TTC just off the pill buddies

I should be testing dec. 9th. But I think I am going to be weak and have to test early. I have been having cramps yesterday and the day before dizziness, headaches.. I am praying every night for a :bfp: before christmas!!
Im so jealous of the two of you (squeal and caroline).. Congrats on yall BFP's!! and h&h 9months! Hopefully some of us will be joining you soon enough!!

Thanks hun! I'm sure you'll be with us soon though!!!!
GL and loads of babydust :dust:
Well I'm not getting a Christmas BFP :( I was hoping I would as it would be so amazing to tell my parents (they are eager to become 1st time grandparents) however...I took a test yesterday and BFN.

Since last month was my 'first' AF since stopping BC in July, if I have a 28 day cycle then AF should be here far no sign. It is possible my cycle is 30 days (I think that is what I was before I started BC but can't remember).

I'm really hopefully AF will come as I think that will mean I did OV. I paid special attn to my body this last cycle and had the right kind of CM during 'OV' here's hoping AF comes (cause I'm sure a BFP would have registered by now) and that means I can start trying again!

Here's hoping to a BFP for New Years!!!!

Hi just wanted to say a big congratulations to Caroline. I'm so happy for you hun :happydance: I also gasped when I read your post with the good news.

Sorry I've been MIA, OH and I decided we should really wait to start ttc after our wedding next September and I left the boards for a while but I'm back and posting in the WTT forums but will be stalking this group still.

I've decided not to go back on the pill in the meantime and we are currently using the withdrawal method so who knows I may end up in 1st trimester before I'm suppose to!

GL to all of you still waiting for your BFP's I pray you'll all get them for Xmas or in the New Year xxx
Hey, im new to this so just thought it would be nice to have a chat. I am just recently off the pill and am ttc. How long ago did you come off the pill?x
I came off the the pill oct 19th. I was on and off of it for 2-2 1/2 years. I was bad with taking a pill everyday. So I think I s,rewed up my insides.. But we are still ttc baby #1.
Hey, im new to this so just thought it would be nice to have a chat. I am just recently off the pill and am ttc. How long ago did you come off the pill?x


I stopped my pill in September and had my pill bleed on the 23rd. I've had 2 'real' AFs since then and my next one is due middle of next week if my cycles have settled down.
Hi All,
I came off the pill last week after 10 years of being on it.
I am currently on my withdrawl bleed and we are going to start TTC next week! Exciting.
Congrats to those who have had their BFP's!
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on the chats.

I just joined this forum, and it seems like it could be a huge support.

I stopped taking the pill this past August after being on it for about 13 years. I got my period right away and my cycles have been lasting from 31 - 37 days. This is our second time TTC. This is the first month I've started using opk's and it's driving me crazy. I'm on CD 23 and still no positive opk :( My CM hasn't really changed yet, so I'm thinking anovulatory cycle?

My long cycles are so frustrating.

It's very comforting to know there are other woman out there going through the same thing :)
Hi girls, how is everyone?
I've not been on bnb for a couple of weeks now and I was really hoping I'd come on here and see loads of BFPs... Anyone due to test soon??!?! GL girls... try and stay positive :hugs:
The last 2 weeks I've been sooo ill... flu and a chest infection so I'm on antibiotics at the moment... I've also got terrible sickness... not sure whether it's a mix of both morning sickness and because of my illness?!?!? It's horrible though - it lasts all day and I'm constantly being sick... :sick:
I also had spotting for more than a week so I was quite worried... but my GP referred me for an early scan which I had today, and thankfully all is ok!!!!! Gees, I've had a right couple of weeks of it... and I'm still sick...
Anyway, GL and loads of :dust: to you all
Glad everything is okay Caroline, I know how worried I was when I had the tiniest bit of blood.

I had my 12 week scan yesterday. Everything was fine, it was great. I have to go back again next week for another as the baby was being lazy and they couldn't get the measurements to measure the fluid behind it's neck.
Hi girls, how is everyone?
I've not been on bnb for a couple of weeks now and I was really hoping I'd come on here and see loads of BFPs... Anyone due to test soon??!?! GL girls... try and stay positive :hugs:
The last 2 weeks I've been sooo ill... flu and a chest infection so I'm on antibiotics at the moment... I've also got terrible sickness... not sure whether it's a mix of both morning sickness and because of my illness?!?!? It's horrible though - it lasts all day and I'm constantly being sick... :sick:
I also had spotting for more than a week so I was quite worried... but my GP referred me for an early scan which I had today, and thankfully all is ok!!!!! Gees, I've had a right couple of weeks of it... and I'm still sick...
Anyway, GL and loads of :dust: to you all

Oh Caroline I hope you feel better soon hun. I've not really been on here either. That's good that your GP sent you for an early scan- ease your mind a bit. Me - I'm kinda taking a step back from the ttc thing' getting too stressed and obssesed. No Xmas BFP as :witch: got me last w.end but on a +ve note I had my 1st 30 day cycle. Think it may be due to soy and acupuncture.

Not trying over Dec and Jan because I would be due around about my sisters wedding.

GL to everyone hoping for an XMAS BFP.

:dust: to you all xxxx
Well this is the last try for the year. If it doesn't happen then I might spend the next 2 months not trying. I have decided I want to enjoy my 30th next year and not have a baby thats due at the same time. It is gonna be hard not thinking about it but you only turn 30 once and I didn't have a very big 21st. So babycakes I know how you must be feeling.
Hi Ladies...I'm still getting BFN's:cry: So basically that means that I'm back on an annovulatery cycle which sucks. So obviously I did NOT ovulate last month like I hoped I did. :nope:

Therefore, my next steps are to enjoy Chistmas and New Years! :wine: I did some research on this product called Fertial-Aid so I ordered a 2 month supply of the pills and some 'tea' called Fertil-tea. I plan to start taking it as soon as it comes in the mail which should be this week sometime.

My goal in taking this product is that it will bring my period back! :thumbup: I just want to get a regular cycle then I can start taking OV tests and go from there. I hate that I want to get PG so bad but it is impossible right now with no AF :growlmad:

I'll keep you posted on how the Fertil Aid goes. Happy Holidays everyone :flower:
Thought I'd come on and say hi to everyone! :flower:

I've been hanging around the General Chat and Girly section recenty. AF arrived last Thurs. I found myself symptom spotting during the 2WW - reading some of the threads on here encourage me too much so I decided to take a little step back.

I'm not expecting things to happen this cycle. I am due to ov next week (if I am ovulating that is) which isn't great timing as MIL is staying with us for Christmas and we'll be busy so I'm writing off this month. So bring on a Feb BFP!
Hi girls, how is everyone?
I've not been on bnb for a couple of weeks now and I was really hoping I'd come on here and see loads of BFP's...

Hi Caroline! I got my BFP while you were away! I'm 6 weeks today! Currently surrering with a nasty cold/flu and the worst cough, so I'm in bed trying to rest. No pregnancy symptoms to report (yet).. I really hope our little blob survives this virus. Xx

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