TTC In September Buddies

Hi ladies! Just wanted to give you an update and let you know I got my bfp OPK this afternoon! I am so excited! I feel a little silly being so excited about an OPK but just feel like I know I'm on the right track for my ultimate goal which is another healthy baby! Hope my hubby realizes ready or not HERE I COME!! :haha: I put a pic of it in the OPK gallery if you want to go check it out.

Ah that's brilliant news, crossing my fingers for you. Would be amazing if one of us september ladies gets preggas this month :thumbup: x
Good morning ladies! How is everyone feeling today?

Well, for me the :sex: marathon is over and now on to the 2WW!! I'm feeling pretty good about this cycle! :dust: for all of us!

How you feeling KateMarie?
Ah that's great, glad you're feeling positive about this cycle :) Baby dust indeed!

I am mega tired today and woke up in middle of night with a headache and it's kinda lingering. Feeling quite relieved in a way that it's the 2ww and there's basically nothing more we can do other than look after ourselves is there?! The yoga teacher I saw on Monday said that I should think of my lower tummy as a sacred place and make sure nothing comes in its way - you should see me on the tube guarding my belly as if I am nine months preggas, haha.

Boobs are pretty normal, feeling a bit odd (like a burning sensation every now and then) but could all be me overthinking, no sore nipples like the month I had the chemical, not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but it's still v early days at 3dpo so we shall see!

Hope alls well with other September ladies x

Good morning ladies! How is everyone feeling today?

Well, for me the :sex: marathon is over and now on to the 2WW!! I'm feeling pretty good about this cycle! :dust: for all of us!

How you feeling KateMarie?
Hi everyone! Hiya Poppie!

So, like I said earlier I bought an OPK and used seven sticks. Not one stick showed anything remotely close to what is "should" according to the box. No LH surge I guess. But my CM was acting accordingly, I had two days of EWCM so I'm hoping that seeing that I actually did ovulate. DH & I didn't :sex: as much as I wanted to, but I think we got the timing pretty spot on and used PreSeed each time. So I'm hoping the PreSeed helped keep the :spermy: alive so that one could stick. Fingers crossed!

Onto the 2WW and feeling gross today :( Looking forward to my weekend away next week to relax and rest.

Poppie, hope all is going well :flower:

:dust: to all!
Hi everyone! Hiya Poppie!

So, like I said earlier I bought an OPK and used seven sticks. Not one stick showed anything remotely close to what is "should" according to the box. No LH surge I guess. But my CM was acting accordingly, I had two days of EWCM so I'm hoping that seeing that I actually did ovulate. DH & I didn't :sex: as much as I wanted to, but I think we got the timing pretty spot on and used PreSeed each time. So I'm hoping the PreSeed helped keep the :spermy: alive so that one could stick. Fingers crossed!

Onto the 2WW and feeling gross today :( Looking forward to my weekend away next week to relax and rest.

Poppie, hope all is going well :flower:

:dust: to all!

Hi All, Hi RB1404....

well i am not feeling so positive for a september BFP, we did :sex: but not every other day as planned.....told DH that we must just go on like normal im over stressing about when im O'ing and when we must :sex:...hope that works for us.

RB1404 i was thinking of trying opk but think i will leave it for now, just in a bit of a slump got no mission is to live life to the fullest and hopefully fall pg on the journey :winkwink:

You must have a really relaxing time away, it is great to get away for a bit :flower:

Sorry im so scarce lately.....

:thumbs: for some unexpected BFP's.....lets hope we :sex: enough :happydance:

Enjoy your weekend away and hope the TWW flys past :flower:
I'm hoping I get my BFP this month. Testing around 25th.

Good Luck to all you ladies :)
Hows everyone going?? Do we have any BFP's in our thread yet??? Im not due to test for a few more days but i have caved twice now.... im so hopeless!!! :dust: to everyone!! i wanna see some :bfp:!!!
:hugs:TTC in September Buddies:hugs:

Angelgirl86 :angel::hugs:
Mommy Dearest

Thats everyone who has posted in this thread so far :dust: to everyone!!! I hope we all get :bfp: this month!!!
Will update as we all start testing. FXed for September​
Hello everyone!

I am new to this forum, and looking to make new ttc buddies!

The gist of my situation, DH (28) and I (25), have been married for a year now (1 yr anniversary yesterday!). We've been ttc for a while now on and off, but have been actively trying since last month (as instructed by Dr) with opk and charting my temps.

Omg, it seems like the 2WW is a lifetime! But I've tried a few things different this month such as ~preseed, vitex (to lengthen lp).

Had a + opk on the 11th of this month, and we've BDd like bunnies a week before ov, and a couple of days after. Even tried have O's to pull the swimmers in, placed a pillow under afterwards, everything you can think of!

Well I'm 7dpo, and haven't experienced many symptoms except weird twinges on right side, and pulling in uterus, some aches in bbs off and on, hot flashes (omg it feels like I am on fire at night! gotta blast the fan!), dark areolas, and those montgomery tubercles. Don't know if any of this counts, but I've done lots and lots of praying to God as well!

Well, I wish all of you lots of baby dust!!!!
good luck pink, i am 9dpo now and am also having a few different symptoms.. hopefully its a good sign. :dust:
Hey all and welcome Pinklush, sounds promising your symptoms defo!

Well I am 7dpo and really don't know whether this has worked this month. Boobs have been weird though - until last night they didn't hurt to touch at all, just ached like mad?! Is that a sign or am I imagining it? Like they felt like I had pulled a muscle behind them, but the skin isn't tender or anything to touch, a bit of a tingling burning sensation too.

Then last night and today they do actually feel slightly more tender to touch and just on the right nipple! I am not due on for a week, majorly crossing my fingers. Apart from that just been bloated, but no massive twinges to comment on. I'm hoping it's like when people say when they were actually preggas they had hardly any symptoms!

SO I am going to be mega controlled and am not joining you all in testing on the day I am due for period (which is sep 27) - instead I am going to wait to see if I am a few days late then do it. I just can't deal with the disappointment after the chemical preg last month. I guess i'll know if I have another early miscarraige tho anyways if the bleeding was anything to go by last time, so I am going to let nature take its course.

Hurry up week go by... tonight am going out for dins, nothing tue or wed then yoga on thursday and dinner afterwards, then up to see family on the weekend so that is plenty of distractions me thinks!

What distractions are you ladies doing to keep you going through the 2ww?
Hey where did everyone go?!! Hope you are all ok. Well I am due for AF in four days and it's been an odd past four days. I really don't know what to think as I know there are bugs around at the moment so that may be why I've been feeling off colour. Just one boob is mostly sore down the left hand side and a bit tender on the right hand side. Some cramping, and yesterday I was exhausted all day long, felt a bit sicky and had a headache. Woke up today and feel loads better so who knows. I am going to be so strong willed and only test if I am a couple of days late... eek! Anyone else a similar dpo to me and having some pregnancy symptoms? This is the hardest time now, I was shopping yesterday and had to force myself not to buy any tests!!! I know it will be worth it if I wait though and get a stronger line if that is the case... eeeek x
Hey im still here, i always notice how quite it gets when everyone is in the 2ww.... and in this thread i think most of us are! well i thought i was having some strange symptoms and af isnt due for 2 more days but i have had all bfn cause i cant help but test and because im starting clomid next month i had a blood test yesterday and if i was pregnant it would have come up in the bloods. I was suppose to hear from my OB today to tell me what strength clomid to take but still havent and im sure if the test said i was pregnant she would have rung me ASAP. So im pretty sure im ruling myself out this month but hopefully the clomid will work next month and hopefully i get twins but i would be happy with any type of healthy pregnancy. Your symptoms sound good i remember with DS that i had ms the day i got my bfp at only 7dpo so it could be a bug but it also could be Morning sickness FXED for your :bfp:
Hiya Mum2Miller, thanks and yes I can totally understand that, you almost don't want to symptom spot or even get your hopes up in those last few days before you know for sure. It's so odd isn't, sometimes you convince yourself you are then other time you don't. I'm sorry to hear you may be out this month, but wow I have heard amazing things about Clomid, it seems to totally work for so many women so that will be great once you can get onto that.

I really hope this feeling icky is MS or I will feel like a right muppet next week as I think hubbie thinks I'm imagining it anyways! My mouth also tastes minging, no metallic, but just horrid like I haven't brushed teeth for ages lol.

Thinking positive thoughts for anyone who is on here and is reading and hoping xx
Hiya Mum2Miller, thanks and yes I can totally understand that, you almost don't want to symptom spot or even get your hopes up in those last few days before you know for sure. It's so odd isn't, sometimes you convince yourself you are then other time you don't. I'm sorry to hear you may be out this month, but wow I have heard amazing things about Clomid, it seems to totally work for so many women so that will be great once you can get onto that.

I really hope this feeling icky is MS or I will feel like a right muppet next week as I think hubbie thinks I'm imagining it anyways! My mouth also tastes minging, no metallic, but just horrid like I haven't brushed teeth for ages lol.

Thinking positive thoughts for anyone who is on here and is reading and hoping xx

oooo goodluck i really hope you get your bfp, i had ms my whole pregnancy and the metallic mouth aswell its horrible but a really good sign FXED
Ah thanks :) well yesterday afternoon and last night had the worst wind ever, bloated up and looked around four months preggas! If I am not then this is seriously cruel giving me all these symptoms!! Going to go away this weekend and try not to think about it, 2ww nearly over thank god...
So I've not come on, normally get some spotting day before or two days before, nothing. Boobs feel bruised (still mostly one side though, the left - weird!) they are never this painful before period, I don't really get that as pms. Been waking up super early, another odd symptom and felt very sicky all day saturday, more bloating etc. And on sat it was so odd, had constant wet cm all day, quite watery - literally every time I went to the loo it was there. That has calmed down now. It's all there, the symptoms, yet I am terrified to test! Shall I do it tomorrow when I am a day late or wait a few more days? So scared it will say I am not when I feel like I am!!!! argh.... hope everyone is ok, any news from anyone? x
I would test tomorrow with a frer they are suppose to be 99% on the day of AF. Especially if you are having strong symptoms it should come up by now on a frer you would think. Goodluck Fxed for you. Im 3 days late!! still :bfn: and i had a blood test today, will get the results in the morning. My gp did say that if it came back positive and i was still getting negatives on a hpt that the pregnancy would probably not be healthy and would end in miscariage so i am not getting my hopes up. quiet honestly this month i just want AF to show so i can start fresh next month. She also said if they come back not PG but my progesterone is still raised then it is probably a cyst?!? that would totally suck!! I guess i will cross the path when it comes.
Hey, argh you must be v stressed in waiting for the results, really hope there is some good news for you tomorrow. And thanks for the advice, I am going to do that as I think it's the digi ones that scare me, just seeing those words 'not pregnant' is a killer! Also it was the frer one that gave me a positive at 10dpo when I had the chemical, so I should know deep down it would work if I was, I'm just being a wimp! I will keep you posted and let me know how you get on. I heard about the cyst thing and really hope that is not the case but at least the blood test will shed some more light on things... fingers crossed :hugs:

I would test tomorrow with a frer they are suppose to be 99% on the day of AF. Especially if you are having strong symptoms it should come up by now on a frer you would think. Goodluck Fxed for you. Im 3 days late!! still :bfn: and i had a blood test today, will get the results in the morning. My gp did say that if it came back positive and i was still getting negatives on a hpt that the pregnancy would probably not be healthy and would end in miscariage so i am not getting my hopes up. quiet honestly this month i just want AF to show so i can start fresh next month. She also said if they come back not PG but my progesterone is still raised then it is probably a cyst?!? that would totally suck!! I guess i will cross the path when it comes.
So I took the test.............


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