TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

A nooner! :rofl:

Today is supposed to be my o day. We have dtd for the last 4 days, but today we are at a wedding all day and it will be a late night. Dh will also be having a drink so I doubt dtd will happen today. My parents are having F overnight so I'm hoping we will get chance tomorrow morning? Do you think that will cover it? I don't even know if today is really the day. I had a tiny bit of ewcm the other day but not enough to confirm it for me? We will see I suppose!

A nooner!! Fab term. I will be doing one of those today hopefully! :-S

Princesskell I reckon you will have done enough if you dtd last night but no harm in one or two more sessions just to seal the deal. One of the worst things is feeling like you've not done enough at the end of your cycle. I'm sure your dh won't complain!!
hi can I tag along??

im Claire dh and I have been married for nearly 5months now together for 11 years we have 4 children already and ttc no5 I have irregular periods and this is our 2nd cycle last cycle was 42 days long. but yesterday I got EWCM and quite a lot so im excited! not quite pos ov tests tho?? so not sure when il ov or if ive ov already. once you get EWCM when do you ov after that???:flower:
Thanks Fleur! I spoke too soon, we managed to fit in a sneaky nooner!!! :winkwink:

Hi Claire! Wow number 5!!! That's fab...did you conceive easily with your others? Long irregular cycles are rubbish...I hope they settle down. I hope early ewcm is a sign this cycle is shorter. I usually get it for a few days around supposed o, but I don't use anything to confirm o yet so not sure. Were you on bcp? My irregular cycles are settling after coming off bcp. Congratulations on getting married!
Woop for nooners, just got a cheeky one in myself! Now lets hope those tadpoles catch our eggies princesskell!

Hi Claire! I think I get ewcm a couple of days before ov so sounds like you are very close to it! Do you do opk's? I resisted for ages but am using cbfm this month and I already love it - I knew I ovulated late but apparently o day is a couple of days later than I thought it was. Honestly if I'd not got the cbfm this month we would've stopped the bd mid-week last week which is quite far away from my actual o day (according to cbfm anyway!) so might be worth a go. Anyway I hope your cycle is getting back to normal this month - fingers crossed everyone! X
Thanks Fleur! I spoke too soon, we managed to fit in a sneaky nooner!!! :winkwink:

Hi Claire! Wow number 5!!! That's fab...did you conceive easily with your others? Long irregular cycles are rubbish...I hope they settle down. I hope early ewcm is a sign this cycle is shorter. I usually get it for a few days around supposed o, but I don't use anything to confirm o yet so not sure. Were you on bcp? My irregular cycles are settling after coming off bcp. Congratulations on getting married!

yeah I came off bcp on the 19th aug and that was my first period after that. they did settle with baby no 4 so im hoping they will this time! it varied with my babies 2 babies took 2 cycles 1 took 3cycle and another around 6 cycles. so im hoping this will be another 2 cycle conception lol. good luck to you!!! xx
Woop for nooners, just got a cheeky one in myself! Now lets hope those tadpoles catch our eggies princesskell!

Hi Claire! I think I get ewcm a couple of days before ov so sounds like you are very close to it! Do you do opk's? I resisted for ages but am using cbfm this month and I already love it - I knew I ovulated late but apparently o day is a couple of days later than I thought it was. Honestly if I'd not got the cbfm this month we would've stopped the bd mid-week last week which is quite far away from my actual o day (according to cbfm anyway!) so might be worth a go. Anyway I hope your cycle is getting back to normal this month - fingers crossed everyone! X

yeah ive been using opks for the last 2 days today will be 3 days and I think there getting darker! I do them twice a day so im hoping il ov sooner this month!!! good luck to everyone!!! xxx
What is everybody up to on this miserable Sunday?
My parents had F overnight last night while we were at the wedding, they brought her back just before lunch but now she's napping so I'm bored! I've orderd the Internet shopping, washed and dried the bedding and done my prep for work.
We are going to see my brothers new house later on which will be nice.

No cramping or ewcm yesterday to indicate o for me so I'm just going to keep up the dtd and see this month!
Well I have had a less than fun Sunday as been taking our cat back and forth to the vet!!! She is alright but caught her leg yesterday and had some stitches which she then tried to eat - ugh you can imagine! Sounds like you had a nice uneventful Sunday princesskell :-) how was the wedding??

What cd are you on? It's so hard to know when you o (well I find) - just keep dtd as you say!! X
Oh no poor cat! I hope she let's them heal. How old is she?

I'm on cd 18 now, supposed to have o'd yesterday but I don't know. I have a bit of ewcm this evening. Don't know if we will have chance to dtd tonight as I have a pile of ironing but am currently ignoring it as xfactor is on! Better get on with it then I can get to bed!

When will you find out about the promotion?
Hello there,

Room for one more hopeful?

This is our first cycle trying for our second baby and I am so beyond excited and impatient I seem to be spending every spare moment staring at my cycle on Fertility Friend or mooching through the forums reading everything! I am so hopeful for an autumn BFP, so count me in.

I have been with my husband for six years, married for nearly 3. We have a 1.5-year-old little boy who is the centre of our world. We didn't plan to have him, but he was a beautiful wonderful accident when I became ill and was on the pill. I just didn't think to use back-up contraception a week later and there he was. This is our first cycle actually trying and I am finding the waiting hard (and I've only been at it a week!!).

I'm also a teacher and have waited a long time for this moment. If we conceive this month the baby would be a July baby, which would be great, as anything after this month is fine. I really wanted to (felt obliged to) see this academic year through, so I'm very happy we managed to wait this long. I have been ready for another for over a year now and the wait has been very painful.

I'm a bit nervous about what it will be like being a teacher and pregnant, as the last time I was pregnant we had already taken a sabbatical for a year to go travelling. Days before the summer holidays I found out we were pregnant, but we still went travelling, we just had to cut it short by half a year or so! I work very long hours from 7:30 till 18:30 and then several hours at home marking. I do wonder how I'll be able to keep this up while pregnant and with a toddler to look after, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Here's to a flurry of BFPs this autumn!

She is 7 princesskell, she's my original baby! She's such a softie, she has been so good with the vets prodding her about etc.

I get really confused with ewcm as it seems to show up for me quite a while before o - it's so confusing this ttc malark!

Enjoy your ironing!!

Re promotion - I don't know - I would imagine by the end of the month. I'm not very hopeful but if you don't ask you don't get, right?!!

Welcome squirrel!! It's funny this old ttc business isn't it? ESP if you conceived without trying first time around! I hope you have a similarly straight forward time of it this time too - fingers x! The waiting is the worst - that's why I love b&b to while the time away! X
Hi Squirrel :wave: I'm exactly the same with the timing, Im worried if I did get pg this cycle my edd would be early July and I wouldn't quite do the full year, but then I think there is so much more important things in life that work...I do love my job though. What age do you teach?
Wow travelling sounds amazing..lwhere did you go?
I managed to work until December 22nd while pg and I was due on the 9th of jan. it was fine, but I didn't suffer too bad with ms so that helped. The big bump got in the way a little bit towards the end!! Don't know what it will be like with a LO at home too though? Are you back full time?

Ff is so addictive isn't it? good luck!

Our cat hates the vets Fleur, well he hates most people actually! :winkwink:
Hope they let you know soon about the job.
Having a mid ironing break!!
Hi Squirrel :wave: I'm exactly the same with the timing, Im worried if I did get pg this cycle my edd would be early July and I wouldn't quite do the full year, but then I think there is so much more important things in life that work...I do love my job though. What age do you teach?
Wow travelling sounds amazing..lwhere did you go?
I managed to work until December 22nd while pg and I was due on the 9th of jan. it was fine, but I didn't suffer too bad with ms so that helped. The big bump got in the way a little bit towards the end!! Don't know what it will be like with a LO at home too though? Are you back full time?

Ff is so addictive isn't it? good luck!

Our cat hates the vets Fleur, well he hates most people actually! :winkwink:
Hope they let you know soon about the job.
Having a mid ironing break!!

Hi Princesskell,

I have the exact same worry. I wanted an August baby, so I could maximise maternity leave (as in get 4-6 weeks free by having the baby at the start of the holidays, but maternity leave not starting in September). I just couldn't wait nearly a whole extra month to start trying towards the end of November as I always said November 1st would be the start day of TTC and I'll be TTC only a few days before that. So impatient :) but I'm sure we won't conceive first month trying, so it probably won't make a difference in the long run.

I too love teaching, it is the perfect job for me! I teach Year 3 (7-8-year-olds, sorry if you teach in the UK and already know that :) ). What age do you teach?

We went and lived in NZ for a while. We travelled round the whole country in a van (we'd done it a few years ago and loved it) and then settled in Wellington for a few months. I loved travelling round the country (it is so truly beautiful there, my favourite place in the world), but found it hard to settle in one place because I missed my family and friends so much being pregnant and so far from home. I was used to working hard and to suddenly not work and have a lot of time to focus on my pregnancy wasn't a good thing for me sadly.

Wow, you worked so close to your due date!! Very impressive :) I hope I can do the same. How were the kids when you were heavily pregnant? I do work full time, I went back full time when my son was only 5 months old (had no choice financially as my husband is a musician and not in regular work). How is class sharing going? I always wondered what that would be like. I want to go back part time after the next one, but wonder if I could handle sharing a class or doing PPA cover (I like things my way, if that makes any sense!).

I'm in the uk too. I teach year 2 and love it! I went back after a full year and finished off jan-July covering another girls mat leave in reception which I loved too, but then back to year 2 where I have the most exp.
The kids were fine while I was pg. I found a couple of PE lessons tricky and we did a couple of trips which were tiring but generally it was fine. I was due to go back the following sept after 9 months off but just couldn't handle it so extended it until a full year. Then after the 7 months in reception I enquired about part time and luckily it worked out. Being part time is excellent for my daughter and me but I find sharing a class tough. I kind of had to let go of a lot of control, which I hate, but its more of a job now than my whole life which it used to be :blush: I share with the base manager too which is good as she is definitely o slacker, but bad as there is nowhere to hide, ever! Shes pg at the moment, can't remember if I mentioned, she's due to finish at Xmas so. Also worry if I get pg first cycle this class will be so messed about?? Anyway I'm sure it won't happen?
Also there is the summer birthday worry about a July or August birthday, that's the teacher in me!!

Nz sounds fab, I would love to travel one day. Did your dh get music work while you were over there? I totally understand the homesickness though, especially while pg that would have been tough.
I can see how class-sharing would take the life-consuming element out of it. I feel like I have 31 children; my son and my 30 pupils. I feel like I owe it to them to go massively overboard and maybe if I had to share them and they weren't just 'my class' then I could step back a bit. I'm sure that if you got PG this cycle and left in the last few weeks the class would be fine. The last few weeks are usually a mess at my school in terms of events, sports days, trips, treats etc. I always wonder what the point in those last few weeks are. Free daycare I suppose, but not much learning going on. The children at that point seem to have all but given up sadly! What's your school like in the last few weeks?

I can totally see the trips being exhausting and PE! Yikes! I'll have to try and move schedule around so PE falls during my PPA time :) sneaky, but if needs must! We'll be swimming during the last few months, so that would take care of one PE lesson. Thinking about all these logistics makes it seem so real! Can't believe it might happen soon. I've worked with so many pregnant colleagues, but can't imagine myself as big as I was towards the end and standing in front of my class. Did you find it helped with behaviour management? I can imagine myself saying "Uh oh, the baby's kicking, your chatting must have woken him up, got to keep it down!".

I don't mind July/August birthdays too much. I myself and a summer baby and due to my parents' dedication to my education, I did well. I hope to do the same for my children.

When we were in Wellington my husband tried his best to get his music career off the ground there, but it was quite hard. He didn't find much of a music scene in Wellington, particularly not his type of music. He's a folk artist of sorts, but of a new breed. He does a lot of percussive work on his guitar and the fret board, it's quite amazing to watch. He was out a lot though busking or trying to get gigs and it was very difficult spending large amounts of time alone. I also had complications in that I always had a huge amount of Braxton Hicks contractions (every three minutes some days) and after spending a few days in hospital for it they suggested I take it easy as they worried the contractions would send me into preterm labour (they didn't, even though they carried on at that frequency to the very end when I was induced at 41 weeks for slightly heightened blood pressure). It made it all very difficult. I would definitely reccomend travelling to NZ though, so incredibly breath-takingly stunning and everyone was soooo friendly. Have you travelled anywhere?

You are so right, the last few weeks are just crazy. Teachers are so focused on the kids they will have next year, the current class are just 'looked after'! I'm sure it will be fine.

I can't remember the bump helping with behaviour management, but I found all the kids pretty respectful and quite caring. F used to love when I heard the children read, she used to kick like mad. She loves reading now too...funny! I did have a few kids who used to like to touch it! :wacko:
That's really reassuring to hear you are a summer born. I know there are plenty of exceptions and I know that as a parent I would support my child and try and counteract any imbalance at home, I've just heard one particular teacher at my school says teachers who have children in the summer are being irresponsible!! Totally out of order I know and the person she said it to had had fertility issues and was just so happy to be pg at all!! Crazy!

I'm glad the birth of your son ended up ok, that must have been scary being so alone. Dh sounds very talented, I love hearing of people who have such interesting careers.
We have only travelled on 'holidays', but we have been to some interesting places. We did a road trip around America...Vegas, palm springs, San Diego, San francisco, before we got married and then we went to Bangkok and Koh Samui on our honeymoon, where we conceived F :blush:. We have also been to other parts of America, Dubai and then lots of holiday destinations in europe. I would love to do a proper 'trip' though!

Happy Monday everyone! It's rainy and miserable here. We did manage an extra dtd last night though :winkwink:
So I'm definitely going to say I'm in the 2ww now. At a guess I'm 2dpo so we will see. Yesterday I had weird cm, it was very watery and at first I was sure af had started so I don't know what that was?
We dtd again last night just to make sure. I'm shattered but enjoying it :winkwink:
We go away to Dubai a week on Saturday, the day af is supposed to arrive. I hope she doesn't for two reasons...a)so I have an af free holiday and b) it could mean I'm pg!!
The bad news is though I probably won't get chance to test while I'm out there? I don't really want to find out either way in case it affects our holiday, so I will wait till we get back...sorry to keep you hanging!
Last time I didn't get a bfp until it showed 3+ weeks on a digi anyway, well that's not strictly true, I got a bfn and then left it a whole week before trying again...I'm rubbish with poas!!

How is everyone else? Did anyone here if Kazine did get her bfp?

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