all so much!!
Buttercup, that's great to hear baby looks good!!

My sister-in-law had what she thought was AF each month up until almost 16 weeks...she never thought to take a pregnancy test until then because of that (suffice to say, she was quite shocked to find out how far along she was!). She delivered a healthy girl who is now 13 years old. Point being, bleeding can definitely happen during pregnancy with the baby still being perfectly okay.

Stay rested, and try to stay distracted. You're in my thoughts. :hugs:
Ive been going mental! My bloody Internet wasn't working last night or this morning and I've not been in work so couldn't get on here to check you were ok! Sooooo glad to hear everything is ok :) what a worry!
To be honest I've heard of bleeding in pregnancy but after what weve been through you just can't imagine anything but the worst.

Get some rest lovely and take comfort in knowing everything is fine :) will pop on tomorrow at a more reasonable time :p xx

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