TTC In September Buddies

@ Katemarie, yea its great that we can go thru this together! However, I think if they had an App for this I would NEVER get off! HAHAHA! I see that you're going into your fertile time. You have a plan or strategy on how you're going to DTD this cycle? I heard ( From my boss who is going to a fertility Dr now TTC her #2) that you should do it every other day starting 2 days before your fertile period and 2 days after you ovulate because you can't tell exactly when you Ovulate and the sperm can live anywhere from 24 hrs to 5 days. So I already told my hubby to rest up and get ready for our marathon next week! :rofl: Also I heard that :sex: in the am is the best time because the :spermy: is the strongest and he has the most quantity and to remember that only 10% of them actually get in there. And what I think really helped concieve my DD so quickly was that when we DTD I had a pillow folded up under my bum propping my bottom half at an elevated angle, and when we were done immitatley put my legs in the air w/ the pillow still elevating your bum( I put them against the head board so I wouldn't get tired and lay them down to soon) and kept them like that for 20 mins. Its said that because of the position of your body when the :spermy: enter you they don't have to swim up and against gravity, its makes it easier for them to get where they need to, and you increase the amount that gets in there as well. I did that the 1st time we DTD unprotected and I got pregnant. We didn't do that our 1st cycle this time around because I didn't think that doing that was the actual reason I got pregnant so fast. Just thought I was extra fertile. So this time you can bet that I'll be doing that. Have you heard of any tricks?

Hello! Yes I am indeed, it's quite exciting and I am pleased I am feeling happier now I'm entering this time of the month, was worried it would come to it and I would still feel a bit blue after last month and wanting no sex but hormones have kicked in now! We are doing what most people say not to do and going for every day during the fertile period, I think that as we are new to this I'd rather do that to begin with and see how that goes. We are having tonight off though then it's full steam ahead from tomorrow until around next wed, poor man he is going to be knackered but he was always moaning he never got it enough (and then it was around two to three times a week, not bad I thought?!!) so now I am like, ha, now you are!!!!

Funny you should say that as someone I know just told me she is 5 weeks preggas and did the whole legs in the air thing. I read a book saying there is no need for that so now I am a bit confused! I do tend to just go to sleep and let it stay in me, it seems to go high up so there isn't too much leakage (woah sorry tmi but hey ho we're all talking about the same thing here!)

So you have two little uns already which is great! Do you think it takes the pressure off at all because you're already a mum or are you more keen to get pregnant this time round? Sorry I was new to this forum thing before and didn't realise you already know far more about pregnancy than me, so glad you're here then as I can ask you too many questions haha x
Hi everyone! Hi Poppie!!

So I just POAS...not a HPT, no not yet. It was my first OPK test and boy, do they ever make those complicated!! Not saying peeing on a stick is complicated but trying to decipher whether or not your ov'ing is tricky. Needless to say the test said I am not ov'ing today so onto to another stick tomorrow.

Currently on CD11, AF was a b!tch this time around. Seem liked the :witch: would never bloody go away! She lasted a full seven days which hasn't happen in years! But thankfully AF is gone and the DH and I can start :sex: again.

There has been some great info posted on this thread, thanks ladies!! I'll take all the info I can get :thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing well.

Hiya Poppie! Hope you're good and the :sex: is amazing :winkwink:
:dust: to you and fingers crossed for some :spermy: to stick!

:dust: to all!!
@ Katemarie, from the second you're trying to conceive till forever ( especially when you are preggo) you are gonna get a million women and some men giving you advice on what to do, what not to do, what their grandmother did when she was pregnant , etc. I personally think you learn something from each person and I try to apply at least a tiny bit o their advice to my situation. But it will be very overwhelming and confusing at times. Just go with your gut and what you feel is right for you and if that doesn't work out go to plan B! I know they say every other day but I find it very hard to stick to that as well. You just want every possible ::spermy: to get in there and I always feel like a night we don't do it is wasted :spermy: HAHAHA! As long as you're enjoying it, go for it! I am always reading and hearing stuff that is completely opposite from what I thought. Even different Dr. will say 1 thing is right and another will say no. I do have 2 kids already and I personally feel more pressure than I did before because my kids are getting older and so is my husband and I ( he's 32 and I'm 26 ) so I want them to be kinda close in age. Plus, everyone around me has been having a lot of trouble getting pregnant so I think it has hit me that everyone is not blessed like I was the 1st 2 times around and your body can change and what happens if I can't have anymore? I loved being preggo even though both of my pregnancies were FULL of problems and I had a very hard time both times and almost lost both of them, and being a mom is the best feeling in the world. Nothing that anyone can explain. So not being able to guarantee that I will be able to be blessed again is VERY scary for me. Being a mom is what I'm good at. Don't worry about TMI here! This whole forum is about sex,sperm,AF and CM! And once you become preggo you lose any shyness about all of that! You will always have some Dr or Nurse asking you to drop your pants!! HAHAHA! Please feel free to ask ANYTHING!!! How you feeling today? Any Ovulation symptoms? Do you do temps, OPK's or chart in anyway?
Hey everyone

Thanks for your message jojosmami :flower: yes you are right, there is so much conflicting advice and I guess you always have to go back to your instinct. It's great that you aren't letting your past experiences with pregnancy put you off though, shows how amazing it must be to be a mum that you are prepared to go through it all again.

So yes very close to ovulation now and defo starting to feel it on its way, which is putting me in a good mood as it's like it's the first month all over again! I guess I won't be saying that if it's a year down the line though and we are still trying, we shall see hey. This weekend I have lots of time with hubbie so there is no getting away from me, I actually have to be careful as I'm worried he already is starting to feel used lol, I had to remind him that we did still have sex in the times i am not fertile :happydance:

So I am going to a christening again on sunday, we had one last week, always the place where people ask you when it's your turn - luckily I just say to them well I'm Jewish (a very non practising, pork eating, Jew anyway) so there won't be one of those and that tends to shut them up!!

I am interested to see if I get the chronic ov pains I had last month, when now I know I conceived. I am confused why it hurt so much and for so much longer than usual - is that because there was already sperm there to meet the egg? Or is that maybe why it didn't work perhaps?! Who knows, I don't expect you to be able to answer that but thought I'd mention it anyways!

Hope all you other girlies are well too and will have a great weekend whatever you do, hi Poppie - and can I say that the name Poppy/ie is on my list of girls names (already started lists, haha) x

@ Katemarie, from the second you're trying to conceive till forever ( especially when you are preggo) you are gonna get a million women and some men giving you advice on what to do, what not to do, what their grandmother did when she was pregnant , etc. I personally think you learn something from each person and I try to apply at least a tiny bit o their advice to my situation. But it will be very overwhelming and confusing at times. Just go with your gut and what you feel is right for you and if that doesn't work out go to plan B! I know they say every other day but I find it very hard to stick to that as well. You just want every possible ::spermy: to get in there and I always feel like a night we don't do it is wasted :spermy: HAHAHA! As long as you're enjoying it, go for it! I am always reading and hearing stuff that is completely opposite from what I thought. Even different Dr. will say 1 thing is right and another will say no. I do have 2 kids already and I personally feel more pressure than I did before because my kids are getting older and so is my husband and I ( he's 32 and I'm 26 ) so I want them to be kinda close in age. Plus, everyone around me has been having a lot of trouble getting pregnant so I think it has hit me that everyone is not blessed like I was the 1st 2 times around and your body can change and what happens if I can't have anymore? I loved being preggo even though both of my pregnancies were FULL of problems and I had a very hard time both times and almost lost both of them, and being a mom is the best feeling in the world. Nothing that anyone can explain. So not being able to guarantee that I will be able to be blessed again is VERY scary for me. Being a mom is what I'm good at. Don't worry about TMI here! This whole forum is about sex,sperm,AF and CM! And once you become preggo you lose any shyness about all of that! You will always have some Dr or Nurse asking you to drop your pants!! HAHAHA! Please feel free to ask ANYTHING!!! How you feeling today? Any Ovulation symptoms? Do you do temps, OPK's or chart in anyway?
hi all, feeling rather frustrated today... i am suppose to OV tomorrow but am still not getting a positive OPK, does anyone still think i might OV tomorrow? I tried not to stress myself over it this month but now thats all i am doing!! i wonder if i should just stop testing and just :sex: every 36 hours for a few days? any thoughts??
:dust: to all [-o< for some :bfp:'s this month!!!
Hey Mum2Miller,

Personally I don't use the ov sticks, just rely on a gut feeling of the ov pains and what the old CM is up to! But I think that if you are supposed to ov around today then I'd make sure you are having sex at least every other day - to be honest as I mentioned I am all for doing it every day in fertile period if you can manage it but every other day would be fine. If it's any consolation as well to any of you who get ov pains and aren't sure if that is what it is - I did a fertility test as I was helping out a journo friend on an article about being 30 and fertility - the very day I went for the internal scan was day 14 of my cycle and he could actually SEE me ovulating, he showed me as well and what it meant. Was totally crazy, so I guess that's why I don't use the sticks. Last month when I conceived then lost it hubbie and I did it pretty much every other day until my fertile period, then every day during my fertile period, on the day I ovulated, the day after I ovulated and then we didn't do it after that as I felt not up to it at all, so it sorta showed me that it's best to make sure you do it lots in the leadup to ovulation as well.

Keep your chin up defo as who knows if those sticks are totally reliable anyways (altho I say that knowing not much about them at all, so correct me if I am wrong!!)


hi all, feeling rather frustrated today... i am suppose to OV tomorrow but am still not getting a positive OPK, does anyone still think i might OV tomorrow? I tried not to stress myself over it this month but now thats all i am doing!! i wonder if i should just stop testing and just :sex: every 36 hours for a few days? any thoughts??
:dust: to all [-o< for some :bfp:'s this month!!!
@ Kate, That is a very clever and hilarious way to get nosey people out of your hair!!! And yes, it is the most amazing thing EVER!!! I don't know how reliable the OPK's are. I took a test last month on the day I was supposed to be ovulating and it was neg. But I only took one so I didn't have anything to compare it to. I going to start testing tonight. Can't hurt. I guess they are just like HPT's in the fact that everyone's body is different and everyone's levels are different too. I def will always fall back on my own bodies signals.

MumtoMiller, don't be frustrated. Maybe you got a faulty test. Do you usually have physical signs of Ovulation? Just keep :sex: just like Kate said!!

Kate, I agree w/what you said about your hubby feeling Used! I thought I was the only one who had a hubby complaining when I told him we had to DTD. He pulled the whole " U only want to do it because your fertile" thing last month but I pulled out my handy dandy calendar. I mark every time we DTD with an asterisk to keep track and pointed out that there was plenty of * thru out the month! Shut him up pretty quick! My ov time is coming up so I thought I'd make it special and wear his fav outfits and stuff so he doesn't feel like he should be "clocking in" to his new part time job! :winkwink: And maybe it will relax me so I can enjoy it. I have to admit when we are DTD while I'm ovulating even though I try to get into it the whole time I'm just thinking " Please get in there little :spermy: please!! It kinda takes away from the passion! HAHA! ANd I don't want him to get frustrated with it being a process either. Well ladies Happy :sex: this weekend!!! Tons of :dust: to us all.

:dust: :bfp: :dust: :bfp: :dust: :bfp: to us all this month!!!!!!!
hi all, feeling rather frustrated today... i am suppose to OV tomorrow but am still not getting a positive OPK, does anyone still think i might OV tomorrow? I tried not to stress myself over it this month but now thats all i am doing!! i wonder if i should just stop testing and just :sex: every 36 hours for a few days? any thoughts??
:dust: to all [-o< for some :bfp:'s this month!!!

Hi Mum2miller
According to my ticker I am supposed to ov tomorrow and I too have started using OPK and it's showing no surge. Other websites predict me ov'ing on the 14th. So who knows?!!? I think I'm just gonna round up the DH and take no excuses, it's baby making time :sex: LOL!! I agree wth katemarie just check your pains and CM, or otherwise just hop in the sack get down to bizz-ness :sex:

:dust: to all!!
Hi all, well i still didnt get a positive opk but i stopped myself from going out and buying more... i am just going to keep :sex: every 36 hours or so for a few more days and hope for the best.
I have made my FF chart(i think) its a bit all over the shop tho, so we will see
My Ovulation Chart

I have also started a journal if anyone wants to stalk me.

i hate the first day of the 2ww its impossible for me not to think each time that its worked, i just hope it really has this time. Fxed for our :bfp:'s :dust: to everyone
Finally had some time to read through all the posts (went back to work after the summer holidays and was completely shattered this week) and I see that lots of us are around the same CD - #10 for me, so let the shaggin' begin :)

I have been very lucky before - conceived both times we were trying in the first month - first pregnancy ended in m/c and second with a beautiful boy who is now 28 months.

Anyway, what worked well for us - not grapefruit juice, not pre-seed, not vitamins (I know some ladies need to use aids, so I am not saying anything about them, just saying I didn't use anything) - what worked for us was a few drinks (cider for me and lager for him) and a night of DTD. That's not to say that we got drunk every night and DTD, it was just that we were relaxed about it, and really just decided to enjoy each other and if it happened it happened.

Last month we weren't really ttc, it was only after the fact that we thought we might have DTD right at my ovulation time, but obviously not. So, this month we are going to do the same as usual, but are aware of the dates...

Good luck ladies,
have a great weekend :)
Thank you for sharing that GW! An interesting method I must say! :winkwink:
Hi all, well i still didnt get a positive opk but i stopped myself from going out and buying more... i am just going to keep :sex: every 36 hours or so for a few more days and hope for the best.
I have made my FF chart(i think) its a bit all over the shop tho, so we will see
My Ovulation Chart

I have also started a journal if anyone wants to stalk me.

i hate the first day of the 2ww its impossible for me not to think each time that its worked, i just hope it really has this time. Fxed for our :bfp:'s :dust: to everyone

Good luck! :dust: Keep me updated!! :D
Well my temp seems to be on the rise so i am hoping that means i OV yesterday Fxed!! we :sex: at lunchtime and will again today, to try and catch that egg. Once you start to see the temp rise is it past 24 hours from when you OV or should we still be DTD?? :dust: :dust: to everyone
Good afternoon ladies! To the ladies who are using the OPK's I'm starting to try them this month for the 1st time too. I should Ov on the 15th and the box said to start testing on CD 11 if you have a 28 day cycle. I actually tested on Fri and Sat and both didn't even have a line in the test spot so eager to see what comes up today. Hubby and I DTD on Fri and Sat just in case. Hope all of you have a fabulous rest of your weekend and happy :sex:
Morning all, well it's Monday morning and I'm supposed to be ov today so am looking out for the normal pains I get, nothing so far but cm has been doing everything it should be doing. I am going to give it three more days then give the other half a well deserved rest lol. How many days post ovulation do you think you can pregnant anyways?

Decided that this month I am definitely not going to test early and see if I am late, even if I feel I am preggers again I don't want that total disappointment of seeing a line on a test again unless it's going to stick. Not feeling all that positive this month but hey ho we shall see... hopefully I will be on this forum next week telling you my nipples are hurting like mad again LOL!

How's everyone doing anyways? Any updates? x
Well, glad to hear that everything on the right path. I think ( I'm not positive) that technically you can get preggo at any point in your cycle including when you have your AF its just a lot harder. Once you release your egg I think its still possible 24 hr after. But don't quote me. Hey, they say the month you have no symptoms and you least expect it it happens so :dust: to you!
I should ov in 2 days so me and hubby been DTD. OPK yesterday still a bfn but my CM is def increasing just not EWCM yet still watery. Had some ov type cramps last night too so we shall see. Fingers xx'd!!
How is everyone else this morning?
Hey girlies, and thanks for that Jojosmami - bet you are happy today with it being a v fertile day! It's exciting but I guess nervewracking at the same time as you just don't know how it's going to go this month do you.

Well update on me is around 4pm yesterday like clockwork on day 14 I get my ovulation pains - I really don't know if this is a good thing that I've felt them so much in the last year. The doc did say I had mild endemetriosis (after I had an internal scan) so that may be why. But I guess it's good that at least I know when something is happening.

I was in quite a lot of pain by the time I went along to my first yoga class but i had a chat with the teacher and she was so lovely and said I was doing the right thing coming along as it could really help with fertility and relaxation. She advised that any of the movements where knees are very tight together that I did them wide (mat width apart) and made sure I didn't over stretch to the side. During the hour long lesson the pains went away loooads and I only noticed them again when I stopped, so that's good!

Felt bad for hubbie as he was pretty pooped and I insisted on ending in missionary lol, I was still a bit sore in the old tummy and I thought he was going to crack with the pressure but he still came up with the goods hehe, altho he said he's worried he doesn't have any left lol. Maybe next month if this doesn't work we'll do the every other day thing so I don't exhaust him too much!!

So today I am feeling ok, tummy a bit bloated after ovulation pains and oddly have the same aching in my chest I had last month around this time but it's way too early for symptom spotting - however I did get v sore nipples around 4 dpo so we shall see. Really hope it works this time but if not we're goign to have a night away on 8 october and do a nice long walk in the country on the sat for a change of scenery around the fertile time, should help me thinks :)

Anyone have any news? x
So glad to hear that your journey is going so well for you so far Katemarie! My husband wasn't really feeling very good to his tummy yesterday so we didn't get to DTD but there is always tonight. I've keeping up w/ doing the OPK's and yesterday I finally got a line! Its still not a pos but its the first time I got a line at all so I'm happy. I think that's one of the reasons that I'm not too upset about no DTD on one of my most fertile days. The other is because my hubby was making comments about having to DTD so much too! Really were not doing it anymore than we normal do its just more concentrated into time period. Now that he had a break yesterday though he better be ready tonight ;D
:dust: to us all!!!
Thanks :) Yes I think that's the best idea and isn't it funny, before we were ttc the men were moaning no doubt they didn't get it enough!! haha!

Well I've had a little wobble today, posted in the main threads as didn't want to keep bothering you all with questions! So here it is if you do want a read. I think it's just paranoia but who knows lol!
Hi ladies! Just wanted to give you an update and let you know I got my bfp OPK this afternoon! I am so excited! I feel a little silly being so excited about an OPK but just feel like I know I'm on the right track for my ultimate goal which is another healthy baby! Hope my hubby realizes ready or not HERE I COME!! :haha: I put a pic of it in the OPK gallery if you want to go check it out.

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