TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!


Love my 2 babies
Mar 30, 2011
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So this is a thread for all those ttc in autumn!! ...and still ttc'ing in Winter, spring and now summer!!

Come and pass the time sharing symptoms and stories.

Let's hope this is a lucky thread and we all get bfp's soon!


Updated with our progress...
Hoping and praying for sticky beans! :flower:
Fleur29 :bfp: October 13. Edd 01/07/14. The first baby Conker born on 11/07/14 Jack Henry :yipee:
Ricschick :bfp: 15/11/13. Edd 26/07/14 Joanie born 31/07/14 :yipee:
Squirrel :bfp: November 13. Edd 12/08/14 baby Girl is here :yipee:
Momwife :bfp: 20/12/13. Edd 24/08/14 Joshua born 08/14 :yipee:
Jokerette :bfp: 31/12/13. Edd 14/09/14 Bailey Ann born 18/09/14 :yipee:
Buttercup84 :bfp: 31/12/13. Edd 12/09/14 Astrid Zoe born 22/09/14 :yipee:
Hopettc3 :bfp: 26/01/14. Edd 10/10/14 Raunek born 07/09/14 :yipee:
Tigermom :bfp: 18/02/14. Edd 29/10/14 :blue:
Princesskell :bfp: 22/02/14. Edd 24/10/14 :yellow: Keir David Eric born 24/10/14 :yipee:
Kazine :bfp: Edd 31/10/14 :pink:
Twinklie12 :bfp: Edd 23/11/14 :pink:
Swanxxsong :bfp: 05/06/14. Edd 15/02/15 :blue:

:angel: Missing our angel babies...gone from this earth but never forgotten :angel: Kazine, Jokerette, Sailorsgirl, Mrs W 11, Twinklie12
I will go first...

I'm 32 and have been married to my lovely dh for almost 3 years. We have a beautiful baby girl who is almost 21 months, conceived on our honeymoon but after 13 years of persuading dh to marry me and have children! :winkwink:

I'm very hesitant about ttc'ing for number two. I have always wanted a few children but after having F I'm just so besotted with her I have a lot of guilt about trying for another. I know it is the best gift I can give her, but it's been hard to make the leap.

I am a teacher in primary school and since September have worked part time, sharing a class with another girl. She announced she was pregnant a few months ago and leaving at Christmas so that also made me worry about leaving this academic year aswell. I figure ttc'ing now would give an earliest dd of July so more probably that I will see out the academic year?

I am currently on cd15 of a 30 day cycle according to ff (but with no temping), due to o on Saturday and af is due on the 26th. I was very irregular on bcp but have had a couple of regular cycles of 30 days now so I'm hoping things have settled?

We have dtd a few times now and hope to keep it up? Dh knows more babies are on the horizon but I haven't told him specifically it's time, he just thinks he's in the good books! :winkwink:

Bored you enough for now! More of my story with F in my journal (link in my signature).

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all :hugs:
Hello princesskell!!! I'm gonna join you on this thread too!

I too am 32 and have a dd who is 2 later this month. You put my thoughts into words re wanting another child - I do so want another but I can't imagine loving another child as much as my dd. Like you, having a second is as much for her as it is for me and dh!

Dh and I have been married for 5 years and our dd took 3 months to conceive. I'm now onto month 4 of ttc #2 so already taken longer! I hope I fall pregnant soon, I am very impatient and ttc is knackering! And takes forever!!!

My cycles are pretty regular on and off the pill and I've just started using a cbfm to help pinpoint ovulation a bit better.

Lets see some bfps on this October thread! X
Hello! :wave:

I just turned 30, and DH and I have been married for 1.5 years. I got pregnant with our twins just 3 months after our wedding, and they are now 9 months old. We're trying for #3 now, I'm on cycle 3. Today is CD17 and I think I either ovulated yesterday or will be soon. I'm still breastfeeding, so my cycles have been a little wacky, but I'm hopeful :)

Hello! :wave:

I just turned 30, and DH and I have been married for 1.5 years. I got pregnant with our twins just 3 months after our wedding, and they are now 9 months old. We're trying for #3 now, I'm on cycle 3. Today is CD17 and I think I either ovulated yesterday or will be soon. I'm still breastfeeding, so my cycles have been a little wacky, but I'm hopeful :)

:wave: hi DragonflyWing!
Wow a twin mum!! And ttc'ing again when they are 9 months...that is crazy exciting!! :happydance: how have you found having twins? Are they girls or boys or both! We have twins and triplets in the family and I always wondered if I would have multiples.
Good luck to you :dust:

Hello princesskell!!! I'm gonna join you on this thread too!

I too am 32 and have a dd who is 2 later this month. You put my thoughts into words re wanting another child - I do so want another but I can't imagine loving another child as much as my dd. Like you, having a second is as much for her as it is for me and dh!

Dh and I have been married for 5 years and our dd took 3 months to conceive. I'm now onto month 4 of ttc #2 so already taken longer! I hope I fall pregnant soon, I am very impatient and ttc is knackering! And takes forever!!!

My cycles are pretty regular on and off the pill and I've just started using a cbfm to help pinpoint ovulation a bit better.

Lets see some bfps on this October thread! X
Hey Fleur :wave:
It's such a complicated mix of emotions isn't it? I know I don't want F to be an only child, but the thought of her not being my only child hurts me inside!! I know it will be great but I'm so scared! A friend on bnb has just had her 2nd and wrote a lovely birth story of how she felt after giving birth, it really calmed my fears and reassured me it will all be ok!

How is dh about ttc'ing? Is he very involved with things?
Good luck and :dust:
Hi :hi:

I am 25, I have two children, a girl who has just turned 2 and an almost 11 month old boy. I have been with my oh for 8 years and married for 3.

Children weren't in our "plan" as it were but after falling pregnant with my eldest, we decided to have our family before I fully begin my career. (I graduated with a masters 3 years ago, right before finding out I was pregnant)

My oh is in the Royal Navy, but for the first time in 8 years, he is staying at home for a while :)

We have decided to try for our third and final baby, hoping for another small age gap. I feel terrified and slightly bonkers to be ttc, but I know it is the right thing for us.

I have a careers meeting next week to hopefully go back to college next september, so working towards that should keep my mind off ttc a little :)

Hello! :wave:

I just turned 30, and DH and I have been married for 1.5 years. I got pregnant with our twins just 3 months after our wedding, and they are now 9 months old. We're trying for #3 now, I'm on cycle 3. Today is CD17 and I think I either ovulated yesterday or will be soon. I'm still breastfeeding, so my cycles have been a little wacky, but I'm hopeful :)

:wave: hi DragonflyWing!
Wow a twin mum!! And ttc'ing again when they are 9 months...that is crazy exciting!! :happydance: how have you found having twins? Are they girls or boys or both! We have twins and triplets in the family and I always wondered if I would have multiples.
Good luck to you :dust:

I have a boy and a girl, and it is so much fun! It's also really difficult, but I feel like it's getting easier as they get older. On the one hand, they are starting to get into everything, but on the other, they can hold their own bottles now, and you wouldn't believe how much time that saves! Feeding them used to take 80% of my they happily sit and feed themselves.

We originally planned to wait until the twins are 2 to start trying for #3, but we had a bit of an oops a few months ago and thought I might be pregnant...and it made us realize that having them 18 months apart would be fine too :D. We've always known we want at least 3 kids, so it's just a matter of timing now.
I know what you mean! I can't imagine splitting my time and attention and feeling like everyone is getting enough of me, it's hard enough already! I have to say, some days I want another baby soooo much it hurts but other days I am very philosophical and think - what will be will be and if we only have one then that's ok too.

I'm going through a crazy time at work and have applied for a promotion so it feels like everything is going on at once! My fear is that I won't get a promotion or get pregnant!!! But lets cross that bridge when I come to it ;-)

Dh is very much on board and wants another child. He has a brother and wants a sibling for our dd. how about your hubby?

I love this forum!!! X
Ok my turn to join in!!
I'm 21 years old and been with OH 6 years in jan xx we are currently ttc #1. We have been trying over 3 years and suffered a miscarriage the day after my 18th birthday. I have pcos which seems to be making it nearly impossible.
Doesn't help that a lot of friends/family are either pregnant or have just had babies and I know its just me but they all seem to be insensitive to my feelings xx
Sorry for rambling.. baby dust to all xx
I'm on cycle 1 TTC with my soulmate and I think I might be preggers. A couple of faint lines but I'm waiting for a clear line before surprising OH!
Yay Princesskell! Thanks for this thread!
I'm 30yrs old and have two little girls who are 4 and 2 1/2. Hubby and I have always known we want 3 kids so this will be our last time ttc. I have PCOS and used clomid to help me get pregnant with my girls. This time around we're trying all natural. I know that I ovulate, but it can take between 1 to 6 months. Somehow this month I got super lucky with our first cycle ttc. I just ovulated 2 days ago at CD12!! So excited! I really hope we all get our BFP super fast! We've been BDing every other day and I'm really hoping it worked!
I take my girls to a children's program where there are other children and their moms. Right now, there are 4 moms who are pregnant and 3 or 4 that are also ttc. I feel like I'm surrounded. Hubby and I are trying to keep it quiet so I've only told a select few.
Good luck everyone!! :dust:
DH is definitely on board with having more kids...he has 5 siblings, and always wanted a big family. We're having at least one more, possibly 2 more. I'm 30 already, so I want to get them all done before I'm 35.
Hi :hi:

I am 25, I have two children, a girl who has just turned 2 and an almost 11 month old boy. I have been with my oh for 8 years and married for 3.

Children weren't in our "plan" as it were but after falling pregnant with my eldest, we decided to have our family before I fully begin my career. (I graduated with a masters 3 years ago, right before finding out I was pregnant)

My oh is in the Royal Navy, but for the first time in 8 years, he is staying at home for a while :)

We have decided to try for our third and final baby, hoping for another small age gap. I feel terrified and slightly bonkers to be ttc, but I know it is the right thing for us.

I have a careers meeting next week to hopefully go back to college next september, so working towards that should keep my mind off ttc a little :)

:wave: hi sailorsgirl...I love your avatar, your babies are beautiful!
It's funny how life changes so much. I think it's good to start your family before getting fully immersed by your career. So many people put it off and then find its too late :shrug:
How do you find the agegap you have already? It's reassuring you are ttc'ing again for another's all gap?
Have you started ttc'ing yet? What cd are you on?
Good luck with the meeting next year. Who knows you could be a mum of 3 by then! :thumbup:
Hello! :wave:

I just turned 30, and DH and I have been married for 1.5 years. I got pregnant with our twins just 3 months after our wedding, and they are now 9 months old. We're trying for #3 now, I'm on cycle 3. Today is CD17 and I think I either ovulated yesterday or will be soon. I'm still breastfeeding, so my cycles have been a little wacky, but I'm hopeful :)

:wave: hi DragonflyWing!
Wow a twin mum!! And ttc'ing again when they are 9 months...that is crazy exciting!! :happydance: how have you found having twins? Are they girls or boys or both! We have twins and triplets in the family and I always wondered if I would have multiples.
Good luck to you :dust:

I have a boy and a girl, and it is so much fun! It's also really difficult, but I feel like it's getting easier as they get older. On the one hand, they are starting to get into everything, but on the other, they can hold their own bottles now, and you wouldn't believe how much time that saves! Feeding them used to take 80% of my they happily sit and feed themselves.

We originally planned to wait until the twins are 2 to start trying for #3, but we had a bit of an oops a few months ago and thought I might be pregnant...and it made us realize that having them 18 months apart would be fine too :D. We've always known we want at least 3 kids, so it's just a matter of timing now.
I've just read through your journal...your twins are so cute! And so clever. I'm glad it's getting easier for you. Sometimes oopsies make people realise they are ready!

I know what you mean! I can't imagine splitting my time and attention and feeling like everyone is getting enough of me, it's hard enough already! I have to say, some days I want another baby soooo much it hurts but other days I am very philosophical and think - what will be will be and if we only have one then that's ok too.

I'm going through a crazy time at work and have applied for a promotion so it feels like everything is going on at once! My fear is that I won't get a promotion or get pregnant!!! But lets cross that bridge when I come to it ;-)

Dh is very much on board and wants another child. He has a brother and wants a sibling for our dd. how about your hubby?

I love this forum!!! X
What do you do for work Fleur? Are you back full time? How much mat leave did you take? I hope the promotion works out for you.

My dh swings between wanting more and telling me to get on with it to saying he is fine with one! :dohh: he is just worried like me and is so protective of F he fears another will be too much emotionally!! He knows I want more and want them soon, so I'm keeping the actual specifics of ttc to myself and he's just aware of the fun bit! :winkwink:

Ok my turn to join in!!
I'm 21 years old and been with OH 6 years in jan xx we are currently ttc #1. We have been trying over 3 years and suffered a miscarriage the day after my 18th birthday. I have pcos which seems to be making it nearly impossible.
Doesn't help that a lot of friends/family are either pregnant or have just had babies and I know its just me but they all seem to be insensitive to my feelings xx
Sorry for rambling.. baby dust to all xx
:wave: hey jennahlou! I'm so sorry for your loss and your long journey. Are you having any medical help with pcos? How are you tracking your cycles and things? I have a friend on here who has just had a little girl after 3 years of ttc with pcos. I really hope for your bfp soon :dust:

I'm on cycle 1 TTC with my soulmate and I think I might be preggers. A couple of faint lines but I'm waiting for a clear line before surprising OH!
ooooooooooooo :happydance:
Could be our first bfp!?! Let us know kazine!
I will have to update the front page as all the bfp's start to come? :winkwink:

Yay Princesskell! Thanks for this thread!
I'm 30yrs old and have two little girls who are 4 and 2 1/2. Hubby and I have always known we want 3 kids so this will be our last time ttc. I have PCOS and used clomid to help me get pregnant with my girls. This time around we're trying all natural. I know that I ovulate, but it can take between 1 to 6 months. Somehow this month I got super lucky with our first cycle ttc. I just ovulated 2 days ago at CD12!! So excited! I really hope we all get our BFP super fast! We've been BDing every other day and I'm really hoping it worked!
I take my girls to a children's program where there are other children and their moms. Right now, there are 4 moms who are pregnant and 3 or 4 that are also ttc. I feel like I'm surrounded. Hubby and I are trying to keep it quiet so I've only told a select few.
Good luck everyone!! :dust:
:wave: hey hopettc! I would love 2 girls! Well actually I want 4 girls and then 1 boy but will be happy with whatever comes! I have heard of clomid...does it increase the chance of multiples? I hope things happen naturally for you, maybe the clomid has had an ongoing effect? Good luck!
DH is definitely on board with having more kids...he has 5 siblings, and always wanted a big family. We're having at least one more, possibly 2 more. I'm 30 already, so I want to get them all done before I'm 35.
wow 6 babies is a big family! Do multiples run in your family? Maybe you will have another set of twins?
:wave: hey hopettc! I would love 2 girls! Well actually I want 4 girls and then 1 boy but will be happy with whatever comes! I have heard of clomid...does it increase the chance of multiples? I hope things happen naturally for you, maybe the clomid has had an ongoing effect? Good luck!

Hi Princesskell! Wow! 5 kids! I'm happy with 3. I'm hoping for a boy, but it doesn't really matter. You have 10 times more chance of having multiples on clomid.
Wishing everyone lots of luck!!
:wave: hey hopettc! I would love 2 girls! Well actually I want 4 girls and then 1 boy but will be happy with whatever comes! I have heard of clomid...does it increase the chance of multiples? I hope things happen naturally for you, maybe the clomid has had an ongoing effect? Good luck!

Hi Princesskell! Wow! 5 kids! I'm happy with 3. I'm hoping for a boy, but it doesn't really matter. You have 10 times more chance of having multiples on clomid.
Wishing everyone lots of luck!!

If you didn't have a boy would you go for number 4? Are you doing any special gender things?
I work in marketing princesskell - I am really torn between wanting to progress my career and have a family. ESP as it feels like there are some good opportunities in the company ATM. I don't know, we will see. I should find out in the next couple of weeks if I've got a promotion. So basically - I could get a promotion or a bfp or both by this time next month??!! But I think the most likely thing is that I will have neither and be in exactly the same position as I am now!!!!

I had a year off with dd and now work 4 days a week. How about you? Reckon I would prob take another full year next time, though dh would prob prefer 9 months!!!

That's great your dh is just going with the flow! Mine is very much in the know and asks me 'am I required tonight?!!' - sometimes with a hopeful look on his face and other times very much the opposite?!!!
I work in marketing princesskell - I am really torn between wanting to progress my career and have a family. ESP as it feels like there are some good opportunities in the company ATM. I don't know, we will see. I should find out in the next couple of weeks if I've got a promotion. So basically - I could get a promotion or a bfp or both by this time next month??!! But I think the most likely thing is that I will have neither and be in exactly the same position as I am now!!!!

I had a year off with dd and now work 4 days a week. How about you? Reckon I would prob take another full year next time, though dh would prob prefer 9 months!!!

That's great your dh is just going with the flow! Mine is very much in the know and asks me 'am I required tonight?!!' - sometimes with a hopeful look on his face and other times very much the opposite?!!!
Its hard balancing work with family. I had a year off, originally I had planned 9 months but I extended it. I loved my job and still do, but love spending time with F more! I went back full time for 7 months but then went part time from the new school year in September. I now work 2.5 days :thumbup:
Bless your dh!! How funny! What's the plan tonight?! :winkwink:
As long as my temp doesn't drop below 97 tomorrow (it was 97.6 today), FF is going to give me crosshairs on CD16, which was Tuesday. I think I'm 3dpo today! :happydance:

Once again, I never got a positive OPK. I've used those darn things 3 different months and never gotten a positive (and the first was when I conceived my twins, so it's not because I'm not ovulating!). :wacko:

We dtd on O day, as well as 2, 3, and 4 days before. We only missed O-1. :)
Explain to me dragonfly what do the crosshairs mean?...ovulation?? Do you only get those if you temp on ff??
I think those days sound pretty good to me. Do you dtd around the same time each time? When we conceived last time we dtd at lots of different times, don't know if that helped? :blush:
Yes, the crosshairs indicate ovulation, it looks like a big plus sign on your chart, with the vertical line being the date of ovulation, and the horizontal line being the "cover line," or the separation between your lower temps for that month and your higher temps. You only get crosshairs if you temp. If you use the OPK detector method on FF, you'll get a vertical line, but no cover line (since there are no temps). You can also override their detector, and put in your O date yourself, and then your crosshairs will be blue instead of red. I guess it's a little difficult to understand if you've never used FF, but I really love that site!

We tend to dtd at night before bed, but we occasionally have a nooner ;)

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